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Friar Tuck

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I'm surprised that there's no Mark Bearer that looks like Asura with a Mark of Rage. But then I realize how incredibly broken Rage would be as a mark and how they could probably break the game.

HULK SMASH! :P Yeah, but a rage mark does exist. I think...
Dorian's Mark is the Mark of Rage. He was one of the first MBs.-Teezy



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I'm back guys, sorry for the sudden disappearance, I suddenly was told I was going to the movies to see The Hunger Games. (Great book too....) Anyway I am back...And...you want Emotia and Tillian to have kids? Are you all crazy?!? You realize it would have to be at the very least nine months in game before...You know what....never mind...I don't want to go there.... XD I'm not even sure how that even would really work with Bionicle....

Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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I'm back guys, sorry for the sudden disappearance, I suddenly was told I was going to the movies to see The Hunger Games. (Great book too....) Anyway I am back...And...you want Emotia and Tillian to have kids? Are you all crazy?!? You realize it would have to be at the very least nine months in game before...You know what....never mind...I don't want to go there.... XD I'm not even sure how that even would really work with Bionicle....

That's why you timeskip! :PNah, just kidding- the last thing we need is a whole bunch of Tillian Jrs. running around.Oh, the Hunger games? How was it? Edited by Toa Xemnas of Crystal
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I'm back guys, sorry for the sudden disappearance, I suddenly was told I was going to the movies to see The Hunger Games. (Great book too....) Anyway I am back...And...you want Emotia and Tillian to have kids? Are you all crazy?!? You realize it would have to be at the very least nine months in game before...You know what....never mind...I don't want to go there.... XD I'm not even sure how that even would really work with Bionicle....

That's why you timeskip! :PNah, just kidding- the last thing we need is a whole bunch of Tillian Jrs. running around.Oh, the Hunger games? How was it?
If they call Krayn "Uncle", he might jump off a Gukko Bird.Oh, and Tyler. Care to list? Kal was keeping a comprehensive list a while back. Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Here goes nothing.Sowing Season - scotch-whiskey, stout amaretto, maraschino liquerThe Juturna - tequila, rosemary, kaffir lime, st. germain, citrus extractMakuta Punch - bulleit rye whiskey, amaro meletti, green chartreuse, passion fruitStill plotting out some others.-Teezy



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I dunno. I thought that one canon reference was enough.Besides, Juturna is actually the Roman goddess of fountains, wells, and springs, which are used to symbolize new beginnings in Gaelic culture. That's the real significance behind the name of the drink, as well as Tillian's last name.-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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I dunno. I thought that one canon reference was enough.Besides, Juturna is actually the Roman goddess of fountains, wells, and springs, which are used to symbolize new beginnings in Gaelic culture. That's the real significance behind the name of the drink, as well as Tillian's last name.-Teezy

Wait- Tillian's named after a Roman goddess and I, the mythology buff, never knew that? Wow, I gotta go read some more!
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I dunno. I thought that one canon reference was enough.Besides, Juturna is actually the Roman goddess of fountains, wells, and springs, which are used to symbolize new beginnings in Gaelic culture. That's the real significance behind the name of the drink, as well as Tillian's last name.-Teezy

Wait- Tillian's named after a Roman goddess and I, the mythology buff, never knew that? Wow, I gotta go read some more!
Lol, yeah, he is. I'm not surprised you don't know her, she's rather obscure. The point of the name Juturna was to symbolize new beginnings: Emarosa has one now that she's free from the slave colony, and Tillian has one now that he's on the path he's currently on. Did I know it would get taken as far as it did? No. But I can't say I regret it.-Teezy



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Well that is rather poetic justice, now isn't it Tyler? How the naming of Tillian would become oh-so accurate and lead to the Chuck Norris of the BZPIII.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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GrochI, hurry! This is time for Jaron to pop in on Emotia and Tillian and trolololol. :P

Lol wouldn't that be funny! :P
No. He aint like that. :PReally, you people have a sicker sense of humour then I do.I'm just going to continue to make Corik drunk by having him mix his own drinks eventually, something which won't turn out well.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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GrochI, hurry! This is time for Jaron to pop in on Emotia and Tillian and trolololol. :P

Lol wouldn't that be funny! :P
No. He aint like that. :PReally, you people have a sicker sense of humour then I do.I'm just going to continue to make Corik drunk by having him mix his own drinks eventually, something which won't turn out well.
I have a bad feeling that Gykehl is somehow going to be involved....



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GrochI, hurry! This is time for Jaron to pop in on Emotia and Tillian and trolololol. :P

Lol wouldn't that be funny! :P
No. He aint like that. :PReally, you people have a sicker sense of humour then I do.I'm just going to continue to make Corik drunk by having him mix his own drinks eventually, something which won't turn out well.
I have a bad feeling that Gykehl is somehow going to be involved....
I don't know how exactly to involve him, is the problem.I think I'll have Corik walk upstairs singing with that random Gravity Toa I found.I might just have to make him a character-I don't have any Ba-Toa. I never have, either.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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GrochI, hurry! This is time for Jaron to pop in on Emotia and Tillian and trolololol. :P

If he did...we might call the ghostbusters...
Well, seeing as Jaron died...that wouldn't really work. But I wouldn't do that anyways.He already told you not to wake up the whole Koro, after all.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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I don't know how exactly to involve him, is the problem.I think I'll have Corik walk upstairs singing with that random Gravity Toa I found.I might just have to make him a character-I don't have any Ba-Toa. I never have, either.

:o Thats... thats just...*faints*
Explain. Explain! EXPLAIN!"Doot."Ah, Doctor Who is amazing.But still. Explain.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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You know what....never mind...I don't want to go there.... XD I'm not even sure how that even would really work with Bionicle....

I'm not sure how any of what's going on really works with BIONICLE.Last time I checked, MU dwellers didn't have any parts meant for... I'll shut up now before the mods gut me.Oh and those terrible, terrible, terrible pickup lines. That actually seem to work. You guys make every female character in the game look like a desperate.... I have the temptation to make this warrior chick who just basically hacks the head off anyone who dares so much as call her "babe".-Dovydas Edited by Dovydas of Gulet
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Inspiration named it. :PIts supposed to be "Aggressor" in some other language. *shrug*After the refit, we might rename, though.

It's in Swahili. Well, according to Google Translate it is.

So, where's the Fowadi at right now? Cuz I just had it arrive at Po-Wahi. Is Naona there yet?In other news, I have successfully figured out how to legitimately make a steam engine and a rail gun in this.

Nope, Naona is still wondering what is going on. Will get her there soon.
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Lol, yeah, he is. I'm not surprised you don't know her, she's rather obscure.

Reeeeally? Gods have become a thing for hipsters now? :PSo, two questions. Kal, what's the suicide squad's situation? Paradoxophobia, where's Pirok disappeared to? Two of my characters seem to have gone into stasis. :P


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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You know what....never mind...I don't want to go there.... XD I'm not even sure how that even would really work with Bionicle....

I'm not sure how any of what's going on really works with BIONICLE.Last time I checked, MU dwellers didn't have any parts meant for... I'll shut up now before the mods gut me.Oh and those terrible, terrible, terrible pickup lines. That actually seem to work. You guys make every female character in the game look like a desperate.... I have the temptation to make this warrior chick who just basically hacks the head off anyone who dares so much as call her "babe".-Dovydas
If you ever wanna get a girl, just pull an icicle out of her back and build her a new spine.Never fails.-Teezy



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You know what....never mind...I don't want to go there.... XD I'm not even sure how that even would really work with Bionicle....

I'm not sure how any of what's going on really works with BIONICLE.Last time I checked, MU dwellers didn't have any parts meant for... I'll shut up now before the mods gut me.Oh and those terrible, terrible, terrible pickup lines. That actually seem to work. You guys make every female character in the game look like a desperate.... I have the temptation to make this warrior chick who just basically hacks the head off anyone who dares so much as call her "babe".-Dovydas
I object. My female characters are all awesome. And possibly mad.Anyway, Lieutenant Colonel Tillian Juturna is no longer the highest ranking character on the island. Meet Captain Treize Jaliax, the Thirteenth Jaliax Sister, who suffers from chronic bad luck. Sure, she may be a Captain, but she's a naval captain, which is the equivalent to Colonel in the army.She's also looking for NAVAL OFFICERS to work with her on her new ship, the Fortune. All who wish to join her can meet her in Ga-Koro. Edited by Inspiration
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Awful pickup lines? Pfft...who needs pickup lines? Near death experiences are much cooler. Such as icicles in your back, being stabbed by a Rahkshi, or getting your hip sliced open.

Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Oh and those terrible, terrible, terrible pickup lines. That actually seem to work. You guys make every female character in the game look like a desperate.... I have the temptation to make this warrior chick who just basically hacks the head off anyone who dares so much as call her "babe".

Let someone try flirting with Ihrey. She'll hack off more than the head as a result. (The arms, mods. Chillax)


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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Oh and those terrible, terrible, terrible pickup lines. That actually seem to work. You guys make every female character in the game look like a desperate.... I have the temptation to make this warrior chick who just basically hacks the head off anyone who dares so much as call her "babe".

Let someone try flirting with Ihrey. She'll hack off more than the head as a result. (The arms, mods. Chillax)
[sarcasm]Awesome! I think I'll get Tehlin over there ASAP, as he hasn't gotten close to death enough for one day. :P[/sarcasm]



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