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Friar Tuck

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You know what....never mind...I don't want to go there.... XD I'm not even sure how that even would really work with Bionicle....

I'm not sure how any of what's going on really works with BIONICLE.Last time I checked, MU dwellers didn't have any parts meant for... I'll shut up now before the mods gut me.Oh and those terrible, terrible, terrible pickup lines. That actually seem to work. You guys make every female character in the game look like a desperate.... I have the temptation to make this warrior chick who just basically hacks the head off anyone who dares so much as call her "babe".-Dovydas
In my defense, it was ZMIJA's manipulation of Doomie and his subsequent showing of subservience to her that got them together. She just ignores his pickup lines.And of course, there's always the possibility that they don't actually like each other. I merely haven't decided if they really do at some level or are just faking it yet.About every female char looking desperate: Naara is one of the girls with the most potential to get a boyfriend in the game, and yet she defends her celibacy. That's just another example to add to this growing list. Edited by Armadijo



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Oh and those terrible, terrible, terrible pickup lines. That actually seem to work. You guys make every female character in the game look like a desperate.... I have the temptation to make this warrior chick who just basically hacks the head off anyone who dares so much as call her "babe".

Let someone try flirting with Ihrey. She'll hack off more than the head as a result. (The arms, mods. Chillax)
[sarcasm]Awesome! I think I'll get Tehlin over there ASAP, as he hasn't gotten close to death enough for one day. :P[/sarcasm]
Oh, I'm sure that'd go well. Be sure to use the "Did it hurt when you fell out of heaven" line. That one's her favourite. : p Edited by The Wretched Automaton


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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Let someone try flirting with Ihrey. She'll hack off more than the head as a result. (The arms, mods. Chillax)

[sarcasm]Awesome! I think I'll get Tehlin over there ASAP, as he hasn't gotten close to death enough for one day. :P[/sarcasm]
Oh, I'm sure that'd go well. Be sure to use the "Did it hurt when you fell out of heaven" line. That one's her favourite. : p
lol, this could actually be realy funny. :PI'm serious.:lol:



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Let someone try flirting with Ihrey. She'll hack off more than the head as a result. (The arms, mods. Chillax)

[sarcasm]Awesome! I think I'll get Tehlin over there ASAP, as he hasn't gotten close to death enough for one day. :P[/sarcasm]
Oh, I'm sure that'd go well. Be sure to use the "Did it hurt when you fell out of heaven" line. That one's her favourite. : p
lol, this could actually be realy funny. :PI'm serious. :lol:
Please keep me posted on any (hilarious) updates.-Dovydas
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Let someone try flirting with Ihrey. She'll hack off more than the head as a result. (The arms, mods. Chillax)

[sarcasm]Awesome! I think I'll get Tehlin over there ASAP, as he hasn't gotten close to death enough for one day. :P[/sarcasm]
Oh, I'm sure that'd go well. Be sure to use the "Did it hurt when you fell out of heaven" line. That one's her favourite. : p
lol, this could actually be realy funny. :PI'm serious.:lol:
I can imagine it really would be. As long as Tehlin is a fast runner. :P


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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Muhahahaha! And its Gravity, BTW. ;)

And you think stealing Grecko is gonna somehow win you a girl!? :P Kidding you can totally have the ash bear...at least for now, Savina might take him back someday...maybe...
You see how my mind works. :PAnd that usually means you have a plan. And when Snelly has a plan its best to run away and hide.



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I always have a plan, or plans, and on top of that backup plans, and backup plans for my backup plans...and etc...I've got a lot of plans. And they're always really FLEXIBLE!!!Like my mysterious yet-to-be-named character....he is wearing a tux, a top hat, a white mask that covers his eyes, and is carrying a jet black protosteel cane. If you can guess what his name is gonna be you get free cookies.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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I always have a plan, or plans, and on top of that backup plans, and backup plans for my backup plans...and etc...I've got a lot of plans. And they're always really FLEXIBLE!!!Like my mysterious yet-to-be-named character....he is wearing a tux, a top hat, a white mask that covers his eyes, and is carrying a jet black protosteel cane. If you can guess what his name is gonna be you get free cookies.

Please. Your scared when he has a plan? The last time I had a plan, there was hospital siege. I did the hospital siege before it was fashionable.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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I always have a plan, or plans, and on top of that backup plans, and backup plans for my backup plans...and etc...I've got a lot of plans. Andthey're always really FLEXIBLE!!!Like my mysterious yet-to-be-named character....he is wearing a tux, a tophat, a white mask that covers his eyes, and iscarrying a jet black protosteel cane. If you can guess what his name is gonna be you get free cookies.

Please. Your scared when he has a plan? The last time I had a plan, there was hospital siege. I did the hospital siege before it was fashionable.
Dude, when you have a plan I'm just too scared to be scared.And don't even mention Nuju.



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Well, I'm back. Anything interesting happened in the past three or so weeks? Also, where is the Infernikavika currently? I've a character who might want to see the new crew.

Ga-Wahi, getting the ship repaired. There was a big fight.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Mimira - Ga-koro -"Oh yeah? Then why does Nuju talk like a bird? Is it because he's really a Dikapi?" She jeered. OOC: BURRRNNNN!!!!! A Dikapi is the closet thing to a chicken right? :P

I swear...this is the best post I've ever made.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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I always have a plan, or plans, and on top of that backup plans, and backup plans for my backup plans...and etc...I've got a lot of plans. Andthey're always really FLEXIBLE!!!Like my mysterious yet-to-be-named character....he is wearing a tux, a tophat, a white mask that covers his eyes, and iscarrying a jet black protosteel cane. If you can guess what his name is gonna be you get free cookies.

Please. Your scared when he has a plan? The last time I had a plan, there was hospital siege. I did the hospital siege before it was fashionable.
Dude, when you have a plan I'm just too scared to be scared.And don't even mention Nuju.
Is his name Guy Fawkes?I bet it should be.Either Guy Fawkes or Anon. Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Oh and those terrible, terrible, terrible pickup lines. That actually seem to work. You guys make every female character in the game look like a desperate.... I have the temptation to make this warrior chick who just basically hacks the head off anyone who dares so much as call her "babe".-Dovydas

I guess you didn't see the fight in Ga-Wahi between me and Hubert. One of my characters, Nikarra, was being bombarded by pickup lines from both Incommodo and Arkrak. She actually killed a guy to try and get them to go away.As I said, Nikarra killed someone because Arkrak and Incommodo were trying to use said 'terrible, terrible pickup lines'.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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I always have a plan, or plans, and on top of that backup plans, and backup plans for my backup plans...and etc...I've got a lot of plans. And they're always really FLEXIBLE!!!Like my mysterious yet-to-be-named character....he is wearing a tux, a top hat, a white mask that covers his eyes, and is carrying a jet black protosteel cane. If you can guess what his name is gonna be you get free cookies.

Guy Fawkes?-Teezy



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On a more serious note, I would like to point something out.I have seen more and more people, you know if you are one, referencing events that to the best of our knowledge did not happen. As far as this RPG is concerned, there is no Brotherhood. Just Makuta. Likewise, there are no Dark Hunters.And Rahkshi are not widely seen. Some have been using Faxons to imitate Rahkshi powers. You can't, unless allowed by a staffie. Rahkshi haven't been seen much at all for many years, if you read the backstory found in the first post of this topic.Thanks for your time. :)

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Well, it's not Guy Fawkes...so what's it matter? :PInspiration got it right, except that he used the Japanese version of the name. Anyway, you'll know what it is soon enough if you don't have it figured out already.

I'm creating a new character named Moshtradomus.Be ready.-Teezy

Oh I'm ready...

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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A VERY IMPORTANT AND QUITE RELEVANT NOTICE:As of tomorrow morning, I will be gone on a trip to France. I will be gone until April the 14th. That's two and a half weeks without Nuju. I will be very busy and doubtless having a fantastic time in real life. This means, consequently, I will not be paying much attention (if any: a total disconnect may be the only way to keep my sanity, I've yet to decide) to the BZPRPG.As such, I expect everyone to be very well-behaved in my absence! That means you! This is not a mischief period. If I come back and see things have gone crazy, strikes and other punishments will be dealt out generously. I don't want to return from holiday and have to deal with a catastrophe. My apologies to anybody I leave waiting - I assure you it's unintentional.Please do not request Turaga or other canon character interaction while I'm gone. Please do not PM for approvals when I'm gone. Why? Not only will they take a long time to be answered, but I also want my PM box empty so that really important PMs can be sent. Which PMs? Report PMs. If you see a player misconducting themselves in any way you deem significant and needing of staff intervention while I am away, please PM me explaining the problem and linking to the offending post. But please don't do this unless it's really important: I don't want a flood of messages to sift through when I get back.Listen to the veterans while I'm gone. If they tell you to stop doing something, please do so. Veterans, it is your duty to be good players and point out misdeeds to others. Take on the responsibility of self-moderation, guys. Pretend I'm always there looking over your shoulder. Because I am. You won't get away with anything. Thanks guys!


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