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BIONICLE MAFIA XIII: Tower of Trepidation


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Meanwhile, in outer space...


"Man...I'm cold..." Voxumo muttered. He turned to the body of Underscore, which had been stuffed in a random space suit and loaded on board the rocket to keep him company in the dark reaches of space.


Voxumo moved towards a window and looked down at the planet below. It was beautiful. He would've enjoyed it more had he not already plowed through the limited supply of food on the rocket and realized that planet, being the only place that held nutrition within the next several hundred light years, was going to be nearly impossible to set foot on again.


...or would it? Voxumo thought. Maybe I can still get out of this mess yet...if I can just figure out how to fly this thing.


With that, Voxumo boldly moved towards the control panel. He had no idea how to fly this thing...but he knew he had to give it a try. He grabbed the level and inched it slowly to the right, trying to get a feel for the sensitivity of the controls.


Whereupon the rocket spun around 360 degrees, did a barrel roll, and then shot straight towards the planet below.




The rocket sped towards Earth (insert planet name here), accelerating faster and faster.


"Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no" Vox cried out. In a panic, he grabbed Underscore's dead body and began shaking it wildly.


"What do we dooooooooooooooo?!!" he yelled.


Underscore did not reply.


Vox realized that Underscore would be no help. Thinking quickly, he moved towards the control panel, grabbed the joystick, and yanked it upwards as hard as he could in an attempt to steer the rocket away from the ground.


The control stick snapped off.


"...this is just not my day..." Vox muttered to himself, staring out the window bleakly. As he watched, the ground came into view, and he saw that he was heading straight towards a series of gallows. From the extreme distance, it seemed like someone he knew quite well, SV, was standing right in his way.


"Well...always wanted to interrupt a lynching," Vox mused. "Guess I'll finally get the chance to..."





Edited by MT Zehvor


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Maybe he went into an interdimensional portal that split him in three and sent both versions to separate universes? =P

Edited by Edea Lee

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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The Cryo in my game somehow took an icepick from the wreckage. I did it by their request.


Hmm, somehow missed the connection between that and this.


Anyways, I've got it. Here's how to solve the continuity problem.


Tower of Trepidation, Requiem of the Dead, and Clockwork Void all take place within the same universe. ToT and RotD both happen at roughly the same time. Later on, just before the events of CV, the Cryo found the icepick in the midst of the uncleared wreckage that was left at Valendale's lynching (in RotD) on his way to try and rescue Voltex.



Edited by MT Zehvor


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I actually see sense!

Now make a paradox. :P

-The Shadowy One

-Rahkshi Guurahk
GENERATION 3: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
If I actually tried putting all the stuff I like on here, the sig would burst.



(This banner is created by http://www.bzpower.com/board/user/59020-onaku/ )

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...Zehvor, you deserve a medal for coming up with a way to actually have continuity between the games. It actually makes sense! Although I still wonder how long Voxumo had been traveling for....


(also I have a game too and I put up the next scene so if people could go over there that'd be nice and sorry for advertising)

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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Just make sure it's not one of those chocolate ones.


Also advertising's cool. Support the other Mafia games n' such people.






Eljay had spent cold nights before, but none like this.


This was beyond cold. This was utterly freezing.


“Really need to get some hot mangosteen juice or something,” Eljay muttered as he huddled in a group of the other Le-Matoran, trying to keep warm on the freezing ice floor. He glanced over his shoulder and saw a couple of Ko-Matoran having a blast in the snow.


...I hate ice, LJ thought.


A voice from the group interrupted him. “I've got some hot chocolate in my backpack over there,” Dapper said. “You can go get some if you want.”


Eljay glanced over his shoulder nervously. “...over where?”

“About thirty or so paces. You can't really see it because the floor's so dark...but it's there.”

“...so just walk thirty or so paces into the middle of a dark room...where no one can see me...while there's still a band of serial killers in our midst?”

“Hey, it's your call. You can either freeze to death, or chance getting killed by a Dark Hunter.”


Eljay considered his options for a moment, and then decided that death by Dark Hunter would probably be preferable. If nothing else, it would sound much cooler than “simply getting frozen to death on some floor.”


The Matoran of Air got up and ventured out nervously into the darkness, leaving his fellow Le-Matoran, who all started singing some bizarre song to pass the time. After five or so steps, LJ's group was almost completely out of sight. Another ten paces, and he was utterly shrouded in darkness.


“This was the worst idea ever,” he mumbled to himself. “Why couldn't I have just remembered to bring that sweater she made for me? Yeah, it looked girly, but that isn't even a bad thing after all, is it? Better than freezing at least...”


15 more cautious steps and several prayers later, Eljay reached the backpack. He quickly rifled through its contents, grabbed the thermos, quickly chugged it, and lthen ifted it up into the air as a victory prize.


“Ha ha! Success! I have won!” the Le-Matoran called out excitedly, before realizing what a stupid thing that was to do. Expecting a Dark Hunter to hear his yell and kill him for his foolishness, Eljay curled up in a fetal position, and waited for the inevitable blow.


After a few moments, a scream pierced the air


Eljay stood up, and realized that the scream hadn't come from his mouth. For a moment, he felt a sensation of relief.


...then he realized that the scream had come from the direction that the group of Matoran had been huddled in.


The hot chocolate happy Matoran dashed off, thermos in tow, racing towards the scene. He was halfway there, when-




A shadowy figure ran bowled him over.


Eljay was knocked to the ground, and the thermos flew out of his hand. The figure stood over Eljay for a second, seemingly considering killing him too, and then fled when he heard sounds from the alerted villagers coming his way.


“Hey! Come back here, you hooligan!” Eljay called out. The figure paid no heed to his cries, however, and soon disappeared into the darkness.


Realizing that his yell would have no effect, Eljay picked himself up and rushed towards where the sound had come from. In the night, he made out the forms of Dapper, Unit, and Jag all standing over a body lying on the ground.


“Oh no...” Eljay said, realizing who had died happened by process of elimination.


Lhikevikk, Le-Matoran, killed by Dark Hunter


It didn't take long for a suspect list to be rounded up. Eljay learned the following day, after being questioned by Baltarc, that a shadowy figure had rushed in during the chorus of “Fly Like a Gukko.” This figure was obviously the murderer...but...who?


Maybe the font of knowledge can tell me, the Le-Matoran thought, pulling a magic 8 ball out of his backpack. “Oh Magic 8 Ball,” he said, “tell us...who was the killer?”


Reply Hazy. Try Again Later.


“Curses,” Eljay muttered.






Voting starts now, and will end at 2:30 PM on Wednesday!




Tyler: Hates the village at this point, perhaps joined the Dark Hunters for revenge against “stupidity?”

Shadowhawk: Had hot chocolate stains on his armor, claims he brought his own thermos to keep warm

JiMing: Despises chutespeak, perhaps took Lhikevikk out to make the trip up the tower bearable

Pulse: Somehow wound up with Eljay's sweater, claims he would never steal such an ugly thing and he must've been framed

iBrow: A shadowy character himself, screamed “unacceptable!” all the way to his holding cell


Dramatic Music for the Trial



Edited by MT Zehvor


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Shadowhawk and JiMing are the only new people to be on suspect lists.






it must be one of them!


I call for a double hang, and vote Shadowhawk to get it rolling.


- :burnmad:

Avatar by Brickeens




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I vote Pulse. In hindsight, he was HIGHlY_SuSPecT beforehand, yet I voted for Tyler/Canis. I shall not make the same mistake this time.



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I shall vote Pulse as well... But gosh dang it iBrow, I want my sweater back. It's gotten too cold again.





The Three Virtues | Eljay: The Becoming | BioCraft: Chronicles

Go give a read to an amazing epic,

Seven Lives... Two Faces, written by Kini Hawkeye!

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Interesting suspect list.


-We know Tyler is innocent, so it's not him.

-I know an Akaku was used on Shadowhawk and he came up innocent, so it's not him.

-Thanks to a pre-game alliance, JiMing is on my "no-kill" list. It's not him.

-I have also been informed that I was framed this round, and following how the Mafia operated last round, I believe the Akaku used on the Master of Illusion was indeed used upon the Master of Illusion (that said I won't blab, but only if you promise to leave me alive and be my best friend evaaar)


This leaves Pulse.


So I vote Pulse and strongly urge you all to do the same.


@Eljay: I would give it back, but I can't find you in the dark!

Edited by Agnes Oblige
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Hmm... I'll have to get it back from Pulse then, you don't appear to be allied with him!


... Heeeelp? Somebody heeeelp? Anyone out there?


I can't feel my toes...





The Three Virtues | Eljay: The Becoming | BioCraft: Chronicles

Go give a read to an amazing epic,

Seven Lives... Two Faces, written by Kini Hawkeye!

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Going to have to challenge several of these things, since my head's on the chopping block.


"-Tyler is innocent" - why? Because the secret role happened to save him? I doubt the secret role would know whether or not he was innocent or guilty, however he did quit the game after being frustrated with the village... either it was meant sincerely, or was an elaborate ploy.

"-Shadowhawk is innocent because the Akaku said so." Can't argue here.

"-JiMing is not guilty because pre-game alliance" Keyword there is 'pre-game'. Pre-game, nobody would know the role they would have got. Unless he's been investigated by Akaku, his innocence is in question just as much as yours or mine.

"-I have been framed" How would you know this? There is no role that can tell you that. Either you are bluffing to save your own head or you have talked to a traitor. Additionally, I presume nothing stops the master of illusion from putting one of his own on the list. In VII, where the Mafia had a Cryo that froze people, it was used to make a frozen Mafioso look innocent. This 'evidence' for your innocence is as good as mine: there is little of it.


As for my own defence: when one is condemned, why should I defend myself? It only eggs others on. Carry on.


I vote iBrow, regardless of the vengeance that will happen if he does end up dead.

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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Both Pulse and iBrow are making fair points...

"-Shadowhawk is innocent because the Akaku said so." Can't argue here.

Well, you could (do we have proof that he's innocent aside from iBrow's claim?) but I won't.


Not voting yet... waiting for more evidence, or lack thereof.

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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