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Steal the Mask 3


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You are on the way to destruction. You have no chance to survive make your time. Ha ha ha.


My Mask. (I know, it was Lariska who was behind CATS not me, but still.)

Edited by Neo ShadowVezon


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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I retain one of the tribal dudes, who just so happens to be a medic. I call him over to repair my bisected body, and he does so with zeal. He then becomes a Toa of Plantlife for no apparent reason. He joins forces with Mighty Oak, and the two carry out a "green" vengeance upon The Undertaken. The Undertaken dies within a minute.


My mask, loyal Toa of Plantlife, and (temporary) alliance with Pohatu.

Edited by Triclops-Echo
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You made an alliance with 88? I was gone for a day. So we got 88 and his doppelganger working together. I would propose an alliance to SV but that NEVER worked out with him in Steal the Mask 2 and the alliance with Onaku went to heck. I guess only Aeron is left to ask, but whatevs'.


Oh, I bring it around town.



My mask.


Thanks Photobucket. Love you too.

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I turn you inside out while your mouth is still a portal. You are now stuck outside the universe and both universes have now combined in an explosive event. Very explosive, very big. i might even go so far as to call it a large pop!


Anyways I now have the mask and I sit in an ivory tower, made with real space-narwhal ivory.


My mask







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I was one of the explosives that the fish lenses were rigged with.


When I detonated, my essence was spread into everything in the explosion's path. Then, using the portion of my essence within the mask, I created more such explosives, and spread my essence throughout the planet, essentially making the planet me.


I then promptly take active control of all my essence, possessing 93% of the population, and then exterminating the remaining 7%, which some of you happen to be a part of.


My mask and world.

Edited by Toa Onaku
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Fortunately I was part of the 93% under your control. Already being a mindless drone your control made no difference and I bided my time, preparing a weapon that would cleanse this world of your control, and of that pesky owl infestation. I unleash said weapon, creating a blast so glorious all who were caught in the blast became one with true awesomeness! For you see, my weapon was non other than the power of ROCK!



My mask and glorious  rock apocalypse







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Traitor! I accuse you of high treason to the Federal Queendom of Alagron, which was formed from most of the planet's nations after the influence massacre. They promptly execute you by burning you alive very very slowly. I mean like tie-you-up-to-a-pole-and-slowly-burn-every-inch-of-you-with-a-gas-torch slowly...


... Yeah, they're kind of brutal, actually. I invade them with a massive army of organic mechs, and slaughter most of the population.


My mask and bloodbath.

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I would propose an alliance to SV but that NEVER worked out with him in Steal the Mask 2

HECK it lasted for 8 posts :D


Instant dysenthery


My mask

Edited by Toa Aeron

Just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do great things.

It's called garbage can, not garbage cannot!

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Well, in order to have an alliance with me that I wouldn't break immediately, I'd need to be in some kind of danger that I couldn't stop myself. And considering my massive resources, that'll be hard to come by.


I outside-in you.


My Mask.


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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I return from Strokoto, wearing the Mask of Ultimate Hyperthreading- an upgraded version of the Mask of Failure. Using my amazing hyperthreading abilities, I hyperthread you so hyperthreadingly hyperthreaded that your hyperthreads are hyperthreadedly hyperthreaded. I then summon Makooti and Fauxhawk Kid to fight by my side.


My mask, my Mask of Ultimate Hyperthreading, and alliance with Makooti and Fauxhawk Kid.

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