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Steal the Mask 3


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Luckily, I had been purposely keeping away, which is why I haven't been physically appearing. Toa Onaku falls into a trap I set that deep freezes his body, while skratchR finds himself assassinated by a hitman I hired. Don't bother trying to track me down through him, he has no idea who he is and I made sure to leave no trace as to my involvement.


Once again, the Mask teleports into The Undertaken's hands.


The Undertaken's Mask.


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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I build a castle, filled with traps ingeniously devised to kill anyone who passes through, as well as the best defenses money can build! SAM sites, point defense drones, cannons and turrets with anti-tank rifles. the works.

I then hire an army of monsters of increasing toughness.

I wait in the centre of the castle.


The mask is still mine, come and get it if you dare.







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I climb up onto Godzilla's back and sit on his head. I attach an extra large de-volitioninator on his head, and force him to walk to the ocean. The mask is up for grabs, and if anyone got that reference, then Godzilla is yours to control. And an NPC just picked up the mask.


A NPC's mask.



~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015

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I rearrange the skeletons' bone structures into a fancy catapult like thing, that flings a skull at you with pinpoint accuracy.


It goes through your face and out the back of your head, comically pulling your eyes with it.


The skull is on the ground, now with your eyeballs filling its once-empty eye sockets, and the mask is mine. :P


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However, The Undertaken is intercepted by a hired assassin, who assassinates The Undertaken, and steals the Mask from him. He noticeably does not take it to me, however, instead teleporting to a secret base in a volcano. Bit James Bond-ish, but that is the idea. Note that I am not in that base, nor am I the assassin.


My Mask.


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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Suddenly, the ground splits open underneath skratchR and Onaku revealing, not an infant creature breaking free from it's shell but a giant death ray, aimed at Earth. Specifically, Chuck Norris. Toa Onaku is flung off into space by a massive magnetic pulse emitted from the Death Ray. It fires the massive laser at Chuck Norris, destroying everything in a mile radius, Norris included. Ultimately, he is just a mortal man, cool as he is, whatever the Facts may have led you to believe. The death ray then turns to point at Toa Onaku, and it fires at him.


My Minions' Mask.

Edited by Neo ShadowVezon


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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However, there is a bright flash in front of the skeleton warship, before a black hole forms inside the warship, and the Mask is warped just out of the pull of the black hole.


My Minions' Mask.


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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After a long time of riding on Godzilla as he flew upward into space using his atomic breath, I reach the ship you are all on. I make a giant rock and it pushes you into the black hole and somehow plugs it up. The mask pops out of Godzilla's eyeball for whatever reason.


My Mask!


(Remember, if you know where the de-volitionator is from, I will hand Godzilla over to you.) 



~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015

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IT IS FROM WHERE IT IS!!!! also, what black hole are you guys talking about? 

I slap godzilla. He runs to mama crying. I break your arm and take your jetarangs and use them on you


My mask

Just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do great things.

It's called garbage can, not garbage cannot!

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Luckily for me, however, beating the heck out of me and blasting me to dust just means I have to send in more bodies. Which I do. But this time, they're in Tripods, to see if Heat Rays would work against skeletons.


I made the black hole.


By the way, it's from Phineas and Ferb. The episode Brain Drain, to be specific.


My Mask.

Edited by Neo ShadowVezon


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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But a portal appears for a second through the engines, slicing them off and stopping the ship. The stranded shuttle craft is then hit by a bunch of missiles, as an isolated experiment to see if the footsoldiers can be destroyed by conventional artillery.


My Mask.

Edited by Neo ShadowVezon


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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I board the shuttle, pirate style! Tossing the skeletons out of the ship I raise a jolly rodger, rename the shuttle Queen Anne's Revenge, and let fly the white flag of war!


My mask and ship, which is now ramming the big ship!


EDIT: Kapurad


Okay, I bring my own Queen Anne's Revenge in space and gather up SV's guys, execute them and take the ask for myself.

I'm still a space pirate, and I'm still charging Onaku's ship with the white flag of war raised!


My mask, and prepare for boarding you salty space dogs!

Edited by The Undertaken







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And now I wait for the results. Meanwhile, I remotely warp the Mask to Toa Onaku. Just for a laugh.


Onaku's Mask.

Edited by Neo ShadowVezon


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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Clever... except it isn't a forum, it's a topic, so you manage to steal absolutely nothing. And then you get banned for hacking. Which is why the Fourth Wall exists.


You could still do your pirate raid, you know. I just moved the mask onto the ship you're raiding.


Toa Onaku's Mask.


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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