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Steal the Mask 3


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i find a clause that keeps all the rights to character names from disney, essentially voiding the potential profit of their transaction, and sign a contract in exchange for the mask.


my mask.

check out my totally ORIGINAL youtube channel, Below Average Geeks!  I'm trying something different.its very small, so comments will be noticed and read.


just a poll.on a scale of one to ten, how likely are you to read a webcomic based on just this title: 'Neon Laser Dragons.'?


see these guys?

0VlbJ.gif  AjzI5.gif msLAB.gif cr1zz.gif

alrighty bros, listen up.

my lightning dragon is lonely.

click dis bebe dergen pls.

i know its dumb.

jus do it pls.for me, a'ight?



my Skrall--er, scroll.

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I burn said contract, and we duel and high noon.

You lose badly, as I am the Gunhaver.


My mask.


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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You may have guns, but you don't have any exceptions from the law. You are arrested for possessing illegal firearms and the mask is confiscated from your ownership.


My mask.

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.

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Who says I don't legally own my guns? Your accusation is thrown out the window. I then take back the mask and ride off into the sunset.


My mask.


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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My horse vows vengeance for your actions. It eats you alive.


My mask.


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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I make all of the cells in your body rupture.


My mask.


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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i am you.


my mask.

check out my totally ORIGINAL youtube channel, Below Average Geeks!  I'm trying something different.its very small, so comments will be noticed and read.


just a poll.on a scale of one to ten, how likely are you to read a webcomic based on just this title: 'Neon Laser Dragons.'?


see these guys?

0VlbJ.gif  AjzI5.gif msLAB.gif cr1zz.gif

alrighty bros, listen up.

my lightning dragon is lonely.

click dis bebe dergen pls.

i know its dumb.

jus do it pls.for me, a'ight?



my Skrall--er, scroll.

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BZPower bans one of your duplicate accounts and confiscates the mask. I then take it from there.


My mask.


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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I delete the entirety of BZPower off of the internet.


The "mask" no longer exists.


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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But ah, you have created a faux-mask. The true mask is now wandering in a space void even of code. I snatch the new mask with my speedy hands.


My mask.


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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After your incessant bouts of blaming, people stop believing you. You are then left to explode by your lonesome.


My mask.


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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I make you eat solely the saltiest crackers around. Without water.


My mask.


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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i take your skull out of your head and beat you with it.it may not seem physically possible, but thats what the last guy said.


my mask.

check out my totally ORIGINAL youtube channel, Below Average Geeks!  I'm trying something different.its very small, so comments will be noticed and read.


just a poll.on a scale of one to ten, how likely are you to read a webcomic based on just this title: 'Neon Laser Dragons.'?


see these guys?

0VlbJ.gif  AjzI5.gif msLAB.gif cr1zz.gif

alrighty bros, listen up.

my lightning dragon is lonely.

click dis bebe dergen pls.

i know its dumb.

jus do it pls.for me, a'ight?



my Skrall--er, scroll.

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I may be skullless, but I'm not done yet! I take my skull and drop kick it into your face at high speeds.


My mask.


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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I electrocute you with the assistance of a Toa of Lightning.


My mask.


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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i use a legitimate strategy to defeat you(camping)


my mask.

check out my totally ORIGINAL youtube channel, Below Average Geeks!  I'm trying something different.its very small, so comments will be noticed and read.


just a poll.on a scale of one to ten, how likely are you to read a webcomic based on just this title: 'Neon Laser Dragons.'?


see these guys?

0VlbJ.gif  AjzI5.gif msLAB.gif cr1zz.gif

alrighty bros, listen up.

my lightning dragon is lonely.

click dis bebe dergen pls.

i know its dumb.

jus do it pls.for me, a'ight?



my Skrall--er, scroll.

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