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Oh yay! Another CHOO-CHOO!


It's not like the last one you started failed miserably, right?


Perhaps we should use less Bat Deduction and actually examine how people have acted?


Anyway, Chro was rather quick to try to discredit Xaerez. Now Xaerez was targeted. Coincidence? Methinks not


But since you are all so bent on clue-finding let's actually examine the scene

Xaeraz narrowed his eyes, glaring at the Mafioso. “Try it. I dare you.”


With a smile and a shrug, the Mafioso lunged forward, swinging a sword out of nowhere that Xaeraz ducked underneath



So who has a sword? Chro and Ehks.


Ehks tried to say that the sword was ironic, but if we look at the scene, we see the irony is clearly stated to be the spine-liquification.


But as I mentioned, Chro tried to discredit Xaerez, who is probably the detective, and then Xaerez was targeted.


However this clue business could all just be red-herrings. If so then I'm banking on Xaerez being the detective, meaning it could be portalfig.




I am voting Portalfig. If Xaerez  is wrong then he will either likely be killed by the Mafia or lynched so I'm guessing he's right.

Your logic confuses me.


Chro tried to discredit Xaerez, Xaerez is targeted, therefore Chro is Mafia?

The Mafia kills those who inadvertently help them (since when was this the case?) We kill those who lead us astray. Therefore, Xaerez is the Detective?

The clues (which Voltex stated he was using meaningfully) could all just be red herrings, therefore Xaerez is the Detective?

Quick, to the Bat-Syllogism!

Edited by Quisoves Pugnat
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(Credit to Nik the Three for the banner)

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Your logic confuses me.


Chro tried to discredit Xaerez, Xaerez is targeted, therefore Chro is Mafia?

The Mafia kills those who inadvertently help them (since when was this the case?) We kill those who lead us astray. Therefore, Xaerez is the Detective?

The clues (which Voltex stated he was using meaningfully) could all just be red herrings, therefore Xaerez is the Detective?

Quick, to the Bat-Syllogism!



I'm not certain Chro is the mafia, but certainly the fact that after Chro tried to make sure Xaeraz was silent then suddenly Xaeraz is targeted is a wee bit suspicious.


Xaeraz is most likely the detective. He has a pretty much stated this, asking people to trust him without good cause(that is, without good cause, unless he is the detective). This is risky, since, as we have seen, it could(and did) get him targeted. Xaeraz (unlike certain Sheepslayers) did not lead anyone astray. If he was(as you posit) leading people astray, the Mafia would not have tried to kill him.


And no, I never stated that the clues were meaningless, nor that their meaninglessness was reason for Xaeraz to be the detective.


Please don't misconstrue my words. If you must kill the strawman, hang me in effigy.


First you lead the sheeple on a meaningless Choo-Choo that got Blade killed, and now you'd rush to the Bat-Choo-Choo again on even flimsier bat-logic. You are not making a good case for your innocence, Leader of Sheep.

Edited by Seaborgium


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Xaeraz is most likely the detective. He has a pretty much stated this, asking people to trust him without good cause(that is, without good cause, unless he is the detective). This is risky, since, as we have seen, it could(and did) get him targeted. Xaeraz (unlike certain Sheepslayers) did not lead anyone astray. If he was(as you posit) leading people astray, the Mafia would not have tried to kill him.

This...is valid enough logic for me, I guess.

Swapping from Seborgium to Portal.

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Steam name: Ehksidian

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I just realized something. Blade's listed residence is Angel Island. Blade is a fan of Doctor Who. Shadow_Ignited was killed by Rahkshi modeled on Weeping Angels.


It's a bit of a stretch, especially given how little faith Voltex seems to have in the Village, but it does make a certain twisted sense that feels quite at home in BZPower Mafia.


I'm still highly uncertain, but that's probably not going to change. If we all just hold our votes, we risk allowing the Mafia to steer the vote in its favor.


Voting Blade.


... That logic is totally... Maybe the part about Doctor Who(But look where it got you), but, Angel Island is a location from freaking Sonic, not Doctor Who. @_@


Also, apparently I die everytime I leave, so next time I leave, remember not to kill the inactive girl. >>









How is it that even after like half a year passes, people still manage to get it wrong a lot? xP I guess it's not the most common of names, btu it's still amusing. =P

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... That logic is totally... Maybe the part about Doctor Who(But look where it got you), but, Angel Island is a location from freaking Sonic, not Doctor Who. @_@

I'm sorry for getting you killed. :(


For what it's worth, I wasn't suggesting that Angel Island was from Doctor Who. I just noticed that there was a sort of insane troll-logic-connection between the inspiration for the Rahkshi, and you and your stated residence. Since we're playing a game with Riddler-type clues, I thought it was worth a shot. As I said before, I was highly uncertain, but we were just sitting around and I didn't think that letting the Mafia throw the vote was going to help us.


Here, have a custard-coated fish-stick.

Edited by Quisoves Pugnat


(Credit to Nik the Three for the banner)

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... That logic is totally... Maybe the part about Doctor Who(But look where it got you), but, Angel Island is a location from freaking Sonic, not Doctor Who. @_@

I'm sorry for getting you killed. :(


For what it's worth, I wasn't suggesting that Angel Island was from Doctor Who. I just noticed that there was a sort of insane troll-logic-connection between the inspiration for the Rahkshi, and you and your stated residence. Since we're playing a game with Riddler-type clues, I thought it was worth a shot. As I said before, I was highly uncertain, but just sitting around and I didn't think that letting the Mafia throw the vote was going to help us.


Here, have a custard-coated fish-stick.


I warned you, Xaeraz warned you, YOU DIDN'T LISTEN. Or maybe didn't CARE.


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...and to answer the question from earlier, I've only watched Classic Who 'til the 4th Doctor so far. ^_^


Now, to double hang, or not to double hang... not sure yet, so I'll still wait a bit with my vote.


Seen the Brain of Morbius yet? A favorite of mine.


As for Mafia,  I'll give you a Jelly Baby not to vote for me.

Edited by Seaborgium


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I still do not trust Xaeraz.

That's fair. I wouldn't trust me either, given how against type I'm playing right now.

Let it be known that as a principle I generally do not trust Xaeraz.


That said, it seems he may in fact be telling the truth. Fitting that the attempted killing centered around irony, since I'd find it pretty dang ironic if the one player that nobody ever trusts ends up with the Detective role.


I'm suspicious of Seaborgium - appearing to deliberately misconstrue Ehks' point (and accusing Ehks and I) for one thing - but I don't know if it means he's guilty.

I do agree with this much, though:

I am voting Portalfig. If Xaerez is wrong then he will either likely be killed by the Mafia or lynched so I'm guessing he's right.

I vote Portalfig. Possible switch to Sg later. Edited by Chro

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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I'm not even voting for myself this game, because it's more important that I live than that I make jokes about bloodthirsty. However, let me be perfectly clear:


I'm not the detective. I don't know who is. All I know is I have a friend who knows a good deal about who's in the mafia. I haven't asked how, but I have my suspicions.

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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I'm not even voting for myself this game, because it's more important that I live than that I make jokes about bloodthirsty. However, let me be perfectly clear:


I'm not the detective. I don't know who is. All I know is I have a friend who knows a good deal about who's in the mafia. I haven't asked how, but I have my suspicions.

If said friend is not the detective, said friend should not be trusted.


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If said friend is not the Detective (Or a representative thereof, obviously), said friend should be permanently banned from Mafia because we're getting pretty tired of moles


*Snaps fingers*

Edited by Colonel Roy Mustang
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I vote Portalfig.


EDIT: WHOOPS someone ninja'd me with the double hang vote. Using my vote switch to go from Seaborgium to Portalfig.



Edited by Tyler Durden



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Town of Salem is based on the general concept of Mafia.

And everyone knows that's historically inaccurate anyway. Most of the hangings of the Salem witch hysteria took place in Salem Village, not Salem Town.

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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It won't, it'll just make it easier for one of Portalfig's allies to swoop in, last second, and push it over to you, saving a member of the mafia.

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All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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Town of Salem is based on the general concept of Mafia.

And everyone knows that's historically inaccurate anyway. Most of the hangings of the Salem witch hysteria took place in Salem Village, not Salem Town.

But there's a game called Town of Salem. (or is that what you meant?)


Anyway, if voting's not closed yet, I shall cast my vote to Portalfig.


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Town of Salem is based on the general concept of Mafia.

And everyone knows that's historically inaccurate anyway. Most of the hangings of the Salem witch hysteria took place in Salem Village, not Salem Town.

But there's a game called Town of Salem. (or is that what you meant?)

that's exactly what he's talking about.


Steam name: Ehksidian

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I was just going by the "three hours left" in his last post.




In this case, Tyler is correct - as a host, I shall stick by what I said before. Due to that, the current vote tally is as follows:



Seaborgium - 5

Portalfig - 5


Vote Switches Used: Ehks, Tyler


Double execution hopefully will go up tonight. You poor, poor stupid souls.

Not that it matters, anyway. 

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