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Corpus Rahkshi

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IC: Sidonas - Courtyard


After hearing Recoil speak, Sidonas replied with: "Me? Acting like what? I barely know you? Why would you assume that?"

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Vlad / Courtyard



Well, it looked like Recoil, who had seemed previously to be here to prevent Sidonas from being beaten, was now, in fact, here to beat him.


Vlad held back a smile and turned away nonchalantly, hoping the Sanokrahk would be able to get in a few blows before everybody noticed and called her off. That stupid thief was finally getting what he deserved - a decent beating. He hoped.

Edited by Johnrahk
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OOC: I think Kovika is trying too hard to get a Recoil x Sidonas ship with that. Also what does this mean: " Recoil aimed a leg for his gut."


IC: The Brothers


"So. Do we all agree on the punishment?" said Death.


Famine attempted to lasso Recoil from behind before the attack could land.


Famine: "Whatever happened to not hurting the fool."

Edited by PhoenixFireBlaze

~After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?~

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OOC: Shipping must happen! That way Arctic can be left in the no-ship pit!


IC: Sidonas - Courtyard


"No need for violence, we can settle this peacefully. Just put the weapon down." Sidonas then heard the voice speak, the voice he had heard another time, one he tried to shut up. The voice, in his mind, said: 'Karzdamn, she looks prettier when she isn't trying to kill us'

In Sidonas' mind, he replied: 'I told you to shut it! You already are in my head, why do you have to repeat my thoughts to me?!' He got no reply.


OOC: On my phone, so no italics. :(

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC Poly/refectory


"Come to the courtyard at mid day, if you wish to render services."


We stood, staring for a moment, then turned and left.


We are legion.


And we will find you.


A mantra.


It had reverberated in our minds for some time now.


It was time to free the school of it's pettiness.

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IC: The Twins (Silencer) - Gym.


Now that we were apparently trapped in the gym, we had little choice but to remain inside. 


OOC: Open for sparring with anyone else still stuck in the gym. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Pyre


Pyre went back to his dorm and began to have a really long sleep.


IC: Zex


Zex had just arrived at the school.


"I don't see anything special about this place."


Zex entered the school and walked around. He headed for the gym and tried to enter.


"Karz. The door is blocked."


OOC: How thick are the doors?

~After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?~

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IC: Revenge-Refectory


Revenge was feeling hungry so he walked down to the Refectory, after grabbing his food he found Rider asleep on the floor.  He tried to shake him awake.


IC: Melody-Cauldron


Melody crawled out of her tunnel.  "Hello!" she said cheerfully to the other Rahkshi in the cauldron.


IC: Booger-Refectory


Booger shruged as the stranger left.  He finished off his food and exited into the hall.

Six Kingdoms Characters: Mazor, Jephro, The Janitor, Informant




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IC: Era - Refectory.


"So... agh... I'm Era. Who... ow... are you?" I asked, trying to get Zivon off my head. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Era - Refectory.


"Thanks, but I think he's just hungry...." I managed to get Zivon to climb up on my hand, only for him to start pecking that instead. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Bullseye/3rdPerson/Dorm

He slept.


IC: Toxin/1st Person/Halls ---> Library

I decided to go to the library to see that most of the fighting books were gone. I still found that scythe and kusarigamas books and so I took them and sat down to read.


IC: Punch/Counterpunch/1st Person, Punch's view/Dorm

I decided to sleep. 


IC: Discord/1st Person/Outside the Gym

I looked at the locked door. "Seriously?" I proceeded to try and ram the door.


IC: Alpha/1st Person/Causeway ---> Infirmary

I looked around as I headed to where my brother was supposedly lain. It was hard to avoid the weird looks everyone gave me as I passed, and I didn't like it. It was like they've seen a ghost or something...oh wait...

I enter the infirmary to see a guy trying to fix his spines. I approached him.

"What....what happened?"


OOC: So where is the armory?

Edited by ArcticFreeze17
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IC: Fang - Infirmary


With a sigh of relief, Fang completed the spines. Each one was carefully and precisely positioned on Omega's back, and from a distance, it appeared he had never lost his spines at all. Omega would need to look his best for... the funeral.


Just as he sat back for a moment of rest, another Rahkshi approached. There was something almost... familiar about her, though Fang swore he had never seen her in his life. It would be difficult to tell the story once more. He was still full of bitterness and guilt about everything, but he managed to keep his voice nearly emotionless, if not steady. "Omega, here... well, he was my friend. But he was also working with those that I could call my enemies. They believed he was a traitor, and he began to believe it too. After a while... the stress... broke him, and he confronted one of his previous allies. There was a battle and... Omega refused to stand down, saying he would rather die. So... he was obliged. I... I couldn't save him. No one could. And now... he's gone."



IC: Rain - Cauldron


After far too much searching, it appeared Rain and Squid had collected enough materials to build a decent dresser. With her arms full of wood and metal panels, Rain staggered back to the pile and began trying to pick it all up. There was a lot of paint, and it wouldn't be easy to get it all over the Causeway, but it was all necessary, at least to Rain.


Of course Gears, as she was now calling the Accuracy Rahkshi who had walked in on them, had a welder. Just to make her look ridiculous. She nodded her head, just about the only spot not encumbered by paint cans, to him. "Well, you coming or what? We could use a welder."


As she prepared to walk out of the waterfall, she turned back and shouted at Squid. "Oi, let's go... Squishy." What? He said he liked it.

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IC: Alpha/1st Person/Infirmary

I nodded. I took out the picture from her Kraata case of him, and my drawing, and compared them. Just like what they said he'd look like. I also saw that my drawing was slightly off. I put the drawing away, and looked at the image of just him. He seemed to have lost his spines somehow.

"What...what happened to his spines? Did the murderer do it?"


IC: Discord/1st Person/Outside the Gym

"Some Brakas locked it," I said, rubbing my shoulder. "Help me ram this door open. I would do it myself, but I don't like menial labor."

Edited by ArcticFreeze17
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