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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Rain - Squid's Dorm


Rain grumbled as her wall was once again lit in the unnatural light of the lightstone, but as she looked closer, the waving lines of the cloth did add a certain motion to her paintings. It would just require a few adjustments to balance out the color cast from the blue shade.


She turned back to express her annoyance and saw Squid splitting his sword to snip the excess cloth. Her eyes widened at the smooth precision and the elegant curves of the strange weapon. "Where did you get that?" she asked.



IC: Fang - Cauldron


He couldn't answer immediately.


Us? Of course...


He could admit that Kat appeared to be more excited than he was. Not that he didn't enjoy her company... or her appearance... or her combat skills and unfailing willingness to be at his side. But it was precisely those factors which made him hesitate. A Rahkshi with his beliefs tended to get hurt, and he couldn't bear those around him... those he loved sharing his fate. Omega was gone now because of his mistakes. He couldn't afford to make more.


He attempted to frame his thoughts into inadequate words. It would have to be handled with a certain care to avoid injuring her, a punishment far worse than watching others do the same. "I... I do... like you. But perhaps... we should be careful about this."


Karz, this isn't coming out right. Perhaps it is time to abandon caution.


"...I can't bear losing you too."

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IC Poly:


"An ill fitting name. But no matter. What grips your heart, Booger? What keeps you from your potential? Your fears, doubts? Tell us these things, and we shall set you on the path to freedom."


IC Kat:


"I'll be careful. I'm not as reckless as some others. You know that."

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IC: Squid




Squid raised the sword.


"Oh, this? It's a sword that can split in two to become a double-sided bladed staff. I've had it for a while, but I've thankfully never had to use it, until now. I found it during the "Destroy-Naming-Day" assignment. Were you here for that?"



~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015

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IC Poly: we frowned.


"Silence your babbling. Brother Deadeye has already been freed."


We examined the one in front of us.


"You must suffer ill will because of your.... Condition. It is not weakness to admit flaws, to admit you are afraid. Fear is strength in itself. I know fear, I know the darknesses the mind can hold."


We narrowed our eyes.


"We believe you know of these things as well."

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IC: Rain - Squid's Dorm

"Yeah, but I didn't find anything like that!" She had spent much more of the assignment admiring the intricate decorations than searching out points. After the assignment, she had noticed all of the fancy new weapons, but she never had a chance to see one up close.

"Can... can I hold it?" Her paint-smeared hands reached out, begging to feel that smooth Nynran engineering.

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IC: Zex


I have killed many in my life. Why would two more bother me?


The death of the interfering rahkhi didn't bother me. But aaccidentally slaying the silence rahksho did.


Seeing him desparately trying to save his brother showed that they had a bond. And I broke it.


Karz. I shouldn't care! He made the mistake. But something inside me feels empty.


IC: Pyre


I sat and waited for Palma.


OOC: Waiting for Ultron to come

Edited by PhoenixFireBlaze

~After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?~

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IC: Hashan

Hashan woke up and went over to the gym and started to train.


IC: Siren (Courtyard)

Siren awoke. She felt like a walk, so went outside. She walked out into the courtyard, to see a rahk interrogating another one. She walked up to the interrogator.

"What did he do?" She asked.


OOC: Hashan open to interaction.

Siren is talking to Poly Scorp.

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IC: The Trinity Brothers/3rd Person/Campsite

The brothers hadn't done anything they wanted to, and instead begun a melee training regime that the three of them agreed upon as they agreed that they all need to practice hand-to-hand combat. Besides the boxing and kickboxing practices from Stronghold, they went into the fighting styles that Stronghold had read while in the infirmary.


Soon they were doing one of them. Two of the three brothers were going to face each other in hand-to-hand combat rounds while blindfolded. The purpose of the battle was to practice from the martial arts of Wing Chun that one may know as Chi Sao. After a long 3 hours of utter failure, Stronghold, with his knowledge of melee fighting, managed to get somewhere easily able to grapple Toxin or Bullseye when they presented an opening.


OOC: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wing_Chun#Chi_Sao Here's a link to understand what they're doing.

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IC: Rain - Squid's Dorm


She gingerly cradled the sword in both hands as if it were a fragile and ornate piece of pottery. As she spun her hands around to test the weight, one hand slipped from the dual-piece hilt, and one of the blades rotated down to embed in a can of paint. She quickly pulled it out and firmly handed it back to Squid.


"Must be broken," she stated. Obviously, it couldn't be her own clumsiness that caused it to fall.



IC: Root - Library


The stillness of the Library was beginning to get eerie. None had dared enter the vaulted halls of learning since the quest had concluded other than Jayar and Fang. And of course, Root, Reader of Books.


But the plant-coated Rahkshi had already read through several volumes of heroic escapades and noble pursuits, and his joints groaned for motion. He tried to roll off the shelf once more, but his vines had firmly captivated him as they grew around the shelf. Regrettably, he must wither them. A quick burst of power and a thundering crash later, Root found himself on the ground. Now, what endeavors were worthy of his heroic stature? Perhaps a training session in the Gym? He had not heard reports of further villainy from Torch, but surely the scoundrel would strike soon. And all the while, that fair damsel in distress would be in his burning clutches. The injustice of it all made Root's heroic stomach nauseous!


He set off towards the Training Grounds, idly growing a fruit and munching on it to quench his hunger.



OOC: Root open to interaction.

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IC: Squid


"Lemme see." 

Squid looked closely at the sword and swung it shut. He carefully swung it around, making sure not to hit anything. The blade stayed shut. Squid then split the blade, which quickly locked into the staff shape.


"Nope, its fine. You accidentally activated the split function, and the blade got stuck midway since you weren't trying to make it switch."


Squid demonstrated the opening and closing function of the sword.


"You gotta give it some momentum, or else it just flops."



~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015

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IC: Rain - Squid's Dorm

She frowned as he flawlessly demonstrated the function, but she had to admire his skill with the unusual weapon.

"Keep your sword and your momentum. I'll stick to my staff." With that, she turned back to her painting, the sword entirely forgotten.

IC: Hoto - Empty Dorm Wing

Hoto kept spinning him as she talked. She couldn't let him find her by voice alone when the session began. "She must have just arrived. Fang ran up to Kat's dorm all excited, but it was hard for her. I guess she's reminded of Omega by looking at his sister."



IC: Fang - Cauldron

"Not as reckless as... me, perhaps?"

It wasn't an accusation. He knew she was more careful than he was. Her caution did not save anyone on Nynrah, however. Reckless or not, danger may not always be seen from far enough away to avoid it.

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OOC: Bad move, Norik.

IC: Rail - Gym

Rail was caught off-guard by the sudden blow to his side, and, as predicted, was sent falling to the floor of the gym. When he was finally able to stand, he noticed that his target had long since exited the room, leaving the two of them behind.

The Rahkshi of Magnetism seethed with rage, turning his attention towards the one who had dared to interfere.

Using the room to his advantage, he commanded the formation of two moving pillars, intending to sandwich him in between them as he removed his crossbow from his back and fired a bolt at one of his kneecaps.


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC - Gym


Okay, so let me get this clear.

  • Xara and Vaalku fight
  • Vaalku attempts escape
  • Unknown rahk blocks the doors
  • Kat grits her teeth and punches through the doors with sheer strength of will
  • Vaalku and Xara continue to tangle
  • Those outside the gym wish to seek vengeance upon he who locketh thy doors (Unknown rahk I'm looking at)
  • The twins take blame for said locking
  • They engage their opponents, to the death!
  • Now unnamed rahk #1 and unnamed kittenrahk are fighting...?

Caoutchouc's brain twisted like a roiling, boiling pot of rubber bands being melted into their primordial components. He knew that two already had died, dying in battle was a preferable form of dying, but was this continuous fight really necessary?


His hand glowed (metaphorically) with an awesome new power, the burning grip of this power in his brain told him to DEFEAT someone. But, a new voice cried out from within.

Protect. What is the point of defeating an opponent in a broken and unprotected world? This place is falling apart around you. Rubber can be many things, one of them is an adhesive. Become and reinforce the glue holding this school together!


With this new charge, he strode towards the fighting rahkshi (Timageness and Norik's PCs)


"STOP THIS SENSELESS VIOLENCE" He pronounced it loud and clear in an all capital-tone-of-voice.

...but close to it

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IC: Sidonas - Dorm


Sidonas, hearing some commotion outside, grabbed his gear, Codex included, and followed the noise.

He followed the sound to the gym, where the saw a Rahk (Caoutchouc) yelling, he went over to the Rahk and asked: "What the Karz happened?! It sounds like somebody died in here!"

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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OOC: Ghidora, it's common courtesy not to double-post in the middle of a fight without waiting for your opponent to respond. 


IC: Xara - Gym.


I laughed at Vaalku's feeble attempts to electrocute me. I was a Chain Lightning Rahkshi, and now, I was level three! All he was doing was feeding my own power. I tore my hands free of his grasp and pushed myself upright, picking up my swords and leering down at him. "I hope you've learned your lesson now," I hissed, "don't you dare disrespect me again." 


With that, I turned to survey the carnage unfolding around me. The Twins were being carried out, one of them badly wounded, the other seemingly dead. Other students were fighting each other all over the place. Glass was fighting.... was that Rail? I remembered him, a good fighter, skilled and creative. I didn't need him and Glass hacking each other to bits.


"Stop!" I charged over and threw myself between them. This was my fault. They'd locked the gym because of me, and while I loved a good fight, I didn't need anymore deaths on my conscience. "Enough!" 



IC: Exxan - Infirmary. 


"I don't know," I told Mar'jik. "Some kind of huge fight in the gym." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Zex - Infirmary


I looked at the rahkshi. (Exxan)


"I never meant to kill him. The blow would have been non-fatal but that fool jumped in the way! I even gave them two chances to surrender! It was his fault."


IC: Pyre - Infirmary


"I tried to stop that silence rahk. But he didn't listen. It was basically a suicide on his part."

Edited by PhoenixFireBlaze

~After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?~

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IC: Palma requested that Silencer be placed in the same section of the Infirmary that Discord had been laid to rest in. She knew there was no hope for him either, and needed to save her energy for those that could still yet be saved. Illusive was first, as the most critically injured. He'd had to be dragged in by others after all. She swiftly healed up the myriad of lacerations he'd picked up, and repaired most of the nerve damage done by the electrical attacks. He'd be sore for a while but that would fade faster with the injuries themselves smoothed over.

She moved on to the ones who were less beaten up, relatively speaking. Ones like Zex who, while still battered and bruised, had at least got to the infirmary of their own accord


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IC: Hoto - Empty Dorm Wing


"...yeah," Hoto replied thoughtfully. Suddenly, she felt unwilling to say more, and she just stepped aside after silencing her clickers.



IC: Rain - Squid's Dorm


She had stopped paying attention to Squid and was now going back over her paints, making the darks a little darker and the highlights a little paler to compensate for the lamp. Within a few minutes, between the color and the lamplight shifting around as Squid worked, it was easy to imagine they were underwater. Rain had to remember to breath every now and then.


With the water progressing so quickly, it was nearly time to go back and fill in the silver squids. She hadn't seen them in person, but she recalled some images of them in books she had looked through. Lots of long legs and a pointy little head. Piece of cake.

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IC: Exxan - Infirmary.


When they moved Silencer's body, I saw something that chilled me to the core. Two bodies; two dead students. How many more had to die? We're going to wipe ourselves out at this rate....


"Palma...." I spoke up, "....can I talk to you for a minute?" 

Edited by Roman Torchwick

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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