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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Palma looked around the infirmary. The sudden tide of injured seemed to have slowed, and most of those who had come to her had been sent back to their dorms or the refectory with wounds washed away. Jayar and Zelnos had really helped out, made sure everyone had been seen to. Which meant they could be freed up to go about other tasks...


"There may be a...mission, I suppose, that you could go on. Of the two recent fatalities we had, I was told the first, the one with head wounds, was done by a Rahkshi coloured black and grey with purple spines. I don't know who stabbed the other. Find out who our killers are. Zelnos can help if he's willing. But I need to report this to Tridax, and that means knowing who the culprits are."


And speaking of Tridax, a student popped up asking about him. "I'll take you to his office," she answered Fog, "I need to talk with him anyway."

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IC: Jayar / Infirmary-->Gym



"Then I will embark upon this mission." said Jayar, turning to leave. A quest for justice! He may not be Root, but such a goal appealed to him nonetheless.


He decided to start with the Gym, where he might encounter a witness. He strode out, missing Illusive's note entirely in his purposefulness. Upon arrival, however, no amount of purpose could prevent him from noticing the enormous beast in the Gym.


Is that... a Kaita? He walked closer to the enormous creature, hoping to get a better look and perhaps discern its components. Era mentioned forming one, this might be it... That would mean Hoto, Era, and... maybe Kat?


Whoever it is, it's not me. The thought stung.



IC: Shark / Hallways-->Library



Shark walked silently through the halls until he arrived at the Library, where he found a book on electricity. He was going to prepare himself as thoroughly as possible for his final confrontation with his current target. He sat down, reading the book, but scanning the room for anything of interest between sentences.

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IC Dekako(Kat)


We stumbled, losing some balance as Hoto recoiled against the actions of our tail.


Kat tried to ease her mind, and felt Era doing the same


"do not worry, little one. We know you do not lust for battle. He will not be harmed, merely winded, and paralysed for a short time."


Wise as she was Fierce, that was Dekako.


We evened out, sending small sonic pulses outward, as we entered our mind to begin what we'd set out to do.


Kat spoke.


"Hoto, are you ready?"

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IC: Zex - Cauldron


Walking past the infirmary I hear that I am being searched for. I quickly run out.




I need to change how I look if I don't want people coming after me.


I go to the cauldron where I find blue paint. I repaint my spines blue with some difficulty. I also repaint my grey parts with blue. I take a sword and carve my spines. I make them jagged.


No way in karz would anybody recognize me now.

Edited by PhoenixFireBlaze

~After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?~

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IC: Dekako (Hoto) - Gym


Hoto poured her will into just turning the head. Such a simple action when alone, but now she had Kat and Era's wills to contend with. But she had to see. 


Kat and Era's voice echoed through the mind as one, but there was something new mingled with it. Perhaps if she wasn't so focused on staying apart, she could recognize the voice of Dekako.


But Hoto continued to push back. She needed to see what their actions had caused. Dekako understood and met her halfway, and the massive head turned to look.


There was something... repulsive about the Rahkshi's appearance. Hoto couldn't think of what it would be like to sense with only echolocation. There were... colors, and despite never seeing them before, Hoto instinctively wanted to stay away from them. But it was a Rahkshi. Like they were. Hoto tried to push past the initial impressions... the overwhelming sensations of form and color and light and identification... and just focus on what harm she had done.


They weren't moving. They were silent.


Are they... dead...? Hoto whispered. She didn't know how to check.


She was disgusted with their body. It was too powerful. It didn't deserve to stay together any longer. Hoto couldn't bear it. She mentally shoved against the other minds, trying to push herself out of the Kaita. But she could feel Kat and Era reaching out to her. The voice that was Dekako soothed her, promising all was fine.


I'm... I'm sorry, she thought. I can't do it, not now.

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IC: Squid


Squid though for a long time. Finally, he knew what to do.


"Let's not mess up his armor too bad. I think we should paint four extra eyes on his headplate, and also paint nostrils on his headplate. Nostrils are holes that some creatures use to breath, I read it in a book once.  Also, I would like to paint a squid on both sides of his carapace. That's my idea, what do you say?"



~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015

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IC: Jayar / Gym



Jayar noticed the slimy Rahkshi collapsed on the floor and rushed over to him, slipping his arms beneath the fallen Booger's shoulders (ugh... this was the Gym, he'd have it bring up some water and wash the gunk off if he got the chance) and beginning to pull him away from the Kaita. For his sake, and Hoto's... He could not have known every nuance of her inability to do harm, but he'd heard enough in the quiet hallway to know it hurt her as well. "He's alright," he called out, to the Kaita and the crowd gathered around. "Still breathing, anyway... Seems paralyzed."


Yeah, and if she decides never to form a Kaita again... He would never get his chance.



OOC: I kinda want to see the Kaita hit Jayar now, on accident... :evilbiggrin:

Edited by Johnrahk


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IC: Dormirahk - Squid's room/Nightmare


Dark... heavy... the water... it was squeezing them. Constricting them. Pulling them down and down, deeper into itself. The faint rays of light that pierced the surface faded from sight as the water consumed Dormirahk, pulled them into its embrace of death. There was no escape. They weren't awake enough for it. They struggled, but... it was too hard. Their own powers struggled against them, always had, but this time it would be their death. Their final hurrah. How ironic that the powers bestowed upon them for their protection would be the one thing that brought about their doom...


As the two rahkshi stood over Dormirahk, contemplating what mischief they could bring upon them, the only signs of their nightmare was the slight twitching of their body, and the expression of discomfort they had on their face-plates.

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IC: Fang - Hallways


Fang started guiding Rider away from the Gym, suddenly deciding the Refectory would be the best place to check.


That was about when he heard the roar. It echoed down the hallways, still clear by the time it reached Fang. He didn't want to know what it had sounded like from up close, but he needed to know what it was.


"Stay here," he commanded Rider, as if he could go anywhere like that. "We can't have you injured again."


He rushed off towards the source, the Gym of all places, but stopped short just inside the door. There was a massive... thing on one end of the Gym. Jayar was already dragging away its first victim. It should be stopped.


But Fang couldn't will his legs to move.



IC: Rain - Squid's Dorm


Rain grinned all the wider. It would be a challenge painting on the quivering, nightmare-stricken Rahkshi, one she could appreciate. Plus, it all seemed... symbolic in some way, though she couldn't put a finger on how.


In answer, she snatched up a brush and got to work.

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IC: Squid


Squid got to work painting a squid on his back. He wouldn't be able to see it, but others would. He'd make sure everyone knew that this Rahkshi was going to steal his food. It was a bit difficult painting on the curved surface, but Squid accepted the challenge.



~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015

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IC: Dormirahk - Nightmare/Squid's room


The darkness was closing in on them, and Dormirahk's breath finally betrayed them. Their eyes were closing, not only from fatigue, but from lack of air. They came, slowly... slowly, for what seemed to be an eternity... to a close.


And then Dormirahk woke up with a start.


A single tear trailed down their faceplate. "I... What do you think you're doing?" Dormirahk couldn't see the paint that Squid had started to apply to their back, but they could feel it. "Oh, well, it's nice to know one is in good company here..."


Dormirahk looked around. They hadn't had an episode like this... for a long while. Their eyes trailed back up to the walls, but they quickly turned away again, finding the resemblance to their deepest fear too much to handle.


"Sorry about falling asleep on the floor. I don't usually apologize for it, but these are... special circumstances."



Btw, guys, Dormirahk is non-binary, so use the "they" pronoun when referring to them.

Edited by Toa Onaku
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IC: Jayar / Gym



Feeling he had dragged Booger a safe distance from the Kaita, Jayar left him there. If his analysis was correct and he had been paralyzed it would just wear off in time; that Booger had managed a distorted mumble only reinforced this. "I'll leave you here," said Jayar, "and you should be capable of motion in a short bit." He willed the Gym to create a small pool of water, in which he quickly washed off his slightly gunk-covered hands. Then he turned back towards the great beast and moved closer to it... but not too close. His hands almost went to his staff, still on his back, but he stopped them. There should be nothing for him to fear from a Kaita formed of Kat, Era, and Hoto. He hoped. And that was just assuming that he was correct in his guess about its composition, which he had no reason to be certain of.

Edited by Johnrahk


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IC: Zex - Nynrah Beach -> Dorm


On the beach of Nynrah I saw a matoran standing all by itself. It seemed to be testing some sort of device. It aimed it at a rahkshi shaped target.


"What the karz?"


I step out about to ask the matoran what was that about when dozens of matoran jump out of the shadows.


"An ambush!"


The once alone matoran fired some sort of net out of the launcher. Which I dodge.


I run up to the matoran and impale it with Assasinator. The other matoran start firing cordak blasters, zamor spheres, and other random objects at me.


I take out my sword and stab a matoran wielding a cordak and use Assasinator to decapitate a crossbow wielding one. But more matoran arrive. One of them throws a spear which strikes my leg and a nyrah skyblaster strikes the ground in front of me sending debris into my face.


"Karz you all!"


I start running away, picking up the weapon that the matoran was testing and the matoran's bag as well. I switch to flight mode and fly to my dorm, evading cordak, zamors, and midak skyblasts. I look at my wounds. I can't go to the infirmary now. They are searching for me. And despite my disguise they would probably ask for my name. I rip the matoran's bag and use it as a makeshift bandage. Then I looked at the weapon. It seemed to be some kind of launcher, modified to shoot nets. I look inside the matoran's bag and take out the nets and put them in my own bag. The nets seemed to be made of metal, perfect for electrocution and capture. I sling the gun over my shoulder.

Edited by PhoenixFireBlaze

~After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?~

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IC: Zex - Gym


Lets test out this disguise.


I put my weapons in my backpack and walk to the gym. I see a beast.


That looks ugly


I walk over to a secluded area. Nobody seemed to notice me for now. The disguise and the change in weaponry seemed to work in tricking others.


For now...


I summon up targets and begin testing out my new net launcher on them.

Edited by PhoenixFireBlaze

~After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?~

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IC: Raptor


Raptor was somehow distracted from the behemoth by something as simple as a net launcher.

"WHOA! How's that work?!"


IC: Mantis


Mantis put down his own weapons and motioned for his opponent to do the same.

"We shan't get any more sparring done with such distractions. Forgive me for leaving you like this, but I do not want this to end out of turn." Inside, Mantis was aching. He'd just lied to someone. LIED. He promised himself he'd set things right later on, but he was sure there were way more pressing matters. With that, he left the gym and ran for the causeway.

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IC: Sidonas - Hallways


After hearing Recoil reply, Sidonas asked: "Since we haven't had luck scouting out anyone; why don't we make some posters and place them at key areas to grab peoples attention? To my dorm to make some posters then?" Sidonas extended his hand to Recoil.

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Zex


Zex picked up a net and put it back in the launcher and attempted to fire it at Raptor.


He smiled.


"Like that. However, in all seriousness I don't know how it works myself. I found it. All I know is to put the net inside and fire it."


I lied. I didn't want the person to know I killed some matoran to take this.

Edited by PhoenixFireBlaze

~After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?~

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IC: Raptor


Raptor was caught in the net, but he didn't care.

"Awesome!... CAN I TAKE IT APART?"


IC: Mantis


Mantis transformed into flight mode and took off the causeway, heading for Nynrah. He truly hoped his beliefs were wrong. When he had seen that Rahkshi's net launcher, it reminded him a lot of one owned by a Matoran he'd encountered earlier- on his way to Corpus Rahkshi...


OOC: What I wrote with Mantis is completely legit, right?


Dangit, ninja'd by an edit.

Edited by Gukko Lord
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IC: Zex


"I'd prefer if you didn't. Please don't mess it up."


I take the net off of the rahkshi.


"This seems to be some kind of modified cordak blaster. It's pretty straight forward to loading the weapon. Put these cylindrical weights in the cylindrical barrels."

Edited by PhoenixFireBlaze

~After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?~

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IC: Zex - Gym


"If you do run off..."


I reach into my bag to get my sword. But then I remembered there was blood on it. I take out one of my knives.


"You get this knife in your face."


I hand over the net launcher. I only let him hold one net. Didn't want him running off with all of the nets.

~After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?~

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