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Bionifight 4


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I wonder if Confusion would be blocked by my Boots of Healing. They give mental shielding...I'll look it up on BS01...EDIT: Nope, confusion disorients. says nothing about mental tampering.NujaniiNujanii was expecting a confusion attack. So he managed to, with great difficulty, shake it off without hurting himself. However, as he did so he was very exposed...

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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Beano didn't like killstealers, whether he was playing video games or not. So he just decided to use beanvines to cover up both Zadakh, Nujanii and a bunch of Rakhshi. Then, he pulled up several carnivorous plants using more vines, and also dumped them into the massive 'bowl' he was making. Acidic.He closed up the massive beanplant, and started kicking around the acid inside, along with lots of Rahkshi, and Nujanii and Zadakh.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC:Zadakh used a Plasma Spellblade to cut his way out, and then he walked off, got a towel, and started drying off the acid, saying, "I know I've done this joke before, but..."He then turned to the camera and held up a bottle of Old Spice. "Anything's possible when you smell like a man. I can't be killed by acid." (Due to the Indestructible Sweater Vest)

Edited by SSJ Pahrak
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Jl, you said "Unable to block." So this stab may be dodged, right? Also, you said that the result of the stab would be a smack in the face. Are you turning it off and hitting me in the face with the handle? I'm just going to dodge it to avoid confusion.NujaniiNujanii had underestimated his opponent's speed. However, Beano had underestimated Nujanii's speed. Nujanii ducked the stab. Nujanii then cartwheeled around Beano, then attempted to stab him in the back before the kakama-less Beano could turn around. As he did so, Nujanii dimly registered that there were rifle rounds rebounding off of his PSJS and RSotS. Nujanii decided to ignore them. If a shot was aimed at a place where it could do damage, the Arthron would alert him.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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Beano, however, was pushed forwards by what was left of the crazy lunge's kinetic energy, barely missing the sword. He created a beanvine from the ceiling to the floor, and held it to use as a swing. He was flung back towards Nujanii, as he aimed to use his legs to hit Nujanii's torso, this time at Kakama speed.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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NujaniiNujanii anticipated his opponent's attack. Nujanii had two options: dodge, or let himself get hit. Nujanii let himself get hit. As Beano swung towards him, Nujanii (at Kakama speed) moved so that Beano hit him in the stomach, on the left side. As Beano went forward, Nujanii's right side moved towards Beano as his left moved away. As his right moved towards Beano, Nujanii stabbed Beano. He then withdrew his sword and, to make matters worse for Beano, created a wall of iron, floor to ceiling, directly in front of the swinging [insert Beano's species here].

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Sorry, school has started early (early as in yesterday) for me and my computer time has been less.Round 25 over. The winner will be decided by iBrow, cause I have some serious reading to do (serious as in Hercule Poirot, Sherlock Holmes and the like).Round 26 Start. (One Hit Wonder Modifier)For this round you are in a Library the size of the state of Rhode Island that has every book ever written in it. Beware the Library Staff, they are armed with Death Rays that are set to lethal and be warned that if you open a book characters from the book will pour out until you close said book.This round has the One Hit Wonder Modifier. This means that you can only use one power (and Special Weapons and Unusual Weapons count).

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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OOC: Hm, only one power...I believe Extreme Strength is well-suited for such a modifier :DIC:Zadakh sat at a large table in a clearing in the library, with a giant skylight above him and a beautiful stained glass window behind him. He had a pair of reading glasses over his eyes, and before him was a small stack of papers, on which he was writing furiously with a quil. As he dipped the feather in the ink, he paused and thought to himself, Ah, so quiet...so peaceful. This is the perfect place to complete some quality writing--no interruptions, all the references I can think of nearby, and countless inspirations just as close.He wrote a bit more, then set his pen down and went over to a shelf, climbing the ladder attached to it and then launching himself down the rails to the other side of the shelf. When he came to a stop, he pulled a reference book out and checked something, and then he put it back, slid back to his starting point, and went back to the desk. If things continue like this, I could complete all of my stories much more quickly than I planned. However...Zadakh sighed, took off his glasses, and thought, This is Bionifight. There are BOUND to be interruptions.Picking up Chaos Reaper, he packed up his supplies and tucked them away somewhere safe, and then he looked up at the stained glass window and thought, I wonder if Ifrit is hidden somewhere in this library...

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NujaniiNujanii picked fire. As usual. Nujanii knew that here he could wreck havok. Not that he wanted to; but if he needed a distraction there was plenty of fodder. Nujanii, being the genius he was, opened the Epic of Gilgamesh, And was soon fighting for his life against both Gilgamesh AND Einkedu.

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IC:Zadakh wandered into a different section of the library and picked out a book, and then he tucked it away and went searching for opponents--making sure to be quiet so he didn't draw the wrath of the librarians. I'll hang on to this in case I need it. So many books to read...

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I really hate one hit wonder rounds. Well, at least it's not one hit wonder and no-weapons...This is a nice setting. A good idea, MoC1.NujaniiNujanii definestrated Einkedu. Nujanii then burned Gilgamesh to death. Nujanii then noticed an alien. Nujanii ignored it. He walked over to the shelf. He picked up a book entitled 'Bionifight 2.' "Looks good." Nujanii opened the book and faced himself. Nujanii and Nujanii gave each other a fist pump and fought the combined power of Cuer, Vertak, and ToD.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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NujaniiVertak was riding Cuer. Nujanii and Nujanii were both riding Kanohi dragon mounts, with the current Nujanii being the more skillful. "How did I get so good?" Asked Past-Nujanii."I practiced for almost half a year while BZP was down.""BZP will go down? What will I do!?""I already told you. Train like Karzahni!."The two Kanohi dragon riders destroyed a pair of librarians and took their blasters. Nujanii and Nujanii both set theirs on 'stun.' They then began shooting librarians and Bionifighters; past and present.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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IC:Zadakh dropped behind the shelf to avoid being shot, and then he kicked the shelf and sent it flying across the room, possibly smashing into his foes, and then he rushed out behind it to deliver a slash or two. Or five. Or twenty.I do hate destroying books...

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IC:Zadakh charged out to dodge the fireballs, possibly hitting past-Nujanii as he went, and said, "Summoning your past self out of a book, huh? Then what I have in mind MUST work."He dodged some librarian attacks and jumped up onto a chandelier, cutting its supports before leaping onto another shelf and striking it in such a way that all the books flew out. Zadakh knew he would have to resort to book-summoning soon...

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NujaniiPast-Nujanii used his kakama to evade the attack. The two Toa then began to send streams of fire at the fleeing Zahdak. Past-Nujanii brought Zahdak to the ground with his Garai, then the two poured a wave of fire on the downed vahki.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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IC:Zadakh easily avoided the flames and said, "You know, I sort of hate to do this. Part of me wonders if it's even legal. But since this library contains every book ever written, and SOME of us have written fanfiction with ridiculously overpowered characters...well, we just have a perfectly exploitable loophole."He knocked over a few more shelves and jumped up to the edge of a stained glass window. "Time to test the water."

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OOC: The Celestial Brush freezes time so that I can draw the symbols, you can't really dodge them.IC: JiMing Power Slashes Zadakh, saying "Oh no you can't."

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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OOC: Sorry, in that case he took damage.IC:Zadakh took the slash, but it didn't stop him from opening the book. He only opened it for a second before tucking it away, but that was just long enough for one character to come out. A man with brown hair, brown eyes, green robes, and a white and black domino mask appeared in the library, and he looked around curiously."...Uh...where am I?" he asked."A world of perpetual violence," Zadakh answered. "Perfect for you, right...Khadaz Ikhav?""...You don't say," the man said. "This is gonna be fun."

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IC:When the smoke cleared, Khadaz said, "So you're my first opponent? Alright."He lifted his hand and an enormous volley of energy blasts flew out at super-speed, and then he was suddenly behind JiMing and used a super-powerful punch. "Your turn."Zadakh just stayed back and watched, thinking, This is the ultimate moment of pride for an author...seeing one of his characters beat the karzahni out of all his enemies.

Edited by SSJ Pahrak
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Nujanii"I am a god and am bound by Guthix not to tamper directly in mortal affairs."Nujanii sighed."However, I can boost your abilities and strengths and all that, making you a match for your opponents. Nujanii, take now my blessing."Nujanii was surrounded in a golden light. When it cleared, he was wearing a trimmed magic cape."I thank you, Saradomin. Since you can tamper in divine affairs, please destroy Posidon. I will deal with his son.""I will heed your advice; good and faithful servent."

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