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Bionifight 4


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JiMIng uses Power Slash on him to knock him backwards."Percy Jackson, I need your help. Don't ask any questions, just fight.""Well, some more monsters to kill. Alright."Percy Jackson draws his blade Riptide, and stands, ready to fight.

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Nujanii"I have absolutely no idea, to be honest. I can only trust to Saradomin's wisdom."Nujanii began with a slash, using an ignited dagger, just to see what would happen.Past-Nujanii yelled at Percy Jackson, "OI! PJ! Riptide won't work on us, we're mortal!"

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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IC:Zadakh book-summoned another character, this one a man with red hair and gold eyes who wore some strange purple uniform that looked like leather body armor with a cape."Norscu?" Khadaz called. "What're you doing here?"The man looked up, thought a second, and then shrugged and said, "Looks like a battle, so...fighting, I guess."Khadaz sent a giant shockwave of energy at JiMing before using another warp slash, and Norscu shot out in a blaze of energy to tackle Percy.

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JiMing uses Power Slash to deflect the shockwave back at Khadaz.Percy Jackson dives out of the way, and then makes the pipes explode, flooding the area with water."I'm in my element, try and stop me now." said Percy Jackson."Awesome." JiMing replied.

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IC:Khadaz was badly burned, but he got back up and said, "Dang...you ARE powerful! Hey, Norscu, you might want to...Norscu?"Norscu was still on the ground, trying to recover, so Khadaz said, "Oh...well, anyway, I need to power up to take you on. Chikara Compression!!"Energy swirled and compressed around Khadaz, causing his body to glow, and he said, "Now the REAL battle begins..."Zadakh book-summoned a red haired woman who wore blue body armor, a blue Avohkii, and angelic robes, with wings, a halo, and a white rapier. "Percy, meet Amy, strongest Water-user in the entire Bioni-Lords universe. Have fun."

Edited by SSJ Pahrak
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NujaniiNujanii switched to an agility skillcape and was almost immediately at the other end of the library. Nujanii opened a book and Armadyl came forth. Nujanii quickly shut the book to prevent Zamorak's exit. Saradomin convinced Armadyl to assist Nujanii. Nujanii had now the power of two gods behind him, and one of those was Armadyl. Nujanii had little to no chance of missing.

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IC:Khadaz began to rapidly create and throw giant orbs of energy, which rebounded against walls, ceilings, floors, shelves, fighters, anything--soon causing them to ricochet about the entire room, leaving virtually no room to dodge.Zadakh pressed himself against the window, thinking, I should've known he'd get carried away...Amy was then suddenly behind Percy, thrusting her rapier at light-speed. "Your eyes will deceive you, you know. I have put a bit of effort into perfecting my light powers as well."

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IC:Zadakh ran to avoid being damaged, meanwhile Khadaz blocked the attacks and sent out a series of energy waves at Nujanii while trying to direct the ricocheting orbs at him. Eventually he just warped up to Nujanii, slashed him, and unleashed a beam of intense energy from his eyes.Amy caused a hundred buzzsaws made of water to rise up and fly at her foes, and she then moved in and began using lightspeed rapier slashes on Percy.Norscu was also back up, and he appeared above JiMing to slam an energy sphere down on him.

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NujaniiNujanii was expecting Khadaz to do something like that. Nujanii met Khadaz's blade, then ducked the laser vision-like attack. Nujanii was enjoying gods' semi-omniscience. Nujanii hit Khadaz with a weakening disk, saying, "If there are three things I do well, they're using kanohi, throwing Kanoka, and manipulating fire."Past-Nujanii looked on his future counterpart in awe.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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JiMing managed to Power Slash the sphere back at him, but was struck by the water chainsaws.Percy was hit, but simply said, "Nice try." Percy then sends a huge wave after Amy, while summoning a mini hurricane around himself.

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IC:The disk had little effect on Khadaz, who seemed to vanish for a second before Nujanii realized he was being punched in the face. "Sorry, still warming up."Amy held back the waves and sent light waves at the hurricane, and Norscu energy-dashed at JiMing and hit him with an arm that was suddenly covered in armor. The strange man then used alchemy, causing the water around JiMing to turn to iron.

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NujaniiNujanii roared back at Khadaz, "BY ZEZIMA, I WILL EMERGE VICTORIOUS!!!" Nujanii immediately healed. Having god-level powers does have interesting side effects.Past-Nujanii got the hint and opened a book entitled "RS famous players wiki." Out popped Zezima, weilding his dragon dagger and wearing a completionist cape.Nujanii yelled to him, "Fellow RS player, I call upon your aid!" Zezima walked over and executed the Dragon Dagger's special attack on Khadaz

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Percy slashes the light waves with his sword Riptide. "I've fought multiple armies of monsters AND Kronos, Lord of Time, and you throw a bunch of light at me? Who do you think I am?"JiMing quickly uses Power Slash to free himself from the iron, then uses Thunderbolt on Norscu.

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IC:Khadaz's ignorance prevented him from taking full damage from whatever that attack is. "Blade of Souls--Nikari!"A seemingly simple blade with an orange hilt appeared in Khadaz's other hand, and he crossed his blades and stared intently at his foe.Amy used her lightspeed to get behind Percy, entangling him in bindings of pure light, and then she called up a razor-sharp pillar of water to skewer him.Norscu was thunderbolted, saying, "Uh...hey, Zadakh, can I use my FULL power yet?"From far away, Zadakh called, "No, it's still supposed to be a secret!""Then can I at least swap out with Aile?!"

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IC:Khadaz moved swifter than they expected, parrying each attack with one of his swords. Suddenly they both came to a halt, realizing that they were entangled by a chain extending from the orange blade's hilt, and then Khadaz unleashed twin beams of energy to send them hurtling across the room.

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"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" shouted JiMing before he used Fireburst on the pillar of water, evaporating it."NO ONE TRIES TRIES TO BEAT PERCY, NOBODY!!!!!"JiMing uses Thunderbolt and Cherry Bomb on Amy.

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NujaniiThe purpose of these energy beams was to send the pair flying across the room. Well, Zezima landed hard, and had to eat, but Nujanii evaded his beam and found himself two feet from where he had been; Nujanii could credit to divine intervention alone. Nujanii used his Saradomin sword to, faster than the eye can blink, slice off Khadaz's head.

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IC:The thin layer of armor on Khadaz's body prevented him from being decapitated, but he still took damage. "Ah, nice one!" he said, and then three duplicates of Khadaz appeared. All four of them then attacked with swords, energy blasts, and punches.

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BZPP grinned and opened five books in succession, The Silmarilion, The Hobbit, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King. Orcs, Balrogs, Werewolves, Dragons and all the strength of Elves and Men poured out like a river, sweeping away all other Bionifighters. OOC: Next is the Chronicles of Narnia, then Sherlock Holmes, then I'll release Inmacula (yes, that Inmacula, you know what I'm talking 'bout Exo).

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NujaniiNujanii was joined by Zezima who stood back to back with Nujanii. Zezima killed one Khadaz, Nujanii another, and soon Zezima and Nujanii stood back to back facing identical foes.Past-Nujanii opened one of the Tolkein books that BZPP had missed; the book of lost tales. Nujanii yelled a call to arms in Quenya and was joined by a host of elves. The last Khadaz replica died fast.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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OOC: I dare you. I already have a more powerful form of Stained Glass prepared!I know you may think I'm trying to mislead you, but you will note this is straightforward. No bluffing. Mwa-ha-ha...IC:JiMing forgot the wall that separated him from Amy, and Amy's halo floated down in front of her, rattled with energy, and then fired a massive beam that engulfed Percy.One Khadaz retreated, and the other made up for it by unleashing even larger blasts and causing energy to splash each time he slashed and punched.

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IC:They then noticed the other Khadaz across the room, who raised his hands and smiled."Oh no..." Zadakh said."Twilight...Crash," Khadaz said.The next thing everyone knew, the entire library was filled with raw destructive energy as strong as a supernova--maybe stronger.

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IC:Khadaz set up energy barriers to block the blasts, saying, "Wow, you are strong. How about a little one-on-one?"Meanwhile, Zadakh was barely hanging on to life, and Norscu had transmuted a shell around himself and Amy to let them survive. "Your husband is pretty reckless," Norscu said."You should talk," Amy said.

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NujaniiNujanii created a massive flare up of flames from below Khadaz. "I am but the outlet of two greater than I."But that did not stop Nujanii from making full use of the powers granted him by the gods. He sent more lethal blasts and created more unblockable undodgeable fire from below which rendered Khadaz unlikely to evade the lethal blasts.

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