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Bionifight 4


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IC:Khadaz dodged the initial flare and blocked the blasts, but because of the modifiers on the second fire attack he had no choice but to take damage. It didn't slow him down, though--he was right in front of Nujanii in seconds, and Nujanii realized he had already taken part of a deadly barrage of hits accompanied by energy splashes. "Well if we get technical, I'm about...three or four people in one right now. But details."

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BZPP then grinned even more as 15 massive figures, each radiating unmatchable power stepped out of The Silmarilion. "Manwe, Varda, Orome, Tulkas, Melkor, Sauron, Eonwe, Fingolfin, Feanor, Turin, Hurin, Beleg, Beren, Curunir and Olorin." She named them even as she summoned a toa with a mask of kaita creation to fuse them into one near-omnipotent being.OOC: I LOVE LORD OF THE RINGS!!!!

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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Some of those have already been killed, BZPP. Please revise your post.Nujanii"Three or four in one..." Nujanii trailed off dramatically. Nujanii summoned a hau wearing Toa of Ice and Varien. Nujanii made a Kaita with the pair and used the hau to prevent all post-kaita hits. Nujanii-kaita then sent a barage of ice at Khadaz, which froze him solid. Nujanii-kaita then melted the ice and Khadaz.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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OOC: Percy is in the water, any wound he gets will heal, no matter what, he is the son of Neptune. He also could have dodged, he is quite agile.IC: JiMing ran over to the video game guide section, opening a book and releasing Goddess of the Sun Amaterasu, and the tiny artist, Issun."Whoa, where are we Ammy? We're definitely not in Nippon anymore.""Hey could you-hold on a second." JiMing said as he Cherry Bombed a group of monsters."Well, another Celestial Brush user." said Issun. "Let's kick some demon butt, Ammy!"

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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Percy was stated as dead a good few times but myself and someone else. If you say otherwise, it's attack negation. If you negate an attack, you'd better have a Karzahni good reason for it!NujaniiNujanii grabbed a copy of the Bible and opened it. Out came Black six, who slapped him in the face and told Nujanii to do all in his power to avoid religious controversy. Nujanii then evaporated all water in the Library and blasted Percy Jackson to death with fire. (If you negate that I'm going to PIG you. I mean it this time.)

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Fine, Percy was dead. But JiMing knew they carried more than one copy of the Percy Jackson books. He opened another one, out popped another Percy. And he opened a Heroes of Olympus one, and out popped Jason Grace and Leo Valdez.Meanwhile, Amaterasu battled the monsters.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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Alright, so I haven't been on here much recently. First off, I shall give my reasons:

  • [*]Family[*]Schoolwork (huge projects and exams)[*]Confusion about rounds[*]Possible changes

Yes, you heard right - possible changes to Bionifight. This would include the removal of possibly several modifiers (guaranteed keepers are weapon limiters and Forever Alone, guaranteed gone are Tag Team and iBrow).It might also include a change in how Capture the Flag is played- turning it into more of a boss battle type round in how it would be a special Bionifight occasion, having only two flags, making it more stealth and team oriented.Possibly an increase in how long rounds are.Possible changes to winning requirements.The most major (in my mind)- a "reset" of the game; at this point we're porbably close to 28 rounds in. With a reset, ALL special weapons would be removed and we would move onto a lettering system for the rounds; ie. instead of Round 1 we would have Round A. The winners of the previous rounds would still be listed in the first post (although that's something I might change, since the list is getting long), but they would no longer have any special weapons until they'd won again.However, bonuses might be given- if a player won twice in a row as a player did recently, an additional award would be given. If a player won 50% of a certain amound of (for example 6, so 3 games) like I know SSJ Pahrak has, they would also receive an additional award.Another change might be "classes" of special weapons, and possibly the removal of the special weapons label entirely, instead labelling them as awards. Classes would be things such as "offense", "defense", "speed", "maneuverability", etc., or maybe statistics for each "special weapon" in each field.None of this stuff is final, and most of it (aside from possibly the switch to letter rounds and the removal of current special weapons) will not happen until after my exams at the end of this month.Which gives time for your thoughts.-ibrow

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WHo won the last round?BTW, at the PJ issue - Before TSON, He is invincible except for his back. Now, he's killable, but he gets healed quickly and strengthened in water. However, simply electrifying water, gutting a blade through him or punching him alot will kill him, simply because he isn't as powerful as JiMing thinks.Beano looked around. He found the book he wanted, and opened it.Unfortunately, nothing happened. Oh right- this wasn't a book. It was a library staff's shirt. Beano punched him, then turned to find the one he wanted. He pulled it out, opened it and smiled. A skeleton snapped his fingers, fire appearing in his hands, as he started to blast everyone except Beano.Beano proceeded to use his Plasma Sword and whipping all the other characters, the crazy lunge leading to nearly no blocking of his wrath.

Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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ANOTHER reset!? Come on! You mean I'll have to re-earn my PSJS a THIRD time!? Can't we just keep 2 or three? Yeah yeah, noobs don't stand a chance, but hey, doesn't that just give an inclination to play more and/or better. Besides; winning isn't based on who beats everyone else to a pulp. No one likes to loose the fruits of their labor. I've played a good while to aquire 5 special weapons and I'm not privy to loosing them just to give noobs even footing. A reset is not nessesary, like the past two (I don't know about the first one; I wasn't here for Bionifight 1) and I don't think it's a good idea. Period.YES!!! CHANGES IN WINNING REQUIREMENTS!!! Have 'creativity' as a factor.iBrow modifier gone-yes. Tag team modifier gone-no. I like pairing with another player and fighting everyone else.YES, SPECIAL WEAPONS CATEGORIES!!! Defense and offence ought to be enough though.Round numbers are good. Please don't do letters. And for heaven's sake, don't do another reset after 26 rounds if you do!NujaniiNujanii turned his flame powers on JiMing. He executed a fire stream with a large radius. JiMing had better have a pretty good block/dodge for it. And Nujanii had evaporated the water; JiMing couldn't just dive. Nujanii used his fire powers to blast Beano into a wall when he got too close and tried to stab Nujanii.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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Better idea: We lose all our special weapons in exchange for some 'Coin' system. Maybe, 3 coins for 1 special weapon, 4 for custom special weapon. Coins given to winners each round, since it isn't just who oh, I said a leet word - contact a moderator to take proto from me! everyone. If you are patient and get, maybe like 7 coins, you can get 2 custom weapons, or maybe 5 coins for 2 weapons by iBrow. Then, its more of an even footing, since most of us will only have 1 special weapon.@Nujanii: Incentive to play doesn't come from being dominated over and over simply because you found the game late. It should come from having fun, not being owned over and over. TFL and the others don't have this problem because they've played before, but new players have no idea what they should do. A reset isn't necessary, yes, but that is if you want some players to feel bored and failing. (Even though its just a game.)Either way, I would like to see some cool new working systems set up.Beano sliced his Plasma Sword at Nujanii, the crazy lunge of his special weapon making him very fast.*SLASH!*

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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Maybe you're right about the incentive issue. However, I don't like the "coinage" system. It'd take too long to get special weapons. 1 win=1 special weapon. I don't think we ought to lose any special weapons. But, to accommodate the noobs, I guess there are only three choices. 1- lose all special weapons. 2- keep only 1-3 special weapons. 3- lose all your special weapons for ten rounds or so to give new players a chance to earn special weapons and then get all or at least some back.NujaniiFortunately for Nujanii, Beano was on the other side of the room. By the time Beano was in striking range of Nujanii, Nujanii was ready. the plasma sword slices thin air. Nujanii sent him back to the other side of the room with his god-level fire powers.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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OOC: But I still have so many special weapon ideas! D:...Well, not really a big deal. Perhaps Zadakh's powers could use a bit rebalancing, and a reset would be a good excuse to do that...In the end, you're the boss, so I'll just go along with it.IC:Zadakh and his characters took a lot of damage, but they were still in the fight. With a laugh, Zadakh opened the other book he had taken, and out popped Son Goku from Dragon Ball Z. Khadaz and Goku then did the Fusion Dance, creating Kakhadaz: a man who looked like a mix between them both with brown hair styled like Goku's, Khadaz's mask, Goku's outfit but purple instead of orange, and a green robe. Norscu then used some Time powers to make it so that Kakhadaz's body didn't recognize the passing of time, making the fusion indefinite."I was fusing before it was cool," Kakhdaz said with a smirk.He drew Nikari and turned Super Saiyan, and in the blink of an eye he unleashed a Twilight Kamehameha that was virtually impossible to dodge.OOC: Yeah that's right, stuff just got REAL!

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Beano was thrown backwards by fire, not that it should happen anyways. Skulduggery Pleasant then used an air blast and sent both of them flying away from the Kamehameha. Beano then opened another book, and then Kronos, Lord of Time, stepped out. He snapped his fingers, and everyone except him and Beano were frozen in time.Beano took the chance to dance, slice a lot of people in half with his Plasma Sword, burn them, sizzle them, melt their facial hair and then create a rube goldberg machine which would in the end throw to everyones face a Pie shaped like a trollface. Obviously, everything was created from the books, but still.Fine. Here's an idea - we lose all our special weapons, but everyone who does lose 1 are now prestige 1 or something, and we should get 1 prize.

Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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How anti-climactic is it to win a round and gain nothing but a 'congratulations, you won'? How anti-climactic to spend hours getting multiple special weapons, just to lose them in a refresh? If I lose them again, I'm going to seriously reconsider my time spent here. Would I be better off dedicating my Bionifight time to schoolwork? Or Runescape? Or a traditional RPG? I wouldn't really be all that missed by anyone but a handful of veterans anyway...Think of it this way: is it really worth my time to rebuild my current status? If not, do I have enough fun to justify playing this game anyway?NujaniiNujanii was definestrated. However, he was teleported back in and healed by his divine assistants. "Now kick their rear ends!" Armadyl needed not encourage Nujanii. Nujanii grabbed a few 2006 BIONICLE books and opened them until Vezon popped out. Nujanii grabbed the spear of fusion and used it on Khadaz-thing.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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I can't really make big decisions, so I'll just go with what iBrow chooses.JunkyardJunkyard, not being much of a bookworm, just decided to leave the fighting to his fists. He chose Ground Smash as his power.Junky charged around the room, knocking down bookshelf after bookshelf and trampling on book after book, until the room was a complete mess, then he used Ground Smash to send everything into the air.

I was the First Evo.



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IC:Kakhadaz used Instant Transmission to avoid the fusion spear, and suddenly Vezon exploded and Nujanii was in serious pain. "Just so you know, the Fusion Spear wouldn't have worked anyway. I go with Bioni-Lords mechanics, meaning that a blast from the Fusion Spear only damages me, nothing more."Kakhadaz then warped away and threw an unavoidable volley of Twilight Blasts.

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NujaniiNujanii was immediately healed. Khadaz thing could not heal himself, though. Nujanii wished he could fight just players sometimes. Nujanii summoned Krahka, who turned into Khadaz thing (or whatever it is) and began to fight with Khadaz-thing with its own powers. Nujanii was therefore saved from Khadaz-thing's attack. Nujanii let those two fight, then put the godsword in his pack and turned to Zahdak. "You brought that thing into the world. You're going to help me take it out. Or I'll get rid of you. With the power of two gods, it'd be easy to kill you. But you know more of those things than I. Therefore, I need you alive. Well, no I don't, but it'd be nice to have you alive."

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IC:"A Krakha? I defeated someone using that when I was 13," Kakhadaz said.He teleported behind Krakha and ran her through with Nikari, then willed Twilight Spikes to extend from the blade and impale her. "It'll take quite a while for you to get used to power like mine. You don't have enough time."Zadakh crossed his arms and said, "Why on earth would I want Kakhadaz defeated? He's unstoppable--not even in his strongest form right now, I might add. But if you want to attack me, go ahead. I have some other exceptionally powerful characters I can always summon."Kakhadaz then appeared behind Nujanii and dealt a flurry of slashes.

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OOC: It's not negation if the aforementioned armor prevents him from being decapitated while still taking damage. One of the functions of Bioni-Spirit armor is to prevent the human from being killed while fighting.IC:Kakhadaz was hit in the neck, taking damage, but then Nujanii felt a punch in his gut and saw a flash as Nikari was swung at lightspeed towards him. Kakhadaz then unleashed a Twilight Kamehamhe at close range, and if Nujanii dodged he would use Instant Transmission to get right next to him."We won't know until we try," Kakhadaz said with a grin. "Man, this should be good! Come on--let's see who's stronger!"

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Weird, is everyone ignoring the fact that they were all launched into the air because of a large iron beast that just entered?ICJunkyard was angry that there were people he didn't know in the arena and decided to just ram through everything that gets in his way.

I was the First Evo.



and I am a Gentleman.

Click here for awesomeness.

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A suggestion: Let people have as many special weapons (or whatever you will call them) as they want, but limit their usage to two or three a round. Thus, the weapons still exist and people are happy. However, they have to think, new players have a chance, and the weapons can be mixed and matched and so on, so forth.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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OOC: If he takes enough damage, the Spirit loses power, although after that he'll still have Goku's level of endurance. It's a very, VERY high level of damage, though.IC:Kakhadaz said, "I...don't think that 'definestrate' is a word...it's not on Wiktionary, at least."He decided to wait and let Nujanii explain what exactly he was trying to do. Meanwhile, Zadakh was being pummeled by Junkyard, but then used his extreme strength to repel him.

Edited by SSJ Pahrak
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Definestrate- A finestra is a window. Latin. Basicly defenestration is throwing out of a window.NujaniiNujanii killed off all of the arivals with a surge of fire. Except Tahu Nuva with a vahi. Nujanii took the Vahi and stuck it in his pack. He would want that later. Nujanii then turned his attention back to Khadaz-thing.

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IC:Kakhadaz saw Nujanii floating over, which sounds really, really slow, but he just stood and waited. When Nujanii threw a fireball, Kakhadaz moved just enough to dodge it, and then punched Nujanii and unleashed a Twilight Laser on contact. He smiled and said, "Something tells me you're not really trying. I suppose I can relate, since I'm still hiding my true power, but...you might want to step it up. I still outclass you at this point."

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It is really slow. Oh, and the fireball was meant to have two elements behind it- Fire and Surprise.Nujanii"Outclass? You definitely outclass me. But you don't and cannot outclass Armadyl and Saradomin. Neither are you invincible. Let's see, is THIS stepping it up?" Nujanii summoned six Toa Vakama Hordika, who all charged their rhotuka spinners to near Nova Blast levels and shot them at Khakadaz. Due to the intervention of Armadyl, each and every one of the spinners hit squarely on target. "Can you deal with nearly six Nova Blasts at once? I've excersized some pretty epic fire powers today, but nothing the equal of what my brothers just unleashed upon you.

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IC:When the blast cleared, Kakhadaz could be seen curled up defensively, with a thin shell of Twilight energy around him. He then looked up, smiled, and thrust his arms apart, causing the shell to explode and damage everything in the library. "Whew...that was a close one!" Kakhadaz said. "Still, I was really hoping for some one-on-one. Would it help if I deactivated Super Saiyan?"Zadakh also took damage, and Norscu and Amy decided to just leave.OOC: And just for clarity, Kakhadaz DID take damage--the shell just reduced it.

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I can't really make big decisions, so I'll just go with what iBrow chooses.JunkyardJunkyard, not being much of a bookworm, just decided to leave the fighting to his fists. He chose Ground Smash as his power.Junky charged around the room, knocking down bookshelf after bookshelf and trampling on book after book, until the room was a complete mess, then he used Ground Smash to send everything into the air.

lol at the comment.@Kanohi Master: Please stop referring to the new guys as "noobs"- Jl already got in trouble for that, because it was discouraging the newcomers. That attitude, constantly being dominated by veterans, and the fact that they'll have to wait a long time to catch up in special weapons has caused people to leave. I don't recall -Mau5- posting in awhile for instance.Anyway, the first change is officially going into effect - I'm instituting a "stat" system for special weapons. You can have a maximum of ten points in each category:Offense (Physical)Offense (Non-Physical)Defense (Physical)Defense (Non-Physical)SpeedWith five categories, you get 20 points to divide between these categories per weapon. Later on, you may choose to get an upgrade on the special weapon if you wish. If so, you'll be given 10 points towards upgrading. You'll be able to upgrade three times maximum, so that you have a Level 4 weapon.All special weapons must be pmed to me with their descriptions and the new statistics system for re-approval; however, you can only select three special weapons to keep. You will also be limited to using two special weapons per round.With that, we're now going to start off the new round system, since I've completely lost track of where we were - to your relief, we will not use letters. Before the games begin however, a little notice on other changes:
  • [*]Round modifiers being removed or edited will have those changes done so within a week.[*]Winning condition changes will be put in place by the end of the month.[*]Capture the Flag will be changed after I do exams, unless time provides miracles.[*]Hopefully a post listing the round winners will be made within a week.

Now, to our first new round!Round I - Bionifight (Weapons Negated Modifier)This first round using Roman Numerals has you all teleported to a Boxed Canyon in the Middle of Nowhere, where there's literally nothing that you could be possibly fighting over, except for maybe a boulder in the centre.This round also uses the Weapons Negated Modifier (any new names for it welcome), meaning you cannot use any special weapons this round. This round will last until Saturday as a possible permanent extension to three days for rounds - good luck!-ibrow

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