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Bionifight 4


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Squishy was sitting. An intense heat blasted upon him, causing him to melt away into a local kid's ice cream cone. The kid unknowingly ate him, and Squishy wound up in his large intestine. Somehow. Anyway.But a BIG BURP blasted Squishy out and flung him across the canyon. Things felt different. Somehow. Anyway.


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OOC: So, we submit a special weapon and detail how it affects our base stats? I'm a little confused for some reason...could we get an example, please?

Example:Usain Bolt:Offense (Physical): 7Offense (Non-Physical): 0Defense (Physical): 3Defense (Non-Physical): 0Speed: 10That was my special weapon from Bionifight 2, with the new stat system.-ibrow
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Okay...so it applies those boosts to our base power? Is that all they do now--no special abilities, just stat boosts? (Meaning things like my Mystic Knight Gear and Ethereal Keyblade Generator can't be used?)Also, I think I'm going to take a breif leave from Bionifight to rework Zadakh and pick some new special weapons...as soon as I get all my questions answered. :P

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OOC: Are we allowed to have 3 new special weapons and disregard our old ones? I've been wanting to do this.====Beano walked around blue base, where there lacked a mechanical body and a storage unit. Strange. Beano remembered things to be a little. Who cares. Maybe this time it will be different. He walked around Blue base, ignored the teleporter, and walked towards the middle of BG, or whatever it was called now. Hemorrhage? Meh. He found Junkyard standing there, and used his Kakama to get behind him in less than 1 second. He punched a really hard punch, gutting Junkyard.Beano: NO FROGS!

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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I don't really like the "statistic" idea. It just doesn't work well. Next thing you know our powers and weapons will be re-examined.Though I am glad that I get to choose three instead of none. I don't like most of these changes. We usually knew about how powerful our weapons are supposed to be; we really didn't need to be told. I like ToD's idea. I say we have a limit on special weapons in a modifier. For example, for one round we may have all of them, for another just two or something like that. The stats and the limits just are outside of the spirit of the game.Well, that's how I see it. Fine, I won't call the recently added members of the game noobs. NujaniiNujanii appeared. Not much else to say. He waited for someone else to hit him.

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Squishy fell asleep AGAIN and some dude was trying to EAT HIM. Marvelous, just marvelous. At least Beano saved him. Or was it Beano? Wait, who was this "Beano"? Squishy felt like his life had been completely reset not ten hours ago. So, scratch "Beano", Squishy would call this guy "Dude with beans who saved my life who I thought was named Beano for some reason but is not because his name is this from now on okay". Or, "DWBWSMLWITWNBFSRBINBHNITFNOO", for short. Deciding to thank him, Squishy made a biiiiiiiiiiiig fire-breathing, lava-spewing and all around pyromaniac flower to love and cuddle him. Or whatever it did, like crush his spinal column or snap his neck or eat his brain or-- No! These thoughts that Squishy were having... they were violent. Terribly, terribly violent. Squishy fought the urge to think them, yet they were so amazing and attractive. He wanted to stop, he wanted to stop so badly...But apparently he wanted to think them more. So he did, with crushing cackles cascading from his mouth while crusading clowns crippled camera crew men.


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Fine, I won't call the recently added members of the game noobs.

Newbs =/= Noobs.Noob: Suck and thinks is better than everyone, kind of an *******.Newb: New to the game, sucks, but willing to learn and isn't an *******.New name for weapons negated? Newbie Friendly.Beano got burnt, and his hair was singed. His non-existent hair, of course. Turning around, he shouted, "NO FROGS IN BLOOD GULCH!" loudly. Turning around, he threw a bean at Nujanii and Squishy.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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Squishy found a new name for a new person: "Annoying guy who randomly punches me in the shoulder just because he thinks he's cool or something and I seem to think his name was Nujanii but it's not because his name is this", or "AGWRPMITSJBHTHCOSAISTTHNWNBINBHNIS", for short. Then, a bean. A singular, solitary bean. It grazed Squishy's toe and looked like it bounced towards AGWRPMITSJBHTHCOSAISTTHNWNBINBHNIS' shin, but whatever. Growling at the very prospect of being attacked, nonetheless twice, Squishy started to whirl that strange, heavy ball with three equally obscure holes in the top that had appeared in his hand when he appeared in this land. Or a bowling ball, whatever you want to call it.


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JiMing found himself in the middle of nowhere with people battling each other. He knew he was supposed to fight them, and he knew he had weapons to do so."Alright, here's my first move." he said as he used his Gale Spear (he didn't know how he knew it's name) to create a tornado spinning across the area.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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The solitary bean turned into a massive beanstalk, vines whipping out, all curling around Squishy, blocking him from movement. He saw a tornado flying towards him. Using his Kakama, he jumped into it, ran in circles at massive speeds, whipping it up while not sustaining damage, and rammed into the beanstalk where Squishy was, then, as he completely ripped out the air, compressed the plants insides, he also smashed into Nujanii. As he slowed down his running, he turned towards JiMing and thanked him.

Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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I don't really like the "statistic" idea. It just doesn't work well. Next thing you know our powers and weapons will be re-examined.Though I am glad that I get to choose three instead of none.I don't like most of these changes. We usually knew about how powerful our weapons are supposed to be; we really didn't need to be told. I like ToD's idea. I say we have a limit on special weapons in a modifier. For example, for one round we may have all of them, for another just two or something like that. The stats and the limits just are outside of the spirit of the game.Well, that's how I see it.Fine, I won't call the recently added members of the game noobs.NujaniiNujanii appeared. Not much else to say. He waited for someone else to hit him.

The stats, as I stated in the post, allow you to upgrade special weapons if you want to, instead of just getting new ones all the time.A few players have actually made special weapons designed for upgrading, which is why I decided to just do this. Plus, more detail.-ibrow
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I had acually considered getting upgrades for my special weapons before others did so, but I had only intended to give them extra powers. Like giving my VR the ability to double my health in bossfights. Speaking of which, I want you to promise me that, regardless of the future, I can fight the next boss with ALL of my special weapons, powers and weapons.More detail is not better. In fact, it's often outside of the spirit of the game.NujaniiNujanii ducked a bowling ball, then rammed into Beano.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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Beano got rammed into - he fell into a cave. He got a handful of water from the cave, ran out, and splashed it on Nujanii. Then, he created a beanstalk to grip him and hold him in with limited air. Then, he got more water and poured it in a small opening, which closed later. Nujanii then had nothing to breath and nothing to see.

More detail is not better. In fact, it's often outside of the spirit of the game.

It is when you have everything planned out such that if somebody decides TL;DR, they die.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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OOC: I know dat. And I believe I know the next boss. Actually, I'm not sure, but a certain Premier Reporter is currently viewing. Dunno why. :|Beano continued using his Kakama to land some hits. Meanwhile, bean plants grew underneath the ground, ready to fight a 6hands vs 2. And plus, the Arthron couldn't sense stuff underground.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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I had acually considered getting upgrades for my special weapons before others did so, but I had only intended to give them extra powers. Like giving my VR the ability to double my health in bossfights. Speaking of which, I want you to promise me that, regardless of the future, I can fight the next boss with ALL of my special weapons, powers and weapons.More detail is not better. In fact, it's often outside of the spirit of the game.

I have to agree with this. For special weapon upgrades, just let us broaden the power range. For example, the Reignbringer would gain the ability to control stone and grow to massive proportions.And don't make it a modifier, make it something that's always constant (except for maybe bossfights). Have as many weapons as we want, but we can only use two or three per round.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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I already said you can only use two special weapons per round. :PYou guys seem split on the Special Weapons issue; since MoC1 is co-host, I'll check and see his thoughts on it. I did this because people have wanted to upgrade, and this allows me to have a bit of an easier time watching the game.As for the Boss Battle, I make no promises. And I have two people I'm considering for the boss- I'm not sure how happy you guys will be if I choose one, but I think I'd enjoy it. :PAs for detail being bad, I don't see how; I'm not saying you have to begin describing your actions so much that they become the next book in Lord of the Rings, but one-liner posts often don't add much. The special weapons stats are a way for me to begin limiting the number of special weapons people have; instead of having seven or eight special weapons, you might have three or four very powerful special weapons, which is easier for me to keep track of.I'm also considering handing out special weapons designed by myself again, as I have ideas of "sets" that would have bonuses when used together.-ibrow

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ICJunkyard took the hit like a MAN. Well, not really a MAN but a ROBOT, because he didn't know what a MAN was anyway. Anywho, Junky took the hit and retaliated, smashing the guy with the beans into the ground.EDIT: OOC: I am going with my idea, weak special weapons for newbies to upgrade by winning rounds.

Edited by The First Evo

I was the First Evo.



and I am a Gentleman.

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What the, 1 member and 45 guests viewing? :OOOAnyways, how about when we win, we can trade off new special weapon/upgrade for a game where we can use ALL our special weapons. While that gives you an advantage, everyone is also targeting you, so its a fun compromise.

That sounds like a good idea- it does need refining, but could work as a reward.As for newcomers getting weaker special weapons... I guess that could also work in the future with the new stats; a special weapon with a limit of ten points to spread between the stats instead of a twenty point limit. -ibrowEDIT: SSJ you ninja you. Argh.Anyhoof, good ideas.Also, I don't know if you guys have noticed, but the Tag Team and iBrow modifiers no longer exist. I think I removed Bounty Hunter too. Edited by iBrony
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Like I said, just let the powers be expanded every time. Maybe limit all special weapons to one power, to be upgraded to two, then three, along with upgraded offensive/defensive capablities.

Edited by Toa of Dancing

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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I say we need no stats. THe special weapons are (or were) fine. The issue is that, while ToD, BZPP and I have five special weapons, a new player (see, I can abstain from the term "noob") would have none. What we need is a modifier where we limit the numbers of special weapons that may be used in that round. Furthermore, I want the modifier to be an inconsistent thing. Some times no special weapons, somethimes few, sometimes many, occasionally all. I do thing though that we ought to have most of the time around 2-4 special weapons only. I think it should be our choice to have many weak special weapons or a few powerful ones. We need no stats; we have a general idea of how powerful our sw's are anyway.NujaniiNujanii hit the next person to post IC with a conveniently placed sign.

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@Nujanii, what you don't understand is with stats, we have far more powers. Upgrade them, we get more and more powers that soon we can have control of over 3 elements. Also, Noob does not equal to a new player, although the community thinks so. I also like stats because instead of simply trying to dominate, we have more things to get, such as...better stats.====Unfortunately, no one used IC yet so Beano summoned a M.O.A.B, AKA Massive Ordnance Aerial Bean, to strike everyone on the battlefield.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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Ah, but you see, with the stats, we get control of an element or mask power or something and as we get better stats that power's strength is increased. However, with the previous system, we don't upgrade the strength of the powers (Unless otherwise stated) but instead increase the range of powers, with an unlimited (within reason) number of upgrades, since the new abilities don't increase the strength of those already there.NujaniiNujanii had posted in character. Beano must not have been paying attention. Nujanii burned the MOAB and then hit Beano with the CPS again.

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"Whatever."He then used his Earthshaker to try and knock him off balance, and blast a tornado at him with his Gale Spear."If only I could decide what my stats on my special weapon could be....."

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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