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Bionifight 4


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NujaniiNujanii flew into the air to avoid the earthquake, but was thrown down again due to the wind. Nujanii was seized by.. plants? Nujanii then was forced to use his Kakama to block a rapid series of punches. Eventually Nujanii managed to burn the stalks without having a hit land on him. Well almost, Beano landed a few, but that's not something Nujanii was about to tell his matoran freinds back home. Nujanii then drew and ignited both daggers. "Shall we restart, you two?" Nujanii faced both at once, fully confident in his capabilities.

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Like I said, just let the powers be expanded every time. Maybe limit all special weapons to one power, to be upgraded to two, then three, along with upgraded offensive/defensive capablities.

That would require me telling you all to get rid of most of your current special weapons, however; this is where you're going to lose kanohi_master as an ally, since he's been fighting to just keep all of his special weapons, and keep them how they are. If you want, we can do the one power thing instead. The levels would still work for this. However, think about the stats for a moment: sure, you might not like them now, but think of it if you end up with say three special weapons completely maxed out- that shows you are an exceptional Bionifight player when put next to someone who has three special weapons not leveled up at all.

Everyone has special weapons, the older players have 3, since we have already seen Kanohi-master raging so much.Beano was smashed into the ground, but sprang back up, and used a beanwhip to whip Junkyard.

Newcomers still have to earn special weapons by winning rounds- however, now they won't be completely destroyed while trying to do so.
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I will now summarise my views.1) I want to keep my special weapons and keep them as they are. I want the old system of special weapons that we've had since Bionifight 2. Maybe earlier, I don't know. It has worked just fine.2) I want a "Limit X special weapons" modifier. Usually this would be either at 2 or at the number of special weapons the guy with the least special weapons has. Keep in mind that eventually we'll have a full list of Bionifighters and we won't have an inflow of inexperienced recently joining participants. Eventually, the guy with the least special weapons will begin to mean higher and higher numbers. Maybe some day soon we'll have a full list and everyone will have at least two. Until then, we may likely be constantly reworking the system.3) I want to have all of my special weapons for at least half of the Bionifight Boss Fights.4) I want tag team back5) I want the players to be able to have as many weapons as they can win or as many updates (within reason) as they can win. They should distribute their winnings as they see fit. Now, keep in mind that iBrow (or any future host) will have to approve any new special weapon or upgrade. And guys, we're all (I hope) mature. I think we are able to keep our special weapons in a certain power range. If someone tries to get complete invincibility to melee attacks through an unbreakable suit of armor that covers every square milimeter of his body and is immune to a jutlin, let's be honest. iBrow simply won't approve it. The system works.Now, I'm willing to compromise on these points, but not to a great extent.Just so you all know, I'm willing to lose two special weapons as long as I can earn them back in future and 1) Be able to some times use all of my special weapons2) Have no limits on how many special weapons you can have3) design my own special weaponsI have two special weapons planned and three more still being worked on. So I want to have a total of ten special weapons. Yes, I won't be able to cart ten special weapons into battle every time, but I want to have all available (be able to choose from ten) and sometimes (though it may be rarely) use all of them. I want to get ten before I start to update them. That's my goal. A limit on how many special weapons that is sometimes (if mostly) there I can live with. What I really want, though, is to have ten special weapons while facing a boss. If I have to give up a few now and re-earn them, I can go along with that.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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I will now summarise my views.1) I want to keep my special weapons and keep them as they are. I want the old system of special weapons that we've had since Bionifight 2. Maybe earlier, I don't know. It has worked just fine.2) I want a "Limit X special weapons" modifier. Usually this would be either at 2 or at the number of special weapons the guy with the least special weapons has. Keep in mind that eventually we'll have a full list of Bionifighters and we won't have an inflow of inexperienced recently joining participants. Eventually, the guy with the least special weapons will begin to mean higher and higher numbers. Maybe some day soon we'll have a full list and everyone will have at least two. Until then, we may likely be constantly reworking the system.Could work, or just make it a constant no matter what, with an exception modifier for when we get more.3) I want to have all of my special weapons for at least half of the Bionifight Boss Fights.4) I want tag team back5) I want the players to be able to have as many weapons as they can win or as many updates (within reason) as they can win. They should distribute their winnings as they see fit. Now, keep in mind that iBrow (or any future host) will have to approve any new special weapon or upgrade. And guys, we're all (I hope) mature. I think we are able to keep our special weapons in a certain power range. If someone tries to get complete invincibility to melee attacks through an unbreakable suit of armor that covers every square milimeter of his body and is immune to a jutlin, let's be honest. iBrow simply won't approve it. The system works.Now, I'm willing to compromise on these points, but not to a great extent.

My views and comment.But seriously, stats bog things down. Stats are for RPGs or serious fighting games. This isn't an RPG. This isn't within any realm of reason as a fighting game. It's for fun. Maybe we should just make it basics, with no special weapons. Iunno.

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I knew things weren't going to go as planned; as such, I am open to ideas- ToD's idea for special weapons with one power (and then being upgraded via levels; in this case, I'd probably increase it to five or six levels. Maybe eight.) and then upgrading them that way sounds good. So now feedback on that; if it goes through, then all special weapons must be re-worked.I'm sticking with the limit of two special weapons per round. As for Boss Battles, there's no reason you need all of your special weapons to take down a boss, as evidenced with Sumiki. The point of boss battles is that you cannot take them on 1 vs 1; you need to work together. Maybe I'll have a modifier that allows you two more in the future, but not for now.Tag team is gone. Players had to be teamed with players that weren't active, and for whatever reason, every single tag team round that I have hosted/played in has seen a significant decrease in posts. That is why it is not coming back.Not sure what you mean by "distributing" winnings- however, keep in mind that I do not have to award a special weapon every round- it says so right in the rules of the game in the first post that a winner won't necessarily be awarded a special weapon. Special weapons are going to become just that- special. Now, I'm not saying "paragraphs in each post, extreme detail, lots of comedy, etc." to win a special weapon, but they won't be awarded as much as they have been up to now.-ibrow

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So can we keep all our weapons, just rework them to fit the new rules?ToD yawned as he sat somewhere like a canyon on something like a boulder. Or was that actually exactly where he was? Ah, indeed it was... Great. He yawned again before flicking his wrist. Air tried and failed to make a wall around him. Rolling his eyes, he muttered, "Gah, it's bloody hard to keep powers straight..."Then, with another flick, he was surrounded by his flags, a dome of ice, and then a dome of fire. He was promptly deluged with water, as the ice had melted. Sighed, he dried it all and just kept the fire and flags.

Edited by Toa of Dancing

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We don't have to have special weapons with one power; we've been able to keep our special weapons within a reasonable power range before and besides, you have to approve everything. I want to keep special weapons as they have been, with upgrades if chosen.I have come to terms with losing a special weapon or two. I really don't care that much about tag team. But I don't want to have only two special weapons per round every round. I want it to change somewhat. This would make a great modifier. We don't need to rework special weapons, we need a limit on how many may be used per round because some people have fewer special weapons than others. And I understand that the winner of each round will not be guaranteed a SW. I can accept that. I don't want the special weapons to be overly analyzed. These are special weapons. They were designed to be rediculously powerful weapons. It's how it has been since Bionifight 1. I think. But in any case, I ask you,Why should we change the special weapon system?I want a wide array of special weapons that I may choose from at the beginning of each round. I want a different number of special weapons allowed each round. I want the occasional round where I can use all of my special weapons just for the fun of using them all in one round. I want to keep the essence of the special weapon as what it has been. If we do "one power per special weapon" it's not going to be special. We might as well award new power slots.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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I like the new system, because.1. Nobody said we can't have infinite special weapons. We just have to regain it, and, Kanohi_master, if you think you can't do it, then....do you think you're weak?2. A more even playing field, except that the better you are, the better things you are granted. For example, I have a special weapon which gives me slight control of electricity in a 2 meter radius. I play more, win more, upgrade more, and bam! This weapon now grants me Extremely controlled power of Electricity, more powerful than a Toa. The better you are, the more things you are granted.3. We have something to strive for. We are now trying to max out every single weapon we have, and the gameplay will be much more competitive, and more people will post.As you can see, Its more of an upgrade of the previous system - playing field is more even, its more competitive(therefore, active) and good players have good items, while bad players have badder weapons.Kanohi_Master, if you think its dumb to win everything again, remember than everyone else has to too.Beano sent a MOAB at both Nujanii and JiMing, this time continuing his stream of elemental power to ensure that fire will only allow more damage, as it will not be burned into crisps.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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No, I am reconciled to the idea of having to regain a few special weapons, but the devaluation of the special weapons make them less special. And besides, some times some of us really don't have time to be active and all that. If you want to level the playing field, fine. Everyone starts over. We re-win our special weapons, but the special weapons we win don't change. For example, I have the PSJS. It negates much physical damage and all lightning damage. Under your new system, it would be a level 2 weapon. level 1 to get physical damage negated and level 2 to get lightning negated. So in essence I'd have a devalued set of weapons to play for. These were made to be ridiculously powerful. Not just extra abilities that you need a bunch of victories to make effective. This is outside the spirit of the game.I just read through a few posts of Bionifight 2. I went to a random page (page 7, actually) and read a battle I remember but cannot replicate the like of. The game has changed, let's fix it. Good quotes first. Keeping special weapons special next.NujaniiNujanii ran at ToD, casting a wall of fire around himself as he did so to negate bean attacks. Nujanii drew his daggers and said, "Well, it's been a while since I have fought you. I rather missed you." Nujanii ignited his daggers. "Shall we resume?"

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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For example, I have the PSJS. It negates much physical damage and all lightning damage. Under your new system, it would be a level 2 weapon. level 1 to get physical damage negated and level 2 to get lightning negated. So in essence I'd have a devalued set of weapons to play for.

I don't think so. Let it negate the physical damage and lightning - then, once you level it up, increase the power. After all, there are some things which can't be negated.Beano used a beanplant to spring high above Nujanii, and used his Kakama to essentially create a tornado spin. As Nujanii neared ToD, he dropped, and used his spinning to kick both of them lots of times, although he did get slightly burned, but the speed lowered the time which he felt the pain. Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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Both hit a solid wall of flag after charging through the fire. ToD lifted his head from the boulder, blinking sleepily. "Eh? Who's there? Nujanii> Is that bloody you, lad? Been a few weeks. Alright well, let's get this bleedin' party started lads!"He caused and explosion of fire, followed by his flags aiming to completely pummel Nujanii and Beano into the ground. A massive block of ice with an awesome face carved into it fell on them, too. 'Course, ToD was also under it, and thus squished himself.

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Beano's beans caught the fire and explosions, and then melted the ice, preventing Beano from getting squished. Creating a sword around the size of a Spatha, he stabbed through the ice, its long range provided reaching straight past the solid and cutting up ToD, who was trapped from his own ice.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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SSJ, I see no need for the new system. Let it be discussed as a possible improvement, not as a fix to a problem. I say we get the Toa level powers right off. Special weapons were made to be ridiculously powerful. I see no reason why they ought not to be.ToD, I'm not going to negate your fire, because negating attacks isn't nice. However, you can't use special weapons right now.NujaniiNujanii absorbed the fire and melted the ice. Nujanii knocked flags aside and kicked ToD in the face. "Faith, I thought ye were never to rise again. But glad am I to know that I was wrong in that regard! Look thou to thy defense!"

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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Ice is gone. I melted it. All of it.NujaniiThe bean didn't hurt; it is just a bean, after all. Nujanii was reminded of Beano's existance through it though. Nujanii torched Beano. He then returned his attention to ToD. "Well, old friend, let's give these new participants a battle to read of!"

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The new special weapons can still be ridiculously powerful, even before being upgraded--I've already had two very useful ones approved by iBrony. I actually think it's nice that we'll have a limited number of special weapon slots--it forces us to really refine each idea into a more complete weapon (which is why it's taking me so long to think of a third). And if you still think the new special weapon system is too restrictive, you could always rework your Bionifighters powers like I'm going to.Also, an idea: what if we had a modifier that rewound all our upgraded special weapons back to Lv. 1? Might be a problem if no one keeps track of their weapons' Lv. 1 stats, but...just an idea.

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It'd be interesting to "borrow" a special weapon.NujaniiNujanii took the hit (because although he could have easily dodged it, attack negating is a no-no). "Well, since ToD isn't responding, I'll fight you for the time being." Said Nujanii, dropping the middle-english accent. Nujanii grabbed a conveniently placed sign and whacked Beano over the head.

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Kanohi Master, your overall argument agains the new system is reaelly starting to sound like "I don't want to change anything, so don't"- Jl likes the new system, SSJ likes the new system, ToD has suggested improvements/other ideas, and you haven't offered anything.I changed it because I'm having a hard time keeping track of everything within Bionifight, simply because of the lack of structure; that's why I'm adding a little more structure. Things can't always be the same.With this system, it's also easier for me to do what I've wanted to do for awhile- Special Weapon Sets. You could save up victories for different sets- a two-weapon set would be two victories. No way you could get them otherwise, and besides the weapons themselves being special, bonuses would come from having two of a set together.Round will end later tonight guys. And I guess I'll give you a hint towards who the next boss is: the member's name has the letter "b" in it.-ibrow

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I'm used to change, and I'm all for having stats as it would work with everyone getting at least 1 special weapon, even if it is a weak starter "Sharp Stick", because you will be able to turn a weak weapon into a killing machine by winning rounds.EDIT: Is the boss by any chance iBrow, iBrow?

Edited by The First Evo

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Black SixAnd I have suggested an idea- keep it as is mostly. That was your origional idea too, as I recall. You just wanted a reboot so that new players could catch up. I have suggested an alternative, so don't label me a noncontributive change hating unhelpful bum. I have offered a contrary opinion. That is all.I have offered an improvement to a problem as well, however. I have suggested a "special weapons limit." One that can change from round to round. If you disagree, fine. You have a right to. However, I view it as an improvement. Therefore, Not only have I offered something, I've offered an alternative AND an improvement. For a "special weapons limit" could work (I think) with your new system as well as with the old.I have not had the lack of structure bother me. What are you having trouble keeping track of? If it's the special weapons, then you don't need to keep track of them. That is the responsibility of the players. And I see the lack of structure as a thing that sets this game apart. It helps define it.Special weapons sets- great. Sounds good. One thing though. You could easily modify that idea to fit the old system.I resist some changes because I dislike them. I support other changes because I like them. If you offered me a ton of changes I didn't like and if I rejected each, you can't call me change-resistant. I simply disagree with you and am not afraid to speak up about it. I'm also used to change. I have had good changes, bad changes, and changes that I am apathetic about.If I'm just going to be plain outvoted, then I simply can't do anything about it. However, having made my opinions clear now, I can complain of the new system without being hypocritical. Not that I'm going to complain too much. That would not be nice.

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How long is it to boss fight? I'd love to experience my first. Please be on a weekend, then I'll get the full joy from it.IC JunkyardJunkyard used GROUND SMASH!It's super effective!(end reference)Junkyard started ramming into the boulder that ToD was perched on, and occasionally punched it with Ground Smash.

I was the First Evo.



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lol no it's not Black Six. He doesn't have the time to play in a game. :PNot Brickeens either, or iBrow.I guess it's time for Round 2 to begin so yes, 8 rounds. However, keep in mind that rounds are now three days long.Round I Over.The winner this round is The First Evo, who has a unique way of playing Bionifight that was enjoyable to read. Not that I want people to copy him, cuz that would be dumb. Anyway. You can either design a special weapon (with the new stats) for me to approve via pm, or hold out for a Special Weapon set and earn a victory point instead.Round II: Bionifight (Regular)This round you all discover that you are in nothingness. Which means you're pretty much floating. There are four wide stone platforms that have gravity however, so you might want to get on them. Or you might not, who knows. Good luck, and remember you can only use 2 special weapons.-ibrow

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I'll design a special weapon soon. Haven't been optimistic enough to plan a special weapon in case I won. xDMy fighting style is "Tank". Junkyard is the kind of character you'd see hugging a rabbit, accidentally squishing the life out of it and getting angry and smashing the person round the face when they steal or hurt the animal.IC JunkyardJunkyard floated around for a bit. Then got bored. He floated over to the frog and grabbed him, squeezing it until the beans flew out of his mouth and nose. Junkyard slammed the frog onto a platform afterwards. Then Junky attempted to ram, but realised he had nothing under his feet, so gave up and sat down in midair."This is boring."

Edited by The First Evo

I was the First Evo.



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IC JunkyardUnfortunately for Beano, the hits weren't as powerful with essentially a big hunk of metal, although they did cause a few dents which made Junky angry.He grabbed Beano with both hands and shoved him into Junky's open mouth. Holding Beano by the waist in his jaw, Junkyard smashed a stone platform and held the two pieces at his sides, ready to attack.

I was the First Evo.



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OOC: New character file and special weapons put in my profile post in case anyone wants to go read it.IC:Suddenly, there was something in the nothing: a large, spherical black portal that one might recognize as a gateway to the Void. A figure slowly walked out of the portal and floated in front of it for all to see--it was Exo-Zadakh, with Chaos Reaper in one hand, but now he wore what appeared to be stained glass armor and had a different air about him.Zadakh looked around, seeing the other fighters, and said, "Yep, this is the place. Come on out!"Another figure stepped through the portal--this one appearing to be a life-size Mewtwo plushie--and it floated behind Zadakh with a less-then-impressed look. The portal closed, and Zadakh turned back towards the other fighters and laughed. At the end of the round in the library, some strange force had thrown him and his characters into the Void, and ended up in a world where time flowed differently. He decided to take advantage of this, training for years with Kakhadaz and developing new powers and weapons.Holding up Reaper, Zadakh said, "It's good to be back."Zadakh swung the Keyblade and unleashed a massive energy shockwave towards Beano and Junkyard, cleaving one of the platforms in two in the process.

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IC:Zadakh took the hit, but it didn't do much, and JiMing was suddenly immobilized. Mr. Mewtwo's eyes were lit up and it was pointing at JiMing, and Zadakh went up to his foe and swung Chaos Reaper with all his strength."What, no witty comment? That's the best part of battles!"

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