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Bionifight 4


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IC:Zadakh mimiced the powers of JiMing's Gale Spear and created another tornado inside the fire tornado to counteract it, and then he made millions of spikes rain down on JiMing while Mr. Mewtwo used Psybeam."I guess they're just not talkative today."

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NujaniiNujanii teleported into...Where was he?Nujanii looked around. Few floating rocks. Few Bionifighters attempting to beat each other up. Or worse. Nothing much else. Except him of course. Nujanii was very important to himself. Nujanii looked about and realized that he was falling. Not that there was anywhere to fall to. Nujanii activated his jetpacks and flew up once more. Nujanii sent a small fireball at the next person to post.

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Just so you know, I was cut in half once. At least, that's what ToD tells me.NujaniiNujanii had forgotten about Mr. Mewtwo. Nujanii was not defenseless. His Arthron allowed him to locate Mr . Mewtwo. His fire powers set mr m2 off balance. Nujanii, free again, kicked Zahdak. He then activated his light saber's laser blade. He then attempted to slash Zahdak in half.

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IC JunkyardJunkyard wasn't picky about what he ate, so the beans tasted nice, until he spit Beano out after his throat was tickled. Junky smashed Beano in the head with half a stone platform."GET IN MY STOMAAACH!"

Edited by The First Evo

I was the First Evo.



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IC JunkyardM2 was eaten quite happily. Then Junky was thrown into an iron cage. Nujanii forgot one thing, Junkyard could control iron too. He pulled out the bars, one by one and smashed the iron roof into the air. He then used the bars to make a single thick staff of iron and whacked Nujanii in the face with it.

I was the First Evo.



and I am a Gentleman.

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NujaniiNujanii could have chosen to dodge the staff.But he did not. Instead, he took the hit. As the staff whacked him horizontally across the face, Nujanii turned, using the force of the staff's strike to speed his turn. Nujanii twirled, then stabbed Junky with his laser blade. He then kicked Junky in the face and melted the iron staff.

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IC:Nujanii tried to use his Arthron to locate Mr. Mewtwo, but Mr. Mewtwo is compltely undetectable by any means, so he was not able to. Still, the Pokeplushie was grabbed by Beano and thrown into Junkyard, but it soon used its psychic powers to pry open Junkyard's mouth and step out. He had sustained some damage, but he quickly healed as he said, "Disgusting creatures..."Zadakh raised his hands and sent a wall of energy shuriken with no holes at Nujanii, while another came at him from behind, and Mr. Mewtwo used his powers to telekinetically throw Junkyard into Beano.

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I'm not doing too badly with only 1 special weapon. I might not pull out another...NujaniiNujanii quickly assessed the situation. He used his lightsaber to raise Iron walls around him. They were completely smooth, therefore acting as a mirror. Nujanii had seen this done in a comic, but wasn't sure if it would work in Bionifight.

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IC:The iron walls were able to stop the shuriken walls, but they didn't reflect them--the shuriken continued to grind against the iron, trying to break through. Nujanii then felt a powerful psychic attack, and Zadakh came up to the iron wall and punched a hole in it, unleashing a massive energy beam on Nujanii."I'm not going to let you win anymore, Nujanii," Zadakh said, pulling his hand back out of the wall.

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Nujanii"You never let me win." Nujanii ducked the beam. "I just did it on my own." Nujanii patched the hole in the iron. "Though, due to mr mewtwo, you are no longer on my list of "favorite people to fight. Now it only contains Nidh, Shadok, Vert--" Then Nujanii's iron wall was destroyed and he was knocked out by the attack. Nujanii began falling.

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IC:Zadakh would smile if he had a mouth. "I guess I'm not a favorite now that I'm beating you. At least it's working. I made sure Mr. Mewtwo had the ability to avoid being detected by your Arthron, and his psychic powers can't simply be dodged by your Kakama speed. You're quite powerful, Nujanii...I had to make sure I could beat you."He held his hands together and charged up energy, and then he fired a massive beam of energy.

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Actually, it's not whether you beat me or not, it's your fighting style. You've changed your character and special weapons. I'm essentially fighting someone new. This isn't always a bad thing. I enjoyed fighting Cuer and Toa Makuta, for example. BZPP is less fun than TM and Cuer, though that's not the point.NujaniiNujanii and ToD had one peculiar special ability in common- sleep-based luck. Nujanii, without waking managed to right himself and fly quickly over the beam. And, being asleep, the psycic powers wouldn't bother him too much. "smurgle... murf... borg.. gurgle..." (Obscure reference)

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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IC:Mr. Mewtwo used a little move called Dream Eater that does wonders against sleeping opponents, and then Zadakh summoned Sanok-wearing Toa, copied their accuracy powers, and sent out a multitude of homing energy blasts."Hey, aren't you going to use me anymore?" Reaper asked."We'll get to that."

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NujaniiNujanii did some fantastic dodging. However, even while alseep, Nujanii could not dodge everything. Dream Eater finally woke Nujanii. Nujanii faced Zahdak. "You've changed. You're not the vahki I fought before. You're now simply a machine made to defeat me. There's one thing though." Nujanii blasted the Sanok wearing toa with iron, spontaneously killing all. "You had better not get overconfident. You've seen all I can do, right? WRONG!"

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OOC: I'm pretty sure it's impossible to dodge an attack backed by the power of the Sanok...IC:"I'm definitely not the same person I used to be, but I'm not what you think I am," Zadakh said. "I'm no simple war machine--no soulless weapon with the sole purpose of sending you to the grave, I am the one who will become known as the ultimate warrior. I am the one who will defeat ALL who stand in his way. I am the Last of the Vahki, the Warrior Toa, the Otaku Keybearer! I am he who should not exist, wanderer of the Void..."Zadakh reared back and shouted, "I AM EXO-ZADAKH!!"A powerful surge of energy radiated out from Zadakh in every direction.

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NujaniiNujanii anticipated Zahdak and did something unexpected. Nujanii hit himself with a shielding kanoka. Nujanii, completely unaffected. "When I said that I meant-- never mind. Now I should say something epic back before the kanoka wears off... um... Oh I know! *cough* And I am Nujanii, Kanohi master, kanoka sniper, lord of heat and flame, last practitioner of Nutajaka! I am not destined to be defeated by you, mechanical scum!"Nujanii hit himself with a level 8 shielding kanoka, level 8 strength kanoka, and a level 8 speed kanoka. Nujanii then threw a weakening kanoka from ko-metru, level 8, at Zahdak, yelling, "I AM NUJANII!!!"

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IC:Zadakh held up one finger and said, "Biomechanical."The disk stopped a few inches from Zadakh's face--he had mimicked Mr. Mewtwo's psychic powers to stop it. The disk was then destroyed by an energy beam, and Mr. Mewtwo...oh, wait, he was damaged by the blast and was regenerating. "Incompetent," the plushie grumbled."Also," Zadakh said, "start spelling my name right. Seriously. It's quite rude, and soon I'll have to get serious about it."

Edited by SSJ Pahrak
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After fully recovering from Zadakh's spike attack, JiMing was back in action."Er, um...... I'm a Ta-Matoran I guess? But I can still beat you two senseless."He used Icestorm on them, freezing both Zadakh and Nujanii solid.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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IC:Zadakh was frozen, but Mr. Mewtwo now had JiMing in the grip of a powerful psychic attack. Meanwhile, Zadakh summoned some Kualsi-wearing Fire Toa to defrost him, and then he jumped down to the immobilized JiMing and swung Chaos Reaper at him."Don't be too sure."

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OOC: If you're paralyzed by psychic powers, I'm not entirely convinced that you can do your attack...IC:Glass shards shot out of the smoke at JiMing, and even if he was able to stop those Zadakh created an energy explosion behind JiMing."Depends on what you mean."

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OOC: The Celestial Brush is mentally activated, and it stops time when I am using it.IC: He did indeed use Power Slash to deflect the glass shards back at Zadakh, but he did not anticipate the explosion.Sent flying, he did a crouching movement to land on his feet."You seem kind of grim and serious, I remember when you tried to kill me when I destroyed your sand castle, good times."

Edited by JiMing

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IC:The reflected glass cut Zadakh's face, and Mr. Mewtwo used Psybeam to hopefully send JiMing reeling."Yes, I remember...but I've grown up. The Zadakh you remember was goofy and untrained, and after spending so many years training with Kakhadaz I've changed. I'm much stronger now."Hm...how am I going to counter that Brush...

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Mr Mewtwo is a bit overpowered. I think it'd be right for it to be only invisible or something.NujaniiNujanii melted his way out of the ice, with assistance from the strenght kanoka. He then blasted Zadak in the back with a fire blast. "I trained for six months during the Great Downtime with greater result than you have shown." Nujanii summoned his Virtus robes (finally) and used his laser blade to slash Zadak in half. "You were more fun while you were more 'goofy and untrained.'"

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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"I liked that Zadakh better."JiMing used Thunderbolt to strike Psybeam head-on, effectively countering it.He then used Power Slash on Zadakh, following up with Fireburst.

Edited by JiMing

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OOC: Mr. Mewtwo was approved by iBrow, so...He can be seen, but sight is the only way to know where he is.IC:Zadakh was hit with the fire bolt, but then he focused his power into his arms to help defend against the two slashes. "Heh heh...I really don't care what you think of me."The Fireburst had little effect on Zadakh, who had copied the fire resistance of the Toa he had summoned, and he used another radial attack to repel both of his foes before Kualsi-jumping behind JiMing and slashing, unleashing an energy shockwave that would hopefully find its way to Nujanii. Meanwhile, Mr. Mewtwo unleashed psychic attacks on both of them.

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JiMing Power Slashed Zadakh before he could hit him, and then used Thunderbolt when Zadakh was knocked away."Just giving my two cents." he said, before he used Fireburst on Mr. Mewtwo.

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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IC:While JiMing was making his comment, Zadakh created another energy explosion in his general area, and then he warped down and used a furious blade combo, trying to either slash JiMing or force him back into the glass shards that had appeared around him."Meh."

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