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IC:While JiMing was assaulting Zadakh, Mr. Mewtwo snuck up behind him and used Confuse Ray, disorienting JiMing's thoughts. As the Fire Toa melted Zadakh, he said, "Hopefully that leaves you too confused to mentally activate your Brush."He then unleashed a massive energy beam at close-range.

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NujaniiNujanii ducked a shockwave. However this caused him to lose alititude. He was hit by the phycic attacks, though. Nujanii flew up into Zadakh's face and yelled, "I DON'T KNOW YOU ANYMORE!!!"Nujanii then hit Zadakh in the face with a weakening disk and chopped Zadakh in half with his light saber's laser blade.

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JiMing may have been too confused to use the Celestial Brush, but he was still able to use his Glove of Fire to uppercut Zadakh, and summon a tornado with his Gale Spear.Don't worry, the confusion will wear off after a while.....

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IC:Since Nujanii waited to talk before attacking, Zadakh was able to Kualsi-jump out of the way and unleash another energy beam. "That's the idea."He was hit by JiMing's attacks, but then he rained glass shards down on JiMing while Mr. Mewtwo focused a continuous Psybeam on him.

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Attack negation. Bad Pahrak, bad. Never negate an attack. Well, there are times, but those are RARE. BAD PAHRAK.:PNujaniiNujanii turned to JiMing, saying, "You know he's using fire immunity powers, right?" Nujanii then impaled Zahdak's upper half on an iron spear.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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OOC: Wait, what did I negate? I recall dodging...IC:Mr. Mewtwo Psybeamed JiMing, and Zadakh was pummeled and Kualsi-jumped away. Sending away his old army, Zadakh summoned a bunch of Toa with the Mask of Healing to heal him, and then he used a massive energy wave to blast virtually the entire field. Zadakh then reattached his head and said, "Better."

Edited by SSJ Pahrak
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When he was hit by the Psybeam, he was knocked out of confusion.He then noticed the energy blast, so he used his Gale Spear to launch himself in the air, and summoned a cushion of air to soften his fall.

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The pillar of energy knocked JiMing upwards, but he used his Gale Spear to summon a cushion of air to slow his fall.He then dropped two Cherry Bombs on Zadakh's head."Nice, but I hardly think that's the worst you could do to me. And that wasn't the worst I could do to you, either."

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IC:Zadakh shrugged, and then JiMing was immobilized by Mr. Mewtwo's powers, although Mr. Mewtwo was sure to stay far away to avoid being slashed.His Brush is a real nusiance...confusing him might not work again, but the only other way would be to take his Brush, and I sure don't want to do that...Zadakh sent up a powerful barrage of energy attacks before Kualsi-jumping behind JiMing and swinging Reaper. He exepcted to be slashed, but whatever.

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Zadakh wasn't slashed, he was Cherry Bombed instead.And distance didn't really matter, he could still see Mr. Mewtwo and Power Slashed him.He then pummeled Zadakh with his Earthshaker multiple times.OOC: The brush is not a physical object, so I'm not sure you could steal it anyways.

Edited by JiMing

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OOC: Wasn't going to, but that's good to know.IC:Zadakh may have been bombed, but he still slashed. After being pummeled, he retreated a bit and laughed, "Heh heh...not bad at all."He then rushed at JiMing...and disappeared. Turns out there was a Light Toa on the field, and Zadakh had made himself invisible while sending an afterimage to distract JiMing. Zadakh got behind JiMing, entangled him in energy chains, and focused all of his power into a knee attack, and then he used his glass powers to extend a spike from his knee into JiMing's back.

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He used Power Slash to slice off the sharp part of the glass, lessening the damage. He then used Icestorm to freeze Zadakh."Entangle me in energy chains, is that really all you could come up with?

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OOC: In the anime, the attacks are physical, so I'm treating the attacks as such. Plus, you never want me to be able to attack, because you just LOVE beating "noobs". I've noticed that you always attack me and argue against me at every point. In short, you despise new players, and are best buddies with the veterans.IC: When Beano punched JiMing, he was launched backwards. Angry, he used Icestorm to prevent Beano from moving, so that he could use Thunderbolt on him, and then have a Cherry Bomb blow up in Beano's face.

Edited by JiMing

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Oh no, I can't tell you you're wrong in something because If I do, and very 1 sided, and I hate noobs, and stuff, blah blah blah, and I like owning new players. Is that what you think? Ahhh....No. You weren't displaying any 'nooby' personalities until that post. I found you doing wrong things, so I tried to correct you. I thought you were a good player, until I realized that you are just like the majority of video gamers.Arrogant Fool.And before you ask, I dislike new players. Usually after the first thing they say, my opinion changes, but far too many times I have been playing a game, and the moment a new player joins, it goes from quiet ownage to ragequitting from the kids cussing every 2 seconds.Beano was cold. Very cold, until he was electrified. That was even worse until a cherry bomb blew up the ice, and gave him a good, yummy taste. He felt rejuvenated, at least a bit. Turning to JiMing, he unleashed his full force, trapping his entire body with high pressure Bean vines, threatening to rip his limbs apart. Beano ran forwards, and punched with his full force, at Kakama speed, loads and loads of times.OOC: I don't want to live on this planet anymore; Might quit B4 until some time later.

Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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JiMing, you honestly think that we have enmity for someone simply because they've played for less lenghty spans of time than we ourselves? If Beano corrects you for something you did incorrectly, it's usually a good idea to accept correction and move on.As for "beat up the noobs," I think I may have said that in the past. I'm sorry. I ought not to have said it. The comment was not meant to be offensive. Besides, guys. Let's not be thin skinned here.As for "Veterans," the only Veterans still around are Cole, ToD, Nujanii, Vertak (our current game moderator), and BZPP. I used their roleplay names on purpose. It's ok to be friends with us. Except iBrow. :P But, on a more serious note, if you think you're being ganged up on, please don't be afraid to say so. It used to be against the rules. I don't know if it still is. If it isn't, though, you have to make a choice. Do you enjoy being ganged up upon. When everyone attacks me, it's usually a compliment. I know it isn't when someone complains about "being a boss."Also, please state that which you post in a civil manner.NujaniiNujanii's shielding kanoka took the blast. Nujanii smiled and drew his light saber. He activated the laser blade, and (kakama activated) attempted to slash Beano in half. (note to Pahrak- I didn't say that I cut him in half. I said that I attempted it. This is giving him a chance to dodge, block, or whatever. To state that I did something [as in cutting you in half] is auto hitting. Just take the hit when this occurs.)

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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NujaniiNujanii had not been expecting Beano to turn around. Therefore, Nujanii wasn't caught off guard. Nujanii instead grabbed beano's ankle (Is that how you spell that?) and flew upwards at kakama speed. The Beans weren't quick enough to stop Nujanii!

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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OOC: Beano never considers the fact that I'm new and need some time to learn. BZPP was nicer to me when she corrected me, at least she didn't insult me left and right. In fact, I think Beano's the one who's arrogant. He acts like he's SO much better than the new players, I may have made mistakes, but he doesn't calmly correct me, he much-too-harshly criticizes and insults me.IC: JiMIng used Thunderbolt on Beano, and Icestorm on Nujanii."I may be new, but I can still hold my own against you two."

Edited by JiMing

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You are new. You do need to learn. MoC1 is a guy. He has a female character named BZPP. Just so you know. Yes, Beano ought not to have called you an arrogant fool.In my expirience, there are two types of "noob." They are both comprised of players new to a game/website/whatever. One group is obnoxious and slanderous. The other is hardworking and polite, always willing to learn, and thick skinned. Remember this. Also, know that I am not categorizing you. This is a generalization. I am not pointing anyone out in particular.NujaniiNujanii was frozen in mid air. He had to melt himself and regain altitude. He yelled at JiMing, "Oi! You'd be between a rock and a hard place without that special weapon of yours!"Nujanii then sent a few iron spears at Beano. He then half heartedly threw a fireball in JiMing's general direction. "Still, you are new..."

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IC:Zadakh sat up and yawned, saying, "It's like they've never heard of 'beginner's luck.' You shouldn't estimate your opponent just because you haven't fought them all that much. Actually, a new opponent may be worse than an old one since you are far less familiar with their moves and strategies."Zadakh paused a moment, then he said, "I learned a lot from my training."

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