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Bionifight 4


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IC:Zadakh was torched because he didn't care, and then he used his mimicked psychic powers to stop the disk. "I'm sorry, I don't recall asking for your opinion."Nujanii then found himself in the grip of Mr. Mewtwo's powers, and Zadakh willed a pillar of energy to erupt around Nujanii.

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Time for Junky to do stuff...IC JunkyardJunkyard was surprised to find himself suddenly floating above Beano AND whilst wielding a new weapon for bludgeoning people with. He stared at the engraving on the side of it, "The Grumpy Hammer - 1982". A small inscription on the bottom said, "Well you'd be angry too, if people used your head as a weapon!". Junkyard shrugged and ran toward Nujanii(as fast as he could go when floating in midair), hammer raised and using Petrifying Roar to stun him.

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JiMing half heartadely used Power Slash to hit back the fireball at Nujanii."Well, I do have my Special Weapon."Then he saw Zadakh and told him, "Exo-Zadakh is a little generic. Can't you be a little more creative?"

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Attack negation, Pahrak. I said that the disk hit. Therefore, you cannot dodge. If you have a shield or something, you can block. But you cannot just knock it aside. That's attack negation. I gave you a chance to do something funny. Like the mutations of Karda Nui way back in Bionifight 2.NujaniiBut Zahdak and Junky had forgotten Nujanii's light saber. With a push from his mind, Nujanii had walls of iron around him that protected him from junky and temporarily stopped the energy wall. Nujanii hit himself with a teleportation disk and ended up on a rock far from Zadakh and the rest of the Bionifighters.But they thought he was still in the iron capsule.Nujanii went into stealth mode and began sniping with kanoka. Buisness as usual. Nujanii nailed Junky with a freeze disk.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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"Are we still in nothing? I didn't see a round change..." ToD muttered as he reclined on a rock and looked around himself. Nothing, he believed. Yawning, he used the Reignbringer to make an explosion of fire like he always did. And we really need a decision on these weapons.

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@Nujanii: Petrifying roar doesn't do energy waves, it stuns people. It wouldn't be "Petrifying" otherwise. Also, you spelt "Business" wrong. :PIC JunkyardJunkyard was frozen solid. Of course, he had warm kitchen appliances inside of him, making him irradiate a constant stream of heat. He burst from the ice easily, and smacked Nujanii in the face with his hammer. Then he stopped to stare at JiMing playing on a 3DS."I thought a 3DS would give people headaches with the constant changing of depth..." Junkyard commented.

I was the First Evo.



and I am a Gentleman.

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A shield. Like a metal thing with a handle. Not energy. Physical. Stone or iron would have been fine. A shield would have been fine. Energy? No.I know. The energy waves which you refer to were from Pahrak.Evo, I'm in stealth mode.NujaniiNujanii, still in stealth mode, snuck behind Zahdak. Zadakh was asleep. So instead Nujanii snuck up behind JiMing. He tapped JiMing on the shoulder and Nujanii--BAMNujanii hastily regained altitude. Junky had hit him and hit him hard. Nujanii had been in stealth mode. How could he have been hit? Nujanii, head reeling, resolved to get a Huna. Nujanii shook his head to clear it. He was still dizzy. Disoriented, Nujanii couldn't aim right. Nujanii shot fire in all directions, boosted by his VR.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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ToD chuckled at the lack of power his explosion of fire had. So, to be more specific, he froze everyone in blocks of supercooled ice. He then sent a blade of wind and fire to cut through each of them, while drawing a smiley face in the rock upon which he was standing.

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Look, Pharak. Your actions were realistic. But they contradicted my post directly. Therefore, they are unrealistic by the logic of the game. Unless there is an offence worthy of the PIG, don't negate attacks. Seriously, it only stirs up trouble. Unless you have a negator built into a special weapon or your powers list, of course. But that's different.NujaniiNujanii froze. It was cold. He didn't like it. (Bionifight 2 reference)Nujanii melted his way out of the ice. Nujanii looked at ToD. Nujanii looked at Zadakh. Nujanii looked at Vertak. Why was Vertak riding a flying PIG? Nujanii then recalled that Vertak had been made the moderator. Which explained the PIG. And the location.Nujanii stepped on Zadakh's face. Nujanii then flew over to ToD. Nujanii attempted to cut ToD in half. (Note to Pahrak: I'm giving him a chance to dodge, because I'm not saying that I cut him in half. I'm saying that I attempted it. Now it's up to ToD to choose whether to block dodge, or take it.)

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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OOC: Then I guess it's my bad for taking all that complaning about auto-hitting seriously and figuring you could still defend yourself against such attacks.In that case, Zadakh used his Elemental Glass powers to block the disk, which was then reconstitued into a Gible, which then bit off Zadakh's face.IC:Zadakh was faceless and frozen. Then he summoned some Makuta to defrost him and restore his face."You can all go to oblivion for all I care," Zadakh said. He lifted both hands and willed the entire realm and everyone in it to be blasted with energy, including himself. He then went about healing himself.

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ToD did a Russian dance to kick Nujanii away. Of course, his foot was cleaved from his leg. But that was a minor drawback. He bagan dancing across his rock, using a foot of ice to keep going. The electric attack energized him, making him laugh maniacally as his dancing sped up.Oh, and there was the fact that he had chosen the Random Tornado Spawner. There were dozens of tornadoes everywhere. Each with another element mixed with it. Like the tornado of awesomeness that was dancing with ToD.

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JiMing used Galestorm to blow away the tornadoes.Then he used Fireburst on ToD and his tornado of lameness (not awesomeness), and exploded a Cherry Bomb too.

Edited by JiMing

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Good thing the Reignbringer gave ToD his fire-control. The fire was redirected back at Pahrak, and ToD followed it with a slash from the white fiery blade. "Hey! Let's dance, lad!"

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NujaniiNujanii was hit by an all encompassing blast of energy. Nujanii was glad that he had picked his VR over his PJSJ. Nujanii flew to Zadahk and kicked him bakc into a tornado. Unfortunately Nujanii was sucked into a tornado. This wouldn't have been too big a problem if this wasn't a stone tornado. This had rocks.Big ones.Nujanii encapsulated himself with iron and waited out the storm.

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NujaniiNujanii exited the windstorm with assistance from a newly summoned Toa Iruni. Nujanii and Iruni went into stealth mode. Iruni, being a ninja, was nigh invisible. Nujanii and Iruni snuck up behind ToD and unleashed a flame tornado on ToD. Then the pair disappeared into the shadows. Which wasn't easy for Nujanii.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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Well, it was good that the tornadoes were spawned randomly. A tornado could come and hit the other tornado, cancelling each other and also likely stopping Nujanii somehow.Of course, there was the problem that it was random. So ToD didn't get protection. As he was flung by the fire, he yelled at Zadakh, "I say you can!"

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IC:"I'm afraid I don't understand," Zadakh said as he was hit with fire. The Thunderbolt that struck the Keyblade damaged Zadakh as well, but he endured the pain and smashed his hands together, creating two energy walls right beside JiMing that slammed in on him.Mr. Mewtwo was temporarily frozen, but some summoned units came by to desfrost him.

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OOC: I was insulting your weapons by blowing a raspberry, because I felt like insulting them.IC: JiMing was slammed together by the energy walls, but stood his ground. "It must be terrible being a stuffed toy." he said to Mr. Mewtwo.He then Power Slashed all three of them.

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