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Bionifight 4


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OOC: Chaos Reaper isn't a special weapon, it's my normal weapon. The only reason it talks is because we had a round on Bota Magna and I got too close to the Great Being that gives life to inanimate objects.IC:They were all Power Slashed, but then Mr. Mewtwo used Confusion to smash JiMing into a platform. "It could be worse," Mr. Mewtwo said. "Honestly, it's not as bad as putting up with this guy.""I guess we still need to work on our teamwork," Zadakh mumbled, scratching his head."And I have no nervous system," Reaper said.

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NujaniiNujanii and Iruni emerged from the shadows behind Zadahk. Quickly, the pair attacked. Nujanii cut Zahdak in half at the waist. Iruni stabbed MM2. Nujanii turned to Zahdak's upper half. "Now, what would a Vahki like you know of teamwork?"Iruni the ninja slipped once more into the shadows, ready to harm anyone he chose. Except Nujanii of corse.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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ToD finally recovered and landed on another stone. He dusted the soot from himself... to find that he was now entirely soot. The blinking pile of ash muttered some kind of chant, which consisted of, "Yay I can't actually die because of this game." Thus, he was again whole, including a new foot. He was still exhausted, though. Yawing, ToD lazily created a snowstorm, a firestorm, a flagstorm, and kept his RTS pointed at the others.

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IC:Mr. Mewtwo retreated to recover, and Zadakh's upper half turned so he could look Nujanii directly in the eye. "Vahki always work as a cohesive unit. But I am more than just a Vahki, so your arguement would be invalid anyway."Zadakh's lower half then came up and reattached, since Zadakh is wearing the Inmacula Armor which is made of glass and gives him glass powers, enabling him to meld the armor back together. He crossed his arms and prepared to defend against Nujanii's next attack.

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IC:When Iruini stabbed Zadakh he was smacked by Zadakh's wing, and Zadakh's head was quickly reattached. When the lava tornado appeared, Zadakh flew out of the top of the tornado, Kualsi-jumped down to Nujanii (courtesy of some Toa he had summoned), and, as Mr. Mewtwo held Nujanii in place, Zadakh punched Nujanii and unleashed a massive beam on contact."Spell. My. Name. Right."

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IC:Zadakh summoned some Makuta, copied their weather control powers, and used those to get through the storm and drop a wall of energy on ToD. "So what level Dancer are you? I've consdiered trying that Job Class for the Equip Ribbons ability, but I haven't decided yet."And sicne there's no one named Zahdak, Nujanii attacked no one.

Edited by SSJ Pahrak
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Good thing that good things were good things.Like the ice cancelling the energy, and ToD not getting hurt by said ice. ToD shattered said ice, sending shards at every single one of the fighters. This was followed by a tongue of fire at JiMing, a trollface of flags at Nujanii, and a monocled ice-ToD statue at Zadakh.

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JiMing found himself spontaneously lit on fire anyways. "That's what I think, little smart-mouthed lad!" he said with a grin as the ice shards were melted by the fire, and the fire was extinguished by the newly created water. Thus, all he recieved was a refreshing steam bath.

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JiMing used Waterspout to draw water from ToD's water to extinguish the flames.Then he Power Slashed ToD multiple times."Ha ha ha. I'm still standing against you."

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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ToD used the Reignbringer to block the attacks, the fiery blade burning or melting anything that came close to it. "Not for long, laddeh!" he roared as he slashed with a massive, white-hot fire-blade extending the reach of the already large sword. Basically nothing could stop it. Except maybe the power of friendship. But that was questionable. So JiMing would probably want to somehow do something.

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Psychic powers are basically generated from supreme brain powers. If you use these Psychic powers to control Telekinesis (If you can) you can block. But, oh, if its just a psychic wave you're gonna mess up their brains and do nothing to brainless stuff.@JiMing, if you thought I was doing so harshly, tell me. *Sigh*Unless iBrow accepts my Special Weapons I gave in since the start of the new system soon, I'm gonna be quitting (Temporarily...?) cuz school has so much stuff that I wanna use my free time....wisely.Beano created 2 really stable bean plants behind both ToD and JiMing. Then, he created a beanvine connected between those 2 plants. Picking up one side, he started to spin it. Now, he would either slap ToD and JiMing a lot, or they would lose their stamina in a jump rope. He made 10 more vines in case this one was destroyed so he could continue quickly.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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The vines were many. The plants were stable. But no plants liked fire. Thus, ToD incinerated all of them. And froze them in ice. And then he missed one, which sent him flying into another of the rocks.

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Really, Pahrak? Attack negation? Through a misspelling of your name? You knew at whom I aimed. Therefore, you should have taken the hit.EDIT IN RESPONSE TO iBROW'S BELOW POST: Yay.NujaniiNujanii melted the ice. Nujanii snuck up beside Zadakh. Nujanii then grabbed Zadakh's Kualsi and put it in his pack. Nujanii then punched Zadakh in the face, saying, "Don't... Negate... attacks... through... minutia!" Nujanii then threw Zadakh into a big rock and yelled, "Well, Zahdak, got the idea yet?"

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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Yay iBrow? It doesn't seem approved to me....Nothing was written saying it was approved. However, since you said you approved me but didn't message me, I take it you approved me without telling me?.......So may I use my special waepons?Beano turned towards JiMing as his Berzerker Sword appeared in his hands. White and electric blue sleek armor appeared on his body, and a helmet, with a full-face visor, appeared. JiMing was beside him, directly in range, so Beano raised his Berzerker sword, and using its control over electricity, created an electromagnetic field to trap JiMing from moving away. As this happened, his left hand morphed into a Dragon's head, his Drago Blaster. He aimed it at JiMing, and unleashed a high powered blast of flames towards JiMing.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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NujaniiOut of the corner of Nujanii's eye, he saw Beano using special weapons. Powerful looking special weapons. Nujanii decided to put them to the test. Nujanii crouched and as he jumped into the air, a golden glow surrounded him, emanating from his kanohi. A golden sphere surrounded Nujanii. And he heard Saradomin say, I have modified your armor to better serve me. The golden sphere dissipated and Nujanii hovered above Zadakh, kept in the air with his flames alone. Like usual. Nujanii shot over to Beano, using his Kakama to hasten his trip. Nujanii kicked Beano in the face at kakama speed with his full momentum. Then he passed over Beano's head, flew five feet away, landed, and spun to face Beano. Nujanii began to walk to where Beano and JiMing were. Flames erupted around his feet when they touched the ground. Nujanii's light saber had its solid blade deployed and ignited. Nujanii stopped 3 feet in front of Beano. Nujanii said, "Beano, why do you torment this recently added member to our establishment?"

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OOC: I've constantly asked you to spell my name right, and it doesn't seem that difficult. If nothing else, you could just copy-paste it.IC:Zadakh was hit with an ice statue. Nujanii then tried stealing something that he didn't have, apparantley not realizing that Zadakh was just mimicking the powers of the Kualsi. He punched Nujanii at the same time he was being punched, and then repeated the above OOC statement.

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The white and reddish armor helped to stop much of the pain, and with his Visor, Beano remained emotionless. He turned towards Nujanii, curious at the question.Beano: I don't. He just thinks I does. Dunno why. So....can I test this on you?The Drago Blaster unleashed a flamethrower at Nujanii. When it did stop, Beano was already up to him, slicing and slashing at the high speeds of a Kakama, his Berzerker Sword also unleashing an electromagnetic field around JiMing and Nujanii to make them feel like they were moving (Not swimming) through water - far, far slower. Unless, of course, they were completely Biological.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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I'll try to spell it right from now on, Pahrak. However, it does not justify your actions. You used the misspelling to negate my attacks. Later, you completely ignored being thrown into a big rock. You are not the morally superior one here.Nujanii"Feel free. That's what old timers are for!" Nujanii used his telekinesis to slow Beano down. Nujanii used his Kakama to speed himself up. Nujanii met each slash and managed to (after a minute or two) relieve Beano of his sword. Nujanii then ignited the ground under Beano . "Now, let's try this without the Drago blaster. Unless you insist, of course."

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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Beano: I'm not blasting you.The dragon's jaws clenched together, chewed something, and together with Beano's right hand, lunged towards Nujanii, the Dragon managing a chokehold with its teeth as Beano slammed a massive punch, followed by a massive beanvine which aimed to tie Nujanii's legs together.In a glint of his visor, he caught sight of Exo-Zadakh floating somewhere. Using the small opening granted, he punched Nujanii as he spun, fired off a fire blast in the process, and lurched forwards to grab his Berzerker Sword again. Gripping its handle, the red and dark grey armor the Drago-Blaster granted morphed with the silver-blue armor granted by the Berzerker Sword.Beano: Good things about having combination weapons.....they combine. Free for all, shall we?He fired off an electrified flamethrower at Zadakh.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC:Zadakh created an energy barrier to block the attack, but it fractured in a few places and he took a bit of damage. Mr. Mewtwo got behind Beano and used Confuse Ray on him, and even if it wasn't successful he used Psychic to hurl him up towards Zadakh, who thrust out his Keyblade and a multitude of energy blades as well.

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JiMing saw everybody beating the tar out of each other. He used Icestorm to freeze them solid. Then he picked them all up in a tornado generated by his Gale Spear, smashing them against each other. The tornado launched all of them out, where he used Fireburst on them."Booya! How do you like that?"

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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NujaniiNujanii was hit a bunch. However, he had a few tricks left. Not that he intended to use any of then at the moment . Nujanii flew to JiMing, and said, "Not at all." Nujanii blasted JiMing across the battlefield with a combination of telekinesis and fire. Nujanii noticed approvingly that Iruni had left the shadows and stabbed JiMing. Iruni returned to the shadows to avoid retaliation. Nujanii was glad that the ninja was on his side.

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ToD used run around screaming for no appartent reason aside from the fact that general attack seem to be ignored!It's super effective!ToD used murder JL by lighting him on fire, incinerating his carcass with fire, and attacking him with balls of fire!ToD used murder Nujanii by crushing him with flags, constrict his body with flags, and tear his body to shreds with flags!ToD used murder JiMing by freezing him in ice, shattering that ice, and stabbing him with all the shards of ice!ToD used murder Zadakh by throwing wind blades, tear his limbs from his body with wind, and somehow otherwise maim him with wind!ToD used murder Junkyard by attacking his with the Reignbringer directly, kicking him in the face, and slamming one of the flags on his back through his opponent's face!ToD seriously doubts that this long post will be effective in any way, shape, or form!

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Beano was frozen, and while he left arm melted, he was still frozen and flying until JiMing melted it for him. He nodded a random thanks to the guy who dealt the attack.However, he was blasted with massive powers of fire from ToD. Before they reached him, though, he fired off his own flamethrower using the Drago Blaster. Stalemate. Beano proceeded to sent a blast of lightning using his Berzerker Sword; He didn't know if it was close enough, though.

Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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JiMing, I gave you no room to dodge or block. You were stabbed. That was attack negation. Attack negation is a big no-no.NujaniiToD would have been super effective, but for one thing. Flags are flamable. Nujanii was shocked by the lighting, but not to a noteworthy extent, thanks to his VR. Nujanii then walked to the edge of the big rock he stood on and sent several iron projectiles at ToD. Nujanii noted with approval as Iruni stabbed JiMing (I'm giving you a second chance here, I advise you take it) before returning to Nujanii's side. Nujanii and Iruni blasted ToD with fire and wind (Forgetting completely ToD's powers) before Iruni vanished once more into stealth mode. Nujanii wished that he was as stealthy as the nigh invisible Iruni. In fact, Nujanii had no idea where Iruni had gone. Nujanii shrugged. Nujanii jumped into the air and flew at ToD, light saber bared and laser blade on. "Try cutting through this with your massive fire-sword!" Nujanii knew that the reinbringer could not be sliced through, but neither could his laser cut through the sword. The blades would act as normal swords against each other.Except that they looked a lot cooler than ordinary blades.

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Indeed, they looked cool to the extreme of cool. Actually, hot. But that's beside the point. Nujanii could still burn, even with his abilities. Thus, ToD used the blade to consume his opponent in white flames. And the flags were magic, so they kept coming. So now there were burning flags trying to squeeze Nujanii to death, making funny squeaking noises.ToD then turned to Zadakh and said, "Too bad, lad. I like ripping them from your body and beating you with them."

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