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Bionifight 4


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NujaniiWith a combination of being a Toa of fire and wearing VR, Nujanii was immune to the flames. Nujanii did what any decent jedi would do: He cut a perfect hole in the wall (of flags) and stepped out. Nujanii then clashed swords with ToD, saying, "Why dost ye attempt to defeat me at that which I am both immune to and master of? And dost thou not know that I weild the mighty power of telekinesis? And of iron? Ye had better prepare a better cage next time. Though, by faith I certainly don't wish for ye to implement it now!" Nujanii, without looking from ToD, stopped the Berzerker sword in mid-air with telekinesis. Nujanii then said (in no accent, only ToD was worthy of being addressed in an accent according to Nujanii) to Beano, "Why so wrathful? Can you not see that we're having a little melee here? Or will be anyway..."Nujanii slashed at kakama speed at ToD's left side.

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2 members 20 guests. ??---Beano: Because...he IGNORED MY ATTACK! It makes my blood boil like no other. Imagine it! Its like those dumb CoD glitches where your bullets go through the enemies without arming them. Ragh!He fired off a high powered fireball towards both of them.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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Nujanii"There is a difference in having fire powers and being a Master of fire."Nujanii absorbed the fire. He redirected its heat to melt the rock beneath Beano's feet and the bottoms of Beano's feet, then removed the heat. The result: Beano's feet were fused to the rock."It took weeks to perfect that move."Nujanii sent a small fireball at Beano, knowing that both ToD and Beano had no fire resistance, despite their fiery special weapons.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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Beano didn't have heat resistance, but he did have fiery armor which helped shield him from much of the damage. His face wasn't burned either due to the visor. He directed his Drago Blaster towards the rock, and soon he managed to get out, albeit slightly steamy. All the more better as he falcon kicked Nujanii with his Kakama, his legs very hot, but not at all on fire.Beano: But what about...electricity?As he kicked, he also drew his Berzerker Sword, and created a powerful but short range thunderbolt towards Nujanii and ToD.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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1 User 13 guests. Geez. :Panywho.Round II Over.The winner of this round is Jl1223 X. You may design a special weapon using the new system for me to approve via pm, or hold out for a special weapon set to be earned through victory points.Round III: Bionifight (Regular)For this round you all arrive at a dance party, where wild dancers have a tendency to slam other dancers into the wall while staying in beat with the funky music. Good luck!-ibrow

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JiMing found himself at some dance party, where he was continuously slammed into by dancers, and the music was obnoxiously loud.Frustrated, he promptly smashed a speaker to pieces with his Earthshaker. When the dancers started protesting, he yelled "Shut up!", and created a tornado with his Gale Spear that picked up the dancers and maybe some Bionifighters.

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Turned out ToD instantly kicked the DJ and party host from their positions, immediately taking them. He began to play his own awesome trance/house/whatever else music as he went super-omega-awesome-kinda-lame-dance-mode and summoned his old armies of light and sonic users, each consisting of five hundred thousand toa. He then joined the dancing himself, as the now seriously cramped dance party became a full-on rave, with music far louder than anyone should handle.Oh, there were pyrotechnics and whatever-ice-is-called-technics and whatever-wind-is-called-technics and flag raving and all sorts of ridiculous fun.

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NujaniiNujanii once competed with Lewa Nuva for best flyer. Lewa lost.Nujanii evaded some winds, weathered others, and all around managed to stay airborne.Nujanii summoned Iruni. Iruni joined him in the air and calmed the tempest around them. Nujanii found himself without special weapons. So he summoned his light saber and virtus robes. Now at his usual awesome level, he was ready to compete, despite being out of his element. This was ToD's element. Therefore, ToD would fight better here than anywhere else. ToD could draw strength from the crowd. ToD was neigh invincible here.Nujanii had been wanting such a challenge.

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Who said we can't?Beano held up his Berzerker Sword once again, while also having his Ninja Shield on his left arm. Seeing the tornado, he transformed the shield into Skyboard mode, and danced while flying around.Beano: yay!Seeing JiMing punching the Toa, he got annoyed at Party-Crashers, and went on a steep dive, firing electric bolts and air bullets all the while.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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JiMing used Power Slash to hit back the lightning bolts, but was still hit by the air bullets.Then he knocked Beano out of the sky with Thunderbolt, and he landed on a Cherry Bomb (NOT an actual Cherry, FWI)."The music still too loud." he complained.

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Beano flew, but before he landed, he managed to regain his footing again on theNinja Shield. As he flew up again, the bomb exploded, but the Ninja Shield shielded Beano by repelling most of the damaging stuff using air. Turning towards JiMing, he sent a Beanbomb his way, sped up using air. Then, he used his Kakama to speed up flight, and when he was directly in front of JiMing, slashed with the Berzerker Sword. Hard.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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Beano absorbed the beans as he swung into an upwards flight, so the Fireburst would be blocked by the Ninja shield. As he flew away, he continued dancing. Then, using his Kakama, he did a 180 upwards spin, ending up behind JiMing in milliseconds. With JiMing turned around, there was no-way he could see, so Beano blasted with everything he got - beans, air blasts from his shield and electric bolts from his Berzerker Sword.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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NujaniiNujanii knew all that Beano had done and said. Nujanii, being better in the air than a Toa of Air, evaded the bullets and used his fire powers to do something unexpected. Nujanii took heat from the air above Beano, but not enough to freeze the water vapor. Instead it condensed and Beano found himself being rained upon. "Creativity. That's what sets some powers apart."

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"Alright everyone, it's time to dance or die!" ToD yelled, dancing like nobody's business, the entire party dancing in sync with him. Using this to his advantage, he went into a mad combination of dance moves consisting of a forward kick, and back-flip, a handstand-spin, a breakdance ground-spin, a hyper worm, and finally another flip that came with an axe-kick to anyone not participating in the dance. And with a million-somewhat dancers, it probably wouldn't miss. Unless it did, of course.ToD broke the cloud with his awesomeness, the sound of the place, and his wind powers. The CMMSoAA appeared on his body, with sunglasses, raving suit (complete with virtual equilizer bars on the front), and sound-awesomizing headphones. Then the the sonic toa really pumped up the beat, and the light toa made the place blinding to all but him. The armies, of course, came equipped with their own sunglasses and headphones.So ToD kept dancing, remembering the days of him being a giant dancing squid. He decided to immitate that old dance.

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37 guests :D They all came to see me. :PNujaniiNujanii was fortunately airborne and therefore out of range of ToD's attacks. Nujanii threw a reconstitute at random disk at ToD. At least, he meant to throw it at ToD. It was rather hard to aim with all the light and his limited omniscience was rather... near-sighted.Nujanii flew up and dumped a bunch of reconstitute at random disks in a downward direction. Anyone below him was about to get a makeover.

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NujaniiNujanii was shocked. By Beano. Partially by the lightning (though the VR rendered that of little consequence), but mostly by Beano's appearance. Horns and tentacles and... well, Nujanii didn't look too closely, but his limited omniscience told him much that he would rather not know. Nujanii hoped that the disks would wear off in the next five (of JL's) posts or so. However, for the next few hours (or posts) Beano would have many appendages that he ought not to.

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IC JunkyardJunkyard noticed all the dancers and decided to spin around to knock some of the dancers away. He then pulled an amplifier out of his torso and plugged it into the music player, making the music louder. He put on headphones and sunglasses then defended himself with an iron shield.

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The music was now ear-splitting loud, and the dancers started dancing even harder now. Yelling, he Power Slashed every speaker in sight.When everyone started shouting and protesting, JiMing shouted, "Shutupshutupshutupshutup, SHUTUP!!!!!!He used Icestorm to freeze everyone solid. "Finally, some peace and quiet to myself."

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Beano continued dancing with all the tentacles, spinning around like a green tornado. He added beanwhips to the already long tentacles to whip anyone who got close and help stop any attacks which got close. Seeing all the frozen dancers, he whipped close and shattered the ice.Beano: PARTY CRASHER!

Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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"I could barely hear myself, the dancers constantly crashed into me, and so I couldn't fight! I have a right to be angry!"He used Thunderbolt on Beano, and froze him with Icestorm too. "Now can I go back to enjoying some peace and quiet?"

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Beano blocked the electricity with his vines, which lit on fire. When he froze, the fire helped melt the water. He turned towards JiMing, confused as to why he would want peace and quiet.Beano: Its a dance party! Its supposed to be chaotic! If not, don't come! Ayaya!Using one of his tentacles, he grabbed his Berzerker Sword, and tied it to his newborn horn.Beano: Look! Special occasion - my body is literally chaos!He danced randomly, firing electric bolts from his head. When the freeze disk came flying down, he fired off a thunderbolt at it, knocking it off course (Hopefully towards JiMing)

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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OOC: Aw man, Pahrak was fun to fight.IC: "It's not like I WANTED to come here, I was forced to!"And the freeze disk whizzed by JiMing, not even close to hitting him. "Well that was..... oddly convenient."JiMing used Power Slash and Fireburst on Beano, and froze more people.

Edited by JiMing

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I'll take his weapons. Sad to see you go, Pahrak. =P"I just want to be orderly/Not really feelin' discorderly," said ToD, making up the lyrics on the spot and, thus, likely sounding terrible. His flags whipped in front of him to block the attack.And then, defying the laws of physics, he flew into the air. Oh, that wasn't the part that defied physics. The part where every other dancer also flew defied physics.Moving onwards, ToD kept the sync dance going, his CMMSoAA providing him with two or three million glowsticks on strings to lets everyone use. Except for the other fighters, of course. He grinned as he began super-raving, his and everyone else's glowsticks flying at such a fast speed around them that they would slice through the fighters that were most definitely in the way.The was also the fact that they were still being deafened and blinded, of course.

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JiMing somehow managed to make out ToD, and used Power Slash to knock him out of the sky. He had to squint to see the light toa, and used Icestorm to freeze him.Despite still being defeand, he used Power Slash to deflect the glowsticks.

Edited by JiMing

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Beano rode the wind, looking like a massive squid with horns flying on the Ninja Shield. As he spun around in circles, he got closer and closer to JiMing until he was right beside him. Beano swung a combination of 10 tentacles, 10 beanwhips and 10 Berzerker Sword swings in the time of 10 spins in the tornado, at JiMing and ToD.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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So, JL, Imma appreciate it if you don't ignore my attacks. Like the fact that you can't see, can't hear, and were just cut to shreds by glowsticks. =/ToD dropped to the floor with a loud smacking noise. As the entire party's dancers did it in sync with him, the noise was about one million times louder, amplified one million times more by the sonic toa. As an end result, a shockwave of ridiculously loud sound roared to slam into and shatter the very existences of his enemies.Also sounded pretty cool, as it was right on time with the song and the raving lights.ToD kept dancing like mad. The rest of the party's feet hitting over and over in sync, immitating his mad flips and slips and explosive-glowstick-projectile-flinging at the other contenders. Each slap of their feet was also an explosion of sound to slice through or bash the existence from ToD's enemies. Of course, he was still dancing for the fun of it.

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