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Bionifight 4


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Well look, JL. I'm not going to mention any names, but some people don't seem to understand something. When someone posts something, it's almost always a good idea to accept their post as concrete truth and accept anything they post. The only times that I can think of that would be good to negate an attack or dodge/block an auto-hit would be:A) A PIG worthy actionB ) something that directly (Or maybe indirectly, depending) contradicts another's defensive power(s) or special weapon.For example.ToD used his Reinbringer in a no-special weapons round. I did not negate it.Someone shocked me with electicity while I had my PSJS. I took the hit but no damage. Indirect post contradiction.(Hypothetical example) Someone does a nova blast and the very next post uses the same elemental power WITHOUT special weapon intervention. I would PIG that person. Maybe. Or I might just negate it.Does that help, oh entity of beans?Oh, and it's rather a pity that Pahrak left. He was usually a fun guy to fight. Until he reworked his character, that is. :/

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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I did? When? Well, sorry for whenever it was. =PThe roof was gone? Well, the whole universe could noe enjoy the ear-splitting sound and blinding rave lights of ToD's party. So he kept dancing, and his army kept doing its thing, and the miscellaneous dancer were enjoying themselves.Best part was that the other fighters still couldn't leave the party due to the rules. ToD performed a trollface as he continued to dance. He decided to create a few trollfaces of fire, ice, air, and flags to fling at Beano, Nujanii, and JiMing. So he did, while everyone still danced in sync.

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JiMing was tossed back by the force of the sonic boom. Not only that, he received a nasty gash in his shoulder from the glowsticks, getting comedically pinned to the wall.He freed himself using Power Slash, only to get hit in the face by elemental trollfaces.Furious, he used Icestorm to freeze ToD solid, along with the dancers.

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ToD used his power over ice to defy the storm and his power over both ice and fire to keep it from freezing the million or so others. A lot still died, though, leaving about 800,000 total. Not nearly as fun to say. But oh well.ToD danced and kept shoot trollfaces while keeping the one he had plastered to his face. And there was sound and light and glowsticks and fun.

Edited by Toa of Dancing

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JiMing continuously summoned Cherry Bombs, dropping them in the crowd, and used the Gale Spear to shoot two directly into ToD."I'm going to slash that hideous expression off your face!", JiMing shouted as he Power Slashed ToD, aiming for his face.

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Beano: Hey, I like dancing! I'm not a party crasher!He dodged and blocked most of the attacks using his Ninja Shield, although he was still hit back by a sonic boom. Turning backwards and using his Berzerker Sword, he fired off a Bean Tornado at JiMing as he blasted electrified Beanvines at ToD.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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JiMing had rather terrible aim at the moment, due to blindness and such. Still, despite powerful updraft used by ToD to send most of the bombs back upwards. Still, one of the one aimed for him managed to hit. Thus, he went flying upwards. While in flight, however, he shot a beam of fire and air that would explode when it got anywhere near JiMing.Then he fell and kept dancing. More sonic footstomps, more glowstick-throwing, and more blindness for the rest. Everyone was thirsty, of course, by now. So the CMMSoAA provided water for them all. Or fruit juice, soda, beer, wine, vodka, milk, chocolate milk, apple cider, hot tea, iced tea, or some other various beverage. But the Bionifighters got nothing. So ToD's trollface was still on his and his army's faces.

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Beano couldn't see or hear. Far too OP! Annoyed at the now insane, light, he simply fired off blasts of pressurized air and thunderbolts, knocking all the dancers off course.Beano: WHERE IS TOD? Btw, ToD, if you say 'No Bionifighters', that means you too.He summoned an army of 100 Toa of Air to create a Vacuum, stopping the sonic stomps, while he blocked the glowsticks and bright light from him using the Ninja Shield, as he randomly fired off thunderbolts from his Berzerker Sword.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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"The most insane fighting game you will ever play."ToD, deciding that the party was close to being done, decided to use the rest of his air elemental reserves to obliterate the vacuum. He then used the Reignbringer to turn the toa of air into crispy little things. He then stopped dancing and nodded his head, finger pointed straight upwards. The toa of sound and light nodded in sync with him and all put forth their energies into a BLAST OF AMAZING MUSICAL AND VISUAL EPICNESS THAT REALLY WOULD BLIND AND DEAFEN ANYTHING IT TOUCHED ESPECIALLY BECAUSE OF ITS LONG NAME.ToD then yawned and went to the DJ's turntable, deciding to just play the music and blast fire and ice at his enemies. He turned his trollface into an awesome face as his armies disappeared.As it seemed no one else would post, he decided to also edit in rainbows of fire and ice and charred corpses. These rainbows went to burnfreeze the other fighters, just 'cuz.

Edited by Toa of Dancing

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Round III Over.The winners this round are Toa of Dancing and JiMing. You may both either design a special weapon for me to approve via pm or save a victory point for a special weapon set.Round IV: Bionifight (Forever Alone)For this round you all find yourselves transported by bus over to the nearby McDonalds, where evil Big Macs will try to eat you. In addition, this round will use the Forever Alone modifier, meaning you cannot use armies. Good luck!-ibrow

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JiMing was at McDonalds. This is practically his worst nightmare. It didn't help that he has to fend Big Macs who try to eat him."Why couldn't we have been transported to Souplantation or something?" he whined.

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NujaniiNujanii hopped off of the bus and entered McDonalds. He noted the giant evil big macs. He also noted that several matoran had just been eaten. Nujanii would have to distract the big macs so that the matoran could escape.Nujanii sent fire at all of the big macs and began flying around, big macs chasing him. Matoran used this chance to exit.Nujanii was a Toa. The easy thing to do would be to let the matoran get eaten and use their deaths as cover to get himself a hiding place. But Toa didn't have the luxury of doing the easy thing. Besides, this was more fun anyway.

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OOC: I got my second Special Weapon approved! See here.IC: JiMing put on his Super-Mega-Awesome Hat of Awesome Coolness, and he was equipped in full body armor. He started firing energy blasts from his Energy Laser Cannon of Laserness at all the Big Macs."Die you horrible, unhealthy, disgusting foods, DIE!"

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NujaniiNujanii, noting that the matoran had all escaped, was free to destroy his opponents. Nujanii instantly ignited ToD and Beano. Nujanii ran at JiMing. Needing something to hit JiMing with, Nujanii summoned his LS and activated its protosteel blade. Nujanii proceeded to decapitate JiMing. Nujanii then began cutting Big Mac's to pieces with his laser blade.

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JiMing raised his energy cannon in defense, and Nujanii decapitated his energy cannon instead, which wasn't even part of his arm. The Energy Cannon reattached itself, and JiMing fired some energy bolts at Nujanii."Nice try."

Edited by JiMing

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Decapitate means to cut off a head. Revise your post please.NujaniiNujanii's shortranged omnipotence alerted him to the incoming missiles and he easily avoided the bolts of energy. He then whirled and sent iron spears (which the armor would not be able to affect) at JiMing, saying, "I don't try. I do or do not."

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I think I'll let a few ideas simmer.ToD leaped off the bus, through a window, and directly onto a counter. There he grabbed two of the massive Big Macs and shoved them down his throat, effectively putting an end to their reign of... terror-ish-ness. Next, he started dancing with Ronald McDonald, eating any Big Macs that were unlucky enough to come near.This might have all seemed quite random. Well first, it was. However, it had a purpose. ToD took his Diamond Pickaxe, shoved it down his throat, and changed the eaten burgers into cannon balls. The CMMSoAA (yep, no Reignbringer this round) then changed him into a cannon. Ronald McDonald, with a creepy clown smile on his face, began to launch ToD's cannonballs at the other fighters.Of course, that wasn't the whole plan. Oh no! They were cannonballs filled with marzipan and kittens. The would explode on contact with anything - a fighter or an object around said fighter - and the kittens would immediately charm anyone with their adoreableness while tearing off their face. And the marzipan's explosion would likely hurt rather badly.ToD laughed hysterically, a cannonball flying from his cannon-ness with each "Ha."I have to say, I think that was the strangest post I haven yet written for Bionifight.

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In its ridiculousness it is elegant. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what sets ToD apart from all others. Period. NujaniiNujanii hastily erected iron walls around himself, protecting himself from the barrage. Nujanii checked his inventory for helpful items.-Harry Potter wand-Ringil-Chocolate chunk-kanoka-PSJS Currently disabled-pair of daggers-Garai disabledNujanii whipped out his wand and muttered a few words in latin. Immediately, Nujanii had a minigun fully loaded and ready to go. Nujanii stuck his wand in his pack (where it was safe) and prepared to activate his own plan.Nujanii lowered his iron barriers in ToD's direction and lit ToD up. Unfortunately, Nujanii missed ToD in the first few seconds, but Ronald McDonald was eliminated. Immediately. But this was no ordinary minigun.This minigun shot bullets that turned into three headed black dragons (called "king black dragons" or KBD's for short) after the victum was dead or if they missed. The KBD's would not harm Nujanii, but there were already several attacking ToD.And a couple were eating Big macs.

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Good thing ToD was on fire. It simultaneously sped up his launching speed (and, for that matter, kept it going without Ronald), immediately getting a few marzipan-kitten cannonballs in Nujanii's little bunker. Meanwhile, any dragons that entered the mouth-hole of his armor were eaten, converted into cannonballs, and launched."It's - PTTOOIE! - hot - BOOM - in - PEW - here - SPLARG..." muttered ToD, using ice to cool himself in his heavy cannon armor. Meanwhile, between cannon shots, he swallowed melted ice to lubricate his throat.

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NujaniiNujanii ignited the kittens around him. Nujanii stowed the minigun in his magical pack that can store just about everything while keeping weightless. Nujanii used his fire powers to withdraw all heat from around ToD and sent the KBD's to attack Beano. Nujanii then walked up to ToD and attempted to cut ToD to pieces with his laser blade. Unfortunately for ToD, Nujanii made sure to stay quite clear of the cannonball shooting mouth.

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JiMing had used his suit's jetpack to fly above all the chaos, occasionally dodging some cannonballs. Finally, he swooped down, and used his Giant Sword of Painfulness to end the existence of a certain clown. He proceeded to fly back up and used his Energy Laser Cannon of Laserness to fire energy bolts at the cannonballs, detonating them mid-air.

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So ToD fired the last of the marzipan-kitten cannonballs. He then transformd his armor into a grass skirt and tribal tattoos, holding a spear in each hand. With these, he stab Nujanii rapidly, making a heart-shaped formation of holes in his opponents armor. He then aimed to tear Nujanii's insides from their position with his flags, still laughing maniacally.Ad then he was eaten by a Bic Mac. He promptly ate the Big Mac from the inside. The new ammo was changed into... actually, nothing. ToD just spit it on Nujanii, figuring it would gross out his opponent.

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I was attacking Nujanii, bro.ToD opened his mouth and ate JiMing, turning his opponent's feet into lead with the Diamond Pickaxe. Then he spit his opponent out his mouth so as not to get poisoned. Plus, getting your stomach beaten didn't feel good. Shrugging tribal-ToD attempted to stab JiMing's face multiple times, while his flags attacked Nujanii.

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Which ToD tossed to the side with a gust of wind. "Me stronger! Me tribal man! Die wimpy!" roared the mentally off toa as he caused JiMing to be frozen inside a block of supercooled ice.

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