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Bionifight 4


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He did change his name, but I don't believe he ever came back after the forums returned.@ToD: Where is the confusion? Regardless:-You can earn an infinite number of special weapons-You can only use two special weapons each round-When you win you can either design a new special weapon, upgrade a current special weapon (up until Level 4), or save a Victory Token (you can save these for sets that may include more than two weapons; entire sets may be used during rounds).-You can currently have a limit of ten points in each range of the stats, though I think I might change that limit to increase with each level by five or ten.-The special weapons that come in the sets that can be earned through Victory Tokens can be used seperately, but when used as a set will grant user special bonuses-I will announce first Special Weapon set today.-ibrow

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The combination of the fireballs and the fire raging everywhere equaled... more fire? Negation? Whatever. The fact is that Whale was already on fire so he couldn't really feel the fireball. Not to say it didn't hurt him, he just couldn't distinguish it from the other fire.In any case, Whale, desperate to escape the flames, teleported over to Black Eyes and started riding on him. Soon, they were flying around like mad, trying to blow off the fire or something. And moar lasers.


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Alright, so we are sticking with stats? Le sigh. Oh well. I'll get it to you when I can.ToD had like five seconds to post so he yelled, "BURNSTUFF!" and burned more stuff.There were tornadoes and awesomeness too.

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NujaniiIn order to avoid the seemingly otherwise unavoidable destruction of the bus, Nujanii withdrew all fire from the inside of the bus. Nujanii then began to send iron spears at some random player. Meh. Why not the next person to post? Yes, Nujanii sent iron spears at the next person to post.

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Unfortunately, Whale was the next person to post. Fortunately, the fire was gone. But the spears were still coming, and Whale had about half of a second to react.​Instinctively, Whale raised his sword to block. One spear was stopped, the others were not. At least the one that was blocked was the one that was just about to dig into his chest and stab his heart(which, due to the laws of Bionifight, he would live through, but it would still hurt). One spear dug itself into his foot, another grazing his right shoulder, and the third(and also most painful for Whale) hacked off half of his sombrero.Tears pouring from his eyes, Whale leaned on a burnt and ripped seat. With a crackling voice of sadness and depression, he began to speak."Tell me, one of fuego and discos," Whale started, tilting his head upwards to look at Nujanii with his wet, runny eyes turning into rage-filled, red ones "Why did you do it?!"Leaping from his slouch, Whale unleashed by throwing everything at this killer of sombreros. After a pelting of exploding tacos and razor quesadillas, along with some plasma-coated boulders lunged at Nujanii, Whale charged while wildly swinging Mariachi and lasers firing all around. Sure, this drained his power immensely, but anything was worth it to avenge his sombrero.

Edited by Squishypony


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NujaniiNujanii took half of Whale's attacks, while dodging the other half. His VR minimized his damage taken. Nujanii met his opponent's sword (it is a sword, right?) with his own, eventually getting the better of his anger driven (and therefore careless) opponent, and cutting off Whale's right arm.

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Indeed, Mariachi is a sword.Whale's arm got sliced clean off, which, without getting too gritty, created quite a mess. Flailing back, Whale smashed into a wall of the bus and toppled downwards. When his face made contact with the floor, Whale started to pull himself up. Upon standing, Whale realized the fact that he only had one arm would make things much more difficult, especially since he was right-handed. Thus, sword attacks were pretty much out.So instead of charging madly, which is what got his arm cut off, Whale decided to think about his next move. His old friend Squishy had told him about this Nujanii character and how he was a tough cookie, and Whale was learning the hard way that he wasn't lying a bit. This kind of guy took strategy, and good strategy at that.Eyes narrowing, Whale tipped his sombrero downwards which cast a shadow over... half his face."Tough cookie, hot tamale. It's all the same to me," Whale growled as he prepared an explosive taco.After the throw of the cuisine, Whale teleported behind the slayer of arms and sombreros to launch an attack attempt at the foe's neck, which was exposed. Grabbing a razor-bladed quesadilla, Whale took a full swing with his left arm. If everything went according to plan(which they rarely do), Nujanii would be decapitated.

Edited by Squishypony


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I'm rather proud of this post.NujaniiNujanii had used strategy before. He would use it again. Nujanii anticipated the barage and used his kakama to get away from it. If Whale could throw explosives in a confined area and not take damage, then Nujanii decided that the safest place to be was where Whale was. So Nujanii used his Kakama to run behind Whale. Then Whale teleported. Nujanii had seen (and felt) this scene play out before. His opponent would teleport behind him and tap him on the shoulder, cut of Nujanii's head, or stab Nujanii. Nujanii had been on the receiving end of this common strategy far to much. He had modified his powers to fit this scenario (among others.) Nujanii's limited omniscience alerted him to Whale's position. Nujanii ducked the slash and stabbed Whale with a dagger. Nujanii withdrew the dagger and ignited it to clean it. Due to the laws of awesome, Nujanii had not been dirtied by the insides of Whale.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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JiMing watched all of this, and decided he would fight. Using his Huge Fists of Power, he grabbed Whale and tossed him at Nujanii. If that missed Nujanii, he would use his Giant Sword of Painfulness on Nujanii anyways.

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"ALRIGHT GUYS!" ToD yelled as he suddenly leaped from the driver's seat. He had torn the nonexistent passenger seat from its poisition and stuffed it so that it pressed on the gas pedal."HI NUJANII AND NEW GUY!" he yelled some more, bringing the Reignbringer to slash an arm off Nujanii. "LET'S ALL LOSE AN ARM!"With that, he sliced one of his own arms off his body. "By the way, I'm also friends with Yoda. I went to visit him during my break from Bionifight."

Edited by Toa of Dancing

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Due to every power of boogaloo in the universe, Whale was having the worst hair day ever. Not only that, but he had been cut, sliced, smashed, bruised, stabbed, impaled, and just plain annihilated. Plus, only half of his sombrero remained.Whale was tired if charging wildly to be outsmarted. Whale was tired of launching attacks just for them to be blocked or dodged. Whale was tired of writing long, thought out posts to be countered with a couple sentences. Whale was tired of having a weird name. Whale was tired of it all.So he ran to the very back of the bus and began to sob into a gigantic wad of gum.


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The cake was enough to perk Whale up and get his head back in the game, but the extra things helped his overall attitude. Thanking JiMing heartily, Whale retrieved an explosive taco and shoved it in JiMing's face. The explosion happened as Whale was holding the taco, so his right hand was blown off and he was flung back into a chair, which had no plush filling. Instead, it had a bunch of rocks. Whale was back to feeling bad, but at least he was fighting again. Whatever happened to JiMing was another story.


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JiMing figured as much, so he held up his energy shield to protect himself from the explosion. He retrieved Whale's hand, and duct taped it back on."Even if you try to blow me up, I will always be a nicey-nice guy."

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JiMing held up his energy shield, which protected him from most of the impact. The same couldn't be said for Whale though....He told Junkyard, "You're not the only tough guy around here anymore." as he used his Huge Fists of Power to grab and slam Junkyard down on the ground.JiMing then went up to the drivers seat, and saw that they just drove through an interdimensional portal. The bus was now traveling through the space-time continum, to who-knows-where.

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At least Whale's hand was reattached now. The flipside was that he had been thrown into an energy shield and now lay on the ground in a painful position, with his arm twisted behind his back. Thankfully he was wearing his Sombrero of the Winds, which helped reduce the pain.Bringing himself up, Whale retrieved his sword, which had been laying in a puddle of his own blood."Asco!" Whale gagged "What a mess!"Desperately trying to clear his mind of the sight, Whale closed his eyes and shuttered it off. Now back in the fight, Whale remembered the chair with rocks in it. Smiling, Whale took control of the rocks and they... rocked? I mean, what do rocks do? If you had control over them, what could you make them do that they can't already do? Bluh, stone was a stupid power. Whatever, let's just say he could command them to fly around and slam into the backs of people's skulls. That makes perfect sense. Rocks do that all the time.


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So, can we make our own sets from our weapons? Because I have a sword (which could be made of diamond), a Diamond Pickaxe, and armor which can be diamond... Minecraft armor set. =3"Moo!" ToD yelled as the CMMSoAA didn't change him into a cow. Becausae he wasn't wearing it. Anyways, he cut off both of Nujanii's arms and then stabbed his opponent in the toe. This was followed by Nujanii being picked by a few tornadoes. ToD threw the arms out the window."WOOOOOT!" he yelled as he charged through the bus, aiming to slice everything in half.Including the bus.So now there were two halves of the bus flying down the road/fields/mountains/Mordor/oceans/wherever-it-might-be. Half of ToD was standing on one side, staring at the other half which was now hopping around the bus, still cutting and burning everything. And then that half got a rock to the back of the head.

Edited by Toa of Dancing

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IC: JunkyardBeing made of junk, Junkyard could hardly handle the space-time rift and burst into millions of kitchen appliances and car parts, which proceeded to attach to the two halves of bus. This connected the halves again and added some extra things, such as diesel powered rockets, microwave compartments and multiple oven and refrigerator sections. The bus went speeding into overdrive with the additions of the rockets and broke the speed barrier, forcing them all into the future. As well as all the kitchen appliances, the bus now had Junkyard as a HAL-9000-ish AI."WELCOME ALL, TO THE RIDE OF YOUR LIVES! WE WILL BLAST THROUGH THE FUTURE! BEWARE THE SPOLERS! HAHAHAHA!"

I was the First Evo.



and I am a Gentleman.

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NujaniiNujanii peeked through the windows and viewed the end of Hero Factory, Barak Obama's last day in office, and the release of Star Wars episode 1 in theaters in 3D.Then Nujanii pulled his head back in. Nujanii drew his Harry Potter wand and fixed the bus. Junky was still a part of the bus, though, and Nujanii could not think of how to remove him. Nujanii shrugged and put his wand back into his pack.He then shot iron at Whale.

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I was thinking more of special weapon sets being more like how special weapons were awarded in the past. They'll still be crazy and cool and all, but it also depends; do you want to create more Minecraft themed special weapons? Because if I agreed to make it a set now, that'd be kind of an impossibility (or at least, you couldn't increase the number of weapons in the set).I will give a hint to the special weapon set that will be awarded first: valve.-ibrow

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Well, I could make a few more to finish it.Also, I'm guessing TF2 items?"No, I've always been autohitting's biggest advocate in this game. I just got frustrated beyond all reason when everyone complained if they got a scratch on the cheek. Seems we're all good now, though, so... DIE BRO!" with that, more tornadoes picked up Nujanii and began flinging him around. ToD grabbed his other half and froze himself back together."Also, Junk, you overestimate yourself. For example, I can just cut the bus in half. Again. Like... this," said ToD as he cut the bus in half yet again, and cut each half in half. Now there were four pieces of bus rolling beside each other, with one active fighter on each and the fifth somewhere. "Bwahahahaha!"

Edited by Toa of Dancing

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NujaniiNujanii was thrown out of the bus half he was in. Everyone died.Saradomin"Your work here is not yet complete." Saradomin put the but back together, before explaining the usage of a loophole in the Guthixian edicts to an offended balance god.NujaniiNujanii felt himself alive and well... again. Nujanii cut ToD's arms, legs, and wings off, saying, "Well, then. I misunderstood you. What is your opinion on attack negation?"While Nujanii talked politics with ToD, he was sending fire at all other players while keeping eye contact with ToD.

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"It can be extremely annoying," replied ToD as he froze his limbs back onto his body. He followed this by sticking his hand down Nujanii's trachea, grabbing his opponent's lungs, and freezing them. He then pulled his hand from within the body, dismembering the body with his sword. He also drew a smiley face of fire on a nearby seat.

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JiMing bashed ToD on the head for being a hypocrite."I don't like hypocrites, in case you couldn't tell."Then he fired some energy bolts at Nujanii because he was nearby.

Edited by JiMing

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"An X-Wing? At first I thought it was an annoyed face, though," responded ToD as he cut another of Nujanii's arms from his body. he then tossed it out the window again, never to be seen... until it either magically grew back, or the next round."Also, I was not a hypocrite. I just reattached what was lost. I still got hit like you are just about to be," ToD replied to JiMing, with a jet of white flame at his opponent.

Edited by Toa of Dancing

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JiMing raised his energy shield to absorb the fire, then shot it back at ToD. JiMing then sliced off ToD's arm to give him a taste of his own medicine. Then he extinguished the fire emoctions with the fire extinguisher."Setting seats on fire is a big no-no." he told ToD and Nujanii.

Edited by JiMing

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The scattered bits of himself reattached themselves due to the power of the suit.As he was being beaten by said flaming seat, he asked ToD, "Why are you both my favorite and least favorite Bionifight fighter?"

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"Favorite: I make you laugh hysterically. Least favorite: I kick your posterior region," said ToD, the trollface back again. He then kept beating JiMing with the seat, keeping the fire from the Reignbringer stoked.

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