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Bionifight 4


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Turning to follow his opponent, ToD kept beating JiMing with the seat while JiMing kept beating ToD with the HFoPs. This probably was not going to get anywhere soon. Except for the fact that JiMing was still alight with white flame, so eh.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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ToD was legless!Until he froze them back onto his body."Lad, that bloody hurts. her, feel it yourself," said as he paused for a moment from beating JiMing with the flaming chair. In that short time of a pause, he froze Nujanii's legs, shattered them witha beating from the flaming seat, and tossed the bits out the window... again.Then he went back to beating JiMing with the flaming seat while being beat by JiMing's fists.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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JiMing should know by now that ToD directly controlled ice. Thus, he avoided being frozen, instead freezing JiMing and then shattering him with the flaming bus seat. Of coure, the HFoPs managed to hit him once or twice.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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NujaniiZezima teleported out of nowhere and handed Nujanii 5 rocktails and a super restore (4). Zezima left and Nujanii ate a rocktail, regaining his legs, then stucke the stuff into his pack. Nujanii would need it later. Nujanii hit ToD with a surge of fire, just because ToD had no immunity to it.

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Name: PirokWeapon: A butter knife.Power 1: Elemental Fire.Power 2: Raccoons (Almost like an elemental power, except with raccoon plushies).Power 3: Shielding (Works like a Hau).Appearance: A mainly red McToran, with dark grey feet and a powerless orange Pakari.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC:Gasp! A new player! Lets hope he actually stays.IC:JiMing saw Nujanii and hit him on the head with the fire extinguisher. Then he used Icestorm to freeze Nujanii before using his Huge Fists of Power to smash him into tiny pieces.

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Hi, Pirok! I'm a... somewhat intermediate Bionifighter over here. As such, I have a little experience with designing characters. Mainly, you want versatile powers and weapons to adapt well to the different locations we brawl in. Reviewing your character, I noticed a couple little things that may or may not need to be changed.Your second power. I just... don't understand. Raccoons? I can see many cases of something like this happening:"Pirok launched the raccoons at Nujanii, but they were incinerated with little effort."It just seems like an easy power to ignore. I had a similar problem with my old Special Weapon, the Anaconda Summoner. They were sliced and diced easily by all the players, so that weapon was just deemed a waste by me.Your weapon. A butter knife just seems like it would be too small to have a great effect on all the swords and shields of the players here, plus it seems like it wouldn't have that much of an effect if you even got a hit in. Butter knifes aren't sharp, and at most would be an annoyance to fighters.But aside from that, things look fine. Glad to have you here. :)Whale had been, like, sleeping or something. Upon waking up, he rubbed his eyes, glanced around, and immediately fell onto the floor and fell back asleep.


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OOC: Actually, that was pretty much the effect I was going for. With the butter knife, that is.A well-timed explosion of raccoon plushies could... could... I see your point. :PStill, flaming plushies could be bothersome.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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So, instead of something that would help you on the battlefield, you would prefer to mildly annoy players? Alright then.Flaming plushies could be bothersome, yes, but they would have just as much effect as regular fireballs. Thus, you'd be wasting a power, pretty much.But don't take my word for it, wait for iBrow to get the final say. =P


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JiMing ran to the front of the bus, and saw they were now driving through the bottom of the ocean. A group of sharks came and started attacking the bus."I hope that we run into another interdimensional portal soon." he gulped.

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Whale lurched over to the door of the bus, groggy and thinking it was his house back in Mexico, and opened the door. Water rushed in, flooding everything and allowed the sharks to start swimming in. Black Eyes wanted to protect Whale and stop the sharks, but they were practically family!No. It was unacceptable. Black Eyes was the alpha shark. All others paled in comparison to him. Growling(because sharks growl so often), Black Eyes sent out lasers to the other sharks. They wouldn't live much longer.But the bus was continuing down into deeper waters, where gigantic eels and colossal squids roamed. And they were hungry.


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JiMing quickly closed the door and sealed it with duct tape. "What on earth made you open the door!?" shouted JiMing angrily."Never mind that. We really should worry about avoiding all those sea creatures. Any ideas on how to avoid them?"

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"No sleeping right now, we're in danger!" he shouted at Whale.Then he looked out the window, and noticed the looming tentacles of a Giant Squid."We're toast." JiMing said meekly.

Edited by JiMing

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Whale was actually awake this time. The megaphone was more than enough to shake him. Blinking hard, he looked out a window to see the giant squid's beak. And the portal inside. After some blood-curdling screeches, they went though the portal and ended up in...Whale wasn't sure, so he left it up to the next poster to discern.


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NujaniiNujanii shook his head and sighed. He pulled out his harry potter wand, teleported all fighters and the bus to Bara Manga, then returned the wand to his pack. For some reason there was a highway in the middle of the Bara Mangan desert. Nujanii pulled an iPod out of nowhere, plugged it into the bus speakers, then cleared the driver's seat. Nujanii hit the gas and Road to Nowhere began playing throughout the bus.

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Name: PirokWeapon: A butter knife.Power 1: Elemental Fire.Power 2: Raccoons (Almost like an elemental power, except with raccoon plushies).Power 3: Shielding (Works like a Hau).Appearance: A mainly red McToran, with dark grey feet and a powerless orange Pakari.

You are approved; welcome to the game, and feel free to join in anytime. As for the butter knife, I see no problems; I fought with only a dagger when I was a player.Unfortunately, with Jl leaving we're still almost ready to jump ship, so failures.-ibrow
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JiMing saw Pirok and said, "Welcome to Bionifight! We hope you enjoy your stay." And to welcome him, he dropped two Cherry Bombs on him, shot some energy bolts from his Energy Laser Cannon of Laserness at him, and punched him with his Huge Fists of Power.

Edited by JiMing

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JiMing raised his energy shield, and absorbed the fireball. He shot the flames back at Pirok from his Energy Laser Cannon of Laserness"So, how's your first few moments of Bionifight been like?" JiMing asked Pirok.

Edited by JiMing

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JiMing raised his Tahu Mata sword to intercept the butter knife, and used the hilt to knock Pirok away.""Your Powers are not nearly as epic as mine." remarked JiMing, using his Glove of Fire to punch and burn Pirok at the same time. He then used his Gale Spear to create a tornado that picked up Pirok and spun him around at high speeds."And I haven't even shown you my Earthshaker yet."

Edited by JiMing

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Whale greeted the newcomer with some plasma streams and then impaled a nearby plush raccoon with Mariachi, holding it above his head in a victorious manner.Black Eyes also greeted Pirok, but with a laser rave instead of plasma. It was COOL.Buuut it also split the bus into, like, seven different sections which started floating though space, exposing every Bionifighter to the elements. The rave also exhausted Black Eyes, who fainted and blew up with the force of one and a half stick of dynamite.


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JiMing reached with his Huge Fists of Power, and brought two sections of the bus right next to the one he was on. He quickly nailed them together, along with every other part of the bus."Why does everybody split the bus apart?" he whined.

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