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Bionifight 4


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OOC: By the way, Squishypony, what do you think of that for a good use of raccoons? :sly:IC:Pirok used his shielding power, protecting him from the attacks, before attempting to ignite Nujanii's seat, and drown JiMing and Whale in a sea of plushies.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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JiMing raised his energy shield to block the flaming plushies. Then he zapped Pirok with Thunderbolt, and blew up two Cherry Bombs in Pirok's face."No, setting seats on fire is extremely impractical and lame."

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"No, but I've seen people light seats on fire. It's not fun when that happens."He then charged at Pirok, and at the last moment, rolled around Pirok, hitting him with his Earthshaker, slamming into Pirok with the force of an earthquake. And since it was behind Pirok, his shielding powers would not protect him.

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IC:Luckily, the earthshaker instead slammed a large number of plushies with the force of an earthquake. Pirok had moved out of the way, and made the raccoon plushies shape themselves like him. Pirok then tried to stab JiMing with the butter knife.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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JiMing raised his Tahu Mata Sword and blocked the butter knife. He slammed the hilt of his sword into Pirok's head, surely giving him a good Tylenol headache.Then he used his jetpack to fly up, and shot several energy bolts from his Energy Laser Cannon of Laserness at Pirok.

Edited by JiMing

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Name: SybreWeapon: Sword that can change the shape of it's blade.Power 1: (Mask Power: Hau) Shield that can deflect one attack at a time (Armies are my weakness)Power 2: Pixel Blast (A blast with a varying shape.Power 3: Frenzy (Basically the target gets hit rapidly on all sides)Appearance: (Pics later) A well-built being with a green head, torso, hands, and feet. The rest is blue.Will that work? If I need to edit anything, let me know.

Edited by Didonchu

mindeth the cobwebs

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Name: SybreWeapon: Sword that can change the shape of it's blade.Power 1: (Mask Power: Hau) Shield that can deflect one attack at a time (Armies are my weakness)Power 2: Bankai form (Power boost lasting for 1 post)Power 3: Frenzy (Basically the target gets hit rapidly on all sides)Appearance: (Pics later) A well-built being with a green head, torso, hands, and feet. The rest is blue. Eyes turn red during Bankai and cloak appears on me.Will that work? If I need to edit anything, let me know.

I would change your second power to be more of a power rather than a stat boost. Those are more for the special weapons.-ibrow
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Name: SybreWeapon: Sword that can change the shape of it's blade.Power 1: (Mask Power: Hau) Shield that can deflect one attack at a time (Armies are my weakness)Power 2: Bankai form (Power boost lasting for 1 post)Power 3: Frenzy (Basically the target gets hit rapidly on all sides)Appearance: (Pics later) A well-built being with a green head, torso, hands, and feet. The rest is blue. Eyes turn red during Bankai and cloak appears on me.Will that work? If I need to edit anything, let me know.

I would change your second power to be more of a power rather than a stat boost. Those are more for the special weapons.-ibrow
OOC: Thank you for letting me know. I just took out the Bankai form altogether.IC: Sybre tries to set Pirok's plushies on fire, but they keep coming too fast, so Sybre had to improvise. Struggling to his feet, he uses his shape-shifting sword to slice them all up. Then he eats a glowing, green burrito and fills the whole bus with fart gas."Eat that, puny players!"

mindeth the cobwebs

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ToD had fallen asleep after getting diced. Odd, really. But things happened. Upon waking, he realized that about half his pieces were left in the ocean. Knowing that was against the rules, he summoned himself and transferred consciousness.ToD kicked the rest of ToD out the door of the bus and then lit the bus and everyone inside it on fire.Because fire was his specialty.

Edited by Toa of Dancing

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OOC: I like your style, ToD!IC: Sybre needs to think of something fast, as plushie stuffing, fire, and fart gas don't make a pretty mixture! He takes hold of the bus's steering wheel and turns it toward a cliff. He hops out when the bus is about a kilometer away from the cliff and enjoys the show."Whaddya say to THAT?! C'mon, you've got a kilometer left."

mindeth the cobwebs

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Nujanii"Fire is NOT your specialty! It's MINE! Or one of mine, at least... BUT THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT!!!"Without leaving the driver's seat (or even diverting his eyes from the road) Nujanii withdrew all heat in the bus and sent it at ToD in junction with a fire surge. The result? ToD's head poking out of a ginormous block of ice. Syber (ninja you) was frozen in and did not jump out (just because it's against the rules.) The block of ice fulled most of the bus. Except the front part where Nujaniii sat with his iPod.

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You're in. Round V Over.The winner of this round is Squishypony. You may design a special weapon for me to approve via pm, upgrade one of your special weapons to level 2 via pm (an upgrade will give an additional ten stat points to be used, and the limit of points that can be given to all stats will be increased by five), or save a victory token (inform me if so via pm).Round VI: Bionifight (Forever Alone)For this round you are all teleported to Mahri-Nui, where hostile Hydruka will try to eat your brains and random Gadunka will pop up to eat your entire head. Good luck!-ibrow

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No crash. I negated your post. We are driving on a highway in the middle of the desert. Read the history please.NujaniiNujanii telekinetically slapped Sybre in the face. Even though Sybre is stuck in a big block of ice that takes up most of the bus.You always were a ninja, Vert- er- iBrow. I oughtta get a volitak some time...Nujanii Nujanii found himself underwater.Crud.Nujanii could breath, due to the magic of the game, but he was as sure as Karzahnii not happy.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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JiMing put on his Super-Mega-Awesome Hat of Awesome Coolness, which outfitted him with a full body suit, which let him breath underwater.He raised his energy shield, and absorbed the Pixel Blasts. He fired them back at Sybre with his Energy Laser Cannon of Laserness"Welcome to Bionifight! How are you enjoying the game so far?" he asked, as he fired several blasts of energy at Sybre.

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OOC: I was around during the final portion of the bus round.IC: "It's a good way to relieve me of my eternal anger!" Sybre replies as he attempts to jump to another bubble, but gets caught in the leg, thus slowing him down. Breathing in all of the possible air in the new bubble, Sybre jumps out of the bubble toward JiMing and uses Frenzy on him."Eat my fists and feet, hotshot!"

mindeth the cobwebs

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Whale twirled his sword above his head, bringing it down on an attacking Hydruka. Truly, the feeling of victory over bashing the most brains out of some weirdos on a bus was the best feeling ever. This enlightened Whale, and the fact that he was no longer 14% duct tape. Plus, he got a prize. That was just great.But now was not the time to gloat because people were fighting. That was Whale's area of expertise which is also why he loved the violent game ever since he read the flyer for it.

BIONIFIGHT 4!The only super-violent fighting event that has NO HOLDS BARRED! That's right, you can rip our your opponent's guts, burn them, freeze them, smash them, chew them, and then shove them back into your foe's body! Or even more violent! THE ONLY LIMIT IS YOUR IMAGINATION!AND you can summon ARMIES to help to ensure your victory! Want to have ten thousand Rahkshi storm your enemy? Go ahead! Want one hundred thousand Skakdi to beat your foe down? No problem!JUST GO OUT THERE AND SMASH, SMASH, SMASH!!!!!disclaimer: you may not kill anyone

It was actually Whale's good pen-pal Squishy who sent him the flyer. Yeah, those were the times. Edited by Squishypony


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Do it, iBrow. X3ToD found that he didn't have the RTS or the Reignbringer beside him. In fact, he even lacked the Diamond Pickaxe. What he had was Poseidon's Trident and the Completely Mismatched Set of Adaptive Armor. Laughing maniacally, he summoned a tidal wave to launch away from the battlefield.Underwater.Thus, he moved the entire ocean, leaving Mahri Nui on bare ground.But why did he do that?So that he could summon the entire ocean in another tidal wave to utterly maul everyone else. The CMmSoAA altered itself to be a suit of ocean-sized-tidal-wave-proof SCUBA gear.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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JiMing took Sybre's Frenzy, but his suit took most of the damage. After the suit repaired itself, he noticed ToD's ocean-tidal wave-thing. He raised his energy shield to try and protect him from it. When the ocean settled back, he used his Gale Spear to create a raging whirlpool. He launched the whirlpool to scoop up Sybre, Pirok, Nujanii, Whale, and ToD.

Edited by JiMing

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OOC:Who just ignored my attack now?IC:JiMing used Fireburst to melt himself out. He used this over and over again until he could reach Nujanii. Then he pounded Nujanii with his Huge Fists of Power.

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@iBrow: Should I turn it into a promotional banner?IC: JunkyardJunkyard suddenly found himself whole and in the water.Goshdarnit.Because Junky was made of iron, steel and other metals, he sunk like a stone. Luckily, he didn't need to breathe thanks to a fishbowl he found.

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