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Bionifight 4


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Wouldn't fire be completely ineffective in water?IC: JunkyardJunkyard found himself a few propellers and attached them to his back. He then grabbed his Grumpy Hammer from his back and swung it back and forth while flying upwards through the water. Straight at Nujanii.

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Nujanii reallyv wasn't the brightest bulb in the socket, was he? ToD didn't think so, at the very least. Why? Well, Nujanii had just made a very big mistake. He created a giant block of ice. ToD's element. Something over which ToD had much more control. It didn't take much to supercool it all.Thus, Nujanii would find himself with nothin beneath his feet. He was also quite suddenly assaulted from every side by absolute zero ice shards, practically impossible to melt. In fact, it began to explode in layers. every foot or so around Nujanii exploding about three seconds after the last and absolutely mauling him. Another shattering, slashing.ToD sat back, having brushed the fire and heat aside with a gust of wind. His SCUBA gear had an addition of sunglasses, apparently. And an automatic popcorn-maker.

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There wasn't really any water around ToD. Well, besides the ice. And that was already exploding and attacking Nujanii. The popcorn-maker was also part of ToD's CMmSoAA, so it was fine in any case.However, Sybre likely was not fine in any way, shape, or form, as he was suddenly targetting by an explosion of absolute zero ice shards.

Edited by Toa of Dancing

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NujaniiNujanii may not be the brightest bulb in the socket, but he was certainly pretty condemned close. Nujanii didn't bother to melt the ice, he siply flew out of range. high in the air, ToD would have to send a rather long distance attack at him. Added bonus to this: Nujanii flew fast enough to evade all the other attacks sent at him. Except a spike that had poked him in the heel. Another bonus: Nujanii could fly better than a Toa of Air. Nujanii summoned VR and LS. He was ready to power own!

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OOC:So, you just completely disregarded the fact that I shattered all the ice?IC:JiMing flew up into the air with his suit's jetpack, and quickly sniped Nujanii with energy bolts. Then he used his Gale Spear to pick up some ice shards, and threw them at Nujanii.

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NujaniiNujanii's eyes were a cold blue behind his golden Kakama. Blue as those of a Toa of Ice. In slow motion, Nujanii easily evaded all of the ice spikes. Nujanii's eyes gleamed. This was aerial combat. This was what he was best at. This was where he was strong. And JiMing had no idea how powerful Nujanii was. Especially here.

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JiMing was new to aerial combat, but he was confident in his abilities. He shot out a Thunderbolt to zap Nujanii, then fired several more bolts of energy at him."So, what move are you going to make now?"

Edited by JiMing

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JiMing was a Ta-Matoran, so the damage from the fire was slightly reduced. He then used Fireburst to melt him out of the ice. He quickly flew at Nujanii, but suddenly flew up, then flew down, bringing his Earthshaker on Nujanii's head.

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JiMing used his Gale Spear to create a cushion of air beneath him. JiMing used Icestorm to cool the molten jetpack, and the suit AUTOMAGICALLY turned the slag back into a jetpack, which reattached itself.Then he threw many Cherry Bombs at Nujanii while he waited for the disk to wear off.

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OOC:You should have made that clearIC:Since when did Sybre have a monkey paw? Whatever. He grabs Sybre with his Huge Fists of Power, and throws him into the air. As Sybre is falling, JiMing grabs him again and slams Sybre to the ground.

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OOC:Spell Sybre's name right.IC:Nujanii was most likely sorely mistaken. JiMing used his Gale Spear to summon a windstorm around Nujanii, and ice shards flew at Nujanii from all sides.

Edited by JiMing

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You all realise this is underwater with bloodthirsty Hydrukas coming at you and flesh-tearing Gadunka occasionally appearing?ICJunkyard attempts to use his hammer to whack a Hydruka away, but it is too slow with the water and justs Ground Smashes it instead.

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Read the previous posts, Evo.NujaniiNujanii easily melted the ice, rendering it useless. Nujanii's VR provided protection against non-physical attacks, including air, allowing Nujanii t retain his position. Nujanii smiled. He was fighting two people. His VR therefore gave him the power level of three Toa. Thie was going to be fun. Nujanii used telekinesis to rip the spear from JiMing's hands and stab Sybre.

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The hydruka and gadunka were all trapped in the ice - the entire ocean frozen in a block - and are now likely dead.Well, the block of ice had been shattered into billions of shards - perfect. ToD took hold of every single absolute zero shard left and flung them into the sky in a massive, deadly blanket. There really wasn't any way to dodge, and they weren't easy to melt.ToD followed this with a tornado to murder Nujanii.Then he leaped into the air and flew upwards.He forgot to use his wings, so he fell. But then he leaped back into action, being Bionifight's resident aerial master. "Hey! Nujanii! If you're still alive! I am the master of the skies here, not you!"

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NujaniiNujanii created an orb of iron around himself which rendered the ice attacks useless. After the ice was gone, Nujanii lowered his metal defenses. He then encountered a whirlwind. This really didn't bother him too much, thanks to the VR. Nujanii heard ToD, then yelled to his less aerially agile opponent, "I do believe that you, sir, are incorrect." Drawing on his virtus robes, with the power of six Toa, Nujanii blasted ToD into the ground with a wave of fire and telekinesis. Nujanii then sent a nigh undodgable barrage of iron at Sybre. Nujanii sent JiMing to the ground with telekinesis.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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It seemed Nujanii had a massive superiority complex. And he was blind, too. ToD waved a hane, and thecblast was counteracted by two powerful gusts of wind. He then began going super beast mode, flying around Nujanii. He was stabbing, slapping, biting, kicking, punching, freezing, airblading, and otherwise brutally maiming his opponent. He was here, there there, then above Nujanii, then below him."Keep flapping yer jowls, lad! Skill is the only proof, and I'm provin' right now that I'm better!" yelled ToD while he was doing his deathtrap attack. He also summoned a tidal wave FROM SPACE that would hit them all and recreate the ocean in just a few seconds.

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Ninja'd. :/ Sorry ToD. No, actually I'm not sorry. You negated my attack. So no, I'm not going to modify my post.NujaniiNujanii was high in the air. So Junky had a long way to fall. Now having the power level of eight Toa, Nujanii slammed Junky into the ground with telekinesis.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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I negated it with a reason. I didn't just completely ignore it, I actually did something to keep it from hitting.Because, of course, if someone negates your attack reasonably, you have the right to completely ignore them. =3 [/sarcasm]And then the tidal wave hit them all. Except ToD, who just followed it gracefully. More than likely everyone was now a giant pancake on the ocean floor. Maybe he would be alone for the rest of - wait, this was Binofight durrrrr.So ToD dove back into the ocean and went to go beast-mode and show that he was just as agile aquatically as aerially. And, of course, nujanii seemed to like to completely ignore him if he was realistic, so he attacked said person first. He went right back into his deathtrap-attack-thing-of-sort-of-kind-of-doom.

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You negated my attack, reason or no, and that is simply intolerable. If you didn't deflect my attack, your next attack would not have occured. Therefore, I negated the result of your negation.NujaniiNujanii slammed ToD into the floor of the area with telekinesis. Nujanii then flew out of the water.

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Blargh to the negated attacks thing. Don't negate attacks that are all like "TIDAL WAVE!!!" at you, but if it's a fireball, sure. Don't negate attacks because your attack was negated, because that begins an endless circle of negated attacks that will eventually force me to take action. That's why we have something called the PIG that hasn't been used in like thirty rounds. Anyway.Remember that in Bionifight, all setbacks suffered due to attacks are minor. And temporary.-ibrow

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Dude, I can defend myself. If that's now illegal to do in Bionifight, then that's wrong. If it's an attack this undodgeable (like the tidal wave) or a fun little autohit from which you can magically recover (arms chopped off), then no. But... grah. I'll shut up now, iBrow has spoken. Speaking of the PIG, I was consider using it on you, nujanii, because you've summoned non-Bionicle entities, even if only for a moment, before now.ToD sighed as he peeled himself from the seafloor. Then he PIG'd Nujani for leaving Mahri-Nui. Because he was really frustrated right now. Then he set a tidal wave upwards to murder his now snot-nosed opponent. And then he drew a smiley face and got over his frustration, putting an awesome face on.

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OOC:Nujanii, you always complain about people negating/ignoring attacks, but you also do the same. The ice shards were absolute zero, absolute zero. And you melted them. You stole my weapon. You take on everyone at once, and knock aside their attacks like a boss. That makes Bionifight a lot less fun for everyone, to let you know. I think you should be suspended for a few rounds to teach you a lesson.IC:JiMing used his repaired jetpack to fly into Nujanii, slashing him with his sword. Then he came back down to slash him again. And again, and again. To finish it off, he flew up, and brought his sword into Nujanii's forehead."I'll be taking my Gale Spear back." he said as he (obviously) took his Spear back.OOC:How are you going to brutally hurt me now? So bosslike, it's so annoying.

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I did not melt any zero ice. I formed an iron sphere which saved me from it. Even if I had (and I don't remember doing so) think how powerful I am. Read my profile.I negated ToD's attack because I was fed up with him. The result of my negation was acceptably close to what my attack would have gained me had it not been negated- a brief respite from ToD's attacks.I didn't steal your weapon, I tore it from your hands, used telekinesis to stab it through someone and left it there. you should talk to Sybre about holding your weapon.Defend yourself? Not if I specify that it hit. For goodness sake, if I post that I slam you into the ground, I don't care if you post "I eat a magical mushroom and recover in half a second" as long as what I posted stays unaffected. You may magically recover from anything, ToD. That's part of the game. You disrespected my post, therefore I gave your post none of the respect I would usually. I may have acted imprudently, but I think I'm yet in the right.Though I ought not to have left Mahri Nui. You are correct on that account.You say I'm 'Bosslike.' That is so. I want to use my special weapon to its fullest extent. I've done this before. Check my profile. My VR's upgrades make it so that I can take on an infinite number of people (though not with gauranteed success.) I wanted to fight as many people as I could, thus giving me huge power. It ought to have worked perfectly. It would have, I think, but for a little attack negation from an unexpected source. The one guy here that has been here longer than all others. ToD. I expected more of you.If you wish me gone, than I might just take a few rounds off. I do have other things which I could do with my time, after all.If everyone hates me and refuses to admit any fault, I'll more likely do so.NujaniiNujanii was hit by whatever and was healed by his Virtus Robes.

Edited by Nujanii: Kanohi Master
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IC: VertakVertak rode/swam in on the PIG with a look of disappointment on his face as he pulled Nujanii and Toa of Dancing close, tapping both on the nose."I say chaps, this isn't the sort of thing I think anyone wants to see in Bionifight at all! So let's remove all special weapons for you two-"And here he grabbed several strange items from both players."-and all these weapons... and all these powers... ah! Yes! A good, old fashioned brawl. Here's a couple bottles of apple juice to help pass the time, and a Gadunka three times the size of the giant one in 2007 that wishes to eat both of you. I'll be back at the end of the round to give you your stuff back chaps, never you worry. Tally ho!"And with that Vertak rode/swam away on the PIG, leaving Nujanii and Toa of Dancing with five bottles of apple juice each, a gigantic and hungry Gadunka, and... nothing else. A classic battle.That was fun. You guys should do this more often!But in all srsness... just until the end of the round. No negating attacks, you two simply brawl. Let's see it!-ibrow

Edited by iBrow Hearts Luna
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Runny nose, as stated in the sentence following me sentencing the PIG.And Nujanii, I fail to see where you said that your attack did hit. If you meant that, I'm sorry. But either way, I did not intend to negate an attack. I thought you meant that you launch a wave of teleinesis and fire - ToD used a gust to blow the fire away and a gust to counteract the telekinesis.And no, I don't want you to leave, you're one of the most fun people to fighting when we aren't fighting.Also, iBrow, that is the most epic thing ever. XDToD shrugged and crashed a bottle on Nujanii's head, rubbed the shards in his face, then threw him in the gadunka's mouth. He then followed this with a gust of - wait, no, nevermind. A, uh, pillar of i - no, and no flags either. A tidal wave? Nope. ToD shrugged and kicked the gadunka's mouth closed.

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And ToD was sent flying forward - right into the gadunka's eyeball. He bounced right back, slamming into Sybre full-force. He quickly recovered, striking a heroic pose with one foot on his opponent. "I am always victorious! Yes! Wait... how am I speaking underwater? Oh well."

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