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Bionifight 4


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IC:Zadakh was entangled by a bean rope, distracting him for a moment, but then he flexed his wings, broke the rope, and tackled Beano."You realize it will be VERY unfortunate for all of us if that volcano erupts, right?" Zadakh said. "...Wait, did you say I was uncool? I am TOTALLY cool! Would someone uncool be able to kill Shinryu and fashion its remains into super armor?!"

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Man, how could I have won? Oh well. My next Special Weapon is probably going to be something armor related.Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that Sumiki is the next boss. A round or two after the boss fight I saw Sumiki himself viewing this topic, which doesn't seem like something he would just randomly do unless he had been told about it. After all, Sumiki doesn't have, to my knowledge, any history with Bionifight.Squishy didn't like hot places, so he chose to fight on the sides. Hoping that an earthquake wouldn't startle the volcano too much, he fired his Monsterquake Inducer and followed up with shooting several rodents out of his Anaconda Summoner and then threw his Double Rebound Creature Ball(even though it didn't have much to bounce off of). Squishy was startled to see his DRCB be back to small size when a letter from Hugecorp flew up to him in paper-airplane form. He read it, and as it turns out it DRCB reset back to its original size. Oh well.

:P I guess I'll announce the next boss now; we're getting very close to it anyway. The next boss battle will take place next Wednesday-Friday(at least). Get everyone to join.The second Bionifight boss will indeed be Sumiki. Prepare yourselves over the next few rounds. :evilgrin:-ibrow
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IC:"Even if we can't die, we can still feel pain," Zadakh said as the Matoran bounced off of him. He caught the Matoran before it fell into the lava and said, "Even if some of us do have AWESOME armor fashioned from the carcass of a superboss, heheh..."He deposited the Matoran on the slopes, and said, "But, I can see that you're insistent."Zadakh flew into the volcano, up to a switch on the inner wall, and flipped it to the 'off' position. If you get this reference, you win a cookie.

Edited by Guts Style Pahrak
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IC:Beano watched as Zadakh clicked an off switch.And then disable that metal thingy holding up all the lava and preventing anything below and anything above to go up.Massive air pressure and lava was below, and Zadakh had just disabled it.Beano put on his trollface mask and started dancing.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC:"Agreed!" Zadakh said, spreading his wings and levelling out just above the lava. Some of the lava splashed up onto him and burned him. "I just wanted to draw some attention!"Using his enhanced speed, he charged at BZPP and swung the Chaos Reaper with both hands.

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IC:Since the attack was targeted at his tail, Zadakh was paralyzed and subjected to the full power of the beam. I wasn't expecting telekinetic grabs on my tail...Reaper sighed, "Oh, Zadakh, even with a special weapon you're still a moron."Zadakh pretended to swing his Keyblade from the left, but then he dismissed Reaper, grabbed BZPP, and heabutted her in the face. "But I do know how to use my head!"

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IC:The ball hit Zadakh, and that combined with the gravity sent him towards the lava again. This time, even more lava got on him, but he was still able to recover, threw the bowling ball back at Squishy, and flew out and onto the slopes. But then he got trapped."Hm...how strong is this thing?" Zadakh asked as he winced. He pushed against it with all of his special weapon-enhanced might.

Edited by Guts Style Pahrak
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That right there was why Squishy sometimes didn't like his weapon; it could so easily be used against him when he lost his grip on it. Just like right now, when Zadakh thew it at Squishy. It hit with extreme force, what with Zadakh having super strength and all. It sent him flying backwards into Robert's crevice, and the many tentacled monster ate him with relish. Apparently Squishy tasted better than those armies Robert had been consuming.Squishy struggled to escape the belly of the monster, but to no avail. He decided he would find a way out his next post.


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BZPP was headbutted and also hit by Squishy's bowling ball then eaten by DRCB. She used an electric burst to cause the DRCB to spit her about...into the volcano. A scream of pain and some singed wings later she flewout of the volcano still screaming in pain, "Why did I bomb the Hall of Mirriors?!?!? Why?!?! Why?!?!?!"

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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IC:Zadakh screamed as he broke out of the hoop, and then he fell back alongside the slopes of the volcano and sighed. "Okay, may as well catch a breather..."He then saw how huge the DRCB was getting, and said, "Daaaaaaaaaaaang..."

Edited by Guts Style Pahrak
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Squishy generically grabbed some dynamite and lodged it in Robert's stomach. It blew up and Robert vomited him up or something. Man, his saliva was disgusting. It was like... well, let's not dwell on what it was like, okay? There were more important things to deal with, like how the DRCB was getting so big it could swallow the contenders whole now. Squishy was planning on summoning an army of his own for his beautiful ball to eat when a mailman drove up to the volcano and put some mail in a newly-placed mailbox. The DRCB promptly ate the mailman and kept bouncing around. Squishy casually walked over to the mailbox and looked inside."iBrow, iBrow, iBrow, iBrow, Squishy, iBrow and hey! A magazine!" Squishy held the magazine triumphantly in the air when the DRCB bounced over and ate it, along with Squishy's hand. He sighed and then decided to look at what was for him. It was a letter from Hugecorp. It was as read:​"Congratulations! Your Double Rebound Creature Ball has reached maximum size! It will return to original size next round.Love, Hugecorp"Squishy shrugged and tossed the mail on the ground. He then hopped back into the carnage.


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Squishy well, uh, was disarmed. And the water blades hit like sharp swords, slicing through him and making even more organs fall out, including his voice box. Everyone would have to admit it was a strange sight to see some pink fleshy thing emanating Squishy's voice when it was about a foot away from him. Squishy was pretty much a skeleton now with some skin just barely clinging to the bone. Squishy grabbed his organs and put them in his stomach, which he shoved through one hole in his body to keep it in place. Squishy then started running around in circles to evade BZPP or something.


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ToD made sure to keep the shelter nice and cozy, waiting for the eruption that it seemed iBrow forgot to cause. So he sipped some more tea and carried his exceedingly proper conversation onwards.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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BZPP stood up and wished for a way to beat Squishy. Her wish summoned an army that consisted of 100 (Matoran) Nuparu's, 10 Bohrok and Bohrok Kla of each type, 20 Nynrah Ghosts, 3 Exo-Toa and a Toa of Memes with a great Hau. The army went to work and upgraded the Toa of Memes into the Meme Master who was also infused with the power of every cliche known to man.OOC: JL, what does the Superossimsonicgun do?

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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Who was it again that argued about the fact "BioniPanda"s couldn't be summoned because they technically weren't Bionicle? I think that argument could be applied to this "Toa of Memes", IMO.What better way to defeat a cliche master? With a cliche. Well, at least that's what Squishy was hoping for. So while the DRCB and Robert and the Anacondas kept on eating, Squishy pulled out a CPS and threw it at Meme Master.It did about zip. So Squishy instead severely lightened Meme Master's hand's gravity and to counter drastically increased his feet's gravity. This pretty much was ripping him apart. With that, Squishy began kinetically throwing any remaining army members at BZPP.


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OOC: Fires a bullet which can draw elemental energy through being close to it. That bullet is then magnetized, push and pulls with superstrength and timing that leads to the elemental bullet being fired at Mach 30.Example - If I were to dip it into water, I would use the pokemon move Water Gun, except much faster.=====Beano once again danced as nobody attacked him. He turned his face and created a beanusflytrap underneath the Meme Master, who now had no relevance to Bionicle other than having evolved from a Toa.Beano then threw his trollmask at its trollface, trolling it to wear the trollmask when it already had the trollface.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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Using that argument, a bionipanda would be a rahi, and rahi are Bionicle. ;)ToD sat. Waiting. And waiting some more. Sipping tea. Conversing. Using the Reignbringer to make the volcano outside his shelter erupt. Of course, there were those million toa that, if eaten, kept getting replaced.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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IC:Zadakh was hit by the mach 30 mud bullet and skidded backwards down the slope, but thanks to his enhanced endurance he remained on his feet."That stung a lot more than I was expecting," Zadakh grunted, summoning Chaos Reaper. He flew at Beano and tried using Reaper to smash him through the slope into the lava."Aren't you going to exact revenge on the so-called Meme Master?" Reaper asked."In a minute...if it's still alive by then."

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Squishy was hit by the numerous lasers, piercing straight through his stomach where all his organs were being held. Squishy couldn't describe the pain, so instead he called out in sheer agony. He was now on the ground, looking as if he had a seizure.After awhile, Squishy gathered himself and stood up, still in much pain. He activated his telekinetic powers and caught the DRCB as it was bouncing by, then kinetically threw it right at BZPP.

Edited by Demon Llama


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