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Bionifight 4


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Just a simple request for a Bounty Hunter modifier soon. =3Squishy entered the grid to see.. the grid. No matter, Squishy had his awesome followers behind him, giving him support. Squishy noticed ToD dancing, as usual, so he decided for no real reason to attack him. Squishy threw his now small again Double Rebound Creature Ball at whatever, and his clones followed suit. Now there were a bunch of DRCBs bouncing around eating stuff. Oh, what fun.

Edited by Squishypony


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Just a simple request for a Bounty Hunter modifier soon. =3Squishy entered the grid to see.. the grid. No matter, Squishy had his awesome followers behind him, giving him support. Squishy noticed ToD dancing, as usual, so he decided for no real reason to attack him. Squishy threw his now small again Double Rebound Creature Ball at whatever, and his clones followed suit. Now there were a bunch of DRCBs bouncing around eating stuff. Oh, what fun.

Perhaps we have room for that next round.-ibrow
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IC:"So many enemies!" Zadakh said. "Especially if my clones are inlcuded in that count. Time to army summon...but not just ANY army! When I fought the bionic narwhals, I became King of the Narwhals!!"Zadakh held the Chaos Reaper to his head like a horn, and shouted, "NARWHAL ATTACK!!"An army of bionic narwhals shot out across the grid, and then Zadakh ran behind them, ready to use a Water Spellblade on whoever might evade or endure the bionic narwhals.

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IC:"Ah-ha, but I thought that through!" Zadakh said. "The bionic narwhals were moving at incredibly high speeds before I summoned them, so when they shot out of the summon gate thing, they flew out of it like an arrow across the sky! MWA-HA-HA! Oh, by the way--"Zadakh then used his Nerd powers to explain the difference between the RG and the UG, and then he hit BZPP with his Spellblade. If it was strong enough to knock her over, then he would release the charge as a shockwave at her clones."You don't even have Tron lines!"

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New Special weapon (For me only :D trolllz)AC-Hericopter - A helicopter which anyone can put on their head (Attracted using supermagnets to armor) to fly. To fly it(Along with head and all bodyparts underneath), You need the controller, which controls it, and also has a HUD which can show a thermal view of the landscape from a small HD camera mounted in the Hericopter.=====Beano put the AC-Hericopter on his head and flew away from his clones. Then he flew towards Zadakh. Then he lowered himself. And then more. And then more.Then, when he lowered himself to a few feet above ground, he made the Hericopter spin around and around and around while he held his foot out, and roundhouse kicked Zadakh.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC:Zadakh was kicked and sent flying, but then he rolled to his feet, kicked one of his clones, and then Kualsi-jumped above the copter and tried using an Ice Spellblade to freeze the copter blades. That didn't work and he was sent flying...into a Clone Zadakh, who kicked him in the back...then he stabbed the clone and said, "I need to reach the I/O Tower...then I'll get a power booster, with more AP, brand new abilities, and a Limit..."He was then punched by his clone. "At least get some Tron lines!!"

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BZPP was knocked back and one of her clones yelled, "You don't have Tron stripes either!! And the lack of Tron stripes is something easily fixed for Toa of Light." They then manipulated the light waves the were reflected by their armor to make Tron stripes appear.

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IC:Zadakh awoke without his Armor to find himself on an endless grid. "This...looks like... TRON!" Zadakh shouted. "AWESOME!! I should get some Tron lines!"Zadakh took out a blue marker and drew some Tron lines on his armor, but then he noticed a Clone Zadakh behind him.

"As you can see, I DO have Tron lines! Now, where's my Light Cycle?!"He Kualsi-jumped behind BZPP and used an Air Spellblade.
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The below is a joke. If I break any rules, please ignore the post.And yes, it is actually my birthday.NujaniiNujanii teleported in. Nujanii grabbed the weapons from the nearest Bionifighter as a birthday present. Nujanii then found a hobbit-like creature that had a ring. Nujanii killed it, grabbed the ring, and turned invisible with its aid.

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BZPP's clone just stared at Nujanii with a hopelessly confused expression which was equal to 5(2+3). The real BZPP was fighting Zadakhand used her kualsi at the moment Zadakh did resulting in them trading spots on The Grid. BZPP now attacked with a pressurized water beam that was electrified and was channeling a powerful laser.OOC: Happy birthday!

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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Well, that was fast. All the clones were gone... Shrugging, ToD snapped his fingers. What ensued was an army of one million clones. Of him. Good Mata-Nui, anyone in existence should have run for their lives. Because now everything was on fire or covered in ice or being cut in half or being washed away. Plus there were tornadoes everywhere. Furthermore, ToD and his clones were doing an odd have of the shuffle, Caramelldansen, the hustle, and other various things.Happy birthday, bro.

Edited by Toa of Dancing

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OOC: Happy Birthday!IC:Zadakh was hit by the beam and then caught in the chaos caused by ToD. "Hm, now this is a fine predicament..."He Kualsi jumped behind ToD's army of clones, activated the Armor of Shinryu, and plowed through them, hopefully defeating some of them, and then returned to normal and readied Mystic Reaper.

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Usually order was greater than chaos. In this situation, however, BZPP would find herself and her clones on fire. Or washed away by a tidal wave. Or picked off the grid by a tornado of some kind. Oh, and they couldn't forget the millions of flag strips trying to murder them. The ice, too, and the wind. Also the CMMSoAA being Tron suits, complete with bikes. Oh yeah, this was getting that crazy.

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They were battered indeed but they used their power to redirect the tidal waves, telekinesis to keep the flags at bay and their Shields to block everything else with some success. Despite the constant attack from ToD's clone army they kept together and slew any clone they could.OOC: I think that's what ibrow meant by not spamming special weapons with our clones.

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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IC:Zadakh was being battered when he realized that ToD had a Light Cycle."I! MUST! HAVE! THAT!" Zadakh shouted, activating the Armor of Shinryu and charging straight at ToD. He took some damage along the way, but he endured it and shot out with all his enhanced speed and strength, hoping to knock ToD or one of his clones off their Light Cycle so he could steal it just long enough to take a spin around the grid."He likes Light Cycles," Reaper said.

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Well, I didn't say that the attacks worked. =PThe dance continued while ToD accidentally ran over Zadahk... to be eaten by a DRB. Annoyed, the toa did the best thing of which he could think. He rode from its mouth. Into the frenzy. Screaming, "Die! Die! All ye sorry lads and lasses, die!" And so he kept doing stuff. Like normal.

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Round 18 Over.The winner this round is the lucky (or not so lucky) and skillful (or skill LACKING) MoC1: BZP Paladin, or whatever his name is. I've completely forgotten. Haven't we all? Anyway. I guess you can, y'know, design a special weapon for me to approve via pm. However, you can decide to instead, in Christmas spirit, give this opportunity to another player if you wish. Or you can be Mr. Scrooge. Your decision.Round 19: Bionifight (Bounty Hunter Modifier)For this round you all find yourselves trapped in a Maze. In the centre is an area known as the Glade, where things are generally peaceful aside from large, robotic Beetles who will attack if touched. Outside in the maze itself, you will run into blobby, stabby, cutty, undefeatable, indestructible things called Grievers, so look out.In addition, this round will use the Bounty Hunter Modifier. This means each player can only attack one other player. Hapori Tohu's blessing on the guy targetted by ToDD.Good luck.The Targets:Toa of Dischordant Dancing is after The Invisible Noob.The Invisible Noob is after kanohi_masterkanohi_master is after MoC1: BZP PaladinMoC1: BZP Paladin is after SquishyponySquishypony is after Jl1223 XJl1223 X is after PortalfigPortalfig is after Guts Style PahrakGuts Style Pahrak is after Toa of Dischordant DancingThis round will go until Friday night, and then you guys get Christmas Eve, Christmas, and Boxing Day off before the second boss battle begins on the 27th.-ibrow

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Cool, a bounty hunter modifier! Thankies. =3Squishy began to wander around the maze aimlessly. Well, not so aimlessly, because he was looking for Beano. He went around a corner and noticed BZPP. Eh, didn't matter. He was after Beano and oh no.As it turns out, BZPP was hunting Squishy. Figures. Squishy quickly darted back behind the wall, hoping that she had not seen him even though he was sure they made eye contact.


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The beetles hit Squishy square in the back, sending him tumbling forwards. Squishy wanted to hurl the bugs right back, but he remembered that he could only attack Beano. Grumbling, he levitated up high, giving Squishy a bird's-eye view of the Glade. He noticed Beano in a far corner, looking for someone. Squishy grew many vines and plants out of the ground and attached them to his wrist. He then commanded them to throw him over to Beano.The plants flicked and launched Squishy over to Beano, at the cost of putting him 2-3 feet in the ground. Squishy mumbled and got up out of his hole before proceeding to lob his bowling ball at Beano.


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Are we allowed to defend in a way that could injure our attacker?ToD found himself in a peaceful glade with giant beetles. Wait, scratch that, and raging inferno with beetle husks. Why? Because THVN was in the glade too, of course. The toa of dance charged at his opponent, trapping him with flags, a block of ice, fire raging inside the ice, and tornadoes also inside the ice. That would hurt, really bad.

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OOC: Hey, uh...it looks like I probably won't be able to participate in the boss battle. Visiting family and all...IC:Zadakh found himself in a maze, and said, "It's a-maze-ing!"Reaper hit Zadakh over the head and said, "Moron. Now, where's our target?""This is so cool!" Zadakh said, "I'm like Boba Fett or something!""You've got a long way to go before you can compare yourself to Boba Fett," Reaper said. "Now, our target?"Zadakh had luckily installed a Bounty Tracker in his head, so he used that to follow the maze to the glade, carefully avoiding Grievers the whole way. When he reached the glade, he saw ToD surrounded by tornadoes, so he Kualsi-jumped next to ToD and attacked with a Water Spellblade. "'Ello!" Zadakh said. "I'm Exo-Zadakh, this is Chaos/Mystic Reaper. We'll be smiting you today...wonderful word, 'smite'. I love it so."

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OOC= Gonna make a comeback for the bounty hunter modifier, but don't expect much on chrismas.I grunted in pain, how long was I out of these fights and why was ToD throwing frozen fire at me ... and how did that work? Didn't matter, because nobody picks a fight with me and walks away with it.Especially when they're stupid enough stop and think I was dead while I was charging up for a limit break. ToD soon found himself at point blank of a brutal spiked tentacle barrage aimed at his face."I ain't dead moron"

Edited by The Highly Visible Noob
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I said that you were trapped in a big block of ice with fire and tornadoes on the inside. a bit impractical to keep repairing the ice, but it would keep you from getting away.ToD stood behind his block of ice and saw THVN beating on the inside with a tentacle. Well, good thing he couldn't get hurt by his target. Well, as far as he knew. He shrugged and added more ice, plus added a few layers of protosteel from dirt with the Diamond Pickaxe. Meanwhile, the inside was still roaring with white-hot flame and tornadoes. "I wonder if fried Noob tastes good..."

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Squishy was sent flying backwards into a wall. It didn't help that Squishy only weighed about twenty five pounds.Squishy got up and brushed himself off. BZPP could probably predict any direction he went in, so he tried a distraction."Hey! What's that over there?" Squishy pointed over BZPP's shoulder then made a break for it. He didn't know if BZPP had fallen for it or not, but he did have Beano in his sights. Squishy quickly fired off two shots of his Anaconda Summoner, hoping at least one of them hit.BTW, the Anaconda Summoner is functioning slightly differently this round; instead of the anacondas targeting anyone and everyone, they will only target Beano. Same applies for the Monsterquake Inducer and the DRCB.


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IC:Zadakh used his Nerd powers to confuse ToD by going on an excited nerd rant about the new Kingdom Hearts game, and then he Kualsi-jumped again and launged a furious barrage of Water Spellblade attacks."Too bad I'm not getting attacked," Zadakh said to himself. "I need to hone my defensive capabilities..."

Edited by Guts Style Pahrak
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ToD was very confused, as he knew very little about Kingdom Hearts. Thus, he ignored it completely. Well, he still had a second or two of confusion, which caused him to be pounded into the ground with water, but besides that he was fine. Thus, he stood and created a dome of white fire around himself while keeping the attacks on THVN going.

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IC:"Can my Nerd powers be ignored...?" Zadakh muttered to himself. He shrugged, charged up his Water Spellblade, and lunged at the dome, using a Kanoka Pakari to boost his already extreme strength and swing the blade with even more power. The intense fire caused him serious harm, but he kept pushing, hoping to break through and deliver the hit, and to increase the probability of that, he explained a few points about Kingdom Hearts to create confusion via Nerdiness.

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IC:Zadakh was repelled by the dome, but then realized his aim was way off. "Nice going," Reaper said."I have a solution!" Zadakh said, summoning a Kanoka Sanok. He then used the disk's power to send out a very accurate Water Shockwave from Mystic Reaper.

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Instead the tentacle attack shattered the ice as an army of toa of iron tore the protosteel cage apart. Another set of toa of iron focused their powers and ripped ToD mask off of his face. From this carnage I pulled myself out of the flames slightly singed."Yer dead ToD, hear me? DEAD!"OOC= dang I just realised my target is Kanohi master ... and that means I cant hit back.

Edited by The Highly Visible Noob
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