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Bionifight 4


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You guys really hate the modifier, huh?Well, lucky you, I was never planning on using it. :PAnyway.Boss Battle #2: Sumiki (Forever Alone Modifier, Weapons Negated Modifier)For the second Bionifight Boss Battle, you all find yourselves teleported to the Bara-Magna planet, specifially the arena of Atero. You are stuck here, thanks to the invisible and indestructible and non-bypassable (you get the point) force fields that kill electrocute you and burn you and freeze you and cut one toe off if you touch them. Also, there's a lot of sand in the arena, but that's not important. Maybe.As for your foe...The Sumiki is a very large and terrifying creature/thing/being. It has six burnt orange limbs, ending in jagged claws, with six fingers on each claw. It is covered in the gunmetal armor of other beings it has defeated over time. It has three eyes and a large horn on its head, the horn being able to produce a fine assortment of flames, lasers, cheese puffs, and flaming cheese puffs. Its tail is large, powerful, ends in a sharp axe, and has a blatant proclivity to swat anyone who is grammatically incorrect. The bases of both the horn and tail are weak spots, but an attack to the horn is easily defended against due to the powers it holds (as detailed earlier).Also, he has wings. Big wings. So he can fly too. The winner of this round will be allowed to select two special weapons. You are determined the winner through one of two means:

  • [*]
You are the one who manages to slay Sumiki[*]You are the last one standing against Sumiki

For this round, YOU CAN BE KNOCKED OUT. If I, Sumiki yourself determine that you've taken too much damage to remain in the round, then you'll be removed from the game until Round 11, where normal Bionifight rules will apply once more. In addition, the winner will be allowed to select one other player whom they think deserves a special weapon for their performance. That player will be allowed to select one of the special weapons available in the first post or design one of their own for me to approve via pm. After each of his attacks, Sumiki will list any players he specifically killed; afterwards, if anyone else is determined to be killed by myself due to the amount of health they had before the attack, then those additonal players die. There is one revive allowed for ONE player. This means that if things begin to go extremely badly, you can all decide on ONE player to bring back from the dead and fight once more. If you think your death is undeserving, well... too bad.In addition, this round will use the Forever Alone Modifier, meaning you cannot summon any armies to help you. It will also use the Weapons Negated Modifier, meaning you must try to beat Sumiki without any special weapons.Good luck; you'll need it.

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Weapons negated!? NO!!!For this round, if it's ok with iBrow, I wish to use an Anthron. THe semi-omniscience will be a big help.NujaniiNujanii landed in the traditional Jedi landing pose. Nujanii didn't have his PSJS, RSotS, or BoH. Nujanii stood and drew both daggers. Ok, this is going to be tough. Nujanii ignited both daggers and prepared to dodge. Nujanii was quite good at dodging. Nujanii had done things while dodging that few others had. At least, Nujanii was pretty sure that most people wouldn't dodge with a handstand or a cartwheel.

Edited by kanohi_master
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The Sumiki turned about once, surveying his opponents. Where, or what, this place was mattered not, its only focus on its opponents, warily but confident.It snorted, scraped the ground thrice with its right front claw, and let some small flames out of its horn, as a warning to the rest of the beings in Atero. Of course, it had the capacity for speech, but it rarely utilized the gift, preferring to direct its feelings in a more beast-like fashion.It observed Nujanii as he landed in a ridiculous-looking pose. The daggers he held wouldn't present too much of a problem, but if they landed in the wrong place ...Now Cole landed beside Nujanii. This would have to be dealt withA crisp laser blasted out of its horn and into the ground in front of Nujanii, knocking him backwards. As the sand settled down, Sumiki twisted around and swatted Cole with his axe-tail - not a hard blow, but maybe something to teach them both a lesson or two ...

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"'Hola, como estas?', they all eszay. Those esztupid men...Thinking zey know how to talk to a woman."A chocolate-and-gold armored hand reached down and pulled a flask of vodka from its sheath. Its trembling fingers raised the container to parched lips.glug"Well, elisten here. I'm an elderly wommman who knows her shtuff."A pair of frail feet the same color swaggered through the sand. They moved drunkenly, almost without purpose.glug glug"So just eprepare ze vay for Joshefina Gomezsh."GULP aaahSaid elderly toa stood there in a staggering hunch. Her Iden was bedecked with a confident smirk, her lack of ludicrous gear making the situation even funnier as she stared down Sumiki from a distance of around twenty-five bio. The granma whipped out a foot-wide chakram and her sanjiegun. Holding both drunkenly, she slipped the chakram around the top of her sanjiegun's first section and then began to twirl the flail. This resulted in the ring spinning as well, slowly at first, then gaining in power."Hola. Como estas?"The voice was drawling and slurring, its tone sardonic as one protosteel chakram flew from the staff towards the bottom of Sumiki's horn.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Squishy trembled at the sight of Sumiki. His knees wobbled, his heart beat faster and faster, he took a big gulp and decided that if everyone else could do it, he could, too. So he fired his Monsterquake Inducer and Anaconda Summoner and threw his Double Rebound Creature Ball and kinetically threw some sand at Sumiki's eyes with his Telekinetic Armor....Which weren't there. Brilliant. Squishy darted over to BZPP to hide behind her shield.​...Which ALSO wasn't there. Great. Thus, Squishy decided to take matters into his own hands and assaulted Sumiki with a barrage of briers and plants and constantly growing weeds.


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Sumiki saw the chakram flying towards its head. It could do nothing about the fact that it would connect somewhere, but something could be done about where.Sumiki ducked slightly, the chakram bouncing off of the top of its horn. As the protosteel weapon fell to the ground, it was melted with flames from its now-slightly-chipped horn.As the flames descended to cover the chakram, Sumiki noticed foliage - and not of the cute, smelly kind - all about it. Keeping up the flames, he doused the plants as well, but even the burned plants were a tiresome nuisance. Unfurling its wings (and snapping a few vines in the process), Sumiki lifted up off of the sands of Atero and circled over the heads of his enemies below.

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Josefina turned up her nose indignantly. "So eyou wish to fly abof us, eh? Tonto!"She reached and grabbed two more chakram, one for a hand and one for the sanjiegun. This time she aimed only at the base of the thing's tail and his belly. Giving them an electric charge she could manipulate as they flew to hit for at least some damage, if not full contact, Gomez flung them up at her foe with all her Pakari-level strength.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Squishy levitated up high into the air. From here, he was sure he had a pretty good shot at Sumiki's tail. He readied his bowling ball, took a deep breath, and threw it. When it looked to be above the base of Sumiki's tail, he increased the ball's gravity dramatically. Sure, Sumiki was flying in circles, but Squishy was decently confident it wold hit.Kind of.


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As Sumiki circled overhead, it could see Cole apparently gaining energy from ... something. It had a bad feeling about this new development, and flew into the forcefield itself. A shock emanated through its body, and, though not enough to incapacitate it, certainly made him think twice about flying into that forcefield again.As Sumiki flew back towards the center of Atero, it felt pricks of pain in its underside - one on the belly, but another at the base of its tail.That stung, but the blow wasn't strong enough. Reaching underneath with its flexible tail, Sumiki hurled the chakram back at Josefina before entering a steep dive towards her.

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Seriously Electricity, Fire, and Ice. Those are Cole's elements, this should be fun.

Urgh. Next time you'll be in pain, trust me. :P

Weapons negated!? NO!!!For this round, if it's ok with iBrow, I wish to use an Anthron. THe semi-omniscience will be a big help.NujaniiNujanii landed in the traditional Jedi landing pose. Nujanii didn't have his PSJS, RSotS, or BoH. Nujanii stood and drew both daggers. Ok, this is going to be tough. Nujanii ignited both daggers and prepared to dodge. Nujanii was quite good at dodging. Nujanii had done things while dodging that few others had. At least, Nujanii was pretty sure that most people wouldn't dodge with a handstand or a cartwheel.

Sure, I guess. :PHealth post will come later tonight.-ibrow
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ToD saw the very large and terrifying creature/thing/being. Looked pretty cool. And he noticed that it was Sumiki. "Hey, Sumiks!" he called while summoning a massive block of ice to crush the boss. He launched himself into the air, where it would be much easier to dodge anything. Unless Sumiki started flying too. That'd be bad.Oh, wait. Sumiki was flying. Brilliant. Hopefully the block of ice would send him back down there. If he did have that luck, it would send Sumiki onto a few spikes of ice, flung harder onto them by ToD's wind power.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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Josefina swaggered, barely avoiding the chakram with her Calix-level agility. "Es zat all you got?," she confidently questioned.But dodging Sumiki was considerably tougher. The toa activated her Pakari-strength and leaped sideways, barely avoiding his dive's path due to the strength of her jump while flinging yet another electric chakram at him to distract. The maneuver would work quite well in allowing her to regain some distance....Well, she hoped so, anyways.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Sumiki didn't see the bowling ball until it was too late. It crashed into the base of its tail, eliciting a short scream from its mouth. Angered, it snapped its tail up - cracking the massive block of ice that had somehow formed above him. As the ice fell around (and some on) its body, Sumiki could focus on yet another chakram. Pulling a mighty claw up, the chakram was swatted away.Presently Sumiki felt quite light, nearly floating without wings ... but this could be used as an advantage. Utilizing the diminished weight, Sumiki's wings went on full throttle, charging airborne at Squishy.

Edited by Sumiki

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IC:"LIKE A BOLT FROM THE BLUE, IT'S TIME FOR THE REAPER REVIEW!"This super-nerdy quote echoed through Atero, bringing with it the Nerd powers of Zadakh. Sumiki was no doubt rather confused--not enough to plummet, of course, but probably enough that he wouldn't see Zadakh, Kanoka Kadin ready, flying at him from above. Zadakh gripped Chaos Reaper with both hands (noticing that his Mystic Knight Gear and Ethereal Keyblade Generator had vanished), angled right at the hopefully-disoriented Sumiki, and swung the Keyblade with all of his extreme strength.Even if it didn't hit, Zadakh landed expertly, looked over his shoulder at Sumiki, and said, "But though you might forget the Review, rest assured, it remembers you."

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Squishy wasn't known to be the fastest, or the smartest, or the strongest, or have ninja-like reflexes. Thus, he was slammed into by Sumiki which caused him enough pain already without that slamming him into the force field, making him lose one of his toes and then burned, electrocuted, and then frozen. Fantastic.


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Josefina used the moment to take stock of her condition. She began to think, still swaggering just a little bit to reassure people that she was ready to fight.One sanjiegun-not damaged. Twenty chakram-two buried in her target, one flying through the air.But most importantly...One FREAKIN' BIG FLASK OF VODKA-halfway downed.Gomez grimaced. She was in desparate need of MOAR ALKAHAL. Oh, well. She'd just have to save the rest of her stock for later.Recovering the electrified chakram, she kept its electric current within it consciously. The toa then leapt forwards to get within range and flung it at the base of Sumiki's tail-only this time, it was hopefully not to fly at the place she had aimed her last one. Hopefully the electricity would disperse throughout her foe's body before it hit Squishy via conduction.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Sumiki was still in the midst of his charge at the frightened Squishy as a keyblade buried itself in the gunmetal armor of its back. Another nuisance. It really didn't hurt that much, but it was another hassle - and Sumiki was disconcerted that the keyblade was swung with enough force to bury in the armor.But Sumiki continued, slamming Squishy into the force field. As Squishy was being tortured by the forces of the force field, Sumiki whacked him a few times with its tail-axe. For good measure, of course, but one could never be too sure with these particular opponents.

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More chakram, again aimed at the base of the tail. Sumiki was not pleased, and couldn't easily dodge them all now that the diminished gravity had been lifted after the squashing of Squishy.Pesky things, and the more of them there were, the more they hurt.Sumiki looked over at Josefina. It had been around long enough to know what alcohol was, and it was blatant that this lady had imbibed a bit too much. Roaring, Sumiki let out a barrage of lasers at Josefina, hoping that, in her drunken state, she wouldn't be able to dodge all of them.

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Squishy was then whacked by Sumiki's gigantic axe-tail. Ouch. Due to the strange physics of Bionifight, he was sent flying out of the field. Tumbling across the sand, he reunited with his bowling ball by slamming his head into it in mid-tumble. Squishy staggered to his feet, trying his best to shake the pain off. Grabbing his bowling ball, he shouted across the arena at Zadakh."The plan is throw everything you have at it until you die!" Squishy got out before falling flat on his face onto the sand.


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"Si," Josefina called as she pulled out two more electrified chakram. Running around, she continued to fling them at different parts of the tail's base from as far a distance as the attack was viable. She grinned. "Ekeel heem."That was when a dozen lasers flew at the toa. Grimacing, she attempted to deflect as many of them as she could with chakram and her sanjiegun while dodging with her curious Calix-agility swagger of Drunken Monkey.Her plan worked...For the most part. A few singed clips across her armor, causing the grandma to wince in pain.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC:Zadakh thought for a minute.Then he said, "Guys, I might just be an all-brawn no-brains type of character--""And he sort of is," Reaper said."But even I know that you need a strategy for a boss fight. That's why you see all those strategy guides in the game stores!"He shrugged, switched to the Kanoka Calix, and surveyed the scene. He made a dash at Sumiki, listing the Pokemon types as he went so he could use his Nerd powers to confuse the target. Hopefully, he reached Sumiki and, focusing all the power he could into one swing, attacked the base of Sumiki's tail.

Edited by Guts Style Pahrak
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Sumiki was now mad. Trying everything it could from a long distance, Josefina was still untouched. Moreover, the more chakram of hers hit the tail base, the less force could be mustered on tail blows.With Squishy (at least for now) out of the action, Sumiki charged towards Josefina and swung its tail at her. He couldn't get as much brunt on it as earlier, but it was still by far the most deadly part of the Sumiki anatomy. As its tail smacked Josefina (and crushing one of her liquor bottles), Zadakh missed the tail base by a fraction, connecting with the armor on the lower back.Turning about, Sumiki unleashed flames at Zadahk, hoping to inflame him. Literally.OOC: I'm off to eat now. Be back later.

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IC:Zadakh was smothered in flames. The Calix helped him to avoid the worst of the attack, but he was still on fire. Feeling it would take too long to recover, he charged on through the flames and swung at Sumiki's head, yelling "THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!!" to trigger his Nerd powers. He'd have to stop drop and roll later.

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Fortunately for Sumiki, his charge had destroyed Josefina's most powerful weapon: Her alcohol.Unfortunately for Sumiki, the above probably wasn't the smartest thing to do.Even considering he was a ton stronger than the female toa in sheer power, not to mention a lot bigger, that certainly didn't mean that she had an advantage over her in agility. Gomez was the one with the Calix-body here.So rolling with the blow to ensure that his ax-tail didn't cut too deeply into her, Gomez took the shards of glass in her body and serious bruising with shadowed eyes. She then jumped again.This time, however, she was trying to jump onto the back of Sumiki's tail at its base. Her sanjiegun was crackling with electricity, held high overhead and poised to strike the weak point."TU TONTO! ERES COMO UNO NINO! VODKA ES TAN BIEN PARA TU!," she screamed in a full-out rage as her eyes became flames.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC:Zadakh couldn't tell if his attack had hit or not, but he couldn't stand the flames any longer. He rolled along the ground across the arena, extingushing the flames, and then he sat up and sighed, "Whew...that hurts...""Then..." Reaper said, "DON'T GET CAUGHT ON FIRE!!"

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JiMing uses his Gale Spear to launch himself in the air.As he fell, he brought out his Earthshaker and hit the Sumiki squarely on the head, not only giving the Sumiki a nasty bruise on it's forehead, but also bringing some rubble down on it.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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Despite Zadakh's plan, JiMing still went up to the Sumiki and started slapping it in the face with his Glove of Fire, giving it some pretty bad burns."That wasn't part of the plan." Zadakh complained.

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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Sumiki had had enough at the hands of these trifling foes. Their blows carried sting, and Josefina was still bothersome at the base of its tail. Shaking all over in as to dislodge her, Sumiki rose up off of the ground of Atero, letting the pain from the blows received below subside. Brooding, he used the reprieve to plan his next attack.

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