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Bionifight 4


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OOC: Erm...with all due respect, could you not control my character, please? I'd like to be in charge of that.

Whoopsies, sorry.IC:Not giving the Sumiki a chance to turn around, JiMing started slashing it's leg with his sword, shouting taunts at it. Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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IC:"And now he's airborne again," Zadakh said."Go after him, eh?" Reaper suggested.Zadakh sighed, "Well, since we won't be getting a plan..."He readied his Kanoka Kadin and rose into the air, but he kept his distance from Sumiki for now, ready to dodge or counter.

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Squishy stood up out of the sand, spitting bits of it out when at his full rise(which was about three feet). Loosening his shoulders and stretching his arms, he bounced back into the carnage. Out of all the contenders Squishy was probably hurt either the most or second-most. He was still in the fight, however, and that was all that mattered to him. He started out by summoning hundreds upon thousands of razor-tipped leaves into Atero and lightened their gravity, possibly slamming them into Sumiki's belly and giving him a couple of cuts here and there.


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Sumiki was wary at this flying fellow. If memory served, this one was pretty powerful.Time for a nice, creative attack.Sumiki circled the Kadin-wearing being, waiting for the right moment. Suddenly, Sumiki shot forward, grasping Zadakh before he could react. Thrusting its horn into Zadakh's mouth, Sumiki began to fill it with flaming cheese puffs.He had to focus on this, even through the pain that was searing through its mind. The source of it had to be determined as soon as Zadakh was defeated.

Edited by Sumiki

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IC:JiMing knocked the Sumiki out of the air with a powerful gust of wind summoned by his Gale Spear."I could defeat you with my eyes blindfolded and both arms behind my back!" JiMIng taunted.

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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Sumiki left Zadakh in mid-air, swatting him with its axe-tail for good measure. Leaves scraped along its belly - another nuisance. Blech.A sudden gust of wind tossed Sumiki backwards and out of the air, towards a very surprised Capricorn.

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Squishy shrugged, leaves were never that powerful anyway. So he used his own body as a weapon, instead. Well, more like his bowling ball. He grabbed onto his prize ball, he lightened its gravity dramatically and shot up into the sky at Sumiki's underbelly. Whether or not it would hit the base of his tail was a different story.OOC: Am I the only one who's glad that Sumiki is more active than Fighty? =P Not that Fighty wasn't an awesome boss or anything, but it's still nice to have a boss that replies more often. Then again, it kind of comes at the price of Fighty seeming more powerful. Sure, Sumiki is still tough and powerful, but Fighty was just like CRAZY powerful, which was exceedingly awesome. =P

Edited by Squishypony


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Josefina had landed in a roll to avoid damage. That move had been sucessful (save for the shards of glass digging themselves in even further, but she was far too mad and intoxicated to care). She got up in standing hunch, as before.However, a maddened and drunken Gomez was not necessarily THAT stupid. That is to say, just that stupid to charge in while Sumiki was surrounded by foes currently fighting him.Therefore, she merely got out two chakram and electrified them before readying both: One in left hand, one spinning with sanjiegun's top section. The toa would fire them when she glimpsed an opening at the horn's base-she couldn't really attack his tail any more then she already had.



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Sumiki spun in midair, connecting with Capricorn. How much, Sumiki did not know, but the pain in its mind did indeed lessen. Rolling over, Sumiki was irritated at the bowling ball that smacked its side. Putting a powerful claw down on the ball, Sumiki crushed it.There was Josefina again. Instead of charging headlong, as was the previous modus operandi, Sumiki flapped its wings and lifted into the air, circling warily around Josefina, waiting for her to make the first move.

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Tavahka arrived in a glorious beam of light that emitted from the sky above. As he touched down, he reached back for the Earthbound Bow, only to discover that it wasn't there. Tavahka shouted at his teammates "The modifier only works for special weapons right?" Without waiting for an answer, Tavahka shifted his arm into a cannon a la Samus and shot repeatedly at the Sumuki."I dream of farm animals!" Tavahka taunted menacingly, "Do you?"OOC: I am surprised nobody has done this yet. :P

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NujaniiNujanii had found the Anthron quite useful. Knowing where everything was through echoulocation, Nujanii had been able to dodge everything. He had not so much as a scratch on him. Nujanii had no special weapons, but (on the bright side) at least the boss could not now ignore them. Nujanii decided to do something. Nujanii used his Kakama and Arthron to speedily navigate through the air. That disk launcher (used with his fire powers) provided quite a good set of jetpacks. Nujanii used his daggers to slash Sumiki across the base of the tail, one of two weak points, and return to the ground unscathed. Nujanii then hid and went into stealth mode, waiting for the ideal time for his next strike. Which would probably be right after Sumiki's next post.

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Squishy fell to the ground after his bowling ball had shattered in his hands. With a somewhat loud thud, he cashed into the sands. Now he really only had one power to rely on, because levitation and gravity wouldn't help much here. Thus, he had to rely on plants which were never really useful.But he tried something else first, which was increase Sumiki's gravity tenfold. Worth a shot.


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The Glove of Fire bounced off of Sumiki's face, singeing it. Leaning back in the air for a counterattack, ammunition connected with its side. Tavahka was asking Sumiki if it had dreams of farm animals."FARM ANIMALS DREAM ABOUT ME!" Sumiki roared back, adding a horn laser for emphasis. That should keep Tavahka busy for a while ... until the laser, surprisingly, connected with both chakram, which melted. Tavahka was still firing his arm-cannon, prompting Sumiki to smack him with its axe-tail.No sooner had Sumiki done this when his wings gave out. They could no longer keep the extra weight airborne - they could only glide Sumiki down. In a show of irony, Sumiki glided towards Squishy, crashing on him with increased weight.

Edited by Sumiki

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Edited.Josefina swore. None of her attacks were connecting. Plus, her chakram kept on getting melted...And now she was falling towards the sand.That was when she was hit by the disk. At the rush of strength in her limbs, the toa grudgingly nodded to Nujanii.Seeing Sumiki fall gave the calming grandma an idea, however. She couldn't hit his horn, perhaps...But maybe if Squishy could do one last thing before he died, she could deal some damage anyways."SQUEESHEE! ATTRACT ME TO SUMEEKEE!," she yelled down, electrifying her sanjiegun and holding it high above her head in both hands.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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NujaniiNujanii, whose previous attack had been ignored, decided not to wait for BZPP's assistance. Nujanii flew at Sumiki from above and slashed him (you are a guy, right?) across the base of the tail. Deep. Nujanii quickly left the area and got to a safer range. Sumiki was sure to return fire. And hopefully nt ignore this attack.

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Squishy was now crushed, nay, squished underneath Sumiki's immense girth. Trying his best to gather himself, Squishy reversed the process and severely lightened Sumiki's gravity. The plan was to slam him up into the electric field thingy, but it probably wouldn't. Oh well. At least it would get him off of Squishy.

Edited by Squishypony


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OOC: I prefer to use ambiguous pronouns, but if you prefer to refer to me with the masculine, that's fine too.IC: Nujanii's attack could not be ignored this time around, as the wound at the base of Sumiki's tail was deep and painful. Roaring, Sumiki let off a few horn-fireballs in Nujanii's direction, enough to keep him off guard.Now Sumiki felt much lighter, and presently realized that it was floating up off of the sand. Using its wings, Sumiki tried to keep underneath the force field, but could no longer keep underneath the level now that Nujanii had hit its side with a few Kanoka. Trying to aim the direction of the speed Kanoka, Sumiki couldn't keep airborne, grazing the shock of the force field but not enough to feel its full effects. Whipping around, Sumiki used its newfound speed to careen into Nujanii and stunning itself in the process.

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It is gramatically correct to use the pronoun "it" on animals.NujaniiNujanii was a Toa of Fire. He easily absorbed it and sent it towards its master. Nujanii then activated his Kakama. Nujanii, who was of equal speed, knew of Sumiki's attempt to attack him. Nujanii easily avoided Sumiki, who slammed itself into the ground.

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Gomez grinned. "hic-GRACIAS!" She attempted to crack her electrified sanjiegun across Sumiki's back with Pakari and disk power reinforcing the blow. She would then try to grab onto him and grapple-her agility, combined with massive strength, electricity, and chakram covering her body would give her the edge. Sure, it wouldn't be able to kill him, but it would allow others to. And she always could crawl towards his horn.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Still dazed from crashing into Nujanii (or where Nujanii was, to be more precise), Sumiki found itself floating up to an even drunker Josefina. Floating, she had no real defenses.Perfect.Sumiki whipped around, smacking Josefina with the flat side of its axe-tail. Surprised at the now-diminished force - due to the repeated attacks on the tail base by the enemies below - Sumiki followed up with a number of high-velocity cheese puffs aimed at Josefina's chest. Her blows hurt, true, but Sumiki hoped this latest strategy would take her out of action - at least for a while.

Edited by Sumiki

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Squishy was dazed and disorientated after being attacked so much. No matter, until iBrow officially stated he was dead he could still fight. Thus, Squishy launched a barrage of plants and vines to constrict Sumiki's horn, with the cherry on top being many angry man eating plants constantly growing on Sumiki's forehead.Of course, they would likely be burned without a second thought, but still.


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Sumiki was tiring, but the fight wasn't over yet. Dodging most of the rubble, it flew over to the opposite side of the arena and alighted on the ground - hopefully enough time to recuperate a bit before the enemies attacked again. The vines again growing on its head were another annoyance, but the energy it took out to flambé the foliage made Sumiki concerned.

Edited by Sumiki

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Enraged, Sumiki poured all of its efforts into setting JiMing and his beloved spear into as much flame as possible. Spreading it around and kicking up sand, glass formed all around the area, waiting for JiMing to fall upon it and cut himself.But Sumiki could do nothing about the disks, sucking considerable energy out of its already somewhat depleted frame. Pulling from its energy reserves, Sumiki crushed three of the disks with its tail before they could hit.

Edited by Sumiki

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BZPP had finally arrived and joined the fight. She used alchemy to turn the ground beneath The Sumiki's feet to water then when it had sunk a couple of feet she turned it into osmium the densest thing known to man. the osmium would react with air if Sumiki tried to free itself and turn into the super-toxic osmium tetroxide.

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