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Bionifight 4


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Josefina parried the tail blow as she best was able with her sanjiegun and strength. But it still sent her hurtling sideways two-thirds of a bio, even if it couldn't add to her wounds.She then snorted. Cheese puffs? The toa got right to work smashing through them alongside JiMing, using her electricity in conjunction with her great strength, sanjiegun, and chakram to prevent them from hitting her chest.The toa dropped to the ground now, due to Squishy's lack of concentration on attraction of her to Sumiki. She saw that the beast had fled to the opposite end of the arena and pulled out two more chakram after sheathing her sanjiegun. Gomez ran towards the beast, flinging them with all her strength (which had reached ludicrous levels at this point) and adding a powerful electric charge for good measure."TU-hic-TONTO! HAY NO ESCAHPE FROM-hic-JOSHEFINA GOMEZ!," said grandma bellowed. She swaggered in her charge, zigzagging in as much an attempt to confuse her foe as it was natural for a drunken person. Stopping before the glass, she threw her chakram at his horn's base.The usual disclaimer: No, I do not think Sumiki is a cool dude. That's Josefina speaking.-The Fearless Leader

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Sumiki looked down, grabbing the Gale Spear and snapping it with a bite of its jaw. Its claws might be trapped, but it had enough fight left to do something about it.But not yet.

Edited by Sumiki

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Gomez noted that Sumiki's claws were trapped out of the corner of her eye. With a grin, she decided to forgo seeing if her last attack landed or not and leapt once more with superstrength at one of the boss' trapped legs. She pulled out her sanjiegun and held it high, electrifying it for a crack.She had the exact same plan as earlier. But this time, it looked like she could actually pull it off.Josefina is beginning to run low on power...Probably has around 1/2-1/3 left. -The Fearless Leader

Edited by The Fearless Leader



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Sumiki had had enough. It was weak, and the electricity attacks were shocking (he he), but still had enough energy to lift itself off of the ground, claws still tied up in the osmium. With a sudden burst of energy, Sumiki broke the osmium open, toxic dust raining down on BZPP, JiMing, and Cole below. Sumiki flew near the top of the force field, Josefina still on its leg. Inching close to the force field, Sumiki slammed Josefina into it.

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Holding its breath, Sumiki flew through the osmium dust and directly into JiMing, cracking his second Gale Spear in the process. Immediately getting back up, Sumiki began to back up, wary of BZPP.

Edited by Sumiki

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Josefina was not happy. She just lost a toe. Then got burnt. And was frozen. It was fortunate she had Electricity and absorbed that part of the shield, or else she'd probably be dead.However, her chakram were now biting into Sumiki. And Gomez was grappling him. Shaking free of the ice with her super-strength, she blasted many volts through what remained of it on her feet and hands (which she had not flexed) to electrify him armor. She then flexed her hands and feet to get them free of the ice and climbed across his body, shocking it as she moved towards his horn.Now she was slicing into him while paralyzing with her every movement. Hopefully the two combined would let her get to the base of the horn and begin hitting it for some actual damage.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



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JiMIng then hit his Earthshaker on the ground, throwing the Sumiki off balance and causing even more rubble to fall on it.He also decided he would try to limit his usage on the Gale Spear.

Edited by JiMing

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Sumiki sensed a weakness in Josefina, though she was still annoying with her electricity. Sumiki swiped its back with its axe-tail, dislodging Josefina.But it saw, out of its peripheral vision (three eyes came in rather handy at times), Cole's new attack. Grabbing Josefina in one of its claws, Sumiki used her as a small shield in an attempt to absorb the elemental attack from Cole.

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IC:"Ooooooowwwwwwww..."Zadakh sat up, held his head, and said, "On the bright side, though...free cheese puffs!"He stood up, stretched, and said, "Hm, I've taken a lot of damage...might want to take a defensive/supportive role."Zadakh used a Kanoka Huna to turn invisible and circled the edges of the arena, ranting about how he planned to farm Dark Matter to buy Scarletite to Nerd-confuse Sumiki. Hopefully someone would capitalize on this opportunity.

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Josefina kept on shocking Sumiki as she blocked the fire with a three chakram plus those on her body and her sanjiegun. But the toa still ended up getting frozen.She grinned. Now she had the boss exactly where she wanted him. The toa continued to send electricity through the ice. She was attached to Sumiki now without even needing to use her superstrength, chakram still biting into him as he attempted to get her free and volts still pouring into his body. If Gomez could speak right now, she'd be giving him a good lesson in why he was a complete cool dude. As soon as he looked distracted or turned his back on the toa frozen in his hand, she'd escape. But for now she was merely using the situation to her advantage.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



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IC:Zadakh continued circling, invisible, and ranting to cause confusion--only on Sumiki, of course. The other players were his allies....For less than 48 hours. He'd be back to trying to grind them to smithereens soon enough.Violence cravings and low health don't go together very well, you know...

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Gomez grinned. Looked like Sumiki was distracted.She flexed to shatter the ice around her hands. Then grabbing onto Sumiki's massive palm armor's edges with her fingers and shocking again, she flexed the rest of her body with the last of her SUPER-superstrength to rid herself of all other icing. The kanoka's power was leaving her now.Josefina now reattempted her climbing strategy. Her Electricity and Pakari-strength were beginning to run low, but hopefully she'd reach the base of his horn in time to hit it with all she had left.



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IC:As Zadakh continued working to confuse Sumiki, he began to think. Well, more like something from beyond the Fourth Wall was influencing his thoughts. Suddenly he felt the urge to rip James Cameron limb from limb...and then do the same thing to M. Night Shamalyn.Both of 'em are a pain in the tail of Avatar: The Last Airbender fans...oh, why don't I rant about that?So he Nerd-ranted about that to confuse Sumiki. Might tick off any allies who liked James Cameron, but, hey, he was invisible!

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Capricorn had been thrown around, but he was not done. Using his Psionic powers once more, he telekenticly held Sumiki in place so that the other's attacks could reach it. It was quite hard, and he did nothing else, focusing solely on the being. He didn't even make a snide remark.


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Sumiki was frustrated. It had to choose an enemy and rush headlong into whoever it chose. The nerd-rants were easily ignorable, as they were not tangible attacks.Looking around, Sumiki saw Squishy, and, knowing that he was nearly knocked out of the round, decided to attack. Lifting up its increased weight again, Sumiki flew as much as it could towards Squishy, flexing its axe-tail in midair. The lava-wall of Atero oozed harmlessly underneath it, but it gave Sumiki an idea. Coming back down onto the sand behind Squishy, Sumiki smashed Squishy into the lava and hoped that Squishy would be defeated.Before Sumiki could move again, it found that it was stuck in place. It could do nothing but generate flames from its horn.

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IC:Zadakh regretted that he couldn't use special weapons. A good Armor of Shinryu transformation would be just what he needed to blindly charge Sumiki--could surprise him, maybe overwhelm him for a few seconds so he and the others could get in some more shots. Oh well. More Nerd-confusing!...Except, apparently, that power had no effect on Sumiki. That's disheartening AND frustrating!"Well if one of my powers doesn't work on the boss and I've already taken a lot of damage, what the Karzahni am I supposed to do?!"

Edited by Guts Style Pahrak
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JiMing took advantage of the situation and rushed towards the Sumiki, dodging the flames. He took out his Earthshaker and repeatedly hit the Sumiki in the head, causing a massive avalance of rubble to fall on it.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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BZPP could not tell if the daggers she sent at Sumiki in MoC's past post had hit, so she fired more lasers and lightning bolts, all aimed at the base of the horn.OOC: Zadakh's nerd power is a verbally activated version of a Makuta's confusion power.

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

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Josefina grimaced as she reached a distance of about two bio from the horn. How could she get to the base when fire was all around it?Well, at the very least she could attack it with lightning. Raising one hand, she forewent any sort of projectile attack. Gomez instead sent all left of her electrical power from her hand towards the base of the cone through the flames. She hoped that would be enough to allow her to close in, if doing so was needed."Eat-hic-ESO!"

Edited by The Fearless Leader



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IC:Since Zadakh's attempt at helping out while trying to stay alive were apparently futile, he just switched to Calix and made a rage-enduced dash from behind Sumiki, with his standard "swing with all my might" thing. It seemed to at least do something, even if it did mean he was probably about to die soon. Eh. What're you gonna do?

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NujaniiNujanii flew to Sumiki's tail and finally succeeded in cutting it off. However, Nujanii was not quick enough to get out of range before Sumiki could strike back. Nujanii braced himself. If some other player didn't assist him, this was going to hurt. Nujanii pushed his Kakama to the limit and used his Arthron to the maximum, in hopes that he might avoid Sumiki's counterattack. Nujanii was now out of melee range. However, he must avoid the horn's longrange attacks.

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