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Bionifight 4


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Sumiki saw the rubble around it. Not able to move, all it could do was switch to a horn-laser attack and blast some of the incoming rubble. The attacks were weakening it, slowly but surely. Somehow, Sumiki had to get to Capricorn ...Ignoring the rest of the rubble, Sumiki shot a powerful laser blast across the battlefield and into Capricorn. Now free from the psionic grasp, Sumiki charged Josefina.

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Err-- Sumiki? You just ignored having your tail cut off and a massive elemental blast.NujaniiCole allowed Nujanii time to gain a safe distance. Nujanii then decided to assist BZPP. Nujanii hurled a massive blast of fire to join BZPP's attack.

Edited by kanohi_master
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JiMing intercepted the Sumiki's attack on Josefina by summoning a gigantic hand made of fire with his Glove of Fire, and the Sumiki ran right onto it's grasp.

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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Sumiki was attempting to remove her? Well, then."NO WAY, JOSE!"Scrabbling along his armor as fast and as agile as her Calix-speed would allow, Josefina attempted to dodge everything he sent her way while keeping her sanjiegun up for parrying. And something else, too-she was now headed for the base of his horn.She didn't care what he'd throw at her. Nor did she care that even though most of his blows were only glancing due to her speed, she was still very low on health. Josefina Gomez was getting to hit his weak spot with what was left of her power in her sanjiegun-Pakari-strength.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Squishy groaned and moaned whilst he lay under Sumiki. Launching a last ditch attempt to hurt Sumiki he crawled out from under the creature and launched a barrage of sharp vines and briers which constricted around its horn and the base of its tail. Squishy let out vicious flytraps and other gigantic man eating plants abundantly around the arena, along with a humongous hand made entirely out of plants that repeatedly tried to punch Sumiki.Squishy could feel the pain catching up to him. Every last fiber of his being was in intense agony in some way. Squishy winced as his breathing grew louder and harder, whispering his last words to the remaining contenders."Go get him."Squishy out of the fight.

Edited by Squishypony


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OOC: Chalk it up to my being new to this, but I'd have to constantly edit my posts in order to deal with all of these updates while I'm writing a post. It's hard. :P Also, don't worry. I'm nearly dead anyway.IC: Sumiki screamed in pain as it mourned the loss of its tail. Even when it was weakened, it was the most powerful part of its anatomy, and now it had to deal with constant blasts from just about everywhere. Blinded by pain, Sumiki went berserker itself, flames and lasers coming out of its horn as it charged around aimlessly, hoping to deal some final blows before its death.

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BZPP fell to the ground from the energy drain caused by her super-combo-attack with Nujanii and could only hope that it would finish this juggernaut beast called the Sumiki. She was hit by some lasers but being a toa of light, they did less then normal damage. OOC: Who won?

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

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JiMing was offended that Josefina did not acknowledge the fact that he helped her, but threw her a healing potion he found on the floor anyways.He also mourned the loss of Squishy and put a single flower on his head in commemoration of his brave deeds, and then charged at the Sumiki with his sword, swinging madly.

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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This will more likely than not be my last post of the day. I hope this will finish Sumiki.NujaniiNujanii ignited his daggers once more and blinded Sumiki with a sudden blaze. Fire makes light, and if it happens to be directly in front of the eyes (or other seeing thingy) it will produce a short term lack of sight. Nujanii then flew to the horn and sank his dagger into the weak spot near it. Hard. Nujanii flew away as the berserker fired in random directions. Nujanii's Arthron made it much easier to dodge. Nujanii flew off unscath--BAMNujanii was hit by a few lightning attacks, sending him to the ground.

Edited by kanohi_master
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Thankfully Josefina wasn't the only thing Sumiki was focussing on. So deflecting stray lasers and whirling away fire, she made it to the horn and proceeded to summon up all her strength, raising sanjiegun high--Then unleash it in one explosive-Pakari powered blow at its base."VASSS-HIC-A-HIC-KARZHANI-HIC!," she bellowed once more.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC:Zadakh made a lunging slash at the berserk Sumiki, taking a few laser shots that seared into his armor, but he didn't care--he just swung the Chaos Reaper as hard as he could at Sumiki. Of course...with him flailing around like that, he might avoid the attack...yeah, Zadakh's not that bright.

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It was time, time for Cole's suicide attack. First he froze Sumiki, normally this would take away alot of energy but with all the energy he was absorbing it didn't matter. Next he melted all the ice, leaving Sumiki Drenching wet and in a pool of water. Finally Cole performed his thunderdrop, the electricity surging through him and his drop was incredible. The water only amplified it. He landed on Sumiki and produced a brilliant explosion, but Cole was dead.


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Sumiki was on its last legs - figuratively speaking. (Its six limbs were, for the most part, intact.) It felt finished and spent, and nearly dead. Pulling on its last reserves of adrenaline and energy, it wholly collapsed on BZPP, spinning around to fire some weak laser shots at the remaining foes.As the rest of the attacks hit their marks, Sumiki yelled again, and breathed its last, having been defeated, finally, at the hands of Cole - who, ironically, had killed himself defeating the monster called Sumiki.OOC: This was fun, folks. You guys are good. :)

Edited by Sumiki

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NujaniiNujanii hit himself with a disk of shielding and strength. Nujanii was now shielded from all attacks he was aware of and super strong. And his Arthron made him aware of almost all attacks. He ran forward and slammed both daggers into the weak spot near the horn. He was very vulnerable if this didn't work.

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Josefina bashed his horn's base a few more times with the last of her total strength, including Calix, that she could muster. She completely ignored the lasers that lanced through her.The toa checked Sumiki to make sure he was dead. Her vision was fading fast, but she had to know.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Me, I kinda feel bad iBrony wasn't here. But I think we did a decent job moderating ourselves.And thanks to Sumiki for showing up and doing a good job. He wasn't as powerful as I expected, but that was still an excellent fight...Especially coming from a guy who'd never played or hosted.Josefina sighed. "Buen trabajo, chicos," she called in exultation to all others on the battlefield.Then the toa lay down. They'd finally done it. And she couldn't prevent a smile from coming to her face at the idea of another fight after this one.Josefina Gomez died happily.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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*Sighs* This could take a while. Unofficial Bionifight #1 (No Winner Modifier, Lasts until ibrow gets back Modifier)For the first Unofficial Bionifight, you are still at the arena and are just passing time.In addition this round has the No Winner and Lasts until ibrow gets back Modifiers which mean that there will be no Special Weapon awarded at the end of the round and that the round will end when ibrow gets back.

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

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