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Keep The Car Moving


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You hit it so hard that it goes flying, with me on top yelling "FOOOOOOOOOOORE!"And then we hit the wall for the terrorist police, sending me flying and smashing the car.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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*insert Allstate Commercial Logic* the car magically rebuilds itself.And drives right into a deep lake. Before the car can transform into an underwater craft, a hermit crab rips out it's transforming mechanism and takes it far away, using it as a shell.

69 Days to a Better Body

Days left: 45 | Days completed: 24 | Yesterday: Shoulder's & Glutes - Today's: Triceps - Tomorrow's: Biceps

Miles Completed: 123(+2 Miles) | Today's Time: 1H


Exercise time was too bloody hard to fix...forgot to track a few days...sorry.


MOCs: Sah n Dibum - Vehicles Part 1 - Mouldi Pheats - Daleks

Stories: Adventures in the LegoVerse

Interesting Stuff: Shows You're Watching

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Luckily there are sixty-five plants in the back seat, so there is plenty of oxygen to go around.The propellers are used to bring the car back to the surface, and it drives far away from the water.But now, The Great Sultan bottleneck and his Harem of pink Ostriches are charging towards the car...with scimitars!

69 Days to a Better Body

Days left: 45 | Days completed: 24 | Yesterday: Shoulder's & Glutes - Today's: Triceps - Tomorrow's: Biceps

Miles Completed: 123(+2 Miles) | Today's Time: 1H


Exercise time was too bloody hard to fix...forgot to track a few days...sorry.


MOCs: Sah n Dibum - Vehicles Part 1 - Mouldi Pheats - Daleks

Stories: Adventures in the LegoVerse

Interesting Stuff: Shows You're Watching

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A passing hermit crab uses its nifty new shell to transform into a giant mecha and fight them off.Unfortunately, the GIANT MECHA accidentaly STEPS on the CAR.==>

"Only the insane equate pain with success.

Only the savage regard endurance of pain as a measure of worth.

Only the foolish consider pain to be just wages for being different".- The Cheshire Cat (American McGee's Alice/Alice:Madness Returns)

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Luckily, the GIANT MECHA has a part time job as a THERAPIST and is able to make the CAR calm down.However, the car is headed for an active volcano, and a hermit crab took the invulnerability device!

"Only the insane equate pain with success.

Only the savage regard endurance of pain as a measure of worth.

Only the foolish consider pain to be just wages for being different".- The Cheshire Cat (American McGee's Alice/Alice:Madness Returns)

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I reverse the polarity of the neutron flow and save the car by making DW references instead.However, the car is headed for a Dalek which materialised because of the DW references!

"Only the insane equate pain with success.

Only the savage regard endurance of pain as a measure of worth.

Only the foolish consider pain to be just wages for being different".- The Cheshire Cat (American McGee's Alice/Alice:Madness Returns)

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The car is eaten, but Ra cuts a hole in The Last of the Kinlukkos's back and the car continues.However, Fenrir threatens to eat the car.

"Only the insane equate pain with success.

Only the savage regard endurance of pain as a measure of worth.

Only the foolish consider pain to be just wages for being different".- The Cheshire Cat (American McGee's Alice/Alice:Madness Returns)

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I am also considering changing my username, and thus the two opposing fores cancel each other out and the car continues to move.Unfortuneatley, the fact I can't spell Unfortunately summons a swarm of Spelling Bees which violently attack the car.

"Only the insane equate pain with success.

Only the savage regard endurance of pain as a measure of worth.

Only the foolish consider pain to be just wages for being different".- The Cheshire Cat (American McGee's Alice/Alice:Madness Returns)

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The car preforms an EMERGENCY TEMPORAL SHIFT to escape.However, the EMERGENCY TEMPORAL SHIFT takes it to the middle of the ocean, where it begins to sink.

"Only the insane equate pain with success.

Only the savage regard endurance of pain as a measure of worth.

Only the foolish consider pain to be just wages for being different".- The Cheshire Cat (American McGee's Alice/Alice:Madness Returns)

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The car goes full speed, and drives through the Mother's stomach, tearing a hole in her form one side to the other.The car crashes to the ground below, and a tire blows out!

69 Days to a Better Body

Days left: 45 | Days completed: 24 | Yesterday: Shoulder's & Glutes - Today's: Triceps - Tomorrow's: Biceps

Miles Completed: 123(+2 Miles) | Today's Time: 1H


Exercise time was too bloody hard to fix...forgot to track a few days...sorry.


MOCs: Sah n Dibum - Vehicles Part 1 - Mouldi Pheats - Daleks

Stories: Adventures in the LegoVerse

Interesting Stuff: Shows You're Watching

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The new tires come equiped with 44METRE bullet-firing guns, turned the Kinlukko into a bloody chunk of swiss cheese.And now, the Car has met its ultimate ultimate ultimate foe.The ShadowLinkCar. It mimics the cars every move, and there is no way to escape it without crashing.

Edited by Malevolence

69 Days to a Better Body

Days left: 45 | Days completed: 24 | Yesterday: Shoulder's & Glutes - Today's: Triceps - Tomorrow's: Biceps

Miles Completed: 123(+2 Miles) | Today's Time: 1H


Exercise time was too bloody hard to fix...forgot to track a few days...sorry.


MOCs: Sah n Dibum - Vehicles Part 1 - Mouldi Pheats - Daleks

Stories: Adventures in the LegoVerse

Interesting Stuff: Shows You're Watching

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The car drives through the Kinlukkos digestive system at a speed too fast to be affected by the digestive juices. A bit of intestine gets snagged on a tire, and as the car makes it's undignified escape, it also rips out 2/3s of the Kinlukko's digestive system, killing it.And the car races through Radiator Springs. now it's about to be arrested and forced to stop and look at the shops!

69 Days to a Better Body

Days left: 45 | Days completed: 24 | Yesterday: Shoulder's & Glutes - Today's: Triceps - Tomorrow's: Biceps

Miles Completed: 123(+2 Miles) | Today's Time: 1H


Exercise time was too bloody hard to fix...forgot to track a few days...sorry.


MOCs: Sah n Dibum - Vehicles Part 1 - Mouldi Pheats - Daleks

Stories: Adventures in the LegoVerse

Interesting Stuff: Shows You're Watching

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Which means it has explosives, flammable, and FLAME-CREATING contents inside it.The annoying beast explodes from the inside out, causing a new Big Bang, in which its kind never exists, and the car is reborn, racing on a new planet.A planet with metal-eating plants...and the car is about to drive through a whole field.

69 Days to a Better Body

Days left: 45 | Days completed: 24 | Yesterday: Shoulder's & Glutes - Today's: Triceps - Tomorrow's: Biceps

Miles Completed: 123(+2 Miles) | Today's Time: 1H


Exercise time was too bloody hard to fix...forgot to track a few days...sorry.


MOCs: Sah n Dibum - Vehicles Part 1 - Mouldi Pheats - Daleks

Stories: Adventures in the LegoVerse

Interesting Stuff: Shows You're Watching

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The crashes through Pirok's new home, killing him, back up, smearing him on the floor, spitting out petrol, lighting it on fire, dropping an atomic bomb on the ashes, and then planting an oak tree in their place.But now a Fire Engine is about to collide with the car.

69 Days to a Better Body

Days left: 45 | Days completed: 24 | Yesterday: Shoulder's & Glutes - Today's: Triceps - Tomorrow's: Biceps

Miles Completed: 123(+2 Miles) | Today's Time: 1H


Exercise time was too bloody hard to fix...forgot to track a few days...sorry.


MOCs: Sah n Dibum - Vehicles Part 1 - Mouldi Pheats - Daleks

Stories: Adventures in the LegoVerse

Interesting Stuff: Shows You're Watching

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Pirok's house was automatically rebuilt during the Big Bang, and by killing him, his scepticism was no longer worthy of being an issue :PThe car evades the dumb beast by driving by an all-you-can-eat menagerie.But what's this? OH, NO! The car has been recalled due to fault parts!

Edited by Malevolence

69 Days to a Better Body

Days left: 45 | Days completed: 24 | Yesterday: Shoulder's & Glutes - Today's: Triceps - Tomorrow's: Biceps

Miles Completed: 123(+2 Miles) | Today's Time: 1H


Exercise time was too bloody hard to fix...forgot to track a few days...sorry.


MOCs: Sah n Dibum - Vehicles Part 1 - Mouldi Pheats - Daleks

Stories: Adventures in the LegoVerse

Interesting Stuff: Shows You're Watching

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Of course, the car has a great warrenty that allows its burnt parts (Which only one door was burned) to be repaired at the nearest auto shop.So it gets fixed.But it;s alien defence grid was borken in the process, and a new ALIENMOTHASHEEP is coming!

Edited by The X


Steam name: Ehksidian

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The Windshield is tempered, so the book just bounces off and falls on the road behind it.Some kids with a box of sugar just sabotaged the car!

69 Days to a Better Body

Days left: 45 | Days completed: 24 | Yesterday: Shoulder's & Glutes - Today's: Triceps - Tomorrow's: Biceps

Miles Completed: 123(+2 Miles) | Today's Time: 1H


Exercise time was too bloody hard to fix...forgot to track a few days...sorry.


MOCs: Sah n Dibum - Vehicles Part 1 - Mouldi Pheats - Daleks

Stories: Adventures in the LegoVerse

Interesting Stuff: Shows You're Watching

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Luckily, you're doing a game crossover, which causes a Total Event Collapse.But a glitch in Big Bang 2(104) causes the car to be trapped in the void! With a lot of hungry, non-existent Last of the Kinlukko.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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The aliens have already been digested.But the many Last of the Kinlukko trapped in the Void have all escaped, and are swarming the car! And now, when you kill one, it splits into two more!


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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