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Double Rainboom is definitely out there, but I liked it. It was all in good fun. :P

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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I must admit, I haven't watched Snowdrop yet, hehe.



When Rainbow Dash disappeared and we were shown the shot with the rainbow flames stretching out into the distance, I started to hum the Back to the Future theme. And then I lol'd as the background music did the same. :P


~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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My thoughts on Double Rainboom:



The first act is actually pretty dang good, all things considered, and so far follows up to it's promise of being show accurate. You will need to remember that promise, as it becomes VERY important later. The animation is nice, the pacing is nice, and it has a great setup. The rest of the episode is what gets to me. Rainbow Dash makes the titular Double Rainboom, destroying Ponyville in the process. Twilight follows the trail of rainbow flames (I'm not questioning it, why should you?) and witnesses OH HI RANDOM PHYSICS BREAKING PORTAL THAT MAKES NO SENSE, HOW NICE TO SEE YOU HERE.


So we see Rainbow Dash get dropped through the portal into...


...Cartoon Network.




Well, to be more specific, The Powerpuff Girls. To be honest, I can't judge this part because I skipped most of it. Why? Well, remember how I said the promise of this episode being show accurate is very important? Well, as far as I know, RAINBOW DASH BREAKING REALITY AND GOING INTO THE POWERPUFF GIRLS IS NOT VERY ****ING ACCURATE.


Maybe if this was Pinkie Pie, it would make more sense, as this is something she might do that would be faithful to show. Heck, she actually DOES that at the end of the episode, becoming the Deus Ex Machina that brings Rainbow Dash back home! Why not just have HER be the star? It would make a lot more sense!


So, Pinkie Pie brings Rainbow Dash back home, and, because she destroyed the entire town after stealing a potion that her friend had been working on her entire life, what do you think her comeuppance will be?


A): Be reprimanded sternly


B): Made to fix everything she utterly destroyed


C): The town acting hostile towards her


D): Get glared at a bit and shown what she did, with her writing a letter to Celestia about not taking things that don't belong to you, and not actually being punished in the slightest?


If you picked D), I apologize in advance.


My final verdict?






Don't get me wrong, the animation is good, the jokes are okay, and I have to give major props to the people making this for doing something like this. However, those are the only highlights, and the plot and logic of it just gets thrown out the window in favor of somewhat mediocre comedy.


I feel really bad that I hate so much, because I can tell that the people making it put a lot of effort into it. It's unexplored territory, and they dared to take risks. However, for something that was supposed to be taken seriously and be show accurate, those risks just do not work. If you say you're going to make it show accurate, you don't really need risks or wildly different ideas because the show has already set those up for you. You just need to focus on writing a good, faithful story, and that is something they did not do. If you like it, more power to ya, but for me, it's just too hole-filled to be enjoyable.


Edited by Kung Fu Rahkshi Destroyer

"Whether that is right or not...I also...as a Rider...have a wish that I want to fulfill."

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Yeah, Double Rainboom wasn't as good as I thought it would be. It was pretty funny, though. I can accept the dimension-hopping, if only the end was better. Really, I thought it was perfect up to that part. Also, I thought it was rather out-of-character for Twilight to brush of Rainbow Dash when she showed interest in her potion, instead of actually trying to explain it to her.


"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


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Anyone watch the Japanese dub? Someone got the first episode with subtitles up if anyone here is into that. The japanese name for it is "Tomodachi wa Mahou" for those looking.


I liked it and found it to be quite adorable. Though some minor parts were cut (though I heard this was because of the intro being longer).

Edited by Samhain

Divinator of Dreams.
This Is Proud Stigma.

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I quite like the Japanese dub so far. I don't know Japanese though and I watched it without subs, but it was still really enjoyable.

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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So, has anyone here read Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell yet? I got it the day it came out, and I loved it. The story directly follows up on the Season 3 finale, and explains how Twilight starts to adapt to being a princess. The author, G. M. Berrow, definitely has a good understanding of both the show and its fandom, both adding to the lore (among other things, she basically outlines Cadance's entire backstory) as well as referencing established aspects of the show (including featuring fan-favorite characters such as Trixie, Gilda, and even Derpy). The plot is at least as good as those presented in the show, and so is the humor. And for only $6, it's a great, cheap way to get a pony fix during the long wait until Season Four. I can't wait until the next book in this series is released, and would willingly recommend this one to anyone.

Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother

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So, has anyone here read Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell yet? I got it the day it came out, and I loved it. The story directly follows up on the Season 3 finale, and explains how Twilight starts to adapt to being a princess. The author, G. M. Berrow, definitely has a good understanding of both the show and its fandom, both adding to the lore (among other things, she basically outlines Cadance's entire backstory) as well as referencing established aspects of the show (including featuring fan-favorite characters such as Trixie, Gilda, and even Derpy). The plot is at least as good as those presented in the show, and so is the humor. And for only $6, it's a great, cheap way to get a pony fix during the long wait until Season Four. I can't wait until the next book in this series is released, and would willingly recommend this one to anyone.

Oh, so it's out now?Might consider getting hands on that one. Much more feasible than tracking down comic shops for those IDW comics.

Your Honor, I Plead the Fifth.


I really need to handle my signature problems better.

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So, has anyone here read Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell yet? I got it the day it came out, and I loved it. The story directly follows up on the Season 3 finale, and explains how Twilight starts to adapt to being a princess. The author, G. M. Berrow, definitely has a good understanding of both the show and its fandom, both adding to the lore (among other things, she basically outlines Cadance's entire backstory) as well as referencing established aspects of the show (including featuring fan-favorite characters such as Trixie, Gilda, and even Derpy). The plot is at least as good as those presented in the show, and so is the humor. And for only $6, it's a great, cheap way to get a pony fix during the long wait until Season Four. I can't wait until the next book in this series is released, and would willingly recommend this one to anyone.

Read a little bit of it. So far I love it.

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So, has anyone here read Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell yet? I got it the day it came out, and I loved it. The story directly follows up on the Season 3 finale, and explains how Twilight starts to adapt to being a princess. The author, G. M. Berrow, definitely has a good understanding of both the show and its fandom, both adding to the lore (among other things, she basically outlines Cadance's entire backstory) as well as referencing established aspects of the show (including featuring fan-favorite characters such as Trixie, Gilda, and even Derpy). The plot is at least as good as those presented in the show, and so is the humor. And for only $6, it's a great, cheap way to get a pony fix during the long wait until Season Four. I can't wait until the next book in this series is released, and would willingly recommend this one to anyone.

Oh, so it's out now?Might consider getting hands on that one. Much more feasible than tracking down comic shops for those IDW comics.

If by "tracking down" you mean "getting to one since there are very few in your area" I sympathize, coming from a town with a single, out-of-the-way comic shop. But if you mean you just can't find where they're located, there are websites that exist solely to direct people to comic shops. Searching "comic shop locator" should give you a good selection of sites to use. Also, Hot Topic has started stocking the comics, which may be easier for you to get to. Or, if that fails, there's always ways to buy the comics digitally. I loved this book, but I also can't recommend the comic series enough (both the main series and the "micro-series" focused on different members of the mane six). This hiatus is certainly going to be a lot more eventful than the wait for season 3, when the only pony media we were treated to was that which the fandom itself churned out.

Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother

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If by "tracking down" you mean "getting to one since there are very few in your area" I sympathize, coming from a town with a single, out-of-the-way comic shop. But if you mean you just can't find where they're located, there are websites that exist solely to direct people to comic shops. Searching "comic shop locator" should give you a good selection of sites to use. Also, Hot Topic has started stocking the comics, which may be easier for you to get to. Or, if that fails, there's always ways to buy the comics digitally. I loved this book, but I also can't recommend the comic series enough (both the main series and the "micro-series" focused on different members of the mane six). This hiatus is certainly going to be a lot more eventful than the wait for season 3, when the only pony media we were treated to was that which the fandom itself churned out.

The comics, while pretty cool from what I've read, haven't registered as a high-priority Must-have for me yet. I'm hoping for a point where they'll release graphic novel collections I can pick up atm.

Your Honor, I Plead the Fifth.


I really need to handle my signature problems better.

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If by "tracking down" you mean "getting to one since there are very few in your area" I sympathize, coming from a town with a single, out-of-the-way comic shop. But if you mean you just can't find where they're located, there are websites that exist solely to direct people to comic shops. Searching "comic shop locator" should give you a good selection of sites to use. Also, Hot Topic has started stocking the comics, which may be easier for you to get to. Or, if that fails, there's always ways to buy the comics digitally. I loved this book, but I also can't recommend the comic series enough (both the main series and the "micro-series" focused on different members of the mane six). This hiatus is certainly going to be a lot more eventful than the wait for season 3, when the only pony media we were treated to was that which the fandom itself churned out.

The comics, while pretty cool from what I've read, haven't registered as a high-priority Must-have for me yet. I'm hoping for a point where they'll release graphic novel collections I can pick up atm.

Fair enough. I also hope we see something like that at some point. But that hasn't kept me from buying the individual comics, especially since during rough periods at college they can serve as a pretty effective pick-me-up.Yesterday I went to a meetup to watch Double Rainboom (which for me, would be the first time). One of the Double Rainboom crew members even showed up to the meetup; I had previously met them on the D.C. metro after CloudCon.



I loved the episode, even as a person who was never really a fan of Powerpuff Girls. It was just generally loads of fun. It helps that I had already seen the first twelve minutes at Cloudsdale Congress, which helped acclimate me to the gag-heavy nature of the episode (although it didn't necessarily prepare me for the epic crossover).

After Double Rainboom we watched Snowdrop (which I had already seen, but I didn't mind seeing again). Then we all took turns reading from my copy of Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell. The organizer had to end the meetup early, so unfortunately we couldn't finish the book, but it was a lot of fun anyway.

Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother

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I need Co-GM for this RPG I've been working on.


Rough draft of story:



My Little Pony FIM:

Darkened Flame

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, two princesses were born. The whole kingdom rejoiced, for these particular fillies were daughters of the sun goddess herself. One was destined to be the princess of the sun after her mother's passing, while the other would become the princess of the moon.

As they grew up, they were often kept far away from one another to ensure no probability of a sibling rivalry. But I'm afraid that they had been too careful, for when the princesses met for the first time, they took an instant disliking to each other. No word of warning, pleading, or threatening could get them to like the other, and time only fueled their mistrust.

The fight escalated from petty arguments to full-out dueling eventually, and the last straw came when all other royalty vanished one day. The same dark power that caused their aunt Luna to feel slighted by her subjects caused them to believe that the other sister had caused this tragedy, and they each took on their true dark forms.

The sun twin, Aurora, took on a body of nearly pure flame and all her peace and happiness burned away with her beautiful exterior. The moon twin, Selena, was nearly the exact opposite. Her body was cloaked by shadow, as was her loyalty and willingness to fight for what was right.

Both tore the world apart that day, and the bloody war has spanned eons. Will you join a side, fight for peace, simply become a survivor? You decide in My Little Pony: Darkened Flame

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I'm still hoping I'll be able to get myself to BUCK this year. It would make for an awesome birthday outing.

Part of me still hopes in vain to get to go to Bronycon this year, at least for one day. But unfortunately, even though it's going to be closer than ever to my home in Virginia, it's also the exact same weekend as Brickfair VA. The only day I could potentially get up to Bronycon would be Saturday (since not much happens on Saturday at Brickfair besides the public hours), but since it would cost about $100 per person between con tickets and train tickets, and I don't even know what all would be going on at Bronycon on Saturday anyway, it probably wouldn't be worth it.

Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother

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I'm still hoping I'll be able to get myself to BUCK this year. It would make for an awesome birthday outing.

Part of me still hopes in vain to get to go to Bronycon this year, at least for one day. But unfortunately, even though it's going to be closer than ever to my home in Virginia, it's also the exact same weekend as Brickfair VA. The only day I could potentially get up to Bronycon would be Saturday (since not much happens on Saturday at Brickfair besides the public hours), but since it would cost about $100 per person between con tickets and train tickets, and I don't even know what all would be going on at Bronycon on Saturday anyway, it probably wouldn't be worth it.

Yeah, money is always the main issue with these things. BUCK is gonna be like a minimum of £300 if you include travel, accommodation and food. I might just have to start doing commissions to get the money together.


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So... I just found out that my MLP Tank trading card is an error card. Anyone else have one of these?


Nope, but I do have a Futtershy card that was signed by Andrea Libman. :)

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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So... I just found out that my MLP Tank trading card is an error card. Anyone else have one of these?


Nope, but I do have a Futtershy card that was signed by Andrea Libman. :)


D : Why does everyone else have all the cool stuff? On the bright side (For me), I have some hot topic coupons that I'm going to use to get some of the MLP Funko figures. And I have the Favorites collection and a grandmother who likes buying me things. So... Muahahahah. :evilgrin:

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The only reason I would touch one is for epic stop-motion videos like stunts or galloping into war that's basically it. I am not a bronie. Just a guy who likes to make stop-motion movies

Edited by charge_beta

Best Regards Iggy                                                                                 Failure to not recognize this user's awesomeness is punishable by Pikachu

                                                                             "Because some...men just like to watch the world burn"  



Spontaneous Combustions is back, but not in the way you expected.


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The only reason I would touch one is for epic stop-motion videos like stunts or galloping into war that's basically it. I am not a bronie. Just a guy who likes to make stop-motion movies

You'd have a hard time with that then considering they're not action figures. Only thing that moves of the brushables is their heads and the blind bags are just solid plastic.


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The only reason I would touch one is for epic stop-motion videos like stunts or galloping into war that's basically it. I am not a bronie. Just a guy who likes to make stop-motion movies

You'd have a hard time with that then considering they're not action figures. Only thing that moves of the brushables is their heads and the blind bags are just solid plastic.


Well, there is a series of brushable ponies that came out recently called "Crystal Motion" ponies that have more articulation-- Rainbow Dash's wings move, Applejack's legs move, etc. But I doubt they'd really be any good for stop-motion. It's just an action feature; it doesn't really make them more posable.Sometimes I wonder why they don't make My Little Pony figures from the same flexible material used to make Gumby figures, but there's probably some physical consideration making it impossible or at least impractical.
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I have to edit there legs to make it appear there moving.

If there galloping I just make them move every 1in. There really my sisters


Best Regards Iggy                                                                                 Failure to not recognize this user's awesomeness is punishable by Pikachu

                                                                             "Because some...men just like to watch the world burn"  



Spontaneous Combustions is back, but not in the way you expected.


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So my best friend (and former BZPower member) Shiropoint went to a brony meetup in Germany recently.


While he was there, he bought me the limited edition of the first FiM DVD that contains the pilot episodes, Ticket Master and Cutie Mark Chronicles.


Being a limited edition, it contained a brushable pony toy.


The toy is a pegasus pony named Sunny Rays, who came out in 2012.


Other than the name, eye colour and cutie mark, she looks exactly like my OC Angel Beat, whom I designed in 2011. :P


Yes, pretty darn happy, since it's the second pony in my collection that looks a lot like Angel Beat. (The first one was a blind bag unicorn named Flippity Flop).

Edited by Valenti

~Avatar's original image was made by the incomparable Egophiliac.~


~Electronic Manic Supersonic Bionic Energy~


~"If I am afraid of criticism, I won't be able to challenge anything new." - BoA~


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I have two questions I'm hoping you guys can answer. For a while, my two best friends have been pestering me to watch My Little Pony. I've watched the first few episodes, and I by no means dislike it, but I find I'm just not quite interested. So, the first question is, what do you like about the series? Second, might I possibly find later episodes in the series more enjoyable?



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I have two questions I'm hoping you guys can answer. For a while, my two best friends have been pestering me to watch My Little Pony. I've watched the first few episodes, and I by no means dislike it, but I find I'm just not quite interested. So, the first question is, what do you like about the series? Second, might I possibly find later episodes in the series more enjoyable?




Well, in answer to your first question, I personally enjoy the show because it actually takes itself seriously; there's a lot of effort put into it and it really does show. However, in answer to your second question, later episodes are much more enjoyable. The first season seemed more like it was testing what it could do with the show than actually taking advantage of it. I would suggest maybe watching the second season to begin with, as it is a lot better.


Oh, and the second season starts out with a villain that's basically an expy of Q from Star Trek: TNG. No, seriously, same actor and everything!

"Whether that is right or not...I also...as a Rider...have a wish that I want to fulfill."

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I have two questions I'm hoping you guys can answer. For a while, my two best friends have been pestering me to watch My Little Pony. I've watched the first few episodes, and I by no means dislike it, but I find I'm just not quite interested. So, the first question is, what do you like about the series? Second, might I possibly find later episodes in the series more enjoyable?



Depends. People like the show because of a plethora of different reasons -- including character depth, growth and interaction, the stories, humor, music, morals and message, art style, etc... -- all things the show excels at, but in my experience all these reasons have different weight for almost everyone. So I guess you have to ask yourself what it is that you want from the show. Humor and morals are fairly consistent throughout all 3 seasons, but I think that stories and character growth really pick up in season 2, building on the framework of season 1.


Have you come to the episodes with songs already? Because you're missing out if not. The first big song -- "Winter Wrap Up" -- is in episode 11, and many Bronies I know have said that this song was the "point of no return" for them where they were sold on the show. And believe me, it's just getting better from there.


What I find most remarkable about the show is the characterisation, though. When watching the show for the first time, somewhere in the middle of season 1 there is a moment where the characters stop feeling like names from a script that were created to entertain you, and you begin perceiveing them as almost real people. You CARE about them. You FEEL for them and with them, and I know of few other shows that manage to do that. Another point is relatability -- almost every fan of the show I know has one character he or she can REALLY identify with, because the show manages to have such archetypal characters -- the nerd, the shy one, the cocky one, etc -- but still portrays them as deep and interesting at the same time.


Regarding your question whether later episodes might be more enjoyable, I'm not sure. I definitely think that the later episodes are better, but mostly because they advance the characters and the world they live in more than earlier episodes, which are still building the framework and introduce you to who these characters are. There are many subtle callbacks and unspoken references to earlier episodes that are in my view not as enjoyable when you don't know the characters and their world as well.


I think you should watch the episodes in the right order because I think the whole experience is much richer this way. But if you do not care about character progression and world building that much, I guess the order is not that important. If you want some excellent episodes from later in the show, I can recommend "Party of One", "Lesson Zero" or "Sleepless in Ponyville". If those three don't hook you, I'm out.

Edited by Coob
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