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Rpg: The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Destiny

Blessed Blade

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ICThe second the last Bokoblin hit the ground, the figure seemed to visibly lighten up, as if his duty in life were to save Orion from monsters. He smiled at Siris, but before it could be received, a small, childlike voice cut him off."He's a dirtbag!"After flinching and glancing over at his weapon, he sighed. "It's no trouble. You can call me Aran. I'm-""A dirtbag! A dirtbag with an idea! Aren't you? Oh no Maha!" The voice continued in falsetto, as Aran curled his fingers around the pole and began heaving, trying to remove him from the fortress. "Somebody might be in trouble! Maha doesn't have feelings, I can do whatever I want with him! You are just the worst. Do you have any idea how insulting, how rude it is, to be thrown like a javelin?"Aran finally succeeded in exorcising the spirit from the wall and resting the weapon on his shoulder. A yellow boy, dressed very casually, appeared out of nowhere. He had a fiery explosion of hair capping frustrated features. Maha. The second the spirit figure appeared, Aran winced and flinched, as if under the weight of the polearm."I'm sorry Maha. It was a decision I needed to make to-""I DON'T CARE!" The boy shrieked furiously, and turned, sulking, looked at Siris, then back at Aran, made a very disgusted face, and disappeared back in the polearm, likely to pout.The giant looked upset, but recovered quickly, as if remembering Siris and Orion were still in the room. "Sorry about that. That was Maha. He is a little emotional sometimes-""I AM NOT EMOTIONAL!""-but we get along fine, usually. I must've thrown him too hard." He sighed, then looked around, only now observing the hole burned deep into the wall by Maha. He winced at that.OOC: that was fun to write.I wasn't sure whether or not to kill the lot of them in one post. Didn't know if they were a big deal or not, kinda assumed they were since the two of you didn't instaboom them all immediately.

Edited by ~JC~

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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-==IC: Orion==-Orion stood, speechless, as he had no clue what that scene he had just witnessed was."I... see." Orion said finally, and nodded with a smile."My name's Orion, Knight of Hyrule." Orion said with a nod, as he heard footsteps echoing down the hall.Well, so much for quiet; but there's not much that could've been done about that, simply because of the Bokoblin... Orion thought, as he stayed on his guard.OOC: Also, that was hilarious. =D

Edited by Pit: Arrow of Light
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ICAran snapped his head towards the door, picking up on the footsteps too. The quiet angry murmur that was Maha also silenced. Taking the weapon in both hands, he held it out and put his back against the wall. Nothing was catching him off guard. Anything who saw him, compared to the crumpled Bokoblin that had collapsed on the floor in front of him, would've likely been scared off, he and his weapon were just that massive."The Knights? They're here?" He asked, hushed, and clearly surprised. Maha kept quiet.

Edited by ~JC~

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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-==IC: Orion==-"Three; me and Siris here, and Korkoa, back somewhere else, I think he's taking the other side with another Zora." Orion said with a nod, as he walked to the side of the door to further in, waiting for the next bunch of enemies to burst through the door.

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-==IC: Orion==-Orion's eyes widened, as he saw four Lizalfos rushing toward them quickly."Change of plans, back back BACK!" Orion said, as he back-flipped just in time to avoid getting sliced in half by one of the Lizalfos quickly.

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ICAran didn't find himself in such a bad a boat as Orion. The lizards didn't expect him, clearly, to be behind them, so he charged, swinging Maha viciously as he did, teeth clenched. The right most Lizalfo, a surprisingly small one, was the unlucky recipient of his attack. While at an unfavorable angle to instantly mutilate the creature, he did succeed in hooking the creature in between the blade and the momentum of his swing.Flexing his muscles as he did, he fell back on his heels and used all the force in his arms to pivot, hurling the Lizalfo, pinned into Maha by the sheer force and cutting blade of the weapon, the tip of which had just punctured its side. The swing ended with the polearm once again finding place in the wall, but this time a little differently. He reached the massive shaft around, the head sticking out into the hallway, Lizalfo still a bee in the trap, and clothes-lined the monster in between the crushing shaft, and the stone doorway. The momentum of the swing was enough to crush the unfortunately small creature, slicing its midsection in half. Freeing his weapon, he turned back to the monsters, all considerably bigger than the one he had just caught. And he wouldn't have the element of surprise this time. Well, maybe not.

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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IC: ZaiedZaied watched the stranger as he took out the lizalfos with ease. Obviously, these enemies were prepared for an attack from the entrance, but since they were facing away from the two Zoras, they were an easy shot for Zaied, as he managed to quickly fire multiple arrows into the back of one of the three remaining Lizalfos, effectively killing it.

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OOC: Let's see... Amy surrendered to Lealna, giving up the guitar so she wouldn't be killed. Lealna and What's-his-name(Algernon?) escaped then, and met up with Lana, who apparently wasn't knocked out fully after all. Amy ran outside, close to where Kraenir is now.JC: Just noticed your edit; they weren't important, I just wanted the hilarity and humility not to be lost. =P

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IC: Fin and Saira (Lon Lon Ranch) All of this talk about Chosen Ones and changing the world was making little sense to Fin but he judged from the way that Ingo was acting that none of it could be very good. "I still don't understand what's going on here, but I'm not going to let you take Malon," he replied, twirling one of the broom handle-halves, "I ain't too fond of killing people but I'll do what I have to to stop you."

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I guess I'll axe the rest of 'em, maybe we can get going sooner. Blade we not just doing Firefight in here, are we?i'm just being colourful right now, this is by no means necessary and really not all that realistic eitherICEasy! Maha chirped in the warrior's mind, rattled. Aran wasn't phased this time around, though, attention poured towards the two Lizalfos that had backed him into the corner. The spirit's complaints were registered, however, and gave the golden giant a great taunt.Leaning backwards, he angled Maha sharply down. Energy poured out of the polearm, and blasted in between the two lizards, who had agreed the giant was the biggest threat, and it left in its wake a thick frost, coating a path on the floor. With all his force his body tensed then leaped forward, and flipped Maha back, and then on his side. Planting his feet firmly on the polearm's head, and skated the weapon, tearing through the ice at blistering speed, Maha screeching into his mind the entire time. The second he blasted past the lizards, he leapt off the weapon, and erected an icy tower as he turned in midair. Spring boarding off this newly created tower, the two Lizalfos now found the very giant they were so terrified of a few seconds ago barreling at them like Ganondorf barreling at a buffet.The Lizalfo on the left caught the full force of his icy weight, and was almost vaporized as the monstrous metal coated shoulder crushed his chest with the aid of a stone wall. The second was the first to fully meet the blade of Maha- and it was a striking conversation the two had.

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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IC(K): Korkoa had begun to charge his fins again, ready for an intense fight, when a... A /giant/ appeared through the other door, swiftly dispatching three of the Lizalfos while Zaied dispatched the fourth. He quickle skirted around the edge of the room, catching up to Orion and Siris. "So, uh... Who's your new friend?"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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OOC: Your posts are awesome, just to say. =D-==IC: Orion==-"Good job." Orion said to the new arrival with a nod, as he turned to Korkoa."His name's Aran. Just appeared to help us; and he doing a very good job at it." Orion said, impressed, and looked back into the hall."Might be an idea to head further in, make sure that the place isn't guarded further." Orion said, as he walked down the hall once more.OOC: By firefight, you mean shooting and shooting back? Nah, these guys are expendable. Might have a boss, but... =P-==IC: Ingo==-"You cannot stop destiny." Ingo stated, as he finally launched the shadow ball toward Fin quickly.

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IC(K): Korkoa nodded and followed Orion closely, keeping his wristfins extended outwards and charged. "So, you three run into any problems?"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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I meant Firefight as in reference to the gameplay mode in Halo- where you just fight infinitely re spawning enemies until you die to rack up as high a score as possible. til reach when they changed it so you can win...ICAran followed Orion into the hallway, Maha poised and ready. The spirit was sulking silently, and the icy soldier noticed. He felt remorseful, he really did. The polearm was virtually indestructible, that was true, and Maha felt absolutely no pain, but the spirit detested being smacked around anyway. Of course, a weapon that hated being used was just math that nobody wanted to do. It was a constant issue.He wasn't unaware of his companions as his mind raced, though. He did notice the enthusiasm in Orion's voice, and assumed the Knight was just embarrassed that the Bokoblins had gotten the jump on him. Aran knew how he felt. Treachery and sneakiness were very powerful tools in battle, but it was still humiliating to be bested by somebody using them. Orion must be a proud one. He thought. Makes sense. The Knights have a reputation to live up to.Speaking of which."Orion," The warrior rumbled for the first time since introducing himself. "What exactly are the Knights doing here?"

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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OOC: Ah, then no. =P I'm not that insane, unfortunately. xD-==IC: Orion==-"We're on a mission straight from the Princess; but to succeed, we need to go outside Hyrule. The problem there, is that pretty much all the other exits are being watched, we have to go this way, which requires the Zora's help, and this fortress to be taken back from the Army of Darkness." Orion explained, even as they continued through the halls.

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IC"The Princess...?" The second Zelda was mentioned, Aran faltered, like he realized something and was mystified by it, piercing blue eyes wide. "Have.. have you met her? Could I meet her? Is she nice?""Oh, here we go." Maha complained. "Sorry everybody, Mr. Anti Semite is a little obsess-""Anti Semite?" The warrior asked, broken from his trance, and continued, keeping pace with Orion and the other Knights. "What?""You know, it means you aren't semititive.""Do you mean sensitive?" "Oh shut up!" The boy cried out in frustration. Despite being two thousand years old, he was, after all, just a little kid. Aran's features softened, not that anybody would be looking at them, but the fact that he dragged the pace on probably would've attracted attention. He shook the trance, settling to speak to the spirit later, when they were alone. Which happened a lot.

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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-==IC: Orion==-"In order of questions..." Orion said, and then began to reply to the questions."Yes, the princess, yes we have met her, I'm not sure on visits though Siris has a point, and she is pretty... interesting." Orion said, as he recalled the drawings. He continued to move on, as they approached the stairs."Even if they haven't, we should still be careful." Orion warned, as he walked toward the stairs slowly.

Edited by Pit: Arrow of Light
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dat character breakIC'Lived there.' Were the words Aran mouthed, turning several thoughts over in his mind, silently as he did. He glanced up at the stairs, Maha ready, then over at Orion, waiting for the Knight to lead the way.

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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IC: ZaiedZaied walked up the stairs, walked ip to the dooe opened it, and noticed a red flash inside Otherwise, the room was empty. I must be imagining things, he thought. Still, it didn't hurt to be too careful around here now.

Edited by Terminus
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-==IC: Orion==-Orion walked up the stairs cautiously, on the lookout for any traps. As the group reached the top of the stairs, Orion slowly reached for the handle, not sure what would be waiting on the other side.

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IC: ZaiedZaied walked into the room, noticing that one of the ice traps blocking a passageway had been triggered, but it had been melted. That shouldn't happen... He noticed that one of the other traps hadn't been triggered yet, and held out a hand to stop everyone. "You see those ice spikes hanging from the ceiling? Those have pressure tiles beneath them, and if you step on one, they fall. So just be sure to watch where you walk, okay?"

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IC: Jicarax"Nice to meet you, Anita." he replied."Well, actually... It was a mysterious person that told me that a girl was in Snowpeak." he said as he tried to retrace the events."So I came here, and stumbled upon the mansion. I entered and... Yes, Snowtan told me about you, so I defeated the monsters and got all the key fragments. And that's what happned."Shaking his head, he said, "Well, I'm here now, and you're safe. Hey, what brings you here, anyways?"

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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IC: Fin and Saira (Lon Lon Ranch) The ball of shadow came at Fin fast and his quick reflexes were all that saved him from taking it right to the face, though he could feel the cold coming from it as it passed by. The sphere did manage to knock one of the broom handle halves out of his hands and he drew his knife, watching for Ingo to throw another one.

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Made a slight change to his profile, a cosmetic one, only touching his hair. Hope it's okay.ICMarshmallow feet was the name of the game. Walking heel-toe, and glancing up at the roof and back at the floor fast enough to almost dizzy the snowy haired warrior. He glanced at the icicle spears often enough to gauge where they were, then back at the plates to avoid stepping on them.Maha phased into appearance behind him, and the warrior winced, and slung his polearm over his shoulder, into the straps on the armour on his back. The boy angrily floated around, rotating Aran like Earth the sun, and wiggled his hands in front of his face. "Hello!" He chirped."Maha, now?" He froze, metaphorically, and glanced up at the ceiling. "I'm sorry about earlier, really. We can talk later, here it's-""It's what? Inconvenient, isn't it!" The features of Maha's youthful face were twisted into contempt, which made those of Aran's soften, as he regained progress. "I guess we're gonna help these Knight guys." He said, continuing, tone of voice returning to a rational state. He did more than blow up, it seemed. "That's okay. Better than sitting around in here all day."Aran nodded. "Definitely was a good break for us." He swerved his right foot mid step to avoid a pressure plate.Maha, still floating alongside, nodded, and started looking at his fingers. "Hey, you ever wonder what it's like in other lands? Like I get we both know a few places pretty well but I mean like some of the big countries. Like, things that rival Hyrule in size. Think there are any? I bet there are."Aran shrugged. "Probably. It'd seem weird if the kingdom here was the only major one in the world. It's just so..." He stopped mid sentence, perplexed. "...Limiting.""What do you mean?""Well, think about it." He said, reaching up and scratching an itch on his chin, using his middle and ring fingers, beefy things that they were. "Hyrule is a big place, sure, but it's... one. Wouldn't it-""DUCK!"The slight rumble had given Maha the time to notice and time to shout at his master. Were he given a physical form, he would've shoved him too. An icicle trap exploded on the ground behind Aran in a frightening pile of dust. He stared back, startled, then over at Maha. The spirit was just as wide eyed as he was. "You're right, lets talk later." And disappeared back into the polearm.

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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-==IC: Anita==-"I was here trying to train for some arts I've been practicing." Anita explained, as she walked toward the door, not really wanting to be in the room any longer, for obvious reasons.-==IC: Orion==-Orion noticed that Aran was a little ways behind them, but didn't pay much attention, since that simply meant that he was making sure that he didn't hit the trap, seemingly.-==IC: Ingo==-Ingo walked forward, as a flickering wave of shadows appeared in his hand, seemingly acting as a makeshift sword, though how well it would work in a fight was unknown.

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-==IC: Anita==-Anita nodded, and stepped outside... However, nearby, stood the mysterious man who had started this whole journey."Well done... 'hero.'" The man said, an emotionless look on his face.

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IC: Jicarax"Okay, I want an explanation. You know, the one you never gave me?" he demanded."Why did you send me on this little trip? What do you want with Anita? Most importantly, who are you? Also, was that sarcasm? I hate sarcasm more than anything."

Edited by Belonephobia

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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God these formatting tools are buggy. Gonna be colourful with the description of the fortress here, sorta makes sense.IC"How much longer is this hallway?" Maha whined, as they proceeded through the wrap around hall, letting Aran focus on getting through them without setting any more off. They were spiraling upwards, the spirit gathered, but he was unsure as to how much up there was to be warding. "Are we there yet?"

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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