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Milky Way And The Galaxy Girls


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Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls is a project by award-winning animator Lauren Faust.At the moment, it exists mainly as a series of dolls and artworks by Ms Faust, but her dream is to see it as a TV show.Here's a synopsis of what the show would be like, taken from Lauren's blog on another site:

I'm not sure if I've metioned it here before, but I'm producing a Galaxy Girls short. A while back I wrote a treatment for a "micro-series" which would encompass 13 3-minute episodes that, when combined together sequentially, would tell one big story. My plan for the whole thing is that it be told entirely to music, with little or no dialogue (except for 2 episodes that involve singing.) I've picked one episode to produce on my own, hoping that when it's done, someone with money will want me to make the rest. Here is the basic gyst of the series as a whole:

Milky Way's joy in life is to explore her realm, meet new friends and find adventure. While visiting our Solar System for the very first time, Milky comes across a beautiful, small planetoid. But when she touches it, it shatters into 11 pieces, releasing the villain who was imprisoned inside, the massively destructive and terrifying BLACK HOLE!!!Milky must find the pieces of the planetoid and re-imprison this threat to the known universe, but the fragments have been hurled to each of the planets of the star system that surrounds her. As she searches for them, she meets each and every one of the Galaxy Girls, and each girl must use her unique talents to help Milky retrieve the fragments and save the Universe from being sucked in and devoured by Black Hole's evil vortex!

Now, that was posted back in 2007, so it looks as though the planned short never got made. Lauren has since gone to produce Hasbro's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and a new series of superhero shorts: Super Best Friends Forever. Despite this, Lauren still hasn't found anyone who can help her make the show!So, what do you think? Is this something you'd like to see? Can you think of any ways Lauren might be able to make this happen?

3DS Friend Code: 0018-0767-4231

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