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It is, actually. Apparently, some hackers tried stealing it from him and found that it had an IV of 31 in all of its stats. I wouldn't have thought Joey would know about RNG abuse...Speaking of youngsters, I'm getting a bunch of Pokemon off my brother's Pearl ready to transfer to White 2, and I'm seriously considering taking the lot of them to the naming guru first. My brother was the sort of kid that couldn't think of creative nicknames for Pokemon, but insisted on naming them anyway. Which is why the Torterra is named TURT, the Altaria is named SWAB, and the Milotic is EEB.... and that's why he never got to name any of our pets. :P

3DS Friend Code: 0018-0767-4231

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It is, actually. Apparently, some hackers tried stealing it from him and found that it had an IV of 31 in all of its stats. I wouldn't have thought Joey would know about RNG abuse...
That is the most hilarious thing I've heard so far today. ... Not that hard a task, mind you, but it still certainly puts things into perspective. xD
Speaking of youngsters, I'm getting a bunch of Pokemon off my brother's Pearl ready to transfer to White 2, and I'm seriously considering taking the lot of them to the naming guru first. My brother was the sort of kid that couldn't think of creative nicknames for Pokemon, but insisted on naming them anyway. Which is why the Torterra is named TURT, the Altaria is named SWAB, and the Milotic is EEB.
I was once somewhat similar. Still am, in a way, if you consider one of my Luxray were named 'Rento'. If people know of the Japanese versions and their names, that means I gave my Luxray a nickname that consisted of the first five letters of it's Japanese name. Though, I had an excuse, the whole name wouldn't fit. =P
... and that's why he never got to name any of our pets. :P
It sounds like that is a good thing. =PAlso, I'm messing around with custom sprites and Trainer Cards; I might be able to make a full one for myself soon, once I finish off my trainer sprite. =) I'll admit, there's only a few spots that were self-drawn(Like the hair, which still doesn't look right), but the majority is cut from other BW/BW2 sprites, though you might not know it at first, like with the arm. =P
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I just so happened to have caught a Metang yesterday in White. :PIt was level 63.. But it evolves at 45... O_oWell, then(or than) again... I did see that trainer's level 60ish Zubat..Also, I'm not sure if this has been discussed, (It probably has) but in Black and White 2, if you complete the Unova Pokedex, then in this secret area for 'Unova Pokedex completers', there is a shiny Haxorus waiting for you.. o_oPerhaps I won't train an Axew after all. :PCan anyone tell me how to go to other peoples' homes in the Dream World?

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You have to use the dream map; it's random though; not sure why they still haven't made it so it's not random yet. -_-'Also, you can choose to stop evolutions, so maybe it just chose not to evolve. =P

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I was once somewhat similar. Still am, in a way, if you consider one of my Luxray were named 'Rento'. If people know of the Japanese versions and their names, that means I gave my Luxray a nickname that consisted of the first five letters of it's Japanese name. Though, I had an excuse, the whole name wouldn't fit. =P
I did that with a lot of my Pokemon during the GSC years; when I first got Gold, I had already played some of it, as a friend had a lent me a test copy that he had, so a lot of the names were the romanized versions of their Japanese names in that.
I just so happened to have caught a Metang yesterday in White. :PIt was level 63.. But it evolves at 45... O_oWell, then(or than) again... I did see that trainer's level 60ish Zubat..Also, I'm not sure if this has been discussed, (It probably has) but in Black and White 2, if you complete the Unova Pokedex, then in this secret area for 'Unova Pokedex completers', there is a shiny Haxorus waiting for you.. o_oPerhaps I won't train an Axew after all. :PCan anyone tell me how to go to other peoples' homes in the Dream World?
There's also a shiny Gible, I hear? It seems weird, but I can dig it.
You have to use the dream map; it's random though; not sure why they still haven't made it so it's not random yet. -_-'Also, you can choose to stop evolutions, so maybe it just chose not to evolve. =P
Aaaaaaaugh I know it's still random but whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.Also, it does make you wonder what life in the wild is like for them. I mean, obviously some Pokemon (Pikaaaaaa) clearly have evolution preferences, but why do they think that way?
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Dorek: That's pretty cool. Sounds like that would be a fun game to play; were there any story differences, translation wise, or was it not yet translated fully?Yes, there's also a Shiny Dratini, but that might be a 'one-or-the-other'; as I haven't really heard about you getting the other, if you complete White Forest's area, after beating Black Skyscraper, or vice versa.I don't know. =/ For the record, I'm BladeZero on that, so if you see someone by that name, it's me. Still a convoluted method, though. =PThat's a very good question. I actually have no real clue... It's something that would be cool to look into./EDIT: Does anyone else think the scientist form of Kyouhei looks a lot like Great Saiyaman Gohan from the Buu Saga of DBZ?(Specifically the, get this, World Tournament portion, where he wears the sunglasses instead of his helmet.)

Edited by Pit: Arrow of Light
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Well, in the case of Metang, the Pokedex states that it's formed by two Beldum fusing together, and that Metagross was two Metang fused together. You can sorta understand why they might be a bit hesitant about evolving in that instance.The Dream World has many flaws, but I think not being able to contact your ingame friends is one of the worst. That and the fact that the Dream Tree ate all my berries out of spite just because I didn't visit the website for a few months.

the Altaria is named SWAB,
That is actually so clever I had not noticed that at all before
My brother wasn't being clever, he just took the first few letters out of "SWABLU". But Swablu itself, if that's what you mean... yeah, I guess it's pretty clever. I reckon some of the best Pokemon names are the ones you don't understand until you're an adult, like Kangaskhan.

3DS Friend Code: 0018-0767-4231

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1. That's actually a good point, there. =P2. You mean going to visit them? I have to agree there; you can send EZ mail to them, but really, in-game friends, actually registered to your Pal Pad, should count. I can understand why they might not want all of the people you traded with and such to be included, because of mass amounts of lag, but still... One flaw for me, however, is not being able to access the Dream World without a Pokemon asleep. If only because I have no Wi-Fi access for about one more week. =/ The berries thing might've been partly because of the update. I'm not really sure, since we both were off for a long while before it happened. =P3. I see. I personally thought it was Kanga(roo)'s KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!

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How are kids not aware of Genghis Khan, Alyska? :P~B~
I think it depends on where you went to school and what you were taught. I had heard of him, but only through books and video games. Most of my friends in primary school would not have. And even I didn't make the connection until I was much older. There's also things like Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres that would go over most people's heads. The third gen in particular was a gold mine of clever names.Then there's the obscure biology references to enjoy when you're older as well. Parasect, for example- a bug possessed by brain-eating fungi growing out of its head that controls its behaviour. Surely the stuff of fiction, right? Wrong! There actually is a species of fungus that does that to bugs. Sweet dreams!

3DS Friend Code: 0018-0767-4231

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Dorek: That's pretty cool. Sounds like that would be a fun game to play; were there any story differences, translation wise, or was it not yet translated fully?
It would roughly the same game from what I played of it, just with a lot of transliteration and some unfinished graphics.But yes, puns abound in Pokemon, we knew this =P. Was there anything particularly clever in Gen V? The Muskadeers have kind of interesting ones, but I can't think of much else.
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Dorek: That's pretty cool. Sounds like that would be a fun game to play; were there any story differences, translation wise, or was it not yet translated fully?
It would roughly the same game from what I played of it, just with a lot of transliteration and some unfinished graphics.But yes, puns abound in Pokemon, we knew this =P. Was there anything particularly clever in Gen V? The Muskadeers have kind of interesting ones, but I can't think of much else.
Hmm; that's interesting, I wonder why graphics would be unfinished...? If it was Crystal, I'd understand, given that they went Cutman on the Pokemon Communication Center, but I didn't think they changed anything between G/S Japan and G/S's American release... But that's still really cool. Test copies can be pretty fun; and I wish I had the opportunity to try one of something. =)There was the Klink link, but I dunno if that was really 'clever'. =PThere's probably some, though; like Tranquill(Maybe); and a couple others, but I'd need to look those up again.
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Dorek: That's pretty cool. Sounds like that would be a fun game to play; were there any story differences, translation wise, or was it not yet translated fully?
It would roughly the same game from what I played of it, just with a lot of transliteration and some unfinished graphics.But yes, puns abound in Pokemon, we knew this =P. Was there anything particularly clever in Gen V? The Muskadeers have kind of interesting ones, but I can't think of much else.
Hmm; that's interesting, I wonder why graphics would be unfinished...? If it was Crystal, I'd understand, given that they went Cutman on the Pokemon Communication Center, but I didn't think they changed anything between G/S Japan and G/S's American release... But that's still really cool. Test copies can be pretty fun; and I wish I had the opportunity to try one of something. =)There was the Klink link, but I dunno if that was really 'clever'. =PThere's probably some, though; like Tranquill(Maybe); and a couple others, but I'd need to look those up again.
If I remember right, a lot of it was with the color, but I could just be remembering bits and pieces of the whole thing. The transliteration was what stuck out most in my memory.Regardless, yeah, they have some good naming schemes, but no particularly clever or sneaky puns that I can really think of.
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Oh, well colour might make a little sense; even if the original games had a palette for the GBC; early copies might not have had that, theoretically. Given that it's been probably 13 years almost, if not 14, I don't blame you for not recalling. =PPurrloin, maybe? Someone made a joke about stealing a Purrloin, and the word used was like one or two letters off. Doesn't truly make sense, until you consider poor Hugh's story. =P

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Ugh breeding Larvitars is horribleI guess I need to catch 17 Dittos and get a bunch of Everstones, because this is miserable. Only good one I've gotten so far was Jolly [which is solid but not what I want] and even with a Volcarona in my party they take forever to hatch. Let's hope Black and White 2 let us ride bikes in the Gear Station.

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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You know; that's a good question. I haven't paid much attention, as all the Pokemon I'm focusing are about Level 50, and therefore, unable to be Lucky Egged properly, as they can't take down the E4 by themselves. Level 85 is probably good, though, and they'll be that soon. =PWould be higher, if I didn't have others to evolve for my Pokedex.

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What the heck.Someone traded me a level 100 Charizard for a Chimchar!What on EarthHow what who
I reacted like that first time I got a shiny Suicune for a Combee.And now I'm like "Oh, ANOTHER Shiny Latias? Meh, I'll put it in the box next to the other two."I tend to value shinies that I didn't catch myself a lot less than shinies I know are legit.

3DS Friend Code: 0018-0767-4231

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It seems to level off at a certain point for me. The Lucky Egg boost does help; though... Training my Togekiss and Infernape side by side, with the Lucky Egg on my Infernape, and a 20 level difference, both traded, the Lucky Egg grants enough to match the lower level boost the Togekiss gets, more or less; however, that depends on circumstances, and the actual level difference. But it's still rather nice of a boost.And when in doubt, Audino, though the E4 should give a bigger boost, due to having higher levels and such.

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I've found a good amount of level 50 Audino on Route 13. The problem is finding even higher level Audino; though I think I saw some around the Giant Chasm.The proble, however, is that there's a distinct lack of high level wild Pokemon period.

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Wait, when I said 13, I meant 14. >_< I seem to want to erase Route 4 from memory; I keep losing a route, and the earliest is Route 4 instead of Route 5. So I think that's the problem. =P Especially with Join Avenue in BW2...On Route 14, Audino are abut 47-50; and still grant like 5000 EXP or so, give or take a couple thousand, since it's been a while since I trained on them.Inner Cave's grass has 52-55 leveled Audino, however. =) The only problem is finding a spot to ride back and forth in that place. Which I'll need to do to get Clefable(Stupid limited stones outside of dust clouds...).The encounter rate was changed too, though. *Walks into cave* *Takes one step* WILD GOLBAT APPEARS! >RUN. GOT AWAY SAFELY! *Takes another step* WILD PILOSWINE APPEARED! -_-;

Edited by Pit: Arrow of Light
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Game is mocking me, very last egg before started breeding with Adamant momma ends up being Adamant.I'll take a look, that'll make training up a team to rematch the Elite 4 a lot easier. Feels bad that almost 70 hours of gameplay and I haven't even done that yet.

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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I think that's always the way. It's happened with me before. =P... Yeah, it took me a while to do that; and I've still only done it once. -_-; Once I get Togekiss to Level 85, I'm ripping through the E4 with my competitive team. Should be interesting. =PSpeaking of which; I have Wi-Fi again, thanks to Hero's help! =D But only for B/W, since it can support WPA(and WPA 2, apparently!), but nothing else, Pokemon wise, can. =P

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I'm also having troubles with Wi-Fi, I'll figure it out eventually. Get some solid Pokes together before I bother.EDIT: Pokerus doesn't expire if the infected mon is in the box, right?

Edited by ~JC~

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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