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On to matters unrelated to an episode I have yet to see, I'm watching Captain America, and I was a little amused to see a couple of actors I knew but hadn't expected - actors whose names I don't actually know, like the guy who played Cohen the Barbarian in The Colour of Magic, or - and more relevantly - the actor who played the Dream Lord in that one episode of Doctor Who. He even, funnily enough, has the bow tie.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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Isn't it more sexist to say that they're not allowed to feel guilty? That they aren't allowed to have that emotional response?
Again, you're not quite understanding what I'm saying. Nowhere do I say she's not allowed to have that response. Some people just can't have children and its worse in Amy's case since its not a natural thing. But to feel guilty and ashamed purely because she can't give her husband anything he wants? Its something we've only just seen Rory wants and have never seen Amy want, we never see them go through options (bringing up adoption again), never see them talk about it, just that she can't have kids so she must divorce Rory. Which isn't how it goes if the people do love each other. So yes, its sexist
the actor who played the Dream Lord in that one episode of Doctor Who. He even, funnily enough, has the bow tie.
Toby Jones. He's also the voice of Dobby in the HP movies :P


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Excellent, I'll remember that name. You wouldn't happen to know the name of the other fellow - the old Norwegian guy near the beginning/Cohen the Barbarian in that Discworld movie?

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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Oh Moffat, you so crazy.

I got a huge kick out of Coleman showing up. My mom hadn't the faintest idea who she was, but I was grinning like a moron when I realized, yes, that was really her. And then how she wound up... oh, this is going to be good, seeing how they sort her out. I'm really impressed they managed to keep her appearance in this ep under wraps.That said I agree the Amy/Rory breakup subplot wasn't that well done. Sort of felt like it was there just for the sake of giving them something to do.

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Moffat is pretty big on fairness for all and staying away from sexism. So I trust that what he wrote is kosher and reflective of each character's personality.JLC is pretty!Also seeing her was a total surprise.But she's so pretty!Can't wait to see how she comes back in the future. I'm in the group thinking Doctor picks up her up at a past point and acts to save her throughout the last half of the series.



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IDK the PBS airdate for Sherlock, but both seasons are out on DVD and well-worth your money. Picture quality and able to watch over and over!-CF
No, Sherlock aired in May and I watched it. (And now I have to wait two years. T.T) What was the original British Airdate though? Then I can figure out when I can watch S7 of Doctor Who. (I don't have cable.)
Arrrrggg....so I have to wait 4 months at least. Must...not...click...on spoilers. :glare:

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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And some aren't even on your side.

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Last season felt weak. I hate Dalek episodes.This was fantastic.

Assuming Oswin is the Companion, and it's not another Freema situation with two characters like that, then it doesn't make sense if he traveled with her prior to conversion. She'd remember him. Unless something happened in the meantime. I'd also not want another River situation.I did love Oswin's character. She's fantastic. I would like it to be her that's the Companion, instead of another character played by Jenna.


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Last season felt weak. I hate Dalek episodes.This was fantastic.

Assuming Oswin is the Companion, and it's not another Freema situation with two characters like that, then it doesn't make sense if he traveled with her prior to conversion. She'd remember him. Unless something happened in the meantime. I'd also not want another River situation.I did love Oswin's character. She's fantastic. I would like it to be her that's the Companion, instead of another character played by Jenna.

I feel like her role this episode was too big and too normal (ie, no alien makeup or anything, like Karen Gillan in Fires of Pompeii) for her to just appear as someone else entirely. Perhaps The Doctor won't realize who she is until it's very too late, and they're heading to the parliament, or she just runs off and joins the Alaska or something.



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Regarding the whole Amy/Rory debate, as far as I was concerned it was realistic. That's not what sends most marriages down the drain, but some marriages do go down that way. I didn't over-analyze is. As far as Amy's feelings of "guilt" (or as I thought of it, insecurity) were concerned, I didn't interpret that as sexism upon the pat of Moffat. I would feel bad too if I couldn't help complete the deep emotional drives of the person I love. It isn't quite a matter of sexism, and frankly I'm glad that she still thinks of Rory. That's not beating down on women; I think that regardless of sex spouses should try to complete each other, and part of what Rory feels would complete him is being able to consider himself a father.Anyway, I didn't come here to debate. To my surprise, I found out on the last day of August that there was a professor from my old college who was hosting a Doctor Who party at his house so that Whovians without BBC America could see the season premier. Lucky me. It was especially cool that most of the people there were college age, and obviously all fans. There were tons of major debates going on during the advertisements, none of which I bothered taking much part in. The only one I felt obliged to follow was the Tennant vs. Smith debate, and included within that debate a Rose Tyler vs. Everyone Else subdebate, in which case I passionately disliked Rose and didn't connect to Tennant's hyperbolic charisma whatsoever. Nobody changed their opinions and everyone was just as stubborn as ever, but it was interesting to hear people's views solidify.Meanwhile, didn't take the episode too seriously or question much. What I did take seriously was my desire to be entertained, and I'd say it was pretty successful. I think that my favorite joke was the Smallville-esque humor when the Doctor said "[How much trouble are we in?] On a scale of one to ten...eleven."I totally saw that joke coming. Everybody laughed. There were plenty of other good moments, but that little bit of humor was perfect for me, and it will be a while before I hear that quote without the immediate association of Matt Smith.There were some definite inconsistencies with the Daleks, especially the matter of conversion, but I didn't question them much. This is a serious about time travel, and the universe was recently rebooted. They can be as inconsistent as they want. I've long accepted that as part of the reality behind Doctor Who.

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Last season felt weak. I hate Dalek episodes.This was fantastic.

Assuming Oswin is the Companion, and it's not another Freema situation with two characters like that, then it doesn't make sense if he traveled with her prior to conversion. She'd remember him. Unless something happened in the meantime. I'd also not want another River situation.I did love Oswin's character. She's fantastic. I would like it to be her that's the Companion, instead of another character played by Jenna.

I feel like her role this episode was too big and too normal (ie, no alien makeup or anything, like Karen Gillan in Fires of Pompeii) for her to just appear as someone else entirely. Perhaps The Doctor won't realize who she is until it's very too late, and they're heading to the parliament, or she just runs off and joins the Alaska or something.


My assumption is it just happens long after she stops being the Doctor's companion, since no one is a companion forever.


If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don’t fight, you can’t win!
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Actually, I found something interesting.

It turns out at the New York premiere someone asked a question regarding Oswin. The answer was something along the lines of that Colemen had just been cast in that episode already, so it's a Freema situation basically. Cast in an episode, then made companion. Just happens that it's in the same season.Of course, supposedly. I'd need to find the exact wording.


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Yeah, I just rewatched The End of Time, and compared to Moffat, Davies really could be kind of insufferably bad at thinking the plot through. Moffat plans like Da Vinci engaged in random acts of technological supervillainy - he does it for fun, and he does it extremely well. Davies planned like water treatment plant technicians make a souffle - he isn't an expert, and planning meticulously would have gotten in the way of his funky space saviour motif.

Edited by Ymper Trymon

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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Yeah, I just rewatched The End of Time, and compared to Moffat, Davies really could be kind of insufferably bad at thinking the plot through. Moffat plans like Da Vinci engaged in random acts of technological supervillainy - he does it for fun, and he does it extremely well. Davies planned like water treatment plant technicians make a souffle - he isn't an expert, and planning meticulously would have gotten in the way of his funky space saviour motif.
It's refreshing to see a post affirming Moffat's genius and Davies' shortfalls. Too often do I see the opposite, mostly among people who don't want to think enough through Moffat's plots.-CF(However, we can give a little credit to Davies here and there. What he did to Donna was a total Moffat move. And he brought back The Master as John Simm!) Edited by Picard


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I call them Skittle Daleks. XDDavros showing up in the asylum would have been awesome. But also would have been a much different, less emotional story. Because there's no way you could fit JLC and a Davros reveal in the same episode, especially for the series premier.Also, Tilius:

Are you just dying for a JLC as a Dalek action figure?


Edited by Picard


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The more I think about Asylum of the Daleks, the more it seems to get worse.

The Dalek Prime Minister says that "it is offensive to us to extinguish such divine hatred" and then just shoots hundreds of thousands of missiles at the Asylum. It also says that Daleks have a sense of beauty, when the Cult of Skaro say "Daleks have no sense of elegance". On subject of that, how many times did a Dalek kill one of it's kind during Doctor Who's long run? How did anyone hear Oswin as a human even though she sounds like a Dalek when the Doctor arrives? If no being were to get to the Asylum, what was the point of surrounding the planet with nanoclouds? If the Daleks outside Oswin's door were classic Daleks, why didn't they use the models for the classic Daleks in that scene? Why did the Silence make her unable to have children (I mean, what if Melody was stillborn?)? Why didn't Amy and Rory just adopt a child? Whatever happened to River Song? Why didn't they make any attempt to get back together in the span of breaking up and signing those divorce papers?

What I do like about this episode is the direction and the lighting. The special effects were good too. Every time I watch the episode I enjoy it more and more than I initially did, even though this has more holes than swiss cheese. Overall, a good start to the series, even if it has its problems (in my opinion).

Edited by Toa of the Nova Corps
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Sooo.....Random: I just realized that Torchwood is an anagram for Doctor Who..... My mind is blown, to say the least, but that's what Doctor Who does to you.(edit: sorry about the randomness.... I figured someone out there might stand to learn something from my post, haha...)

Edited by Toa Fuffuloo

The first Toa of Cereal

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I've just realised something.The image of a Weeping Angel is itself an Angel, so if you look at the Angel in the eyes, it will create an image in your memory. At the end of Blink, Sally took some photos of the Angels along with the transcript. Seeing as Sally and Larry obviously remember the event (and the pictures), an Angel is going to jump out of the photo or their minds and kill them, or at least zap them into the past. Larry also might have looked at the angel in the eyes when Sally found the doors were locked in Blink, so he must be infected...Dear God, no one is safe.

Edited by Toa of the Nova Corps
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Isn't it a popular theory that the Angels in Blink had come from the pictures? Meaning that the Angels emerged from the pictures, sent the Doctor to the 1960s, then hung around until Sally Sparrow came and froze them, but took the photos that they emerged from in the first place which the Doctor then took back in time slightly ready for them to emerge and send him back in time?


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Yeah, I kind of won't be able to see these episodes until next year, most likely. Netflix is all about delaying things.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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Meh.Unfortunately Episode 4 is also written by the same guy. (Who also wrote Hungry Earth/Cold Blood and 42. So that explains a lot. :(Edit: Rewatching it now live on BBCA, and there are quite a few good lines. Like the Doctor having a Christmas list.I'm hoping a second viewing makes it rub off onto me.

Also, a note on Asylum of the Daleks:

Oswald!Dalek was behind a door in the deepest section of the Dalek asylum, where all those Daleks were ones that had survived the Doctor. Hence, her being there. ;_;


Edited by Picard


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Meh.Unfortunately Episode 4 is also written by the same guy. (Who also wrote Hungry Earth/Cold Blood and 42. So that explains a lot. :(Edit: Rewatching it now live on BBCA, and there are quite a few good lines. Like the Doctor having a Christmas list.I'm hoping a second viewing makes it rub off onto me.

I liked 42 and Cold Blood :(
Also, a note on Asylum of the Daleks:

Oswald!Dalek was behind a door in the deepest section of the Dalek asylum, where all those Daleks were ones that had survived the Doctor. Hence, her being there. ;_;

:oWhy didn't I notice that? That's the kind of thing I notice :/ Edited by Doctor Wotz
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Finally got around to watching the Pond Life shorts today. They're adorable! Especially the second one, with the Doctor first barging in like a little kid telling Mummy and Daddy there's a monster in his bedroom, and then awkwardly trying to act like a responsible adult and assure them it's all okay...Also, I'm a bit late on the Asylum of the Daleks talk, but...

When you think about it, the Daleks must have technology that can generate any sound they want, be it speech or otherwise, since Oswin was able to transmit not only a human sounding voice, but also the music she thought she was listening to. And Oswin was able to manipulate that sound technology subconciously and telepathically.

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I thought I recognised the voice of Robert Webb in that last episode!!

Isn't it more sexist to say that they're not allowed to feel guilty? That they aren't allowed to have that emotional response?
Again, you're not quite understanding what I'm saying. Nowhere do I say she's not allowed to have that response. Some people just can't have children and its worse in Amy's case since its not a natural thing. But to feel guilty and ashamed purely because she can't give her husband anything he wants? Its something we've only just seen Rory wants and have never seen Amy want, we never see them go through options (bringing up adoption again), never see them talk about it, just that she can't have kids so she must divorce Rory. Which isn't how it goes if the people do love each other. So yes, its sexist
the actor who played the Dream Lord in that one episode of Doctor Who. He even, funnily enough, has the bow tie.
Toby Jones. He's also the voice of Dobby in the HP movies :P
And Mr. Batley in the ITV miniseries Titanic!

~ CHTrilogy

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