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@ light Laser; Terrak needs a Biography of 50 words.I'll allow the Zatth, but be careful with summons. I don't want to see a Kanohi Dragon or Ancient Sea Behemoth or anything like that. A swarm of Takea, sure. Maybe a Razor Whale.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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And one more character:Character Name: QuorvexGender and Species: Male Ko-MatoranPowers: Slightly stronger than the average Matoran, an eye for detail, and a near photographic memory.Equipment: A wooden nightstick that he uses to defend himself, a set of lock-picks, and a tool-sack with an assortment of items to help with his investigative work such as magnifying glasses, tweezers, glass veils, etc.Appearance: Quorvex primary color is dark grey, his secondary color is off-white, and his eyes are dark blue. He has an off-white powerless Kakama and he often wears a black long-coat in order to keep his weapon out of sight.Faction: Yheyn Traders GuildPersonality: Quorvex is inquisitive, but almost perpetually bored. He loves the thrill of slowly piecing a case together and the satisfaction of finally solving it. However, most of the cases he is forced to oversee as a member of the Guild aren’t particularly interesting, which makes him constantly question his decision to join the Guild in the first place. To others, he at least civil and doesn’t try to threaten or intimidate others considering his short stature, but sometimes his mouth gets the better of him; especially on the rare occasion when he has to deal with Sarillia. Quorvex is lawful neutral in most of his ways; he follows the rules and doesn’t really bother with any of that good vs. evil debate, but he isn’t above ignoring a few laws that might get in his way, such as breaking and entering.Biography: Quorvex started out as any other Matoran in Sakrinil, a minor factory worker; more specifically a foundry that produced cannons for the Coast Guard. Over the years, he found that his eye for detail helped him identify defects in the castings and know precisely when the furnaces were hot enough simply be the color of the flame. He also had an annoying habit of deducing how anyone had stolen his tools and quickly retrieving them. Eventually he wanted to apply his talents to much larger crimes and he began to train himself for that duty.Several years later, he had learned enough to become something of a private detective and investigator. Over those years he had been asked to solve a few large and complicated cases and he had always come out on top. He was happy, but his annual income left something to be desired. Enter the Traders Guild. One of their recruiters gave him an offer; become one of the Guild’s ‘agents’ and receive a steady and sizable payment each month along with an apartment, complementary. Quorvex, not wanting to live on berries for another month, jumped at the offer.Unfortunately, he neglected to read the section of fine print that stated he could only work on official cases given to him by the Guild. Most of these cases were for accusations of fraud, petty theft, and possibly investigations of possible unsafe working conditions if he was lucky. To top it all off, he quickly noticed that the Guild leadership would change or flat-out ignore his reports if they didn’t match what they wanted to see. Bored and stuck with a contract that isn’t set to expire for several more years, Quorvex now only goes through the motions of his life, concerned that he’ll never experience another interesting case again. However, with the latest events in Sakrinil, that might change…

Credits: Xanis

"Don't Panic."

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Thanks Lev. Anyway, he isn't worried about never seeing any case again, he's worried about never seeing an interesting case ever again. Of course, with current developments, that will soon change (and its the primary reason why I made him).Would you mind if I started him out with being summoned to Sarillia's office?

Credits: Xanis

"Don't Panic."

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Name: TerrakGender & species: Male & unknownPowers: Terrak has a Zatth, the Mask of Summoning, he can breathe under water and has the ability to befriend rahi (mainly under water rahi).He is strong and swift especially when under water.Equipment: Terrak has three daggers one on each side of his waist and one on his back. He has water wings to help him move easily though water. He also has a sharp staff or spear, this can charge its point and make explosions like reactions with things it connects with. He can swim at high speeds and use the poll to break holes in ships.Appearance: Black and dark blue armor and about the size of a toa. Terrak is sometimes thought to be a mutated Zyglak. Terrak is often suspected to be a dangerous character and looks just a little more like a toa than a Zyglak.Faction: He is up for higher but not for the Yheyn coast guard.Personality: He is kind to rahi, but he does not have good relations with so called intelligent beings, some times he’s attacked on the pretenses he’s a different kind of Zyglak of course those who attack him may just regret it. He does have moral standards.Biography: Few know about his past or what species he actually is, and he does not usually tell very much information about his past, but he does say some things at some times about mutation and or maybe he can some day change back, and or he does not begrudge who or what did it to him and seems to have actually went along with it.Not many know whether he came from the south or the north, you might have to read his mind just to find out.I gave him a small biography but I do not think it says that much.

Edited by light Laser

If wise man uses words, and strong man hits things, a wise strong man hits words.

Wait that doesn't seem right.



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Oh he came from the north. Nobody has come from the south.Also, if anyone thinks he looks like a Zyglak, they are going to try to kill him.[Approved]-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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I am sorry for my inactivity, I'm going to start posting again now. :PGot distracted by a looming war in one RP and a constant war in another RP.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Quick question for anyone who might be reading;Are there any active players who have merchant characters in Sakrinil, right now (I know Basilisk since I'm currently talking to that character :P)? I tried looking thorugh the profile topic, but that doesn't tell me what they're doing right now, and I figured it would be faster if I asked here, rather than search through the last five or six pages of the RPG topic.

Credits: Xanis

"Don't Panic."

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Terrak might be able to find Gaioli, but I think he needs some reason for being out in the middle of the ocean, maybe he heard of the ship wreck.

Edited by light Laser

If wise man uses words, and strong man hits things, a wise strong man hits words.

Wait that doesn't seem right.



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@ light Laser: Well, the shipwreak isn't well-known. She was fighting off some pirates (Toa of Smooth Jazz's) and busted the bottom of it to get out. So, unless Toa of Smooth Jazz's pirate has been boasting, and Terrak is a pirate/person that's around pirates, he wouldn't know. And even if he did, what's his reasoning? Not that I don't want interaction, I'm just pointing out the facts. :PZakaro


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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I think Toa Levacius Zehvor is letting him swim faster than a ship.Right Toa Levacius Zehvor. and how long is half a day in game time.

Edited by light Laser

If wise man uses words, and strong man hits things, a wise strong man hits words.

Wait that doesn't seem right.



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Toa Levacius Zehvor I don't think you ever directly addressed Terrak swimming faster than ships, how much faster than a ship is he aloud to swim.

Edited by light Laser

If wise man uses words, and strong man hits things, a wise strong man hits words.

Wait that doesn't seem right.



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@ light Laser; A little bit faster. He can catch up to one or whatever. Considering I don't actually have a flat number of how fast ships travel, I'll just say he can clear the distance to the island currently in question a bit faster than someone onboard seacraft could go.However, since he actually needs to take time to rest, unlike an inanimate object, he couldn't travel nearly as far - after going any further than that small island, he would need to rest. Going that fast, anyways.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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@ paragon;Some things done good, some things done bad. Sometimes, things can be both. For example, I once saved this tiny orphan child from being murdered by a psychopath with a stone dagger, but I only did it so I could raise the child as my own son and eventually sacrifice him in order to prolong my life in a fresher, much younger body as I have done since the dawn of human civilization.The Makuta part I'm not going to allow. The Brotherhood is still under the strict command of Miserix at this point in time, and he isn't very keen on letting people perform experiments. More importantly, he wouldn't let them go free to blab. I know I sure wouldn't, but I guess I might be smarter than a Makuta. Let's check my sliding scale of Makuta intelligence.Hmm. Nope. They've got another couple thousand years of age on me.EDIT: Oh, and one more thing - to everyone.The new BZPower skin is almost as blue as the Waves of the South Wiki.Let that sink in.Has it sunk in?Well, the Wiki is being made, and under work. Am I insane, doing this? Yes, but I have free time, and it's either that or sitting in my bed reading. Which I enjoy, but I've already read most of my options. And if you spread out the space between readings, you forget certain cool things and make it continue to be enjoyable. Or not. Suit yourself with your own options, I do the same thing with video games.Anyways, it's got almost twenty functional pages, and isn't near completion. That'll take a while. But if you're interested, just type in Waves of the South Wiki in Google. It's the fifth result. Don't use Bing though. Bing doesn't work.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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@ not paragon but Cosmic Titan; Well I think you're misunderstanding the goals of the Yheyn rebellion, and the Toa Council never actually kills anybody, but that's just misunderstanding the setting, which is apparently what freaking everybody is doing. The fact you have shadow powers to some extent would mean an increased amount of inner darkness (lowered inner light?), which would be conflicting against your normal self and, thus, either hamper your focus with mask abilities or your elemental powers. Take your pick - it's the cost of trying to add on a new ability.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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here is my third characterName: Inta Gender & Species: Male Toa of rahiPowers: As he thinks he is a toa of rahi he can create (using viruses, but he needs liquid protodermis, and it can take hours to days to create new viruses but he can replicate viruses he already made in seconds, also when he adds his viruses to liquid protodermis it can form in seconds depending on the complicity of the rahi and his experience making that type of rahi), manipulate (using Rahi Control and viruses to alter a rahi), and absorb (using an energy hand*) rahi. These are the only powers he can access. Mata-Nui keeps an eye on him so he can watch his how Inta turns out and sometimes gives him visions to help him in the right direction*His energy hand is not made of shadow like makuta’s, but a clear blue energy. His viruses are also a clear blue, liquid type energy.Equipment: Two small containers that are made from the front legs of a Sea Spider, a lot of Sea Spider legs. These containers shrink what ever is put inside them so they can hold a lot. One of them is always filled with liquid protodermis in case he needs to make a rahi and he is not near any liquid protodermis. The other has various pieces of rahi, and other things he collects. The main weapons he uses are Sea Spider legs to shrink his enemies or other rahi made weapons. He has two birds that perch on his shoulders, these can turn in to much larger birds (big enough to carry a toa) that are heavily armoured in front, so they can smash threw rock even when carrying a toa. Their wings glow with energy like a kahu’s making them fly very fast without flapping. Mask: Matatu, fitted with a computerized lens that lets him examine things close up, useful for examining a new rahi without touching it.Appearance: Inta has green and black armour, a stark contrast to his friendly light blue eyes and clear blue energy.Faction: good. He has travelled to Yheyn to learn how to be a proper toa from the Toa Counsel.Personality: Curious and Kind, Inta wants to be a proper toa and help people. He also has a strong desire to create rahi. He is inexperienced with his powers and when he came to Yheyn he couldn’t access his mask.Bio: Inta was created by Mata-Nui from Antidermis and an altered version of Antidermis called Intadermis, as someone to create rahi after the Makuta became interested ruling instead of creating. Mata-Nui gave Inta the ability to use viruses to create rahi (as well as his other powers), he also gave Inta a more peaceful version of the 42 makuta powers (with Peace instead of Anger, Courage instead of Fear, etc) but he doesn’t know of, and can’t use these powers. (Unless a GM says he can.)Inta woke up in a cavern beside a large pool of greenish black liquid that swirled and bubbled and he didn’t want to touch it, and a small pool of light blue liquid that looked calm and peaceful. When Inta found his way out of the cavern and found a pool of water, acting instinctively tried adding his blue energy to the water, to his delight the water condensed into a large snake, however his delight was cut short when the snake tried to eat him. After escaping the snake Inta ran into a lost matoran (he was picked up off his ship by a tornado sent by Mata-Nui, and he landed on this island). The matoran asked if Inta was a toa so he decided to find out. Inta walked over to the snake he just created and told it to stop and it stopped, he told it to lie down and go to sleep and it did, then after several attempts he managed absorb the rahi. Trying again, Inta started to put viruses into the water but just then a Sea Spider came up threw the viruses and was slightly modified by them. The Sea Spider put Inta in stasis with a spinner then went after the matoran, when it stabbed at the matoran he sidestepped chopped off its front legs, surprised at how easily the legs came off the matoran stepped back and was even more surprised when the spiders front legs grew back. By this time Inta came out of stasis and used his powers to put the rahi to sleep. Picking up the front legs Inta discovered that they still have the power to shrink things, thinking of a use for them Inta pulled off a bunch of the legs and made them into his containers, then (unmutating it) he sent the spider on its way.After seeing his birds in a vision Inta set to work making them, in a few days the birds were finished and he used them to take the matoran back to his ship and then, following the matoran’s instructions flew to Yheyn to find a toa to train him.

Edited by Takanuvainika

"I once thought that I was the only one who fantasized about Bionicle; that no one else could have that little of a life.

Then I went on BZPower.




Just call me Taka or TNI



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