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IC: Feral"So I'm supposed to accept that and not want to hear said funny story?" he said, sitting down and pulling what was left of his mask off. He grinned as Alaric walked in with two huge Sentinel hands. "Sounds awesome." he said. "We could also join the biggest metal high-five club!" he said jumping up from his seat.IC: Summer-flightShe giggled at the memory Ric sent her. Thank you... One thing. I finally taught you how to grow wings! She sent back as she was pulled over to Emily and Vinewhip. It took only a minute for her to run her healing hands over their broken bones and injuries before they were gone.IC: TribladMat turned to Wild Card, "Well if you hadn't I don't think any of us would be alive right now." he said shrugging.

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IC: ShadowShadow lay on the cot, as still and silent as the grave. Her body was fine, it had been completely healed.But it wasn't clear when she would wake up. Or if she would. The mind is a delicate thing, and she had been through a lot, even before today. She couldn't remember it. She couldn't remember any of it. But it was still there.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: TorrentCaleb hugged Emily tight as a tear dropped, "Are you okay?" Caleb asked

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Dallas (Blackbird)"Yea, dude, let's try it right--wait."Dallas looked around at the plane and its occupants before shrugging."We can do the five later."IC: Alaric (Blackbird)Alaric laughed quietly and looked down.Just don't go all Yoda on me, and I'll owe you one.-Teezy



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IC: Beast"Now we go home." he said looking Zack up and down. "By god you look just like Scott Summers..." he said. He noticed a few other mutants he didn't know on the plane, like Jared and Jordan as well."Who are all the new people?" he asked raising a blue brow. There were also quire a few students present who weren't part of the X-Men. Beast shrugged, "If you made it through it shows you have what it takes to be a member of the X-Men." he said. "If your not officially on the team, I'm extending the invitation to everyone." he said. "I'm proud of you all, we accomplished a victory today. We saved the President and kept America from collapsing." he said. IC: FeralJohn nodded, "Okay, but can I get a normal high five? I mean did anyone else see how much *** me and Dallas kicked back there?" he grinned.IC: Summer-flightAshlynn smiled at what Ric said in her head. Backwards would I must talk? She sent back to him.

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IC: Abbas entered the plane, scorched, cut, and bruised, but alive. He'd taken down a few sentinels of his own, but compared to some of the others, he wasn't a powerhouse, abilities wise.Behind him came Bubba, the steps of the invisible creature making loud clanking sounds. Many of the dead sentinels had massive gashes through them, showing his work.As Dallas was talking, Brianne ran at him, leaping into him and wrapping her legs around him in a full-body hug."You did great, Dal."

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC: Inferno and TorrentThe two looked at each other with big grins and gave each other a high five, "We did it!" Zac said"This is awesome!" Caleb said"Um....there is something I have to tell you..." Zac said

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Dallas (Blackbird)"Nahhh, they were too busy trying not to get crushed by all the dismembered Sentinels we were tossing around, nahhhmean?" Dallas asked, pulling John into a brohug and laughing as he pulled out his phone. He scrolled through the different apps before stopping, eyes widening and mouth forming a perfect O."John, we're trending on Twitter, check it out!" he yelled. "Listen, listen, listen: Just watched this blondie who's cuter than my entire senior class put together knock Sentinel heads like drums! #sexiestxmanalive. Boom! Boom! Boom!"IC: Alaric (Blackbird)...I know you can't see inside my head right now, but I want you to know my brain just straight exploded. There's little tiny brain driplets everywhere just because of that sentence.He stood up and hugged her from behind quietly, sneaking a small kiss into her cheek while John was distracted with Dallas."You okay? You look exhausted."-Teezy



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IC: Summer-flightShe laughed as what Alaric told her telepathically, and then felt his arms wrap around her, and then his quick kiss to her cheek which made her blush. "I'm okay... I just worked really hard to heal Shadow." she said, she hadn't even bothered to heal the scratch on her forehead, but the blood had dried by now anyway. IC: FeralJohn grinned and looked at Dallas phone, "Nice!" he said, before pulling out his. "This is what they tweeted about me: Anyone else saw that super cute kid with the dark hair and the claws tearing into those giant robots? Ohmigosh he is so adorable and tough at the same time..." he said reading the tweet."Seems like live footage of the battle is all over the news, the X-Men are the top Google search currently." he said. "We seem to be blowing up." he laughed.

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IC: BeastBeast was taken aback."What?!" he said. He'd never known that Scott had a third child. "How can this be? Why did I not know of you?" he said.IC: Triblade"What?!" Matt said as well. "I have a new cousin who's a guy?" he said. "Yessss!" he said. "I'm finally not the only male Summer kid." he grinned. "My name's Matt, I'm your cousin." he said as he nodded to Zack.

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IC: Dallas (Blackbird)"#dallasgreentwoohsixteen is a trending hashtag," he reported, refreshing his phone. "I have eight thousand followers--11,500 followers--I'm at the 20 mark--jeez, dude, they're gonna make movies about us!"IC: Alaric (Blackbird)"Get some rest. You deserve it more than anyone else here, with all the healing you've done today."-Teezy



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IC: Jared checked his phone and grinned, for the first time in what felt like an eternity. "Lessee. There's a raging debate going on about what it'd be like to have a green skinned guy for a boyfriend. Also, that small town in Texas I was talking about earlier is convinced there's an alien conspiracy going on."

Edited by Toa Kaithas

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles

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IC: Inferno and TorretZac told Caleb the news and Caleb got up and went over to Emily with looking like he was gonna cry, Zac was going to as well but held it in."Hey Emily," Caleb said "You feeling better?"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Name: MalikCodename: Night AngelAge: 16Gender: MaleFaction: Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters.Power(S): Possessed by the Devil-Mutant Azazel, when ever his Demon form activates, in addition to his change in appearance he gains Super-Human Agility, Invisibility, and the ability to manipulate a destructive energy which he can control as bolts/streams, or use to coat his sword or hands. However, when in his Demon form, Azazel gains more control, thus making it very difficult for Malik to control his body. As another negative, if Azazel and Malik do not agree at all, and one is unable to overpower the other, the Demon form will disperse, thus preventing them from using their powers.Appearance:Human: Malik has long black hair which he often leaves tied into a ponytail. His tan skin suggests Indian/Pakistani or Middle Eastern Descent, as does his name, however his green eyes prove to be an oddity. He is taller than most people his age,6'3'', and has a very lean figure. In terms of clothing he wears a fedora, and a long coat that he will use to conceal both himself and his sword.Demon Form: In his Demon Form, Malik becomes coated in green fur, and he will grow a long prehensile tail. His ears will also become elongated and end in a point, and his feet will become far more dexterous. His hair will fall onto his shoulders and out of their pony tail, while his eyes become yellow and develop vertically slit pupils--overall, his appearance will resemble that of Azazel and Nightcrawler far more prominently. Weapons: Malik differs from most Mutants in his use of a weapon--however, his powers and Azazel's knowledge lend well to his use of an elegantly designed Shamshir, a sword that has been with Malik for as long as he can remember. The Blade itself is silver, except when using his powers, during which it becomes green. Its hilt is a deep shade of black, into which Arabic words are inscribed--however the calligraphy is so advanced that Malik has been unable to decipher their meaning.Skills: Part of being possessed by Azazel means that Malik has Azazel’s knowledge of advanced Swordsmanship, and thus is quite an advanced Swordsman in his own right. As a result of constantly being on the move, Malik has also become very self sufficient, and a very good actor.Personality: Malik is afraid of himself. Possession by a Devil, who also talks to him, causes him to always fear that he will not be able to protect others and will instead harm then. This leads him to be very reserved, and quiet about himself--however being an actor this is not always noticeable. In many cases Malik will play the part of the fool, the trickster, in order to make people smile, because he knows that getting others to laugh will at least make his life not so much of a waste.Weakness: While in Human form, save for his Swordsmanship, Malik does not possess any powers, and thus is far more vulnerable. Couple with the fact that he also prefers not to use his Demon Form, Malik is most of the time just a swordsman, and thus quite vulnerable to mutants and other powered beings. Not to mention his lack of control in his Demon Form also causes trouble. His possession by Azazel also means that he is vulnerable to the blood of Mutants, like Warren/Archangel, who are descended from the Cheyarafim.Bio: As an infant, Malik appeared on the front steps of an orphanage with merely his name and sword attached to his cradle. While growing up in the orphanage Malik dreamed of being one of the heroic Mutants and being able to take down the bad guys. Malik dreamed of being a hero, contrary to what the news claimed about Mutants. Unfortunately when Malik finally developed his 'powers' he found the he was an uncontrollable monster.The next morning he woke up in an abandoned alley, hand clasped tightly around his sword, with no idea where he was. To this day he has no idea what happened that night. However it wasn't long after that a voice began speaking to him, the voice of Azazel. It was then that Azazel told him how his soul had been possessed by Azazel many years ago, and only now was his body ready for the stress of the powers. Fearing for the lives of others, Malik took to the road (at some point acquiring a dark green Kawasaki Ninja 650), traveling and performing small acts of kindness and heroics here and there. His habit of always performing them in the dark earned him the moniker Night Angel, ironic considering his powers.However during his journeys, Malik learned of the mutant called Nightcrawler, not knowing he was the son of Azazel, and how even with his appearance he was one of the greatest X-Men. Thus Malik resolved to visit the Academy and see if he, too, could learn to control his powers.

Edited by Toa Onarax


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IC: (Tragedy,Wander)Tragedy walked back to the plane in his normal form. the fight was over, and now he was tired. the fear and excitment leaving his system. He got to the plane, sat down, and fell asleep. Wander had gotten to the plane, looked at his armor, checked his operating systems, and then fell asleep as well. He had been on his toes all day, and he needed the rest

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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Shawn IC: "What is everyone doing??"Emily IC: "They are checking to see what the media is saying about them on the web......you want to check you out??" Kisses him on the lipsShawn IC: "Eh, not really....I could not care less, how did everything go for you"Emily IC: "It was rough but Caleb saved me, he is a hero"They both look at Caleb about to cry.Shawn IC: "Come here Braveheart!!" He pulls Caleb into their trio and he with his muscular arms he wraps it around Emily and Caleb."Braveheart! I heard you were a hero, to my Emily. I told you, you have a brave heart! Thank you brother! you made us all proud...especially me."Emily IC: Emily kisses Caleb in the cheek. "I told you he would be excited.". OOC:LOL on the Tupac Hologram thing :P


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: After a undescribed timeskip of walking, the pair of Enforcers turned mutants arrived at John Davis' house. Derrick had mixed feelings upon reaching it, but he knew it was better than his current situation. John himself was currently searching through his fridge.He turned towards the window and saw Derrick. John froze for a moment upon seeing him. His wife was not home but how could Derrick know that. How could that the Enforcer's know that. He ran towards the closest where he kept his gun, knowing he wouldn't be able to beat his younger brother directly however he stopped himself and walked out the front door. John was slightly suprised to see Derrick with a mutant, but he didn't think the Enforcers would be above using mutants as slaves. Or for Derrick to turn him in for that matter. "Why are you here Derrick?"Derrick showed his arm, bare of technology and began creating sparks from it. He created a small storm of electricity from his arm before calming it down.John was shocked (no pun intended) for a moment before saying "Oh dear...""I'll explain later. May I come in John?" "...Yes, please," he said walking to his door on holding it upon for the pair."Thank you," Derrick said somewhat weakly walking into his brother's house and into the living room.


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IC: Torrent"Yea..." Caleb said, "Oh yea, this is my brother Zac!" Caleb said not sad anymore as he showed them Zac.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Inferno"Pleasure to meet you," Zac said to Shawn shaking his had, "I guess me and my brother are gonna be working with you guys soon when we get home,""Emily, thanks for keeping an eye on me," Caleb said,"Yea, from what he said on the walk her is that you were like his mom... Kinda weird onside ring... Ours died...."

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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