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IC: Summer-flightAshlynn nodded at Alaric. “Okay.” She said before sitting down in one of the seats and trying to get some shut eye. Ash opened her eyes and looked at Jared as he spoke to her. “What do you mean?” she said confused.IC: Beast“I’m sorry.” Beast said putting a hand on Zack’s shoulder. “I wish we could of found you sooner and spared you from such a life.” He said. “I’m glad that you’ve finally found your family.” He told him before he walked towards the cockpit to begin the flight. Suddenly Tara caught him in a hug. “I was shot but your sister healed me up.” He told her. “I’m fine don’t worry.” He added.“Welcome to the team then.” He told them when they decided to join the team. “Do all of you already have codenames in mind?” he asked them. Once all of the X-Men were on the plant Beast closed the hatch and the Blackbird took off into the air as it headed back towards the institute.OOC: Just saying it John is sticking around and getting a profile his name needs to be changed from John to something else. There can only be one. Also note players can no longer own their own jets/air craft… Deltus…IC: Feral and AshlynnJohn got up and sat next to Ashlynn. “You did good today Ash.” He said. “I was really worried when the plane crashed…” he said. “I didn’t want to loose you.” He said looking into her eyes. He then leaned in and kissed her, his hand brushing her cheek. She smiled at him after the kiss and nodded.“You weren’t so bad yourself.” She said.

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IC: GilesGiles looked up, and blinked behind his glasses. "Ah, hello."A meow sounded behind Malik. Sebastian sat there, staring at the new arrival. Giles held out a hand. "I do believe you're new here. I'm Mr. Giles, the librarian."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: MalikFor a second there Malik wasn't sure how to respond, he had been using pseudonyms for so long now, that he wasn't even sure if he should use his real name. Then again, if I'm going to be learning here, starting off with a lie won't help. Of course when this all fails, telling them your name won't help much either. But it won't fail, I can't. Malik tried to reassure himself.All this took place in less then a second, on the outside there was little hesitation as Malik took the hand and shook it, "Malik, and yes I'm hoping to enroll here, nice to meet you." The formalities were odd to Malik, but as an actor it was no problem.

Edited by Toa Onarax


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Shawn IC: Shawn walks over to Beast and taps him..."Hey, thanks.....for believing in me....I appreciate it." his expression changes.."why did you?Emily IC: Emily finds a seat right around the vicinity of Caleb, his brother and Ash and Katrina.

Edited by The_Shawn_Legend


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: Alaric (Blackbird)Ric attempted to turn away fast enough to avoid John and Ashlynn's kiss, but regardless, out of the corner of one blue eye, he saw Ashlynn smile, saw John brush her cheek, and--"OW!" Dallas yelped. "Jeeeeeeez! That stung! Who did that?"Whoops.-Teezy



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IC: GilesSebastian sniffed at Malik's leg. The cat could tell there was something strange about him."Nice to meet you." Giles pushed his glasses further up his nose. "You're a mutant, I would guess?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Inferno"I'm inferno and Caleb is Braveheart or torrent," Zac said

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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OOC: When did his parents die? I totally missed that somehow lol. They don't need more than one plane XDIC: BeastHe nodded at Shawn, "Because I've seen progress in your maturity, and I felt you wouldn't fail." he said.IC: Summer-flightAshlynn sat back in her chair, her feelings confused. They revolved mostly on Alaric and John. She liked kissing John, but she felt bad for doing it where Ric could see, why?

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OOC: Okay from now on Vinewhip's real name is Ashley...cause it's gonna get confusing otherwise. XDIC: Vinewhip - Blackbird -After Ashlynn had healed her wounds Ashley seemed to come back to her usually perky self. "Wow it's good as new!" She exclaimed, moving her repaired arm in all kinds of crazy movements, after a while of that she turned to the others and actually started to pay attention. "My codename is gonna be Vinewhip!" She said suddenly. She then went over to Dallas. "Say...is there anything about me on that twitter thing you guys keep mentioning?"

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Inferno and Braveheart"I'll go with Braveheart, and Zac you can be Firespirit," Caleb said"Alright it's agreed,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Giles"His name is Sebastian. He's lived here with me for years." Giles looked down at the cat. "Sebastian. Leave the poor boy alone."The cat looked at Giles, at Malik, and then back to Giles. After a moment, he walked over to the old man and hopped into his lap.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Beast"What else do you need to talk about?" he asked him.OOC: How did they die? How did Jared kill them? And next time everyone should just go on the mission so we won't need an extra plane, if that seems to keep happening I guess we could have one. Wait that's when he answered the phone and was crying?

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IC: Alaric (Blackbird)Six foot seven foot eight foot...It was a commonly held belief of Alaric Carlisle - almost an Eleventh Commandment of sorts - that Lil' Wayne was one of the worst things that had happened to New Orleans in the last three hundred years, ranking underneath Hurricane Katrina but just above the battle that had taken place there at the end of the War of 1812. So when Alaric flicked on Pandora, and a song from what could have been the worst thing to happen to the rap genre since the death of Biggie Smalls came on, naturally, his first impulse should have been to flick it. Instead, he closed his eyes and began tapping his iPod in undisguised boredom, creating his own rhythm out of the sound of his fingerprints against the touchscreen that blended in with the beat to the admittedly-atrocious song.IC: Dallas (Blackbird)"Wha? Oh, there's stuff about everyone. Look for your name!" he chirped to Vinewhip cheerfully as he pushed his phone into her hand and sat down, sighing and closing his eyes for a minute. He had just started to drift off to sleep with Bri talked to him. "Oh! Uh...yea. Except I'm paying. Wouldn't be very good for the public to see me letting you pay. They might think I'm not chivalrous."-Teezy



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Shawn IC: "Mr McCoy, I have been expirencing something strange, Everytime something dire happens or I feel too much of a certain emotion, I start to develop an aura, and when I that happens I become stronger and faster, but it's hard to control...and yes I'll take responsibility for the cafetira thing, but that is when it happened....It was like when I touched Wild Card he unlocked something in me...This destructive ability only comes as a response to a need, or an abundance of one kind of emotion....I don't understand what it is....but it's awesome...and dangerous if I don't get this under control." Shawn felt good because he admitted what he did in the cafeteria to Beast, and he was changing inside....for the better.Emily IC: Emily gets super excited when she sees Ashely. "HEY!" waving wildly to Ashely OOC: okay gotcha overlord.


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: Beast"I think I may know the answer... but I'm not sure if this is a good time to tell you. Perhaps when we are alone." Beast said as he piloted the plane. IC: FeralJohn put in his headphones as he watched Ashlynn nod off her head resting on his shoulder, she deserved the rest. Crush a bit, little bit... John grinned as he let Kid Cudi invade his eardrums.IC: TribladeHe frowned and walked up to Zack, "Did you not hear me before, I'm your cousin Matt." he said standing right in front of him.

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IC: Firespirit and Braveheart"I need a new phone Zac," Caleb said"Oh that's why," Zac said, "But who is gonna pay for it?"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Shawn IC: Shawn looks at Beast very seriously, "Oh....is...there something wrong with me?" taking what Beast said the wrong way. " You know, I thought there was."Emily IC: Emily waits there letting her mind wander aimlessly...hearing what Caleb says she chimes in "Shawn can!" she says giggling a bit.

Edited by The_Shawn_Legend


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: Windrider - Apartment, New York -I decided to make myself at home, sitting myself down on the couch, it was a little old, but I wasn't really picky about my couches. "Eh, you could do a lot worse." I commented, before stiffing a yawn, all the excitement today, including getting shot earlier, had worn me down. IC: Vinewhip - Blackbird -Ashley looks at the phone in her hand curiously, it had been quite a while since she'd bothered to even use one, so was having slight difficulty figuring out how to even enter her name. As she was trying to figure it out, biting her lip, she responded to Jared. "Uh-huh...I am everything to do with plants...I take care of the garden back at the mansion and everything!" She finally got her named entered in the search bar...now how did she make it go? She heard Emily call her name. She looks up at her for a second and grins. "Hi Emily! What's up?" IC; Krystal Starling - John's Home -Krystal thanked John as she entered the home. She promptly excused herself to their restroom, she could feel her transformation starting to excellerate in it's pace again and the last thing she wanted to do was make a spectacle of herself in front of Derrick's brother. Once she had closed the door behind her she began to take off the remains of her enforcer armor, it had been severally damaged in the Savage Lands and was pretty much useless to her now. She took off more of her clothes underneath until she was just wearing shorts and a tank top. She then looked herself over, fur had been growing from her chest down, in fact the only part of her that didn't seem to have fur was her nose...This was short-lived, however. She started to feel tingling and intense pressure from her face, especially around her nose. A few cracking noses could be her as her face began to morph to look akin to that of a muzzle, it stretched out a bit, but only by a couple inches. Panting heavily, she looked at herself in the mirror, she hardly recognized herself...she was a freak. If someone had told her yesterday that she was gonna turn into a humaniod canine, she would of shot them in the face. As she stared at herself she was surprised that she was more in shock than upset. Though she knew it was only a matter of time before she broke down...She suddenly jerked upwards and winced as her body began to change for the final time, she felt pressure at the end of her spine as a tail began to grow, it grew a good 3 to 4 feet before it finally stopped, a big, bushy wolf tail. Somehow...she knew it was finally over. At this point something snapped, she stared at herself in the mirror till she could no longer stand it. She lashed out at the mirror with her claws, putting large claw marks into it. She then stopped herself, panicking when she remembered she was a guest in this house, and now she had thanked them by wrecking their mirror. Her ears drooped, her eyes tearing up as she sank to the floor and curled up into a fetal position. OOC: Welp, since her transformation into a mutant finally done I'll go ahead and give you the updated profile:Name: Krystal StarlingCodename: TimberwolfAge: 25Gender: FemaleFaction: Enforcers Formally, currently unaligned.Powers: Her wolf-like form gives her increased strength, agility, stamina, etc... way beyond a human's. Her five senses (smelling, hearing, sight, feeling, and taste) are also greatly increased. If angered or pushed too far can go into a bestial rage, a nearly unstoppable rampage, ignoring any wounds she may gain. Minor increase in healing, not nearly as great as someone like Feral's. Appearance: The easiest way to describe her is a humanoid with the features of a wolf, a Grey wolf to be precise. She is quite tall, a bit over 6 feet. She her body is covered in thick and sleet silver fur, except for her front torso, which is colored white. She has long jet black hair, and violet (sometimes glowing) silted eyes. Her ears are just like a wolf’s; her teeth are sharp and canine in appearance, along with fangs. Her wolf-like muzzle only sticks out slightly longer than a face of a 'normal' person, not as long as an actual wolf's. Her hands are like a wolf’s paw, but have very sharp claws and still have humanoid fingers and opposable thumbs. Her feet are almost exactly like the hind paws of a wolf, only much larger, much too big to wear shoes of any sort. Her heels extend back and upwards just like any dog's, looking a lot like a backwards knee, which allows her to walk on all fours if she wishes. She also has a very long and bushy wolf tail, easily 3 to 4 feet. Weapons: None, she lost her old equipment after her transformation into a mutant. Skills: Has had intense training in many forms of martial arts, as well as standard military training. She excels at recon and surveillance, as well as tracking via a scent. Personality: Eager to please her superiors, strives to be the perfect agent, doesn't have much of a social life outside of work. Despite being an Enforcer she isn't particularly cruel, at least not purposely so, can be rather gentle, unless of course you're trying to kill her, or escape. Since she became a mutant she has had much to think about, she is constantly struggling with her new 'feral' side. It is constantly trying to dominate her mind; she fears that if she allows her feral side take over, she would lose whatever part of her is still human. Weakness: Anyone with telepathic, psychic, and/or abilities to affect others minds will affect her greatly; she is very weak against such attacks and could be easily manipulated by a skilled telepath into almost anything. When she goes into her bestial rage she tends to injure herself severely, and doesn't know friend from foe. Bio: Krystal, oddly enough was born into family of mostly mutants, her parents are mutants, and so are her three brothers. But for whatever reason, she never manifested with any powers of any sorts. For many years as a child this didn't even bother her or cross her mind. Though as her siblings started to develop their powers and she didn't, well...she began to feel like she didn't belong. At school she noticed how much resentment there was toward mutants, and she began to feel it as well. She felt her parents were disappointed that she wasn't a mutant, and her brothers would pick on her constantly because of it. They all of course expected that she would develop powers, though this never happened. Once she turned 18 and graduated high-school she left home without a second thought and never came back. She had come to believe that mutants were dangerous and needed to be controlled; she'd seen firsthand how her parents and siblings had abused their powers. Eventually she caught the attention of the Enforcers, who offered to train her. She accepted eagerly and has been an Enforcer to this day.Now that Krystal has become a mutant herself, she finds herself without any purpose in life, just trying to avoid ever being found out by the Enforcers and just survive another day.

Edited by Overlord Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Giles"Professor Xavier was quite rich. He left all of his fortune to the Institute when he died. We run quite comfortably off of that. I should know, I've been here twenty years."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Braveheart and FirespiritCaleb laughed, "I like you Emily,""Dude we can't just let them spoil us," Zac said

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Emily IC: Emily letting this mom thing get to her head a bit, she turns to Caleb and says "Don't worry, we will take care of you guys. me and that big lug over there." *points at Shawn* She then turns to Ashley and says.."Look we can find you with my laptop!" or make you a facebook or whatever you want!!"

Edited by The_Shawn_Legend


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: (Sarah Jackson)"If you hear anything, wake me. I have a few other hideouts around the city, and I'd rather re-locate then be killed by Enforcers" with that, Sarah took the other couch, and fell asleep.She had a long day today, and need the sleep.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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