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IC: Alaric (Blackbird)The flight took a lot less time than Alaric thought it would - foolish, really, considering it was a supersonic friggin jet - and in an hour and a half, they had touched down on Academy soil. Almost immediately, Ric branched off from the group and took about three seconds worth of a running head start before unfurling his wings with a mental push and taking off with a mental whoop. He kept flying, careful to keep his mouth closed in case of bugs or anything, and finally touched down about forty-five minutes later at a car dealership, where a lone man was glancing nervously at his watch; Alaric knew that he was waiting for the moment he could get off shift to be freed from this ridiculous burden of being one of the most hated professionals known to mankind."My name's Alaric," said the history teacher brightly as he pointed at a car at the end of the lot. "I'm the heir to Worthington Industries, and I'm in a very bad mood. Know how I can fix it? By handing you this credit card and driving that car home. Tonight."And so he did.-Teezy



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IC: Vinewhip - Blackbird -"Name's Ashley Landes!" She said to Jared before focusing back to Emily. Her face makes a gleeful expression. "That would be awesome! Oh, here's that button!" She finally found the search button on the phone and about a gazillion pictures of herself and the others appeared. "Woah....who even took all these!?" It was about then when the plane landed and such.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: BraveheartCaleb gave Emily a huge around her and smiled, he really liked Emiy.Zac looked around, he and Caleb had a new family.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: (Blake Raynkin, Scott Jackson)Scott had been asleep for about an hour. he woke up on the last half-hour part of the ride. He had gone on all the social networking sites, typed in his name, and found videos of him, Blake, who people had started to call the Pale Wolf, and the rest of the team. Scott even found a video with him as the main focus. It was a good length, lasting about 4 minutes. It showed off a lot of his fighting style, and showed his blade as well.I need to sharpen it when we get back. Blake had awoken when the plane touched down. He walked to the lunchroom, ans made himself a meal. He was hungry, as he had done tons of damage to bots the whole fight.

Edited by thelonewander

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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​IC: Alaric (Institute Grounds) "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!"A sudden flash of black, and suddenly Alaric was everywhere at once, spinning his new Ferrari California in donuts in the middle of the field, childlike glee tattooed onto his face with every spin. Brand new tires smoked and burned as they sliced through grass with tenacity that couldn't be matched by the finest lawn mower, and when he finally stopped, Ric looked as though Ashlynn had just run over and kissed him a thousand times."Whee."-Teezy



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IC: FirespiritZac was also on the Internet, looking up the X-men stuff that happened recently, and found some footage of him and the others in combat.How in the heck did they get footage of him surrounded by those Sentinels?! He would give props to those guys who filmed it. He also saw videos of the others, some being called Pale Wolf, Zac was called by Meramon or that alien from Ben Ten. They needed to be more creative. He was impressed, people were taking a liking to the mutans, though others not so much, "D*** only a day and we are all over the Internet,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Upon hearing a crash and then a lot of sobbing the two brothers looked towards each other for a moment before John made to move towards the restroom. "I'd suggest leaving this to me, John," Derrick said rising to his feet from the couch he had sat on. "I insist," he said before walking over himself.He walked over to the closed restroom door and knocked."Hello, Krystal are you in there?"


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IC: (Blake Raynkin)Blake turned to Zac and said, "Well, what did you expect? we just saved the President, his Daughter, and fought off who knows how many Sentinels. It's only right we get some acknowlegment for it."

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC: Firespirit"Yea I know, just kinda hard to process y'know?" Zac said with a chuckle, "Though the comments are giving me mixed feelings about this, same with the like/dislike bar, it's changing like every minute, and hits get higher two,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: JuliaJulia opened the door to her room and tiptoed in, the blast of fresh air and the rosy smell overtaking her. It seemed like she wasn't spending enough time here at the Institute, especially considering her last date was interrupted...Alex.In an instant, it all came flooding back to her, and she let out a sigh."Alex, wherever you are..." she whispered, "I want you to know..."She stopped when she realized she couldn't finish that sentance and a single tear rolled down her cheek.


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Name: Gabriel McKnightCodename: WolbachiaAge: 17Gender: Switches regularly between male and female.Faction: X-MenPower(s): Ability to change his/her own gender permanently unless he/she wishes to change once more; ability to change the genders of anything else for an hour unless he/she changes the gender of the victim back to its usual state before the time limit ends.Appearance: As a gender-bending mutant, Gabriel's appearance varies depending on what gender he/she currently is. As a male, he stands at a metre and seventy-eight centimetres, with a medium build. His messy hair is a dark brown colour, and hangs down to his shoulders, with the fringe covering parts of the upper half of his forehead. He possesses somewhat pale skin and cloudy blue eyes. He usually wears a buttoned up white suit, with a grey tie and an oversized black shirt underneath. His trousers are also white, and he wears white-blue sneakers, which contrast greatly with his usual clothing.When in female form, Gabriel looks rather similar to her male self, only being shorter and standing at one metre seventy instead. Her hair is blue and also much longer, falling halfway down her back. As expected of a girl, her face is more feminine than her male form, because if it wasn't, it'd be rather creepy. In her female form, she also prefers to ditch the suit for a simple pink jacket, but keeps everything else.Weapons: N/ASkills: He/she possesses great charisma, great agility and speed, along with the ability to change clothes very, very quickly.Personality: Gabriel can best be described as being an incredibly cheerful person, sometimes to the point of eccentricity. He/she wants to believe the best in people, but knows that despite the fact that his/her ideals may be flawed, as long as he/she tries he/she will be able to make the world a better place. He/she is rather honest as well, with a strong sense of morals. Very rarely does he/she ever get sad, but even when suffering from negative emotions, he/she will try his/her best to keep up a positive facade, but sometimes does snark at others during such a state.Weaknesses: His/her abilities are not combat-orientated.Biography: While Gabriel was in his/her womb, his/her gender kept on switching every time the doctors checked on him/her. This was a rather large source of confusion for our poor unfortunate people with medical degrees, so they spent many sleepless nights trying to understand our hero(ine).When he/she finally appeared on the planet known as Earth, which was the third planet from the star in that particular solar system, he/she kept on changing gender uncontrollably, until his/her powers finally stablised when he/she was three. From then on, Gabriel was able to change his/her gender at will.For most of his/her life, he/she regularly changed his/her gender each year. This was somewhat disturbing for his/her friends, but they managed to tolerate it nevertheless, for he/she was pretty much the same, with only a completely different body. However, his/her life was not short of offensive remarks, for there were many who insulted his/her abilities, but she managed to ignore most.Yet one day, he/she finally dropped from 'cheerful', to 'anooyed', and turned a person who was insulting him/her into the opposite gender. This lead to him/her being shunted off to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where he/she now resides in.

Edited by It's a Gundam!
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IC: BeastBeast shook his head, “Not at all… I believe what is happening is quite natural.” He said. As he piloted the plane in to the hangar-bay he shut off the engines and the lights inside the plane before descending the ramp towards the metal floor. “We’re home.” He said before walking down the ramp and into the hanger bay. He then began to walk towards the War-room.IC: FeralJohn got up from his seat and followed Beast into the War-room. He leaned against a wall as he watched Beast head for his computer.IC: Summer-flight and Triblade and BeastAshlynn turned to Matt, “Hey will you help me carry Shadow? We need to get her to the medical ward till she wakes up, we can’t leave her here on the plane.” She said.Matt nodded, “Sure.” He said. Together they both put an arm under hers and they carried her limp form to the medical ward before lying her down on a cot.The two cousins then walked to the War-room as Beast a few minutes after Beast and John. As the group entered the room, the holographic projector switched on.Suspended in the middle of the room was a life sized hologram of Alex, recorded minutes before his arrest. The look on his face spoke of a person resigned to his fate, that wouldn't change his decision even if he had the chance. "By now, you all probably know the truth. I lied. I lied about being able to make my intrusion untraceable.""I knew they would track the signal to my laptop. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But you wouldn't have let me do it of I had."He gave a sad smile. "Thousands of Sentinels. That was never a fight you could win. Not without tremendous losses. And I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let you all rush off to your deaths of there was something I could have done.""By now, I've been arrested. I've probably been brought to DC. Chances are I'm in a cell. But this is very important."His eyes narrowed, and the image of their friend stared at them, as if it knew what they were thinking. "You can't come get me. You can't. I made it do the president will never know you had anything to do with the shut down of the Sentinels. But if you come to get me, he'll call off negotiations. I can't let that happen."He sighed. "I won't get the chance to say all of this in person, but I'd like to say it anyway.""Nero, I'm sorry for how we met. I'll admit, I was distort more rude than I should have been. I was nervous, but that is no excuse. I hope this makes up for it; I won't get another chance.""Shawn, you've got the potential to do good things. But you need to train your mind, and not just your body. I wish you luck.""Dallas, it's been great knowing you, man. I'm sorry I never got to see the suit you were designing. I'm sure it would have been awesome. Maybe one day I'll get the chance to see it.""Beast, thanks for giving me a home. Keep on doing what you're doing."He paused for a long moment. "Julia. Don't be too angry with me. All of you, you courageous, foolish, wonderful people, you wouldn't have let me do what I had to do. Julia, I'll miss you. It was great getting to know you, and I'm really glad that I met you. When you left, I still owed you. I hope I've made it up to you.""All of you. You guys are like family. I've only been at the Institute for a month, but it's been the best month of my life. This place is home." His eyes watered, and tears threatened to fall. "No matter how unlikely it is, I hope one day I'll find a way to come back.""Don't be sad for me. I made this choice willingly. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and it's even easier when it's people you care about.""I'll miss you all." A single tear fell, careening towards the ground. The message ended just before it hit."Oh God." Ash said covering her mouth. "They have him..." she said. "This isn't good." Matt agreed. OOC: Accepted

Edited by Flex Nard
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Name: Angela DeanCodename: OracleAge: 17Gender: FemaleFaction: X-MenPower: Precognition. Angela's mutation allows her to "sense the future" before it happens. The strength of her ability depends on how much energy she is willing to put into it, but it is always on at a low level; she cannot completely turn it off. This means that she is always aware of what is going to happen approximately three seconds from the present moment. This power only allows Angela to see the future of her immediate surroundings; she cannot, for instance, see what is going to happen on the other side of the world. If she concentrates, she can look farther into the future, and expand the area of her "sight", but she is limited by the amount of concentration she is able or willing to apply. When she is fresh and focused, she can see approximately fifteen seconds into the future, but that is the outer limit of her powers. Angela is also a limited telepath, able to sense the presence of other minds and communicate with them to various degrees of success, imparting mainly pictures and emotions. Being constantly distracted by the future means she finds it difficult to focus enough to be of much use as a telepath, unable to communicate over long distances or even communicate clearly at all sometimes.Appearance: Angela stands 5'7", with gray-green eyes, and dark blonde hair that falls just past her shoulders. Her caucasian skin is lightly tanned, and her face is sprinkled with freckles that give her a slightly juvenile air. She can generally be counted to wear dark blue slim jeans and a button-down collared shirt with sleeves rolled up to the elbows, as well as faded, scuffed-up sneakers.Weapons: None.Skills: Angela took karate throughout her childhood and teens, and as such is a capable hand-to-hand combatant. She can think on her feet, and is known for her sharp mind and quick wit, as well as her quick tongue, being a capable speaker and a good actor.Personality: Angela is generally considered confident and outgoing. She isn't afraid to have her own opinions, and won't back down from anything, sometimes making her seem blunt and insensitive.Weakness: Angela won't back down from anything; her overconfidence is her greatest weakness.Biography: From the moment she was born, Angela seemed like a regular girl. She did all the things regular babies do, then all the things regular toddlers do, all the things regular little girls do, all the things regular preteens do... well, you get the picture. This all changed, however, when she was fifteen years old. Walking home from school one day, a vivid picture suddenly filled her vision, one of a car smashing into her, a foot ahead of where she was walking. Instead of continuing to walk, she jumped backwards, and, with a terrible screech, a car plowed right through the spot she would have been standing.Her mutation saved her life, but it didn't stop there. Over the next two years, Angela continued to receive sporadic visions of the immediate future. These occurrences became more and more frequent, until finally Angela woke up one day and her power wouldn't turn off. She was constantly aware of what would happen in the immediate future, and eventually figured out that she was always about three seconds ahead of everyone else. After a few weeks of trying to live with this unsettling power, she finally confessed her abilities to her parents, who agreed to have her sent to Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.

Edited by Delicious Chocolate Milk
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IC-Elijah:"There's little we can do to help him at the moment," Elijah said from where he'd been sitting, unnoticed, in the War Room. "We can attempt to toss in an appeal to help get him out, but for the moment...we must merely bide our time and hope he'll be okay." His eyes darted quickly over to Beast."I failed. Pietro wouldn't listen...as I'm sure you learned."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Gabriel - GarageGabriel McKnight, due to being a mutant who possessed the ability to change his/her gender whenever he/she wanted to, was currently changing his/her gender every single second while he/she walked around the facility. His/her wanderings had finally lead him/her to the outside of the garage, and, after some further thought, he/she decided to turn into a female for an unspecified amount of time, and entered.

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IC: MalikAnother overally cheerful person, that or an actor like me. Thus they're idiotic or not trust worthy, of course the only question is to act in response or not. Not is probably the best answer. Malik quickly deduced. "Hello, there." He said awkwardly as if unnerved by the cheerfulness.

Edited by Toa Onarax


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​IC: Alaric (War Room, Institute)"Told you he wouldn't," Ric replied, walking into the War Room with an exhilarated grin still on his face. "But whatever."-Teezy



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Emily IC: Emily smiles "Ahhh we are home!!Shawn IC: "Thanks Dean"....and as the plane lands Shawn follows the rest of the crew to the war room.Emily IC: Emily stands in front of the Jet waiting for Shawn to come out. When Shawn finally does she says. "We are all going to the War room, you coming?" She smiles.Shawn IC: Shawn smiles and holds her hand, "Yeah, let's go" as Shawn thinks to himself *man there is nothing, that can take away this feeling.*

Edited by The_Shawn_Legend


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: Dallas (Institute)"Heyyyyy, this girl!" Dallas cried as Brianne walked off the jet and towards the school; the Californian timeshifter/newly minted celebrity snuck up behind the illusionist and wrapped his arms around her abdomen in a tight hug as he lifted her off the ground and stood on his tiptoes, making rocket noises. "Where do you want dinner? Fast food? Italian? If you say Mexican, my heart might break..."-Teezy



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Shawn IC: As they walk in to the war room Shawn lets out a shreik and falls back! "EAAHHH!!" He points at Jared and says "Look!! its death! he has come to claim my soul for all my sins!!.....HELP!! HEEEELPP!"Emily IC: Emily shakes her head and laughs..."I don't think that is what he is, I think he is a new mutant...so calm down." She looks at Jared "sorry about that, he sometimes gets a little cooky."


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: Sensing the the arrival of more people, the message played again.As the new arrivals entered the room, the holographic projector switched on once more.Suspended in the middle of the room was a life sized hologram of Alex, recorded minutes before his arrest. The look on his face spoke of a person resigned to his fate, that wouldn't change his decision even if he had the chance. "By now, you all probably know the truth. I lied. I lied about being able to make my intrusion untraceable.""I knew they would track the signal to my laptop. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But you wouldn't have let me do it of I had."He gave a sad smile. "Thousands of Sentinels. That was never a fight you could win. Not without tremendous losses. And I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let you all rush off to your deaths of there was something I could have done.""By now, I've been arrested. I've probably been brought to DC. Chances are I'm in a cell. But this is very important."His eyes narrowed, and the image of their friend stared at them, as if it knew what they were thinking. "You can't come get me. You can't. I made it do the president will never know you had anything to do with the shut down of the Sentinels. But if you come to get me, he'll call off negotiations. I can't let that happen."He sighed. "I won't get the chance to say all of this in person, but I'd like to say it anyway.""Nero, I'm sorry for how we met. I'll admit, I was distort more rude than I should have been. I was nervous, but that is no excuse. I hope this makes up for it; I won't get another chance.""Shawn, you've got the potential to do good things. But you need to train your mind, and not just your body. I wish you luck.""Dallas, it's been great knowing you, man. I'm sorry I never got to see the suit you were designing. I'm sure it would have been awesome. Maybe one day I'll get the chance to see it.""Beast, thanks for giving me a home. Keep on doing what you're doing."He paused for a long moment. "Julia. Don't be too angry with me. All of you, you courageous, foolish, wonderful people, you wouldn't have let me do what I had to do. Julia, I'll miss you. It was great getting to know you, and I'm really glad that I met you. When you left, I still owed you. I hope I've made it up to you.""All of you. You guys are like family. I've only been at the Institute for a month, but it's been the best month of my life. This place is home." His eyes watered, and tears threatened to fall. "No matter how unlikely it is, I hope one day I'll find a way to come back.""Don't be sad for me. I made this choice willingly. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and it's even easier when it's people you care about.""I'll miss you all." A single tear fell, careening towards the ground. The message ended just before it hit.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Shawn IC: Shawn still on the floor looking at the projector, his face goes from fear to pure sadness. He felt very bad for the sacrifice that Alex made. Shawn begins to question can the mutants relationship with world really change.Emily IC: Emily sits next to Shawn not really having anything to say.


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: Dallas (Institute)Dallas's face was stony as he watched the hologram, watched the tear drip to the ground but fail to splash, and he withdrew his phone."Uh...can I speak to Mr. Robertson again, please? He called about an hour ago, asked me if I was interested in--yeah. Yes, I'll hold. Mr. Robertson? Hi, Jack, Dallas Green, you called me earlier about--mmhmm. Yeah, well, I gave it some thought and I think it'd be something I'd really love to--Yeah. I'm in New York. Yeah, of course, I can be there at Saturday. That's what, two days? Alright. Yeah, I can make it. Thanks again for the opportunity, I really think I'm gonna love this. Alright. Thanks, Jack. Bye."-Teezy



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IC: Firespirit and BraveheartThe two were in the War Room as well, Caleb next to Emily, Zac next to his brother, "To think that guy called me a bad brother," Zac thought"So if we get him, everything goes back to square one," Zac said,

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Krystal Starling - John's Home -Krystal heard a knock on the door, she looked up from her fetal position, tears still failing from her face. The door was unlocked, and when she didn't say anything Derrick let himself in. The first things Derrick probably noticed was Krystal, the broken mirror, and probably the discarded enforcer armor. Krystal didn't say anything for a minute or so, but then she finally spoke, "I...I...broke the mirror...I...don't know what's..wrong with....me..." She tried to say between convulsing sobs. Obviously the broken mirror was hardly the reason she was sobbing so much, though her stress levels were so high that it made even the most trivial thing a disaster. She'd been holding it all back since the Savage Lands and now she couldn't stop it from coming out. IC: Vinewhip - War Room, Instititute -Ashley bit her lip as she saw the hologram. She hardly knew Alex, had maybe spoken to him once when he first arrived at the school, but she still felt sad. "We can find a way to save him, right?" She asked uncertainly.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC:​ Dallas (War Room)"We wait."Dallas looked up from his phone, noting the shocked glances of everyone around."We wait until the weekend. I have an idea. A good one. One that doesn't require a mission, or getting shot at, or anything remotely dangerous for anyone."-Teezy



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IC: Firespirit"Right now I'm conflicted in saving him, part of me wants to leave him there, but part of me wants to help," Zac said, "Even though like Vine over there said, I only met the guy a few days ago, and we sort of butted heads, but he is a friend to some of us, even family, so I'm in,"

Edited by IX. Dymex

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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