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IC: James


"What?" The super soldier stopped instantly, the grin on his face vanishing. "Repeat that Stark, and for your own sake, you'd better not be messing with me."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Liberty"I would be lying if I said this is the worst thing to happen to me, so I i know I can last, but...if you drink first...then I will drink." Noel said. Error didn't seem to be a threat but who knew? He was a mutant after all an,for all she knew, his power could be hidden.

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"Honestly, I don't see why you don't trust me. If we'd wanted you dead, we'd have killed you a long time ago, you know...but whatever." He shrugged, before heading over to a small fridge in his office, withdrawing a bottle of water.


And, seemingly condescendingly, he slowly opened the bottle, made a large show of inspecting it for any visible traces of tampering, and then slowly took a large gulp of it. A moment later he smiled, nodded, and handed the bottle over to Noel; safe to drink.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Waiting sucks. The problem with waiting, is that time moved really quick, but really slow too. For all I could've known, I could have been sitting in here for... I dunno. A few hours, a couple minutes? You would think these SHIELD goons would decide to try and put me to horrible tortures or the like, seeing as how they captured me. But no, they seemed content to leave me in here for all time. I guess that's a torture of its own.


Waiting sucks


OOC: For anyone who wants to interrogate Rapture... Have fun I guess?

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IC: Howard


"Noel has been captured by the Hellfire Club." Howard repeated with some irritation. "Do I sound like I'm kidding!? And Ares is no where to be found either, I can't locate either of their positions."

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: M'Kus was a little torn. Krystal clearly looked like she could use a bit of help standing, but with her particular character she might take offence at an offer of help. To compromise, he made a few subtle gestures to his feline sister. She took the hint and sauntered over to Krystal's side. If she wanted, Krystal could lean on the panther without looking like she was sacrificing her dignity.


"I just hope Ashlynn hasn't gotten bored and wandered off."


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IC: ZacZac went out of the garage and headed to te kicthen to Get a snack. Just a snack. He was greeted as he walked into the kitchen by Dawn who was also getting something to eat, "Hey Z," Dawn said as she walked in,"Huh? Oh, hey Dawn," Zac said as he opened the fridge and grabbed a can of Root Beer and placed it on the counter while he got to the cabinet,"What's up?" she asked, sitting on an open counter,"Just getting a quick snack," he said as he searche the cabinets.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Someone to introduce some villainy. Hopefully won't die in the first mutant raid. Concept done with the permission of the staff.

Devlen Grimmson
Scandium Incorporated
Normal human being, though one could argue his vast resources are his powers. He owns a multi-billion dollar business, has millions in his own personal assets, is friends with politicians and military leaders alike, and has enough dirt on a few important people to call in some favors. He may not be able to level buildings, but in many ways he's far more dangerous than a mutant.
For a man in his early fifties, the years have treated him magnificently well. A combination of vigorous exercise, somewhat healthy eating, the fact that he's bloody rich, and just lucking out on the gene pool. All this combines to a man who looks a decade longer than he is, and is still in fine condition, though age is beginning to take it's toll. He has stark black hair with speckles of grey coming in, something he hasn't dyed for reasons unknown. He has life-hardened dark brown eyes, well trimmed sideburns, and something of a roguish beard and hair.
While he has an entire room filled with weapons at his disposal, he can commonly be found carrying around a Glock 38 strapped underneath his shirt on his back. Other than that, he relies more on martial arts and picking a weapon from his arsenal.
The man has a couple. Just a couple.
  • His upbringing. He's an exceptionally bright guy, having learned from his parents just how to run a business. He graduated from Harvard with Ph.Ds in business strategy and mechanical engineering, minoring in other fields such as inorganic chemistry and practical mathematics. He's intelligent, he's trained, and most of all, he's experienced.
  • His martial arts. A considerable part of his earlier years were spent training with the best money and, maybe more importantly, his parents could fine. This has left him disciplined in several arts, from ninjutsu to judo. In addition to this oriental training, he's received training in more western styles of self defense and combat, including hand-to-hand combat, training with a quarterstaff, and specialized forms of close range assassin sparring.
  • Have I mentioned he's bloody smart and rich and has had the opportunity to thoroughly maximize his potential?

A cold man in private, though far from emotionless. He still keeps up his appearances with the public eye, being seen more as an elderly playboy to this day than anything else. Behind closed doors though he's contemplative, not brooding mind, just somber. He sees a world falling apart, and he truly feels pity for it.
Ultimately, he's a man with a lot of time and money. Facing him mano-on-mano will, against a better equipped mutant, likely end badly for him. The trick is simply getting to him.
Born to Icelandic parents in America, Devlen's early life consisted of touring around the country, following his parents as they went from meeting to meeting to secure their company's future. It wasn't until he was six that he actually returned to his true homeland, and begun his schooling in full. From a young age he was taught the ways in which the world worked, how to run a business, how to manipulate the socio-political scene towards his own ends. Living such a rich life as he did meant that he didn't actually see much interesting for some time.He'd eventually move to America when he was seventeen, attending Harvard University and spending twelve years of his life studying practically everything he could. During this time he was granted dual-citizenship, though in an odd quirk he was considered more an American citizen due to his birth in the country. It was about the middle of his stay in America that he began to study different forms of combat, starting on the road to becoming utterly fluent in them.He would eventually find himself back in Iceland at the age of 32, to begin taking a greater role in his parent's company. A merger had begun to take place between Scandium Incorporated and an American based defense contractor called Teletronics, beginning a glorious career for the man. After he assumed control of the company at age 38 when his parents stepped down for reasons of being rather old, he moved to America and began spending his full time and effort into making Scandium Incorporated into a thriving multinational company. The blocks were already laid after all, he just had to pave them. A couple mergers later and a few more years (more like eight actually), and the company was going strong, producing weapons for both the military and private organizations. Thanks to the contracts, many very special technologies came into his hands, from DARPA experiments with powered armor to experiments with liquid armor.Fast forward to the present Scandium Incorporated is still going strong, but its head is plotting something different. Even as his Board schemes towards gaining more power, he looks towards the future, and what exactly to do with his money. He knows that the mutant threat will never end, that co-existence will never be a reality. Even though in other countries popular opinion is far kinder to the mutants, he knows that it's all just a facade, hiding the fact that so long as people can be born with powers beyond imagination, there will never be equality. So he sits in his office late at night, contemplating what exactly will even the playing field.And, now, he thinks he might of figured something out.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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OOC: Concept done with permission of Humva. Staff allowed subspecies. Powers still up for approval.



Name: Saphine Postlethwaite (Not her birth name, she's changed it as time went on)
Codename: The Countess
Age: One thousand and twelve (Born in one thousand AD)
Gender: Female
Faction: Scandium Incorporated, Midnight Security Services
Powers: Saphine is a Gargoyle, an offshoot of the main Vampire species. She shares some of the powers of the main species, her strength and senses are greatly enhanced, though compared to mutants who specialize in one of these, they are still subpar. She does not possess any of the other powerful abilities that Vampires proper have. In their place however, she has the ability to transform into a large hybrid of bat of and man, gaining more strength, more power and the ability to fly. In this form, she is quite deadly. Being a vampire, she does have the ability drain beings of their blood through her bite. Indeed, she depends upon that for her nourishment. Consuming blood doesn't heal her right away, though if she did not drink blood her wounds would not heal. Her last ability of note, in both forms, is her ability to transform into a swarm of vampire bats, allowing her to make quick exits when needed. Or overwhelm her enemy in a tide of fangs and wings. Both work really.
Appearance: Saphine appears to be a young anglo-saxon women in her mid-thirties, though in reality she is far far older. Her eyes are a sulfuric yellow and her skin is tends torwards the pale side, so long as she keeps herself well fed, she doesn't become much paler then this. If she were to stop feeding, her skin would take on a ashen grey color and her yellow eyes would become much more pronounced. Her hair is a fading black and normally wrapped into a tigh bun, to minimize any effect it may have in battle. She typically wears any variety of modern formal wear when not on the job, combined with some red jewels when she feels she needs to impress someone. When on the job, she wears a black beret with a matching uniform. Sunglasses are also a typical part of her wardrobe. She has a pair of fangs on top and bottem of her mouth, and they are not evident at first, she is unable to hide them as other vampires do. In her other form, her apperance is quite different. She grows to a height of roughly nine feet, grows a set of batlike wings that allow her to fly and her skin takes on an ashen, dead look. Her muscles are enhanced and her features are a horrid mixture of bat and man, with nary an indication that she once looked human. Her ears and nose become batlike, her faces takes on a harsh aspect, her hands become claws and her feet have more in common with bats then humans and mouth becomes a den of fangs. She is also, in this form, completely bald.
Weapons: Her claws in her Batbeast form, her enhanced strength ensures they can deal quite a bit of damage and her bite is nothing to scoff, being strong enough to shatter bone if she truly wishes to. In her human form, she tends to rely on firearms and long distance killing, feeling that the risk of closing into melee combat is not, in general, worth it. In her swarm form, she relies on sheer numbers to overcome her enemys or make her escape. In the terms of firearms, recoil doesn't tend to be much of a problem for her, allowing her to handle larger weapons then her size might indicate.
Skills: Saphine is very well versed in the history of the world and has a working knowledge in any amount of subjects, thanks to her long existence upon this world. She is a competent warrior, though she is only truly remarkable when it comes to fire arms, seeing them as far more useful then any other weapon. She is extremely skilled when it comes to politics, able to dissect and predict the political movers and shakers in many nations. In general, she is an intelligent, well-versed and skilled women, as only fits her long life. She is extremely well connected politically, as she has grown quite wealthy over the years.
Personality: Saphine has had a role in human history for many many years, having advised kings, sultans and khans through various channels. She is a careful, rational planner, always suppressing her emotions if it furthers the plan. She views pride as a foolish gesture and prefers to win rather then get even. She will waste no time on revenge or other such things. With one exception. She despises other vampires, viewing them as parasites at best and sociopathic murderers at worst, she will take any opportunity she can to remove them if she hears of one. She is extremely protective of humanity in general, feeling it is her duty to ensure her species prospers, not matter the cost. She also has habit of mentoring any number of people, guiding them along the path to greatness. She has no desire to rule herself, helping others to achieve their dreams and pushing humanity along the road to progress is enough for her.
Weakness: Fire is her bane, it will consume her in moments if she does not take measures against it. This effect is somewhat diminished when she takes the form of a bat swarm, but fire still deals a huge amount of damage. Furthermore, in the form of the bat swarm, every injury she takes transfers over. If many of the bats died, she would be gravely injured and likely out of commission for many days. In her human form, sunlight weakens her by a reasonable amount, dampening her powers. This does not effect her in her other forms. In her Gargoyle form, she is vulnerable to attacks that make a great deal of noise, as she has much sharper hearing in this form. This goes for her sight as well, she could easily be blinded by a bright light. These also apply to her bat swarm form, though to a lesser extent. If she is deprived of blood for a few weeks, she will likely die.
"I still remember what it was like you know. Setting foot in the New World. Feeling the sand beneath my feet, the strange smells and sounds from the jungles. It was more then that though. It was the feelings that came with it. I saw the best of humanity that day, that part of us that drives forwards no matter, no matter the cost. The part of us that reached into the great darkness, risked falling off the planet itself....yes, profit was the motive. Yes horrible crimes were the result of it. The spirit remains however. The natives, many times, did not attack unless provoked. A brave priest wrote home about the crimes Columbus wrought, ensuring that they would survive throughout the centuries. I still remember that feeling though. It was beyond all of these. It was progress. It was proof that humanity would always reach beyond what it already has. We will never be content. We will never truly be happy.
This is a blessing. If we were happy, we would stagnate and die. I remember seeing the rocket that took us to the moon. We were reaching out once more. We were on the verge of another new world. Another jungle. Another new leap forwards. What happened? I have seen dark times. But never has humanity been so very vulnerable. We stay upon this planet, using up finite resources....and now we are trapped. Trapped with a race of immensely powerful beings that would wipe out humanity if they believed it would benefit them. Not all of them are like that true, but the scale of the threat, the very fate of humanity, depends on action. I remember Genghis Khan. His crimes were great. What people forget was the good he brought with him. He did not kill men based on religion. He did not kill out of simple rage. He killed because he had to. He had to defend his people. To ensure their security.
Humanity needs another Genghis Khan. I do not pretend it will be easy. I do not pretend innocents will not be hurt. But it must be done. Besides, what they don't tell you is how many vampires the Khans hunted down. Quite the remarkable clan."
Saphine has taken an active role in human history, orginally a mere housewife, she was infected with a near-unique strain of vampirism at relatively young age. She doesn't speak much about the circumstances of her infection and any probes into this part of her history turn up nothing. Regardless, she wondered the land for a hundred years, drunk and depressed, feeling she had been cursed. When she was sober enough to take notice of the fact she had not aged and had, just in fact, wasted more years then any human ever had, she pulled herself out of this depression and set to work. She learned to read, educated herself on many matters and, within fifty years, had landed herself a powerful position in the Byzantine Empire. Despite the sexism of the time, she was able to prosper. As time wore on, she began to see herself as a guardian of sorts, there to ensure humanity had a future in a dark and uncaring universe. She went from court to court, ruler to ruler, championing her causes. She worked behind the scenes, attempting to trigger just the right conditions needed for a move for the better. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.
Some events caught her completely by suprise and she was unable to do anything to halt them. The crusades for example, she was powerless to act against them....short of a few of the crusader princes vanished. Often at night. The crusades passed however, and life went one. She spent much of her time with the Mongols, seeing in them hope for the future. They were a people unafraid of adopting technology, of using new ideas. They were not intolerant zealots and they had the power needed to make a real change. She adivsed many of them, though their success was often due to their own brilliance and determination, she did help several Mongol leaders avoid out and out disasters, both diplomatic and otherwise. When the Mongolian empire fragmented, she turned her attention to the Middle East, hoping that the Ottoman Empire could continue this tradition of innovation and adoptation. As time wore on, she drifted from government to government, from nation to nation, giving explorers some funds there, advising a captain here. As technology became more widespread and advanced, Saphine began to grow a bit lax, feeling her job was close to being done. She was almost certain of it when humanity reached the moon.
Then things changed. Mutants emerged, fanatics slaughtered the innocents, corruption soared, age-old feuds reignited and the cold war raged on and on with no end in sight. She began to advise those who she thought had the potential to end this, Devlen in particular. She knew his family through one of her cover jobs (lawyer) and took an interest in the young boys development, making sure to send him books and other gifts when she could. She continued to communicate with him throughout his career, eventually revealing herself for what she was once the lack of effect time had on her became evident. She has pinned many of her hopes upon her charge, feeling he has the best chance of bringing this chaotic time to a close. She currently runs his security forces, and has been accused of running them as if they were a private army rather then a security force. Though thanks to her connections in the senate, these accusations never have any real effect.
Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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OOC: I already said it was living Constructman as for the second, I’m not sure. Yes they are, as are many other defenses.


IC: White Queen (Jace’s Condo)


“Tell me how you came here,” she said looking at Wallace. “And I may let you live.” She said. She was suddenly thrown against the wall due to the woman’s spell gone wrong. Katherine glared at her, “Try that again and you die.” She’d seen a woman appear and then vanish, invisible.


“Okay what the heII is going on!” Katherine demanded. She could smell the invisible woman’s blood. “Show yourself.” She said over the woman’s screams.


IC: Beast (Russell’s Home, Westchester)


“Thank you,” Beast said as he accepted his cup with a blue-furred hand. “Excellent, I look forward to seeing your son at the school. Do not worry our security is better then ever.”


IC: Feral (X-Manor, Basement)


“Enjoy then,” he said before touching Christopher’s arm with his bare hand. “Sorry about my memories, I still don’t have half of them and the other half are fake.” He said before walking off. He walked through the mansion using his sense of smell to track Liliana down at the cafeteria. He walked inside his wounds had healed over but his clothes still had slash marks all over them and blood stains as well.


“Morning babe,” John said as he walked over to her and the others. He eyed the young girl who was with them. He then looked at Nathan and nodded towards him.


IC: Mimic (X-Manor)


“Head back where?”


IC: Triblade (San Fran Beach)


“Yeah, I had to come see you.” Matt said. “We just got here a few days ago, have been looking for you guys.”


IC: Invictus (Woods)


“I have a great sense of smell,” Liam said turning to her. “I just need a scent to follow.” He said. “And possibly a few of them.”


IC: Stranger (Hellfire, Cells)


Ares suddenly awoke once again in what seemed to be a dark cell. His whole body burned from the torture Novocain had subjected him too. He was bandaged all over to cover the cuts and the open wounds. He moved his hand and suddenly let out a exclamation of pain. “Oh god…” he said. He looked up seeing Noel in the cell across from his.


“No….” he said. They couldn’t of captured her.

Edited by Flex Capacitor
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IC [Wallace/NYC]


"Another visitor?" Kenneth had braced himself with his quarterstaff, looking around the room. There was a sense of... wrongness to the air, a slight strain on his eyes. "What did you do, sorceress?"


Meanwhile, Sarah had calmed down enough to find herself looking at two white figures with fangs and two people who seemed more at home at a Renaissance Festival. Yet the world also seemed... distorted to her. The edges of her vision blurred, and it hurt her eyes to look too closely at something. She ultimately decided that this was all just a very bad dream, deciding to curl up in a corner and whisper "it's a dream" over and over again.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC: Mimic (X-Manor)


Christine nodded, “Sure,” she said looking over at Aleks. “Wana grab ah bite?”


IC Beast (Russell’s Home)


“What exactly is your son’s power?” he asked them interested. “If you need me too I can try my best madam.”


IC: White Queen (Jace's Condo)


"Actually it is very real." she said. "You never answered my question." she said to the man. Katherine was hungry and she was beginning to feel the urge to drink from one of these strangers.

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IC (Lucia)


Lucia, still bleeding from her palm, rose up, clearly nursing a headache. "....I haven't the faintest clue." Her voice had an odd, monotone quality to it. "It may have interacted with the....incident...that brought us here. Summoning performed without a circle is dangerous." She eyed Katherine. "Kindly tell the blood-haired she creature that I just laid a curse upon this whole building. Tell her the girl is a mere material component. The vessel through which a powerful demon will enter this world. If she attacks us." She hadn't of course, but the she-creature had no way of knowing that.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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"I'm not really sure. Unfortunately, he can probably explain better than me," She said, "I know it involves electricity, but not much outside of that."


Chris hopped off Christine's bed, picking up his gifts and swiftly running them back to his room.


"Uhm- He still didn't set this thing up for me," Christopher grumbled, heading into the danger room, "Uh- Danger room, load mutant... Rogue?"


No response.



Edited by Varren Rehn
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IC: Zac and DawnZac couldn't find anything so he just grabbed the root beer and sent back to the Garage,"You wanna go to the movies later?" Dawn asked,"Huh? Yea sure," Zac said as he opened the door,"You seem kinda distant," Dawn asked,"No I'm not, just tired," Zac said as he went trough the door.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC [Wallace/NYC]


"I suspect she understands both our native tongues just fine." Kenneth glanced over to where the sound was coming from. He saw nothing, and yet there was sound. Some sort of invisibility spell? He'd heard of them, but they were mighty hard to pull off. Took weeks of preparing the appropriate ingredients. "What is happening to that woman?"


Sarah was still in a corner, though she had slapped some sense into herself, now not in a total emotional breakdown. She wasn't sure where she was, why she was here, or what was happening, but she wasn't very well going take this all sitting down. So she forced herself up on uneasy feet, trying to but ultimately failing to get rid of a shake in her voice.


"What... is going on?"


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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OOC: With John’s memories he should be able to run it temporarily.


IC: Beast (X-Manor)


“I see,” Hank said. “Any idea where he is?” he asked.


IC: Mimic (X-Manor)


She smiled and watched as Chris dashed off.


IC: White Queen (Jace’s Condo)


“I do,” she said to the Scot before turning to the woman and switching to her native tongue. “Being over a thousand years does that, I know almost every language known to man, dead or alive.” She said taking a step closer.


“Now remove that curse, this is my progeny’s home, you have no right.”

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OOC: So you know how I was asking about mutants and government recently?


Here's why.


Name: Chen Hanshi

Codename: Agent ChenAge: 35Gender: MaleFaction: Ministry of State Security (People's Republic of China)Power(S): Chen possess the world's fastest reaction time recorded in any living creature (think of Agent Brown dodging bullets in The Matrix). His reaction speed as been compared to that of the star-nosed mole: too fast for the human eye to follow. Several people who have fought him and survived described him as "Only a blur". His running speed has been affected too; he can complete the 100 meter dash in under 7 seconds, beating the world record for a human. In addition, he has strength, speed, and stamina comparable to that of the world's top athletes. These powers originated from a number of sources: enhancement formulas, cyborg implants, cross-species genetics, and Chen's very own X-Gene, which allowed his body to receive these upgrades in the first place. (If you're really confused, just watch any fight scenes from The Matrix Trilogy involving Agents). In addition, he has the mutant power of the ability to sense the X-Gene in any individual and with the mutant's consent, mask it, rendering it invisible to any form of scanning. This power extends to himself as well; to most he meets, he is just a human in crazily good shape-at the most.

Appearance: Chen has a very stony face, hidden behind a pair of sunglasses almost 100% of the time. He wears a navy-blue business suit with red buttons, red wrist cuffs, and a blue tie. He has an earpiece in his ear at all times, using it to communicate with... somebody.Weapons: QSZ-92 Semi-Automatic Pistol, switchblade, shoe knives, pen guns, briefcase gun, a lot more disguised weapons (He doesn't carry them all with him at the same time). He has access to a variety of poisons and toxins as well.Skills: Chen is an experienced spy. Working for years in the MSS, he knows all of the tricks of the trade and all of its methods. In addition, he can serve as a diplomat as well. In any country he has ever been to, he has established fairly good relationships with the authorities in a matter of weeks and can soon have a large effect on their decisions. As well, Chen is very highly trained in martial arts. While his fighting style is very conventional, it is nevertheless effective as he can close the gap between himself and even the most heavily armed of gunmen in a matter of seconds. He is also resistant to pain; it will take a lot to even get him to groan.Personality: Chen is fanatically devoted to China. He will do anything to help China get a bigger stake in world power. He does know the limits though and won't do anything that may strain China's relationship with the United Nations and other world powers. Despite this, he generally holds the Western World with a bit of disdain, believing them to be inferior to the Chinese. When it comes to the issue of human-mutant relations, however, Chen suddenly becomes very concerned about mutant rights. He abhors the treatment of mutants in the USA, which only adds to his low regard of Americans. However, he never lets these attitudes show; to those whom he deals with, he is friendly, amicable, Weakness: Chen may sometimes take the Asian Superiority a little bit too far. He may also overestimate himself and may overlook obvious weaknesses in combat. For some reason, his superior reaction time seems to only apply to dodging ranged attacks such as bullets; at melee range, he only moves slightly faster than the average human being. While he will be able to throw fifteen punches in two seconds, he can't just dodge every blow his enemy throws at him; he WILL get hit. A lot. Apparently he has a problem with blocking. Nobody knows why this is; it may be a distance problem. basically: Guns=useless; fists=semi-effective to super-effective. As well, the cybernetic implants in his body leaves him vulnerable to those with power over metal or magnetism.

Bio: The Bureau of Extra-Normal Defense wasn't China's last attempt at making a powerful defense agency.


After forcing to shut down the BED, China tried again to create a SHIELD like defense force for itself. Creating an off-the-record division of the Ministry of State Security that only President Hu Jintao, the collaborators of the project, and those who were unfortunate/stupid enough to be selected/volunteer knew about, this secret branch of China's public intelligence agency began experimentation on some of the most taboo fields of science, all in the attempt to create a force of fighters that would help China to become the world's strongest country. In a way, their new department was sort of like Weapon Plus. Eventually, the organization reached a goal: to create a super-soldier of their own to use in both the battlefield and the intelligence front.


The MSS tried many times to develop their superhuman. The MSS accepted volunteers from both its own ranks, from the military and from willing Party Officials as well. In addition, many prisoners and enemies of the state were used in the testing procedure. Most of the test subjects failed, however, and the project was deemed a failure, until a mid-level MSS agent, Chen Hanshi, took up the call. Preliminary tests were a success, and the project organizers decided to dive deeper. All of the tests performed on Chen were absolute successes. It was eventually determined that the deciding factor here had been Chen's dormant X-Gene, which had allowed his body to successfully integrate the drugs, the cybernetics, and the animal genes into his body without any negative effects.


As for Chen himself, he was born into a lower-middle class family. He had a relatively normal, if hard childhood. In grade 8, his mutant powers began to develop Not having the smoothest of childhoods, Chen eventually made his way into the ranks of the Communist Party of China, where he served as an intelligence officer. All of his life, he envied America and its wealth, its freedom, and its opportunity. Nevertheless, he worked hard, sowing the fields, reaping the grain, providing for his parents, and eventually getting into the MSS. His job: collect intelligence as a member of the Ambassador's entourage. He proved to be one of the MSS's most effective agents, but soon, he would be destined for even greater things. Returning home, he caught wind of China's "Cyber-Soldier" project and volunteered for it, despite knowing what happened to the previous subjects/victims of testing. To everybody's surprise, including his own, the experiments actually worked on him, partially because his X-Gene, which had been dormant all of his life, had been activated. Now, in addition to actually being able to withstand the upgrades, Chen had the ability to detect-and hide-any being with an active X-Gene.


Returning to the field, Chen was able to keep his mutation hidden-by using his power on himself. However, there were times where he could let his true power show, and soon, word of a Chinese Supersoldier began to spread, though nobody connected the dots to him. Chen eventually rose to a high position in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, working as a spokeperson for China's Minister of national Defense. However, he continued to work as a field agent, collecting intelligence from other countries. Continuing to go abroad, he eventually got assigned to the United States of America...

Edited by Constructman
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IC (Lucia)


"So you can drain me dry. I think not. I will remove the curse once I and my..." She gestured in the vague direction of the frightened, if unseeable, women. "....demonhost and our companion are a safe distance away. I suspect your kind still sulk in the shadows. I expect we'll be quite safe on the streets." She paused for a moment. "I know you bleed creature. I know you can die. I know how to do it. I saw the guards of the senate slay one of your kind with my own eyes. We will be leaving or this entire building is suddenly going to become much more interesting." She did not know what had happened to the women, but it was clear the poor thing was in similar position. Lucia felt a measure of regret, it had been her failure that had dragged them all here.


....But she would do her best to get them out of it. "Your choice creature. The end of immortality. Or we go free." Thankfully, Lucia was used to lying herself silly. It came with being a senators daughter.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: White Queen (Jace’s Condo)


She bared her fangs at the woman. “Then leave,” she said. “But know that I will be tracking you, and for this disrespect I will kill you, slowly.” She said. She then stared into the woman’s eyes and her pupils dilated as she attempted to put the woman into a trance by compelling her with her natural vampire power, she did seem to be a normal human after all.


“You will follow my commands.” She said in a soothing voice.

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IC (Lucia)


Lucia was, to say the least, in an extreme amount of pain, both physical and mental. He father was dead, slaughtered by the legions, she was bleeding from her hand and her head felt like Mars was fighting a pitched battle inside of it. Which meant that the second she had been told to leave, she had looked down and began to bandage her hand with piece of torn cloth. After that she planned to find some ice to rest her head on. Forever. When Katherine's voice cut in, she felt the urge to obey it, but seeing as she had broken eye contact....it didn't have as much of an effect as it might have. Add that to Lucia's remarkable survival instinct and she was able to fight it off. Somewhat.


"I will not be toyed with creature." She began to chant, softly, latin words for freedom, broken chains...it was clearly a spell. A useless one, considering there was no demon to set free, but the she-creature didn't know. "I need speak but a few more words and the creature will be free. We are leaving. Now."


OOC: I have no clue how compelling works. It seems to be based on the eyes. So I'm going with that.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: Silver Serpent


Susan was suddenly thrown back by a jolt of electricity which was to much for her tired body and she fell unconscious as alarms started blaring.

"I once thought that I was the only one who fantasized about Bionicle; that no one else could have that little of a life.

Then I went on BZPower.




Just call me Taka or TNI



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IC [Grimmson/Iceland, Scandium Headquarters]


The man stood in front of a large window, the glass stretching twenty feet in either direction. In front of him was Reykjavik in a storm, lightning clashing in the clouds as rain poured on the stone buildings. It made for a very peaceful scene, with no other sounds. Everyone was at home, out of this weather. The only thing that could be heard was the muffled thudding of fat raindrops, the creaking of the building in the wind. A brilliant arc of lightning struck across his vision, but the window automatically tinted, saving his eyes from a nasty after image.


The light did, however, illuminate the figure behind him. He didn't turn; he'd gotten use to her ability to creep in the night. It was a useful skill to say the least, one learned after the centuries she'd been alive. It kept him humble. She had seen nations rise and fall. She had seen millions die and millions more suffer. His petty scheming was nothing compared to the greater picture. So, he had to scheme greater. Plan greater.


"A beautiful world, isn't it?" He said softly. "A beautiful world, frozen in a moment of peace. How long can that peace last before it's broken?" He sighed. "Hmm. Poetics never were my strong suit. I've completed the transaction. When we arrive in America, the armor and weapons will be ready. Are your men prepped?"




Kenneth, on the otherhand, was being observant. He had read of these nightbeasts, their powers, and for the creature to make such eye contact... it was a hunch, but he felt no need to think further. They needed to escape this place, before anything more happened.


"Sorceress," he said, looking to his side. "Do you trust me?"


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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