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IC: Zanebono


"Yes...," Zanebono said, "Yes we could! Haha! That's it!"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: LibertyNoel walked back into the main room of the helicarrier, having been checking on some of the agents on board. Many of the agents had panicked, not sure what was going on and it comforted them to see Noel so calm. She stood at the entrance and frowned. She hasn't seen James at all and was starting to get worried.

Edited by Rawrmouse_Bieber
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OOC: Sorry about that Varren.


IC: Silver Serpent


“I’m Su…” Susan started but then the Biohesive interrupted her. ‘Don’t tell him your real name.’ “Silver, Silver Serpent.” She finished. “I wasn’t breaking in, I just wanted to look in the window and see if this was really the mutant school.”


IC: Knight


"Why don't you come out of that fog and we can talk this out hmmm?"


Knight stayed in the smoke and caused a light to shine on the smoke from behind the Priest saying: “Now, that’s an excellent question… and the answer is…. A secret.” Knight then fired a stun laser through the words at the Priest.


IC: Iron Bolt


The Big-Rig slowed to a stop and Walter got out and turned to the driver. “Bye, thanks again for the ride.”


“Don’t mention it; us mutants have to look out for each other.” The metal headed mutant answered before driving away. Walter started down the road in much better spirits then before.

Edited by Takanuvainika

"I once thought that I was the only one who fantasized about Bionicle; that no one else could have that little of a life.

Then I went on BZPower.




Just call me Taka or TNI



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IC Knower "Stark, do you copy?" I asked into the comm. Then Will came up with the brightest solution. It wouldn't save the ship's computers, but at least it would prevent us from plummeting to our doom. "Why didn't I think of that?" I asked myself. "Howard, you there? Is the Helicarrier pilotable? Agent Aether says to get it over water."

Edited by Constructman
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OOC: Just to clarify, because it seems like a few people might think so, the carrier isn't actually falling. SHIELD just has no control over it.


IC: Rebekah


Rebekah watched the trio depart, closing the door behind them when they were a polite distance away. With a loud sigh, she turned back into her chair and sank into it, seeming almost to deflate.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Songbird (Cerebro Room)


“What happened?” she asked. She could of easily took the information out of any of their heads, but that was not polite. She then turned to Krystal, "It shouldn't be hard to find them with Cerebro, if they are alive." she said. "Knowing there names will help."


IC: Beast (Russell’s Home)


“Excellent,” Beast smiled getting up. “As for the car’s, anyway you can travel behind me with your powers?”


IC: Mimic (X-Manor)


Now that Tyrone had dealt with the intruder Christine and found her way into the cafeteria. She walked into the kitchen looking for something to eat.


IC: Quicksilver (Genosha)


Pietro wiped his brow as he continued to work. Metal through through the air, along with pylons and screws. He was building a massive building. It would be the new Brotherhood Stronghold, the seat of power for the new nation. Pietro looked up in awe as planes began to descend on the island, followed by hundreds of flying mutants. From the ocean ships approached the African island. Mutant refugees from across the globe had followed them here. They must of seen the Brotherhood departing for Genosha on the news after the battle.


Pietro felt warmth and happiness fill him. He could build them all a life here, protect them from the harsh outside world. It was time mutants took a stand.

Edited by Flex Capacitor
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"Uh-uh, I haven't tried anything like that before," Warren said, frowning, "If you know someone who can teleport (which would be cool), I think I could hitch a ride with them. I don't think I would electrocute them by touching them. That hasn't happened to anyone. Yet."


Chris had found a box of Frosted Flakes and taken them away to the living room, where he mearily munched on them while watching the current events in the manor. A little girl with a puppy, Nathan looking surprised, and all the other assorted people. Just your average day.

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IC [Lucas/Las Vegas]


Lucas was rather generally confused at the moment. Via vision he gained from the birds, he saw his target go inside, but once he got inside he lost them. Was she with another girl? He couldn't tell. Then his companion mysteriously vanished. He wasn't sure where he'd gone off to. Driven by motivations not entirely known to him, he started asking around in the hotel, before finally coming across a more elderly man.


"Excuse me sir," Lucas said, "Have you seen a girl? She might of been with another one, she looks something like *insert appearance Humva doesn't know*. Seen her?"


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC (Saphine)


"I approve. If at all possible, we should attempt to implicate the Brotherhood for this. Maybe these mutants weren't pure enough for them or somesuch. If you we can shift the blame, only good things can come of it." It might also force the X-Men to act against the Brotherhood in a meaningful fashion, weakening both of them for a deathblow. "Political pressure is the key to this. I trust McLean has been informed about his next great cause?"

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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OOCI'm still laughing that I named a Senator McLean. Sounds like a McDonalds meal.


IC [Devlen/Iceland, En Route]


"Yes, the politics of the matter are being worked on. Alas, for all the bigotry Americans can have, it's still rather difficult for them to agree on anything." He shook his head, glancing outside to the storm. "I suspect that it will not be long until someone discovers our little group, after they run a handful of operations. There's enough political redtape in place to shield Scandium from any implications, but mutants won't care.


"I'm old, Saphine. I have plenty of years left in me, but the assassins will come. They always do. I will not cower away from danger, but against opponents such as these... for all their supposed hatred of human weapons, it isn't beyond the Brotherhood to send a teleporter and a gun to a press conference."


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC (Saphine)


Saphine smiled for a moment, showing off her four fangs. "They will have more trouble then they anticipated in that case." Saphine normally dined on animals or bribed blood banks, but for certain foul beings, she made an exception. There was a certain point where a sentient being stopped being a sentient being and became a rabid beast, fit only for death. For it's good and the good of everyone else. Still, this deserved some thought. "I have a suggestion on that matter. Do we have any idea where the Brotherhood is located?" Wherever they were, it was a given they would need water and food. The nice thing about these staples of life was that they could house any number of lethal pathogens and no one would be the wiser until it was too late.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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The man paused in his stride, turning to look at Lucas. It was quickly apparent that he was not completely at ease within the setting, and the cat that trailed behind was was far from normal. Absently, he pushed his glasses back up his face. He was very much the stereotypical librarian, and his style of dress matched the cliche.


"It sounds like we might be looking for the same person, young man."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC [Devlen/Iceland, En Route]


"Your devotion is certainly appreciated." Devlen tapped the interface, calling up a file on the Brotherhood. "Reports are sketchy at best; the CIA dislikes giving information to foreign companies, but what I do know is that they were last reported not actually being in this world. Possibly a pocket dimension, it was... confusing. They do very well at covering up their location. The School for Gifted Youngsters, however, isn't quite as well guarded of a secret. I loath the idea of an attack there though; besides the risks involved combating the X-Men, child-murderer is not on my life goals. Unlike some more... unsavory fanatics I know. A certain general comes to mind."


[Lucas/Las Vegas]


"Well, if that's so, wonderful." Lucas blinked. "Actually, I'm not sure why I'm chasing her now. Someone else was, then I volunteered my services, and now he's gone, and... it's been a strange day. Reindeer, demonic rituals, mutants with the ability to change men into women. The world is weird."


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC: Gabriel - Las Vegas


"Wait," said Gabriel, quickly getting off the bed. "I feel like I need to urgently escape from someone."


She snapped her fingers, and she promptly morphed into a male, and Jeffrey became 'Jess' once more. The teenage mutant promptly entered the shower, and locked the door.


"Just stay there and don't do anything okay?" he called out.

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IC (Saphine)


Saphine chuckled. "Don't flatter yourself. Maybe I just want a snack." From her tone, it was clear this was a joke. "A direct attack on the X-Men might give them some sympathy with the public." Saphine sighed and shook her head. "That never changes. The public is fickle and easy to lead. A few pretty words and suddenly someone is a great leader.....for all of five minutes. Of all the inventions in history, the twenty-four hour news network is the only one I think we might be better off without." Saphine reached into her briefcase, bringing up her PDA. "The only way to defeat the X-Men is to discredit them. Make the public hate them more then it already does. With the right money, in the right hands, in the right place, I think we could cause enough of a public outcry to impeach the president. After all, his daughter is a mutant. All we need is records of her abusing her powers.....and him protecting her..." Saphine made a small 'boom' gesture with her hand. "And the powder keg finally blows."

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC [Devlen/Iceland, En Route]


"An ambitious goal. Dethroning the leader of the Western world might be slightly harder than it seems, though. Keep in mind that the American legal system is convoluted at the best of times and unmanageable at the worst. Scandium's lawyers may be good, but they're not good enough to face off against a man who'll destroy whoever dares to try to usurp him."


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC (Saphine)


"We won't have to engage him directly. That's the beauty of it. America is split into two idelogical factions that despise each other. I've done it before. We simply give the faction opposing his the ammunition. They will use it gladly. We slip it to the news networks as well, those sharks will tear into him at the first hint of blood in the water. There is no loyalty there. That works to our advantage." Saphine had indeed done this before, it had come in handy during the crusades. A few discredited generals there, a shocking affair revealed here....and suddenly some of the best warriors the crusaders could field were hated and exiled. She was still quite proud of it.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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The old man looked at Lucas, one eyebrow raised in a subtle expression of sarcasm. He muttered under his breath something hard to here, but sounded suspiciously like Tell me about it.


"This way." The librarian said, turning down a hallway, walking toward the stairs. His cat trailed behind him without hesitation, drawing even with, and staying next to, his master. Notably, he didn't bother to elaborate how he knew where he was going.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: "We had a little...pest control problem," M'Kus said, keeping his explanation vague. He wasn't sure how much Krystal wanted said and it would probably be for the best to let her say it



IC: "Well Sue," said Tyrone, big arms folded across his big chest, simultaneously letting her know that he'd caught her little slip at the start of her speech and that he wasn't going to play games with her, "We do in fact have a front gate. And a doorbell."


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IC [Lucas/Las Vegas]


Lucas followed, taking a moment to open a side exit and will in two birds. They fluttered onto his shoulders, and hopefully, no one would bug him about it. People saw stranger things all the time after all.


[Devlen/Iceland, En Route]


"True enough. For now, let's focus on the goals at hand." He shifted the display to show a map of the US. "These bars serve as surprisingly good targets. While there's not many of them, there's a couple dozen on the eastern seaboard that we've deemed large enough for targets, and a handful on the west coast. There also one in Kansas City, which attracts a rather large crowd. Three hundred average per night, it's a fairly large organization."


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC: "YEE HAW #######!" Fox dashed out of a server warehouse, catapulting down the street with a rather large security presence falling quickly behind as the superspeedster accelerated. However, these security had dealt with mutants before. They herded Fox to a dead end, one in a large square. Apartment buildings on every side. The black garbed young man sped up, dashing toward the wall before disappearing.***A few hours later, a figure shimmered into existence in Vegas. He stumbled up the entry stairs to the hotel the other mutants were in before collapsing on a bench in the entryway. Anyone involved in the weapon x battle would likely recognize him.

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles

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IC (Saphine)


"They'll figure it out after the first few attacks. I suggest we utilize more....enterprising means after we have tested our forces. Some people just can't hold their arsenic after all." Saphine ran the numbers in her head then coughed. "We'll need a larger solution if we're going to make a dent in the mutant population."

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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A chattering sound came from the floor level, the feline behind the phenomenon's eyes fixed on the birds, pupils dilating. His muscles started to tense, in preparation for a lung..."Sebastian. Behave." The man commented without looking back. The cat, now known to be Sebastian, instantly relaxed, turning his gaze away from the birds. A moment later, he speed up rapidly, darting toward the stairs and up, moving to the second floor, nose to the ground. He was searching; searching for Gabrielle. He knew her scent, and she was remarkably easy to track.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC [Devlen/Iceland, En Route]


"Humanity will have to be the force that ultimately ends the mutant threat. Killing bar goers isn't a war, its a raid. Kill a few and the many will be demoralized. Hit and run attacks against smaller mutant groups will force action from them, and when they show their true colors, the world will see what has to be done."


[Lucas/Las Vegas]


Lucas frowned at the cat, feeling the bola in his pocket. Coughing, he looked at the elderly man. "So, ah, when will we be arriving at our destination?"


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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The door slammed shut behind James, almost as though a poltergeist were playing tricks on him. After the slam finished resonating through the air, the super soldier drew his gun and began combing the rooms of the farmhouse. Living room: clear. Dining room: clear. Kitchen--


James whirled around as a shadow darted - almost too fast to catch for anyone other than a super soldier - and instantly had his gun ready to fire. Nothing twitched; a cabinet creaked as the SHIELD agent drew breath, but otherwise everything was quiet.


Another shadow, then, to James' right. He whirled and quickly aimed, ready to fire off a shot, but not before a tranquilizer dart buried itself perfectly into his neck and James dropped like a house of cards.




Jace stared down blankly at the makeshift piece of wood: it was a piece of his old Confederate musket, the weapon he had carried on him since he signed up for the army out of North Carolina and went off to fight, if only to get his uptight father off his back for a couple weeks or so. Slowly, though, the weeks had rolled into months, the months into years...and then the years, eventually, into eternity. Through it all, this weapon had been there with him. Now it was a husk, a burned out piece of wreckage in a burned out condo, along with all Jace's other keepsakes. Apart from a couple old pictures and some small mementos - a cigarette lighter given to him by General Johnston himself, a bullet that had entered his heart in World War II that he hadn't had removed out of sheer nostalgia until around the turn of the new millenium, some piano music written in his honor by Marilyn Monroe, bless her soul - everything he'd known had been burnt to ash.


Including his football.


"Yeah, I picked this game up back home while I was on leave. Father said he'd try and have a team put together back home by the time we get back from whoopin' the Yanks in Tennessee in time for winter..."

Jace leaped up into the air and plucked the ball from its spiral midair, rolling into a somersault and sprinting with the ball down the cornfield that the 12th Infantry out of North Carolina had made their camp in. With no defense to really stop him - right now, the game the Confederate soldiers were playing was much more of a Razzle Dazzle type spectacle than modern football - the sergeant made his way from the throng of soldiers watching and whooping to the end of the cornfield before exaggeratedly prancing his way back, football held high.

The first touchdown dance in recorded history.

As Jace opened his mouth to say something witty, he suddenly found that the ball was no longer under his control; the pigskin had been wrested from him by an angel in, of all things, a Confederate nurse's uniform. Her eyes shone a bright emerald green, lighting up a pale face as though it was being viewed from under a river. Long crimson hair fell perfectly down her figure, and Jace's soldiers instantly turned against him, whooping and cheering her on.

"What am I supposed to do with it?" the nurse asked sweetly, a Southern drawl punctuating her voice. Jace cleared his throat and brushed his hair out of his eyes.

"Err...you run with it..."

"Oh, like this?" she had asked him, suddenly turning and sprinting with speed that Jace honestly hadn't expected. The sergeant began tearing after her, but she was fast, faster than anyone Jace had ever seen before, and the soldier tripped over his own foot and faceplanted into the ground with a mix of curses and chuckles. When he pulled up his gaze, he saw the nurse standing over him, giggling; something glowed in the emerald green eyes, but Jace decided it was a trick of the light and brushed a smidge of dirt of his cheek.

"It's Sergeant Pulliam, isn't it?" she asked, pulling him up. Jace nodded and brushed off his uniform, staring into the deep eyes of the new arrival.

"Yes, ma'am. And you are...?"

She had smiled.


One hundred and fifty years later, the musket and the football and the soldiers and the uniform were all ash, whether through fire or through age, and now Jace and Katherine stood alone, much in the same positions they had been in the very first second they met. Tears rolled down Katherine's face, and the younger vampire reached up and brushed them gently off her face, pulling her into a hug and running his free hand through her hair.


About a month and a half later, the newly-deceased Jace Pulliam opened his eyes surrounded by other newly-deceased friends in a newly-desecrated makeshift graveyard.

Katherine was sitting next to him in the soft grass, matted with blood and caked over in a dull color thanks to the pitch night, waiting anxiously, and popped up happily when she saw that he had awakened. The older vampire - for that's what she was, a vampire, Jace realized, a creature from the stories - moved over to him with the same unearthly speed she'd always exhibited. Now, though, she didn't have to hold anything back, and she yanked him up in turn. The first time he'd stood as a vampire, he'd stumbled over, as though he were going after a football. She'd laughed.

"Here, let me help," she said, snaking an arm around his back and helping support him. "C'mon, Colonel Pulliam, let's RACE, get you used to yourself."

A couple blinks.

"Uh...of course, Miss Katherine..."

A laugh as Katherine let him stand on his own, took a runner's stance.



Jace laid a soft kiss on the top of Katherine's head, tightened the hug.




A small sob, though it wasn't clear who made it. Jace's hand that brushed through his counterpart's hair lowered, tightened around the wooden piece of musket and jerked backwards, towards Katherine's back.





Edited by Marlon Brando



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OOC: brotherhood character


Name: Ilag McKenzieCodename: Ilag the Sub-MarinerAge: Unknown; is young, by Atlantean measure.Gender: MaleFaction: Brotherhood of MutantsPower(S): Being half Plodex, one quarter Atlantean, and one quarter Mutant, Ilag has a very wide rang of powers. From his father, he inherited the enhanced physical stats of the Atlanteans; he is stronger, faster, and more durable than any human being, but not as strong as a pure blood Atlantean. From his mother, he inherited the power of hydrokinesis; while he can't create water, he can manipulate existing forms of it. From both, he inherited his amphibious nature: he can breathe water and survive in it for indefinite periods of time. He is also an extremely fast swimmer.Appearance: Ilag looks much like his father. He has a greener skin tone and larger eyes, however, most likely from his mother.Weapons: Ilag wields a trident. Cliche, but effective.Skills: Ilag, in addition to his enhanced physical abilities, is an effective public speaker. He was born for speaking to the crowds and is perfectly at home on stage. He is also a karaoke lover, but his singing ability is only average. Personality: Ilag is the ultimate extrovert. He loves the crowd; even if it's a crowd of angry Enforcers, it's still better than being alone. Energetic, fun loving, and outgoing, Ilag is a true people person and is always the life of the party. He also has a lot of swag and he makes every effort to flaunt it. Finally, he is a very "manly" man but he isn't obsessed with manliness. However, when it comes to the issue of mutants, Ilag gets very serious. Despite being only one-quarter mutant, Ilag feels a closer kinship with them than with the Atlanteans or with the Plodex. He despises those who seek to destroy mutantkind, viewing them as despicable and racist. Weakness: Most of his physical abilities depend on exposure to water; the drier he gets, the weaker he becomes. As well, he often does not realize the gravity of situations and may stay to taunt a foe when he should be running.Bio: Ilag was the youngest of the three children of Namor KcKenzie and Marrina Smallwood. Growing up not knowing his mother (as she had seemingly been killed by Namor and then placed into stasis by the Master of the World), he quickly became the most outgoing of the three children. Known for being a rebellious and hyperactive child, Ilag longed to visit the surface world. When he became an adult, Ilag finally got his chance.


Ilag didn't like what he saw. Everywhere he looked, he saw oppression, cruelty, and darkness. One thing in particular that caught his attention was the war between humans and mutants. Naturally siding with the mutants due to his ancestry, he eventually found the Brotherhood of Mutants and joined them, offering the armies of Atlantis to them (something which they didn't exactly agree with him about). Nevertheless, he continues to work with the Brotherhood, spending less and less time at home and more time on dry land.

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IC: Jeffery Pryde - Las Vegas –


'Jess' just stood there, almost as if she was in shock. She was starting to wonder if find this girl...guy...whichever...was a good thing or bad thing.


"Well....****" She said as she looked down at herself, her figure more apparent now that she wasn't wearing as thick clothing as before. She promtely fell back onto the bed behind her and just stared at the ceiling.


I wonder if maybe I'm just drugged...and none of this is real...yeah...that's gotta be it, maybe if I go to sleep I'll wake up and find everything is back to normal and not insane.


OOC: I'll post as other peeps in a bit.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC (Saphine)


"A few gene plagues in the right places would end this all." She sighed. "But I suppose that is out of the question. Even we lack the funding for such a venture." Saphine dug into her briefcase once again. "What of the other threats out and about?"

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC [Devlen/Iceland, En Route]


"DARPA is considering switching contractors. Increasing distress of foreigners is making purely American businesses more viable for the government. Our invaluable services in engineering and weapons design though are keeping the tables balanced, for now." Devlen frowned. "The Board is also continuing to be a roadblock. Apparently, the weapons business is simply not as profitable as it once was. Never mind that I built this company on it, but they feel civilian applications is where the real money is. I'm considering expanding markets to South America; the Brazilian military is interested in our anti-armor weapons. With Brazilian-Peruvian relations like they are, I suspect arming both sides will be the best route in the long run."


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC: James


True to form, James remained on his feet far longer than most. The dosage of the sedative was high enough that a normal person would have been put down almost instantly, but the super soldier remained awake, slowing as he fought to stay on his feet, for almost half a minute.


Finally, he dropped, the look of anger on his face loosening slightly as he slipped into unconsciousness.




Sebastian stepped into the room Gabrielle had left moments before, watching Jess on the bed. "Arow?"

Edited by Krayzikk Bieber



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Nero sighed as he wheeled down the halls of the second floor of the school, pausing to fist-bump Adrian as he headed in the opposite direction. As of late, Nero had been finding himself having trouble communicating with other students even more than he had prior to his shift to werewolf. But now that he was afflicted with the lupine condition, he could hear everything. Everything. And it was seriously beginning to bother him.


Before, he had been capable of dulling his super hearing as they were a part of his own abilities. But now his hearing was so severely compounded by the wolf hearing, that he was hearing ants crawl. The depth of his hearing was beginning to be too much, so he was taking to rolling around with headphones on coupled with his own powers working overtime to try and at least dim the sound.


But even this was a struggle, as his wolf instincts firmly believed this... nigh omni-audio based presence was a god-send for being able to protect his family.


Nero was not in agreement...

~Totally like a boomerang. I always come back. Just never when you want me to.~

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James awoke with a sudden start as a gallon of water was emptied onto his head and a hard uppercut was thrown into his face, coupled with a low chuckle. The move was familiar - the super soldier stopped when he realized that it was remarkably similar to the Rocky, a recurring stunt from, of all things, Jackass 3D. It'd been the first movie that he and Brando saw together; the thought gave the SHIELD agent strength, and James, even while tied to a chair, pushed himself forward into a charge and tackled himself into his assailant.




James' forehead met the attacker's head on, and a loud curse rang through the air. James' senses were still wonky from the tranquilizer, so his vision was blurry, his hearing distorted. The sound of the curse sounded like a bullet muffled by a pillow, and James' head slammed into the attacker's forehead again as he tried desperately to break free. With no way to really move, though, he was defenseless as the terrorist drove a knee into his gut and then pushed him back into a sitting position with his foot, drawing a pistol.


Cold metal met soaked forehead, and a low chuckle sounded again, less distorted...more familiar.


"Just like Pakistan, huh, Captain Kalamazoo?"





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IC: Jeffery Pryde - Las Vegas –




'Jess' heard the meow, and almost jerked in complete surprise, her eyes snapped open and her head immediately turned to look at the cat. "Gabriel didn't tell me he had a cat...where on earth did you come from?"

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC [Lucas/Las Vegas]


"Room service, of course." One of the birds fluttered off Lucas' shoulder, going outside of the room. "We're here to change the sheets, dust the windows, and serve you some warm coffee. The bill will be thirty seventy nine plus one mutant."


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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Giles stepped into the room, eyes sweeping around. "So. Where is Gabrielle. Or is it Gabe, right now>"


"Roooow." The cat replied, sitting on his haunches, and staring at Jess intently.

Edited by Krayzikk Bieber



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Name: Lynae RosewoodAge: 788 (Looks 22) Gender: Female Race: VampireFaction: HellFire ClubAppearance: Lynae has long dark blonde hair that is kind of wavy and flows around her face and violet eyes, something that is unusual for vampires. She has plump, pink lips and pale skin. She is considered to be very beautiful, both by vampires and humans, and often uses it to her advantage. Lynae has an athletic body but is not overly muscular and possess feminine curves. Weapons: Dual wielding swords (both dipped in silver) and she uses bows and arrows (dipped in silver as well).Personality: Lynae, in general, is a strong willed vampire that works to get what she wants. She is polite, has good manners, and works her way through people that way. She is also a tease, using her beauty to play around with men and often teasing her food into thinking she is weak. Lynae only kills to feed on certain occasions, though she will kill when threatened. She loves humor but can often be very serious when the occasion calls for it. Abilities: Lynae is abnormally strong, just like a normal vampire, along with enhanced speed. Along with her speed, Lynae is incredibly graceful. She also has mastered the ability of glamor.Skills: A master at the dual swords and also an excellent archer. She is very agile and graceful, making her a sight to behold with her swords. But with her bow, not only can she strike accurately with her bow and arrow, but from distances almost unbelievable. Weaknesses: She has the normal weaknesses of the vampire race. A wooded object ran through her will immobilize her, if herheart is pierced by a stake she will die instantly. A wooded bullet can injure her, as can a holy-water coated bullet or a solar paneled one. Lycan venom will not allow her wounds to heal until it is out of her. If she doesn't drink blood for months on end (she needs less blood due to her age) she will slowly dry up until she can feed again.Bio: Lynae was originally born into a noble family in Northern England. Her father was English and her mother Scandinavian, thus she was given a Scandinavian name. She grew up, learning manners and other traits worthy of her position in society. But in secret she practiced bow and arrow, becoming quite successful. Yet when she had turned 22, her castle was attacked by foul creatures, invading armies from across the sea. One of her fathers knights, Gregory, was escorting her out of the castle when one of the vandals attacked. She was brutally stabbed, only to be saved by a vampire.

Edited by Rawrmouse_Bieber
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IC: Spencer had migrated to the cafeteria to get his mind off of what he had just seen. To think that Venom had reappeared! If Spencer was a different man, he would have considered suiting up, and going out to throw down with the Symbiote menace in the name of his hero.


But Spencer is Spencer.


With a sigh, Spencer bit into his sandwich, choosing to savor the taste rather than dwell on just how hard he knew he was punking out.

~Totally like a boomerang. I always come back. Just never when you want me to.~

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OOC: So... Zytrix is taking a hiatus... this could get a bit dragged out, unless somebody else takes control of Venom.


IC: Foreshadow

Looking around, Foreshadow saw what he could use against Venom: a massive dumpster. Fortunately, it was empty, meaning that there would be less of a mess to clean up. Walking up to it, he began to attempt to lift it up, lowering the dumpster's gravity to make it easier. "Heave, ho!" Peter thought.

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