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Those Baleful Eyes (Warning: Great Being Spoilers)


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Like FF Ice Master, I like the detail you put into the design, and the contrast between the character and the background is excellent. My qualms are few and small: the feet blend in with the rocks a little too well, and the eyes ... well, I don't see how the eyes fit. They're expressive, but they denote anger and resentment rather than the knowledge that a Great Being would hold. Still, I can see what you were going for there.

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The details on the mask and hands are nicely designed. The eyes are also good but I don't see how they fit the situation. One complaint I have is that the feet are too small and they aren't that visible but other than that, great job on this!
Like FF Ice Master, I like the detail you put into the design, and the contrast between the character and the background is excellent. My qualms are few and small: the feet blend in with the rocks a little too well, and the eyes ... well, I don't see how the eyes fit. They're expressive, but they denote anger and resentment rather than the knowledge that a Great Being would hold. Still, I can see what you were going for there.
Since both of your qualms are the same, I will address both.Yes, the feet blend. When all was said and done, I could not do much to even that out. But thanks for pointing that out.As for the eyes
"Baleful eyes started up at an imposing edifice of rock and mortar."- The Powers that Be chapter 4
Baleful- Threatening harm; menacing: "Bill shot a baleful glance in her direction".
I was not trying to make his eyes wise, or malicious, just menacing. Yes sure I could have gone with the description at the bottom:
"With a smile, the bio-mechanical murderer set to work. It was going to be a good day, if a noisy one."
But I wanted to do something different. I might not be exactly right, but I dare say I am not wrong either.-SK


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As for the eyes
"Baleful eyes started up at an imposing edifice of rock and mortar."- The Powers that Be chapter 4
Baleful- Threatening harm; menacing: "Bill shot a baleful glance in her direction".
I was not trying to make his eyes wise, or malicious, just menacing. Yes sure I could have gone with the description at the bottom:
"With a smile, the bio-mechanical murderer set to work. It was going to be a good day, if a noisy one."
But I wanted to do something different. I might not be exactly right, but I dare say I am not wrong either.-SK
Ah, but you are acting under the assumption that the Great Being is the Murderer.As for the picture, there isn't much to say that hasn't been said, other than what did you use to draw/paint it? It almost looks like felt tip pens, but it also looks kind of paint-y. ...I feel really nooby after saying that :P
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Ah, but you are acting under the assumption that the Great Being is the Murderer.

The Great Being is the murderer. This was recently confirmed.On second thought, the eyes denote his status as murderer perfectly, though I think Velika's intentions are more for good than for bad. After all, no one really liked Karzahni and Tren Krom anyway.

Edited by Charles J. Guiteau

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Ah, but you are acting under the assumption that the Great Being is the Murderer.As for the picture, there isn't much to say that hasn't been said, other than what did you use to draw/paint it? It almost looks like felt tip pens, but it also looks kind of paint-y....I feel really nooby after saying that :P
I used markers, actually. Nice markers on paper made to effectivly blend markers. Thanks
Ah, but you are acting under the assumption that the Great Being is the Murderer.

The Great Being is the murderer. This was recently confirmed.On second thought, the eyes denote his status as murderer perfectly, though I think Velika's intentions are more for good than for bad. After all, no one really liked Karzahni and Tren Krom anyway.

Tis true. We do not know his overall intentions. And I admit that I disagree with him having purely good intentions, but alas, this is not the place to debate that. Thanks for the thoughts!-SK


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I used markers, actually. Nice markers on paper made to effectivly blend markers. Thanks-SK
Markers, really? It looked like watercolour to me. D= (which would have been awesome, too, because watercolour can be an extremely tricky medium if you want to get it right... ah well)I know only very little of the story aspect behind the image, but there are a few things I'd like to comment on. :)Firstly, the facial expression. The eyes are impressive, and the emotions portrayed are both fascinating... and a bit unsettling. If that's what you were going for, good job, it worked out perfectly.The design of the mask - no wait, of the whole matoran actually - is quite interesting, and looks good, too.I'm not all too sure about the background, though.Don't get me wrong, it's really great that you actually included a background (which is something I'm often too lazy to do). But there is something about the trees especially that makes it appear a bit rushed. Maybe some more details (hints of leaves) would have done the trick (a bit like in this pic; I know it's a different kind of tree and all, but still...)And as others already commented on, the feet do blend in with the ground. You said that you use a paper made to blend markers - have you ever tried mixing colours? Because I think if the ground were of a slightly different shade of brown, the problem would not be as apparent.Overall it's a very good drawing, though. Backgrounds are very tricky - it's good that you added one, really. Just a few things could be improved on, but hey, isn't that always the case? :)


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I used markers, actually. Nice markers on paper made to effectivly blend markers. Thanks-SK
Markers, really? It looked like watercolour to me. D= (which would have been awesome, too, because watercolour can be an extremely tricky medium if you want to get it right... ah well)I know only very little of the story aspect behind the image, but there are a few things I'd like to comment on. :)Firstly, the facial expression. The eyes are impressive, and the emotions portrayed are both fascinating... and a bit unsettling. If that's what you were going for, good job, it worked out perfectly.The design of the mask - no wait, of the whole matoran actually - is quite interesting, and looks good, too.I'm not all too sure about the background, though.Don't get me wrong, it's really great that you actually included a background (which is something I'm often too lazy to do). But there is something about the trees especially that makes it appear a bit rushed. Maybe some more details (hints of leaves) would have done the trick (a bit like in this pic; I know it's a different kind of tree and all, but still...)And as others already commented on, the feet do blend in with the ground. You said that you use a paper made to blend markers - have you ever tried mixing colours? Because I think if the ground were of a slightly different shade of brown, the problem would not be as apparent.Overall it's a very good drawing, though. Backgrounds are very tricky - it's good that you added one, really. Just a few things could be improved on, but hey, isn't that always the case? :)
Taka Nuvia,Thanks so much. You know, this review did bring out some nostalgia from a few years ago, me adding art, and it getting reviewed by you, or Nuju Metru, or Lady Kopaka, and vice versa. Glad to know your still around.And thanks for the review itself. Yah, its Markers, but good ones. I like the vibrant colors, they give off. I got a pad that specifically is made for markers. As for the background details, I will admit I rushed. I could have focused on it more, and gotten ore out of it. I did want to keep it vague, so that the Great Being would stick out more, but it did have a cost of making it to unrealistic. Oh, well, live and learn.Thanks again!-SK


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