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Nuju Metru

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Hey everyone!  I've been thinking about a way of solidifying and making our game cool with some lore, culture, etc.  I know Ghosty is doing lots of work on his personal pet the lesterin, but I was thinking why not put our heads together to create concepts for the other species as well?  My ideas for to-day:

  • Matoran culture is run on a hexadecimal system, similar to the Babylonians.  It makes sense, given the core elements and the importance of six in their culture (somewhat similar in theory to the importance of seven in human culture).  Weeks are six days, each day named after one of the core elements.  Doing away with the Augustinian calendar could make the game more exotic and less precise, helping with the curious wibbly-wobbling of bzp-time.
  • Dasaka culture runs on a lunar calendar.  The moon in many cultures is portrayed as being feminine (yes, I know the moon is masculine in several cultures as well), and Zuto Nui represents the light and pillars of their culture.  What if Zataka was the night, the darkness that's all ecompassing but not entirely evil?  I think a lunar calendar would fit well with their advanced sense of culture, politics, and technology when  compared to Mata nui.

Thoughts? Ideas? Let's get a conversation going!

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Hey everyone!  I've been thinking about a way of solidifying and making our game cool with some lore, culture, etc.  I know Ghosty is doing lots of work on his personal pet the lesterin, but I was thinking why not put our heads together to create concepts for the other species as well?  My ideas for to-day:

  • Matoran culture is run on a hexadecimal system, similar to the Babylonians.  It makes sense, given the core elements and the importance of six in their culture (somewhat similar in theory to the importance of seven in human culture).  Weeks are six days, each day named after one of the core elements.  Doing away with the Augustinian calendar could make the game more exotic and less precise, helping with the curious wibbly-wobbling of bzp-time.
  • Dasaka culture runs on a lunar calendar.  The moon in many cultures is portrayed as being feminine (yes, I know the moon is masculine in several cultures as well), and Zuto Nui represents the light and pillars of their culture.  What if Zataka was the night, the darkness that's all ecompassing but not entirely evil?  I think a lunar calendar would fit well with their advanced sense of culture, politics, and technology when  compared to Mata nui.

Thoughts? Ideas? Let's get a conversation going!

This. This is the most perfect solution to BZP-time ever. When do we implement this?



~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015

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We don't talk about how time works in the BZPRPG. It works depending on how people say it works, just like biology, because we don't want to explain why a Toa can bleed or how much time has gone by if an RPer doesn't post with a given character for a couple weeks. We've never wanted to. 



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adding a whole bunch of frilly components to something that's simple and easy to work with and has been pretty well established for some time now is foolhardy

ask Jagex when they turned Runescape into a Java-based WoW clone

or micro$oft with the XBone at last year's E3

Edited by Uncle Chael P. Sonnen
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helo frens

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Yeah I gotta admit I like the concept and lore of it, but I think it would be an unnecessary addition for something that is already so... vague and unspecified. Plus comes the whole issue of dating events and what happens if two people have the same event happening at different times icly, who would be correct? 

Edited by Voxumo


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I think the biggest problem with the dates system is varying activity levels; while one region might have a days worth of activity, somewhere like Po Koro would be left in the proverbial (and literal) dust. It's the problem with having a multi-regional, semi realtime world run by people who have IRL responsibilities that prohibit them from acting according to the timeline of the IC universe.

I like the idea of renaming the weekdays, but adhering to a calender would highlight our already present time-space incontinuity.


As for Lore: I totally agree that we should delve deeper into the lore of the BUZ-PEHR-PEG-verse (BZPRPG-universe), let's talk about other (non-time related) ideas!

Edited by Veneras


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Six day calender: Calenders are usually created to track the movements of the seasons though. The lunar calendar was built off of the phases of the moon, while the Gregorian calendar was based on the change in location of sunrise and sunset. What would this six day calendar be made to track? If mishandled, summer could turn into winter in but a number of years.

Edited by namcurtsnoC
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The thing about culture in stories is that it needs to have purpose.  Cultural details aren't there just to look pretty; they have to have meaning to particular characters lives and identities.  I think about the Kentoku ideas of aesthetics and fashion quite a lot because I happen to control a clan of die makers.  Morie really couldn't care less about how food is prepared as long as it looks simple and aesthetically pleasing.  If I have a chef character, however, I might think about what Kentokuens eat a lot more.


Six day calender: Calenders are usually created to track the movements of the seasons though. The lunar calendar was built off of the phases of the moon, while the Gregorian calendar was based on the change in location of sunrise and sunset. What would this six day calendar be made to track? If mishandled, summer could turn into winter in but a number of years.
Well to be fair, we have no idea if  Mata Nui experiences seasons in the same way we do.
Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif xm2fs.gif hSjyr.gif GkD9m.gif 8Cf2c.gif 5ML0q.gif jA8tl.gif qXkDH.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Six day calender: Calenders are usually created to track the movements of the seasons though. The lunar calendar was built off of the phases of the moon, while the Gregorian calendar was based on the change in location of sunrise and sunset. What would this six day calendar be made to track? If mishandled, summer could turn into winter in but a number of years.

With earth's orbit it could


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Nobody knows how BZPtime works.  It just does.


(JoJo memes are best memes)

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It is not for us to decide the fate of angels.

Dominus Temporis, if you're out there, hit me up through one of my contacts.  I've been hoping to get back in touch for a long time now.  (Don't worry, I'm not gonna beg you to bring back MLWTB or something.  :P )

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I think ya'll missed my point about BZP-time.  The concepts I was presenting, although I've really loved watching the discussion's course, had nothing to do with crystalizing time management in the RPG.  Using abstract dates like "Fire day" or "Water day" would give each personal character a sense of culture outside the Anglo-European model, but otherwise everything could flow pretty much like normal.  Sure we'd have some characters showing up on Fire day and another on Fire day the next week, but what does that matter: we've already got plenty of wibbly wobbly and its fun that way.  I'm just proposing a cultural "skin" so to speak for how we write about the days IC.  


Another idea: armor styles?

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Another idea: armor styles?


This was always based on the ideal image of someone as a Toa. I imagine that cultural factors like what Koro you're from/what your First Toa looked like also factored into it, but it's what your character thinks a Toa looks like that decides your armor.





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Hey everyone!  I've been thinking about a way of solidifying and making our game cool with some lore, culture, etc.  I know Ghosty is doing lots of work on his personal pet the lesterin, but I was thinking why not put our heads together to create concepts for the other species as well?  My ideas for to-day:

  • Matoran culture is run on a hexadecimal system, similar to the Babylonians.  It makes sense, given the core elements and the importance of six in their culture (somewhat similar in theory to the importance of seven in human culture).  Weeks are six days, each day named after one of the core elements.  Doing away with the Augustinian calendar could make the game more exotic and less precise, helping with the curious wibbly-wobbling of bzp-time.
  • Dasaka culture runs on a lunar calendar.  The moon in many cultures is portrayed as being feminine (yes, I know the moon is masculine in several cultures as well), and Zuto Nui represents the light and pillars of their culture.  What if Zataka was the night, the darkness that's all ecompassing but not entirely evil?  I think a lunar calendar would fit well with their advanced sense of culture, politics, and technology when  compared to Mata nui.

Thoughts? Ideas? Let's get a conversation going!


As much as I love world building, this game is confusing enough for newcomers without a bunch of extra cultural stuff to learn about. We should leave things like this to the individual players. 

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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So how goes the battle in Ko-Koro? Winding down, but not yet transitioned to over?


Pretty much. The Guard has been broken at the gate, and while there are still soldiers in the Sanctum, their captain, Korzaa, has disappeared. However, Korero and Oreius Maru have arrived in the middle of the village, so the battle might not be over quite yet.


However, the battle near the hospital (which is a ways away from the Koro) is still raging, as far as I'm aware. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

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Is there even anyone left in Ko-Koro? I thought most of the populace evacuated through the tunnel to the hospital, which has also been evacuated. How many people are still left in the city?

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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Not to be a spoilsport, but I think we should keep our younger members in mind while considering this.

You know, I would like to add my two cents to this. We have already seen slaves in the Bzprpg. The first one that comes to my mind is the matoran the piraka had at their hideout in Ta-wahi, and I am sure there are other examples.


However my main reason for believing this would not be an issue is because first we obviously have the somewhat pg limitations, secondly you can't really do anything to a player's character without their permission, and thirdly it wouldn't be like it's just matoran, or just skakdi, but instead likely those taken prisoner during the takeover of Ko-koro.


Hopefully that makes sense.


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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What even happened to that Matoran?

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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