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Meanwhile, as Alyia was walking down the corridors of the temple, there was another being, slightly larger, bouncing down those same corridors. A sound that Alyia might soon hear would be a rhythmic thump - thump - thump as a furry body hit the floor, continuing down the hallway with the sort of motion that granted his species it's name.


And then, they both came to an intersection of the hallways. Thump - thump -Crash.


Kaal looked around in mild discomfiture, pushing himself out of the spot he'd ended up, and reaching out to help his fellow Jedi onto her feet.


"Alyia, you really should warn me next time you're walking around," the green, furry Bouncer telepathically joked, attempting to bring a smile to Alyia's face. "You almost broke Master Drallig's favourite vase!"

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IC (Anshar Rune): "Sure thing. Your untapped potential as a heroic tenor will be safe with me." Anshar's brow had a slight furrow in it, and he glanced up at the sky. It was pitch black, and only the flash of lightning betrayed the broiling clouds. He nodded towards the direction that the Prime One had disappeared. "I get the feeling that he doesn't care. Or maybe isn't capable of caring. I'm not sure which." The thick trees were swaying now, battered about by the wind.


"Right. We'd be lucky if we could build even a pond-worthy craft to get to the other island. Let alone trying to float one out into what looks like the start of a typhoon." The Kage stretched slightly and glanced around at the jungle about them. "Still, if possible I want to get out of this mighty jungle. Or at least get to its edge, closer to the beach. I imagine that there are all sorts of beasties prowling about, and climbing up into the trees for shelter would be the last thing I'd want to do in this weather.""Vel, you can probably see better than any of us in this light. Do you think you can lead us closer to the island's edge?"

Edited by Madara: Mangekyou Master



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OOC: Hyperspace post 3/3

IC (RC-8358 "Werda"; Consular Class Space Craft):


"No sir. Just running through what you said." Werda snapped back to what was going on, and quickly ran through everything 38 had said. "Just a few issues. The old droid factory is closer to the top. It's the old abandoned mine shafts that you are referring to. That's to make sure no one gets out. The droid factories might be able to be crushed under the weight of the spire, but, I don't know. What about an escape route should things go down?"


"Boss! Da needle is pointin' in da red! Dat ain't good!"
"Course it's good ya squealin' runt! Red goes fastah!"

Orks... Such wonderfully simple creatures.
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IC: Alyia


The Devaronian Jedi gave a short cry of alarm as she ran into a green furry Force-sensitive creature known to most as a Bouncer.


"Kaal!" Alyia exclaimed, grinning nonetheless as she got back up with the help of said Bouncer. She glanced over to the vase which has come close to shattering on the ground, giving it a rueful look. Shifting her gaze back to Kaal, Alyia continued, "That... probably would have been bad... for both of us."



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"Indeed it would have," the Bouncer replied. "Master Drallig would decide to put us through Faalo's Cadences again." The Bouncer shuddered slightly, and it was soon evident to Aylia that he was laughing, a quiet warble seeming to come from him.


"Or more Velocities, Ashla forbid."

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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NPC: There were senses other than those that relied on the Force. Every bit as powerful in the right situations, but sometimes stunted, crippled by the focus so many beings placed on the use of the Force. Why smell when you can just find the prey's life directly? Why listen when the ripples will come to your mind?


That was the thinking of many sapients, but it did not often extend to others, whose connection to the Force was no weaker. A true hunter never let its most basic tools get dull, which was a boon on planets like Lehon. The Force was clouded, made murky with stray Dark side energy. This murk failed utterly to permeate the air, leaving only ripe and overripe fruit to cloud the senses - trivial for a hunter that had spent its entire life smelling them.


There was no telltale cracking of twigs. No battle-cry, nothing more than a faint crackling noise, a disturbance easily lost in the background noise of Lehon, and light, clear, blue, and so bright it seemed to cut at the eyes as, somewhere not far off, an acklay moved to decide the fate of its prey - prey perched in a tree, with blood smeared across its face. The bolt of lightning, fired from the maw of the beast itself, would be far from easy to dodge.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC: Alyia


Alyia shuddered at the thought. Now that was not something she cared to repeat anytime soon. Or at all. After a moment of thinking of that, she smiled at the other Jedi. "It's good to see you, Kaal," Alyia said, having enjoyed the company of Bouncer, who she found to be an interesting being, "What have you been up to?"



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OOC: Woo hoo go one word posts.


IC (Jedi Guardian Gabriel Khorne Jedi Temple.):


"Alright then. Be good, alright?"


"Boss! Da needle is pointin' in da red! Dat ain't good!"
"Course it's good ya squealin' runt! Red goes fastah!"

Orks... Such wonderfully simple creatures.
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IC [Aboard the Renaissance]


"Quick? Oh, yes, quite quick. Have you ever seen true combat? Combat with another, who's only goal is to end your existence?" L'uo ignited her lightsaber, performing the Form IV salute. "Consider this that. Except I won't kill you. That would be poor style. Terribly poor style."


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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"Good point."


Then the clones hit the Corusant's atmosphere. They engaged hyperspace, and are now on there way to Geonosis. He brings up the map and looks over it. He sees a tunnel that would be good to use as an escape route.


"Here. This tunnel will be good. no one monitors that tunnel, since it's been blocked off. With our demolitions expert, we can blow it up and get on our way."


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IC: Kam-Ul (Above Coruscant)


"Such wasted effort" Kam-Ul thought as the speeders made themselves scarce before him, some merging into traffic lanes, others diving into the undercity.


"If nothing else, we gave those criminals a scare" Kam-Ul thought as he made towards the Jedi Temple again. As the ship touched down, Kam got out of the ship actually feeling content for once, as opposed to just looking like it.


"You served me well" he thought at the ship as he patted the hull "you've definitely earned yourself a name"


Kam stroked his beard calmly as he contemplated what the ship should be called.


"You served me, but in your own way. I myself am not a man of agility and speed, but you are."


"You are... the Red Rogue"


R4 responded with a charade of bleeps that indicated his agreement. Kam smiled slightly.


"Go get yourself a tune-up" he said, and parted with the droid to return to the temple's main grounds.


When he entered into the temple, he found himself standing right before a pair of fellow Jedi.


"Alyia, Kaal" he said "a pleasure"

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IC: Kam-Ul (Jedi Temple)


Does naming my ship Red Rogue count?" Kam responded across the mental connection established by the larger of the hairy pair.


As he thought it, he took a moment to size up the two, ultimately realizing that in this gathering he was the weird one, seeing as how both of his conversation partners were covered in hair.

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IC [Aboard the Renaissance]


"Quick? Oh, yes, quite quick. Have you ever seen true combat? Combat with another, who's only goal is to end your existence?" L'uo ignited her lightsaber, performing the Form IV salute. "Consider this that. Except I won't kill you. That would be poor style. Terribly poor style."


IC(Allek-Projector Room)


"...No, can't say I have."


He twirled his blade to signal his commencing of combat, an act of courtesy he only extended to his opponent in respect for her status. Immediately following, he swung a Force-assisted arc coming over his shoulder and down on the Librarian's neck. With a human sword, it would've taken much too long to strike. However, his potency in the Force gave it supernatural speed and pressure. Even considering he was holding himself back as to not truly harm his fellow Sith, it was a deadly blow.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: Alrighty


IC: Kam-Ul (Jedi Temple)


"Clichés, you say?" he asked out loud, stroking his beard while giving the hairy tentacle-ball a glare with a slight "watch it" flair.


"How does naming my ship the Red Rogue, rate on your cliché scale, Kaal?"

Edited by Geardirector

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"Eh, maybe not too Cliché, but certainly rather unimaginative, don't you think?" the Bouncer shot back, ignoring the slight glare Kam was giving him.


"Now, I'd like to know how you figured out my name, because I've never spoken to you before."

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IC [Aboard the Renaissance]


L'uo had not become a Sith Lord without learning a few things about dueling.


As potent as Allek might of been in the Force, L'uo matched it if not exceeded it. With the speed that came with Force-equipped reflexes she brought her lightsaber up, the blade smashing against the Apprentice's with an intense shower of sparks. Pushing on the blades she gave a slight grin, her second hand came around, the muscles contracting as a Force push hit Allek squarely in the gut. It wasn't enough to knock him back, but it did cause him to stumble back, giving L'uo a chance to steady herself in a quick moment. She bolted forward, somewhere in her mind remembering her environment. The lights of the room clicked off, leaving the two in darkness, save for the dim red glow of their lightsabers. All of this happened in a split-second; Allek had the more pressing issue of deflecting the Sith Lord three meters away and about to cut his arm off.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC: Kam-Ul (Jedi Temple)


"Forgive me, but I've overheard employees here at the temple, cleaning crews, technicians etc. as well as some of my former fellow Padawans refer to a Bouncer named Kaal, and you're the first Bouncer I've seen in person. I took a guess"

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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IC(Allek-Projector Room)


As the lights went off, Allek closed his eyes. The entire room he felt with the Force, and became more connected with it as he did. Grabbing his lightsaber's hilt with both hands, he dug his heels in and held his ground. He grinned, his face visible by the light of of their blades. "Impressive. I nearly broke a sweat." He was putting his Dun Moch skills to use, but should she reach out with the force, L'uo would sense his intimidating ease of mind. It was true, Allek's mental control of the Force was less than great, but when physically applied, he had the raw power of someone far above his rank; he threw enough pressure behind his Force shove to shatter glass.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC [Aboard the Renaissance]


L'uo could feel the ease, that bitter calm of battle. She hated it. Sith did not lose the cool of battle, they used passion, intense emotion to fuel their attacks. She could feel energy flowing through her; her muscles didn't ache as she wailed repeatedly against the Apprentice, nothing in her body informed her that she should slow down. It only urged her on. She reached out to the Force, pushing one of her skills onto Allek's mind; Force fear. Doubt and cowardice creeped into his mind, something that he could not dodge or deflect.

Then, in a blink of the eye, she was gone. Her lightsaber had shut off and the room was lit only a few feet via the Apprentice's lightsaber. Thoughts of terror continued to seep into Allek's mind, while he would find that, when he reached out with the Force, he could not sense L'uo's presence. No, he would have to find her the old fashion way.



Couldn't tell if you actually meant that you had used a Force shove at L'uo. If you did, it's likely she would of rolled and recovered, changing little.

Edited by Judge Alex Humva


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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OOC: [3:19:52 PM] Ilyusha Brockway: Kaal: The Jedi Order's Favourite Pillow.[3:20:08 PM] Elijah: Rank: Jedi Pillow[3:20:21 PM] Elijah: Occupation: Pillow of the Jedi




"Most everybody seems to think such now, don't they?" Kaal joked. "They neglect the fact that I'm a balloon with lightsabers, but hey, who cares. Always fun to make the younglings happy."

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IC (Vel Orral)
“Probably. Might be safer to just find a place to bunker down though, beaches are mostly clear …no foliage, no rocks…just sand and the way that storms stirring up the tide, I don’t want to be at the water’s edge. Who knows what kind of beastie will be coming up for shelter?” The apprentice shrugged. “Think there are rock formations around here? Might be a crag or something worth hiding in.” Heading torwards the water during a tropical storm wasn't something he wanted to do in any circumstances. Probably be better to just bunker down and wait it out, not like the Jedi would try to take off in this weather.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: Ze'Taki (Hallway, Temple)

She grinned, broadly smiling at the Knight as she gave a small bow and turned to leave.

"Of course, sir! Hope no other younglings muck up your day!"

And she was off, moving down the hallways at a rapid pace.


She quickly plots out a route in her head, she needs to get to that training room in the north, and right now she's near the east.. Fastest way is past the ship bays. With that in mind, she turns and slips down a stairwell, emerging to find herself face-to-face with a trio of Jedi, one human, one Devaronian, and one looking like a green, furry balloon of some sort.


"Good day, Masters. If you'll excuse me, I have a training room to be in."

The Shi'ido grins happily at them, waiting for a reply so she could-hopefully-be off.

But then again, one ever knows.



They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC (Jedi Guardian Gabriel Khorne Jedi Temple.):


"Now, excuse me, please." Khorne walked through the door, and noted the small bump left by Ze'Taki. 'That'd take a while to fix.'

Edited by Lavama


"Boss! Da needle is pointin' in da red! Dat ain't good!"
"Course it's good ya squealin' runt! Red goes fastah!"

Orks... Such wonderfully simple creatures.
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"Wonderful," the Bouncer said, before nodding happily waving at Ze'taki, and then turning to Kam. "You can come too, if you want." A moment later and Kaal was already making his way down the hall, using the tentacles sprouting out behind him to pull himself along. After a moment, he came to a banister, next to which was a set of stairs. After a quick check to determine that nobody was underneath who might be harmed, he pulled himself over the banister, dropping to the next floor, and using his telekinesis to prevent himself from bouncing right back up.


After a moment Alyia was down the stairs herself, next to him, and the continued along.


"So, Alyia, have you ever heard of the Valley of the Jedi?"

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Serentethe Within the Jungles of Lethon


The apprentice Kaminoan quickly turned and dropped as he saw a bright flash of light coming toward him out of the corner of his eye. As he dropped, the Kaminoan caught a lower branch with one hand and swung into a another tree. The sound of the wood behind him exploding making turn. Slowly, he looked around as he pulled himself up in an attempt to to identify from whence the lightning bolt came. He dropped down and threw a ball of Force, as he saw the creature. He had no need for his lightsaber. He would kill this beast with his bare hands. Easily.


The moment the Force ball left his hand and his feet had touched the ground, the apprentice rolled and shot behind a nearby tree. The ball would single him out and once distracted, Serentethe would strike, leaving barely a smear to remember the creature by. And he would do it with his hands.

Life comes, and life goes, flowing like the tide.

Peace ebbs, and peace flows, often fleeting just like time.

Love can last, but only so, there isn't much before you die.

People pass, come to and fro. And eventually revenge too, doe lie.

For in the the end, it's only the vengent who lasts forever.

The Vengent Spectre.


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OOC: Oh, I was speaking generally, so you assumed correctly.IC(Allek-Projector Room)Allek growled, his opponent completely shrouded from him. He twisted around, pointing his blade in various directions trying to find L'uo. Thoughts crept in, doubt he recognized as coming from the Force. He attempted to fight it off, but he simply couldn't. You've allowed yourself to grow weak. You won't escape the humiliation of this battle. No one will take you seriously...Padawan. His eyes snapped open. The Librarian's technique had backfired hard. All over his face was pure fury. He had lost his ease, and as L'uo was about to find out, this was very, very bad. "Cheap technique for someone who claims to use good form," his smile returned, "then again, you never can make up your mind." From what he had heard about L'uo, she had some sort of bipolarity issue. The mental problem was ripe for exploitation. Normally, he might've been more sensitive about it, but the Force fear had set him off. He began shifting around the room, looking for L'uo.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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